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Predation strategies in response to altering prey abundances can dramatically influence the demographic effects of predation. Despite this, predation strategies of humans are rarely incorporated into quantitative assessments of the demographic impacts of humans killing carnivores. This scarcity largely seems to be caused by a lack of data. In this study, we contrasted predation strategies exhibited by people involved in retaliatory killing and recreational sport hunting of leopards (Panthera pardus) in the Waterberg District Municipality, South Africa. We predicted a specialist predation strategy exemplified by a type II functional response for retaliatory killing, and a generalist strategy exemplified by a type III functional response for recreational sport hunting. We could not distinguish between a type I, a type II, or a type III functional response for retaliatory killing, but the most parsimonious model for recreational sport hunting corresponded to a type I functional response. Kill rates were consistently higher for retaliatory killing than for recreational sport hunting. Our results indicate that retaliatory killing of leopards may have severe demographic consequences for leopard populations, whereas the demographic consequences of recreational sport hunting likely are less dramatic.  相似文献   

Bushmeat hunting threatens biodiversity and increases the risk of zoonotic pathogen transmission. Nevertheless, limited information exists on patterns of contact with wildlife in communities that practice bushmeat hunting, especially with respect to social drivers of hunting behavior. We used interview responses from hunters and non-hunters in rural hunting communities in Nigeria to: 1) quantify contact rates with wildlife, 2) identify specific hunting behaviors that increase frequency of contact, 3) identify socioeconomic factors that predispose individuals to hunt, and 4) measure perceptions of risk. Participants engaged in a variety of behaviors that increased contact with wild animals, including: butchering to sell (37%), being injured (14%), using body parts for traditional medicine (19%), collecting carcasses found in forests and/or farms (18%), and keeping as pets (16%). Hunters came into contact with wildlife significantly more than non-hunters, even through non-hunting exposure pathways. Participants reported hunting rodents (95%), ungulates (93%), carnivores (93%), primates (87%), and bats (42%), among other prey. Reported hunting frequencies within taxonomic groups of prey were different for different hunting behaviors. Young age, lower education level, larger household size, having a father who hunts, and cultural group were all associated with becoming a hunter. Fifty-five percent of respondents were aware that they could contract diseases from wild animals, but only 26% of these individuals reported taking protective measures. Overall, hunters in this setting frequently contact a diversity of prey in risky ways, and the decision to become a hunter stems from family tradition, modified by economic necessity. Conservation and public health interventions in such settings may be most efficient when they capitalize on local knowledge and target root socio-economic and cultural drivers that lead to hunting behavior. Importantly, interventions that target consumption alone will not be sufficient; other drivers and modes of interaction with wildlife must also be considered.  相似文献   

This paper is a cross-cultural examination of the development of hunting skills and the implications for the debate on the role of learning in the evolution of human life history patterns. While life history theory has proven to be a powerful tool for understanding the evolution of the human life course, other schools, such as cultural transmission and social learning theory, also provide theoretical insights. These disparate theories are reviewed, and alternative and exclusive predictions are identified. This study of cross-cultural regularities in how children learn hunting skills, based on the ethnographic literature on traditional hunters, complements existing empirical work and highlights future areas for investigation.  相似文献   

The Contexts of Female Hunting in Central Africa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

International Journal of Primatology - Hunting is one of the greatest threats to nonhuman primates worldwide. Despite Madagascar’s status as a primate mega-diversity country, a critical lack...  相似文献   

Journal of Ethology - Mirror tests have been used to test aggressiveness because they reduce the variability of the real opponent and allows for repeated measurements. Regular mirrors have also...  相似文献   

This article describes the hunting tactics and prey selection of the Valley Bisa, a matrilineal, subsistence-oriented society in the Luangwa Valley of Zambia. Although Valley Bisa hunters explain their behavior in their own idioms, many of their tactics, including the stimuli for and timing of hunts, the circular morphology of their hunting patterns, and randomized searches, appear functionally related to the behavior and ecology of their prey. The effects of outlawing traditional harvest techniques and the imposition and enforcement of external constraints on Valley Bisa hunting patterns are discussed. Data on habitats, density of cover, wind direction, species, and initial distance to prey from 50 hunts, in which 16 mammals were killed, are compared and related to success and failure of stalking attempts. Graphs, comparing the numbers of observations for each of four variables with the frequency of stalking attempts, illustrate the cultural style of predation for this group of hunters.This article was initially presented as part of my contribution to a graduate seminar, Public Management of the African Environment, African Studies Program, Indiana University, October 9, 1975. I wish to thank Professor J. Gus Liebenow for extending the invitation to participate in this program.  相似文献   

Brazil has one of the highest avifauna diversities in the world, and many species are used by human populations in many different ways. Capturing wild birds for food, or to raise as pets, or for commercial purposes, together with the loss of habitat, have been the principal causes of population reductions among many species. The present work provides new information about the diversity of wild bird species used in Ceará State (Northeast Brazil) and the techniques used for capturing them, as well as the forces motivating this hunting, the commercial relationships involved, the maintenance of captive species, and the legal and conservation implications of the use of the regional avifauna. A total of 92 wild bird species belonging to 26 families were found to be used as food (39 spp.), for medicinal (3 spp.) and magic-religious (1 spp.) purposes, for commercial ends (46 spp.), or raised as pets (44 spp.), or killed to control their predation on domestic animals (5 spp.). Raising or selling birds is motivated by their singing and/or their natural beauty, with Thraupidae, Icteridae and Emberizidae being the principal families sought after for those purposes. The Family Columbidae has the greatest importance as a food source. Eleven traditional capture techniques (both active and passive) were identified. The commercial value of the birds varied depending on both intra- and inter-specific factors, and the trade in these animals involved both dealers who sold large numbers of individuals at low prices and specialists (“passarinheiros”) who sold just a few domesticated individuals of greater value. Our evaluations of transactions taking place in public markets indicated the probable over-exploitation of a number of species, and these were often imported from other states and countries. In addition to being illegal, the capture of wild birds can cause serious environmental problems that can only be addressed through public policies directed towards education, monitoring and control, alternative sources of income, wildlife management, and ecosystem conservation.  相似文献   

Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) may benefit from utilizing haplotype information for making marker-phenotype associations. Several rationales for grouping single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) into haplotype blocks exist, but any advantage may depend on such factors as genetic architecture of traits, patterns of linkage disequilibrium in the study population, and marker density. The objective of this study was to explore the utility of haplotypes for GWAS in barley (Hordeum vulgare) to offer a first detailed look at this approach for identifying agronomically important genes in crops. To accomplish this, we used genotype and phenotype data from the Barley Coordinated Agricultural Project and constructed haplotypes using three different methods. Marker-trait associations were tested by the efficient mixed-model association algorithm (EMMA). When QTL were simulated using single SNPs dropped from the marker dataset, a simple sliding window performed as well or better than single SNPs or the more sophisticated methods of blocking SNPs into haplotypes. Moreover, the haplotype analyses performed better 1) when QTL were simulated as polymorphisms that arose subsequent to marker variants, and 2) in analysis of empirical heading date data. These results demonstrate that the information content of haplotypes is dependent on the particular mutational and recombinational history of the QTL and nearby markers. Analysis of the empirical data also confirmed our intuition that the distribution of QTL alleles in nature is often unlike the distribution of marker variants, and hence utilizing haplotype information could capture associations that would elude single SNPs. We recommend routine use of both single SNP and haplotype markers for GWAS to take advantage of the full information content of the genotype data.  相似文献   

Hunting behavior of wild chimpanzees in the Taï National Park   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Hunting is often considered one of the major behaviors that shaped early hominids' evolution, along with the shift toward a drier and more open habitat. We suggest that a precise comparison of the hunting behavior of a species closely related to man might help us understand which aspects of hunting could be affected by environmental conditions. The hunting behavior of wild chimpanzees is discussed, and new observations on a population living in the tropical rain forest of the Taï National Park, Ivory Coast, are presented. Some of the forest chimpanzees' hunting performances are similar to those of savanna-woodlands populations; others are different. Forest chimpanzees have a more specialized prey image, intentionally search for more adult prey, and hunt in larger groups and with a more elaborate cooperative level than savanna-woodlands chimpanzees. In addition, forest chimpanzees tend to share meat more actively and more frequently. These findings are related to some theories on aspects of hunting behavior in early hominids and discussed in order to understand some factors influencing the hunting behavior of wild chimpanzees. Finally, the hunting behavior of primates is compared with that of social carnivores.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of local hunting on plant recruitment at the community level in the Ngotto Forest, Central African Republic. It is the first study of this kind in the afrotropics. To compare our results with previous studies conducted in the neotropics, we used the protocol proposed byNuñez-Iturri and Howe. We compared animal relative abundances and seed length, density and diversity of seedlings at two sites with contrasting anthropogenic pressures: one with low hunting pressure (LH) and one with high hunting pressure (HH). Furthermore, we investigated how density and diversity of recruitment vary with seed length in the two sites. Both sites exhibit similar soil, climate and tree species composition, and have never been logged. Large mammals (frugivores and herbivores) were extirpated from HH and relative abundance of medium-sized frugivores drastically decreased in HH compared with LH. In HH, diversity of seedlings was reduced compared with LH, especially for large-seeded plant species dispersed by large game mammals. The approach used in this study shows promising perspectives to investigate the effects of human disturbances on the regeneration of tropical forests. Furthermore, in the afrotropical context of a lack of data on plant–animal ecological relationships, seed length appears to be a good predictor of the strength of the deficit of plant recruitment due to large mammal extirpation because of hunting. Thus, more efforts are needed to study the ecological roles of large-seeded plants in order to better understand the effects of their disappearance on tropical forest resilience.  相似文献   

2010年到2013年,每年夏天,作者采用地图样带法对新疆木垒国际狩猎场天山盘羊(Ovis ammon karelini)的种群数量开展了调查,2010年和2011年调查区域面积为94.67 km2,2012年和2013年调查区域面积为72.97 km2。结果表明,2010年和2011年盘羊密度分别为(1.33±0.29)只/km2、(1.59±0.40) 只/km2由于狩猎活动干扰,2012和2013年盘羊密度显著下降,分别为(0.35±0.08) 只/km2、(029±0.17) 只/km2。在总计4次调查记录的83群319只个体中,大部分为雌性,说明这一区域是雌性天山盘羊主要的夏季栖息地。群体大小从1 ~ 17 只不等,平均群体大小为(3.84±0.35)只。食物资源的相对缺乏导致木垒国际狩猎场天山盘羊平均群体大小明显小于天山山区其他区域的种群,而相对较高的幼羊与雌羊比(45.5 : 100)说明木垒国际狩猎场适宜盘羊生存,为天山盘羊的理想生境。  相似文献   

Advances in digital technology and the growth of information networks are revolutionizing human activity. The Internet has been championed as a new tool for environmental improvement. A life-cycle energy analysis of digital libraries, a growing application of information technology, was conducted to test this premise.
Life-cycle models were compared for journal collections in digital and traditional formats. The basis for analysis was the amount of information in a typical scientific journal article (∼12 pages), which is equivalent to 0.97 hr of on-screen reading time. Digital system elements such as servers, routers, laser printers, and computer workstations were modeled. Journal production, delivery, storage, binding, interlibrary loan, and photocopying were examined for the traditional system. Building-related infrastructure, office paper, and personal transportation of the library patron were analyzed for both cases. In all, the study incorporated nearly 30 model elements, 90 input variables, and numerous fixed parameters.
Five primary scenarios were constructed to consider increasing levels of complexity. Scenario 1 assumes only one reading per article (unit of analysis). Additional scenarios assume 1,000 readings and vary the following: laser printing, photocopying, and personal transportation. Energy consumed by the digital collection ranged between 4.10 and 216 MJ. The traditional system realized burdens from 0.55 to 525 MJ. Four significant effects were uncovered: (1) Energy consumption per unit was highly influenced by the number of readings per article. (2) Networking infrastructure by itself had a relatively small effect on total energy consumed by the digital system. (3) When personal transportation was considered, its effects tended to dominate. (4) The impact of making personal copies varied. Photocopying always increased energy consumption, whereas laser printing actually saved energy when it substituted for on-screen reading.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare isokinetic peak torque and the patterns of responses for electromyographic (EMG) and mechanomyographic (MMG), amplitude (AMP) and mean power frequency (MPF) for bilateral (BL) versus unilateral (UL), maximal, isokinetic leg extensions. Eleven recreationally trained women (Mean ± SD: age 22.9 ± 0.9 yrs; body mass 60.5 ± 10.1 kg; height 167.2 ± 6.4 cm) performed 50 maximal, BL and UL isokinetic leg extensions at 60° s−1 on separate days. Electromyographic and MMG signals from the vastus lateralis of the nondominant leg were recorded. Five separate 2 (Condition [BL and UL]) × 10 (Repetitions [5–50]) repeated measures ANOVAs were performed to examine normalized EMG AMP, EMG MPF, MMG AMP, MMG MPF, and isokinetic torque. The results indicated no significant interactions or main effects for EMG AMP and MMG AMP. There were significant interactions for normalized isokinetic peak torque (p < 0.001, η2p = 0.493) and MMG MPF (p = 0.003, η2p = 0.234). For EMG MPF, there was no significant interaction, but significant main effects for Condition (p = 0.003, η2p = 0.607) and Repetitions (p < 0.001, η2p = 0.805). The current findings demonstrated greater performance fatigability for UL than BL leg extensions. Both modalities exhibited similar patterns of neuromuscular responses that were consistent with the Muscular Wisdom hypothesis.  相似文献   

Human-carnivore conflicts are complex and are influenced by: the spatial distribution of the conflict species; the organisation and intensity of management measures such as zoning; historical experience with wildlife; land use patterns; and local cultural traditions. We have used a geographically stratified sampling of social values and attitudes to provide a novel perspective to the human – wildlife conflict. We have focused on acceptance by and disagreements between residents (measured as Potential Conflict Index; PCI) towards illegal hunting of four species of large carnivores (bear, lynx, wolf, wolverine). The study is based on surveys of residents in every municipality in Sweden and Norway who were asked their opinion on illegal hunting. Our results show how certain social values are associated with acceptance of poaching, and how these values differ geographically independent of carnivore abundance. Our approach differs from traditional survey designs, which are often biased towards urban areas. Although these traditional designs intend to be representative of a region (i.e. a random sample from a country), they tend to receive relatively few respondents from rural areas that experience the majority of conflict with carnivores. Acceptance of poaching differed significantly between Norway (12.7–15.7% of respondents) and Sweden (3.3–4.1% of respondents). We found the highest acceptance of illegal hunting in rural areas with free-ranging sheep and strong hunting traditions. Disagreements between residents (as measured by PCI) were highest in areas with intermediate population density. There was no correlation between carnivore density and either acceptance of illegal hunting or PCI. A strong positive correlation between acceptance of illegal hunting and PCI showed that areas with high acceptance of illegal hunting are areas with high potential conflict between people. Our results show that spatially-stratified surveys are required to reveal the large scale patterns in social dynamics of human-wildlife conflicts.  相似文献   

The hunting impact on waders in Spain was studied to test the efficiency of species protection measures. Using information on ringed bird recoveries in Spain of 28 species a hunting impact index was calculated. The results show a high hunting pressure similar to that of other groups of birds. The hunting impact on quarry species was higher than on protected species. The change of protection level in a group of species from quarry to protected species resulted in a decrease in hunting impact. A negative trend in the hunting impact was found during a 15-year period. This result could be due to under-reporting or falsification of death causes in the recovery report. However, recoveries of shot and dead birds showed a positive relationship in contrast with expected if found dead reports increased by falsification, suggesting that there has not been a falsification of the ring recovery reports. Nevertheless, in spite of the decrease in the hunting pressure when protection measures were applied, hunting impact remains very high on protected species for a long time and studies evaluating the impact of hunting on the population dynamics of waders needs further study.  相似文献   

Hunting often impacts rain forest mammal communities but little is known about its indirect effects on other taxa. We examined dung beetle assemblages using pitfall and flight-intercept traps at six rain forest sites in Panama that ranged in hunting intensity. Heavily hunted sites showed altered community composition, significantly fewer species (based on rarefaction), and lower abundances of dung beetles than did sites with little hunting. Our results suggest that intensive hunting affects nontarget forest taxa and is potentially altering ecosystem functioning.  相似文献   


A postal survey of 156 hunters who used the three southeastern-most hunting blocks in the Kaimanawa Recreational Hunting Area (RHA) in 1986 and 1987 achieved a 74% response rate. Comparison of age distributions from this and earlier hunter surveys confirmed an apparent decline in recruitment of young hunters entering the sport during the 1980s. Most hunters had considerable experience (>10 years) and were motivated not only by hunting success but also by the aesthetic value of the outdoor experience. The prime motivation for hunting in the Kaimanawa RHA was the presence of sika deer, and more than two-thirds of the hunters came from outside the Tongariro/Taupo Conservancy. Hunting pressure over current sika deer range in the central North Island may decline if this species continues to disperse naturally or through illegal liberations to other areas. Most (80%) hunters felt that deer densities were acceptable and were satisfied with the present unrestricted hunting system. Fewer than half (41%) the respondents were in favour of active management in the Kaimanawa RHA. Suggestions for active management focused on increasing hunter safety and increasing hunting success rates. Deer densities, as indicated by faecal pellet counts, were inversely related to hunting pressure. Variation in hunting pressure between areas was caused mainly by differences in accessibility. This indicates some potential for manipulation of deer density through options such as increasing access to remote areas or restrictions on hunting pressure.  相似文献   

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