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The fusion of intracellular membranes is driven by the formation of a highly stable four-helix bundle of SNARE proteins embedded in the vesicle and target membranes. N-Ethylmaleimide sensitive factor recycles SNAREs after fusion by binding to the SNARE complex through an adaptor protein, αSNAP, and using the energy of ATP hydrolysis to disassemble the complex. Although only a single molecule of αSNAP binds to a soluble form of the SNARE complex, we find that three molecules of αSNAP are used for SNARE complex disassembly. We describe an engineered αSNAP trimer that supports more efficient SNARE complex disassembly than monomeric αSNAP. Using the trimerized αSNAP, we find that N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor hydrolyzes 10 ATP molecules on average to disassemble a single SNARE complex.  相似文献   

Membrane fusion at vacuoles requires a consecutive action of the HOPS tethering complex, which is recruited by the Rab GTPase Ypt7, and vacuolar SNAREs to drive membrane fusion. It is assumed that the Sec1/Munc18-like Vps33 within the HOPS complex is largely responsible for SNARE chaperoning. Here, we present direct evidence for HOPS binding to SNAREs and the Habc domain of the Vam3 SNARE protein, which may explain its function during fusion. We show that HOPS interacts strongly with the Vam3 Habc domain, assembled Q-SNAREs, and the R-SNARE Ykt6, but not the Q-SNARE Vti1 or the Vam3 SNARE domain. Electron microscopy combined with Nanogold labeling reveals that the binding sites for vacuolar SNAREs and the Habc domain are located in the large head of the HOPS complex, where Vps16 and Vps33 have been identified before. Competition experiments suggest that HOPS bound to the Habc domain can still interact with assembled Q-SNAREs, whereas Q-SNARE binding prevents recognition of the Habc domain. In agreement, membranes carrying Vam3ΔHabc fuse poorly unless an excess of HOPS is provided. These data suggest that the Habc domain of Vam3 facilitates the assembly of the HOPS/SNARE machinery at fusion sites and thus supports efficient membrane fusion.  相似文献   

Reversible ubiquitination orchestrated by the opposition of ubiquitin ligases and deubiquitinating enzymes mediates endocytic trafficking of cell surface receptors for lysosomal degradation. Ubiquitin-specific protease 8 (USP8) has previously been implicated in endocytosis of several receptors by virtue of their deubiquitination. The present study explores an indirect role for USP8 in cargo trafficking through its regulation of the chemokine receptor 4 (CXCR4). Contrary to the effects of USP8 loss on enhanced green fluorescent protein, we find that USP8 depletion stabilizes CXCR4 on the cell surface and attenuates receptor degradation without affecting its ubiquitination status. In the presence of ligand, diminished CXCR4 turnover is accompanied by receptor accumulation on enlarged early endosomes and leads to enhancement of phospho-ERK signaling. Perturbation in CXCR4 trafficking, resulting from USP8 inactivation, occurs at the ESCRT-0 checkpoint, and catalytic mutation of USP8 specifically targeted to the ESCRT-0 complex impairs the spatial and temporal organization of the sorting endosome. USP8 functionally opposes the ubiquitin ligase AIP4 with respect to ESCRT-0 ubiquitination, thereby promoting trafficking of CXCR4. Collectively, our findings demonstrate a functional cooperation between USP8, AIP4, and the ESCRT-0 machinery at the early sorting phase of CXCR4 and underscore the versatility of USP8 in shaping trafficking events at the early-to-late endosome transition.  相似文献   

Munc18-1 plays essential dual roles in exocytosis: (i) stabilizing and trafficking the central SNARE protein, syntaxin-1 (i.e. chaperoning function), by its domain-1; and (ii) priming/stimulating exocytosis by its domain-3a. Here, we examine whether or not domain-3a also plays a significant role in the chaperoning of syntaxin-1 and, if so, how these dual functions of domain-3a are regulated. We demonstrate that introduction of quintuple mutations (K332E/K333E/P335A/Q336A/Y337L) in domain-3a of Munc18-1 abolishes its ability to bind syntaxin-1 and fails to rescue the level and trafficking of syntaxin-1 as well as to restore exocytosis in Munc18-1/2 double knockdown cells. By contrast, a quadruple mutant (K332E/K333E/Q336A/Y337L) sparing the Pro-335 residue retains all of these capabilities. A single point mutant of P335A reduces the ability to bind syntaxin-1 and rescue syntaxin-1 levels. Nonetheless, it surprisingly outperforms the wild type in the rescue of exocytosis. However, when additional mutations in the neighboring residues are combined with P335A mutation (K332E/K333E/P335A, P335A/Q336A/Y337L), the ability of the Munc18-1 variants to chaperone syntaxin-1 and to rescue exocytosis is strongly impaired. Our results indicate that residues from Lys-332 to Tyr-337 of domain-3a are intimately tied to the chaperoning function of Munc18-1. We also propose that Pro-335 plays a pivotal role in regulating the balance between the dual functions of domain-3a. The hinged conformation of the α-helix containing Pro-335 promotes the syntaxin-1 chaperoning function, whereas the P335A mutation promotes its priming function by facilitating the α-helix to adopt an extended conformation.  相似文献   

The signaling capacity of seven-transmembrane/G-protein-coupled receptors (7TM/GPCRs) can be regulated through ligand-mediated receptor trafficking. Classically, the recycling of internalized receptors is associated with resensitization, whereas receptor degradation terminates signaling. We have shown previously that the incretin glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor (GLP-1R) internalizes fast and is primarily resensitized through recycling back to the cell surface. GLP-1R is expressed in pancreatic islets together with the closely related glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIPR) and glucagon (GCGR) receptors. The interaction and cross-talk between coexpressed receptors is a wide phenomenon of the 7TM/GPCR superfamily. Numerous reports show functional consequences for signaling and trafficking of the involved receptors. On the basis of the high structural similarity and tissue coexpression, we here investigated the potential cross-talk between GLP-1R and GIPR or GCGR in both trafficking and signaling pathways. Using a real-time time-resolved FRET-based internalization assay, we show that GLP-1R, GIPR, and GCGR internalize with differential properties. Remarkably, upon coexpression of the internalizing GLP-1R and the non-internalizing GIPR, GLP-1-mediated GLP-1R internalization was impaired in a GIPR concentration-dependent manner. As a functional consequence of such impaired internalization capability, GLP-1-mediated GLP-1R signaling was abrogated. A similar compromised signaling was found when GLP-1R internalization was abrogated by a dominant-negative version of dynamin (dynamin-1 K44E), which provides a mechanistic link between GLP-1R trafficking and signaling. This study highlights the importance of receptor internalization for full functionality of GLP-1R. Moreover, cross-talk between the two incretin receptors GLP-1R and GIPR is shown to alter receptor trafficking with functional consequences for GLP-1R signaling.  相似文献   

Several residues are conserved in the transmembrane domains (TMs) of G-protein coupled receptors. Here we demonstrate that a conserved proline, Pro247, in TM6 of platelet-activating factor receptor (PAFR) is required for endoplasmic reticulum (ER) export and trafficking after agonist-induced internalization. Alanine-substituted mutants of the conserved residues of PAFRs, including P247A, were retained in the ER. Because a PAFR antagonist, Y-24180, acted as a pharmacological chaperone to rescue ER retention, this retention is due to misfolding of PAFR. Methylcarbamyl (mc)-PAF, a PAFR agonist, did not increase the cell surface expression of P247A, even though another ER-retained mutant, D63A, was effectively trafficked. Signaling and accumulation of the receptors in the early endosomes were observed in the mc-PAF-treated P247A-expressing cells, suggesting that P247A was trafficked to the cell surface by mc-PAF, and thereafter disappeared from the surface due to aberrant trafficking, e.g. enhanced internalization, deficiency in recycling, and/or accelerated degradation. The aberrant trafficking was confirmed with a sortase-A-mediated method for labeling cell surface proteins. These results demonstrate that the conserved proline in TM6 is crucial for intracellular trafficking of PAFR.  相似文献   

A deletion between amino acid residues Ser(895) and Val(1075) in the carboxyl terminus of the human calcium receptor (hCaR), which causes autosomal dominant hypocalcemia, showed enhanced signaling activity and increased cell surface expression in HEK293 cells (Lienhardt, A., Garabédian, M. G., Bai, M., Sinding, C., Zhang, Z., Lagarde, J. P., Boulesteix, J., Rigaud, M., Brown, E. M., and Kottler, M. L. (2000) J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 85, 1695-1702). To identify the underlying mechanism(s) for these increases, we investigated the effects of carboxyl tail truncation and deletion in hCaR mutants using a combination of biochemical and cell imaging approaches to define motifs that participate in regulating cell surface numbers of this G protein-coupled receptor. Our data indicate a rapid constitutive receptor internalization of the cell surface hCaR, accumulating in early (Rab7 positive) and late endosomal (LAMP1 positive) sorting compartments, before targeting to lysosomes for degradation. Recycling of hCaR back to the cell surface was also evident. Truncation and deletion mapping defined a 51-amino acid sequence between residues 920 and 970 that is required for targeting to lysosomes and degradation but not for internalization or recycling of the receptor. No singular sequence motif was identified, instead the required sequence elements seem to distribute throughout this entire interval. This interval includes a high proportion of acidic and hydroxylated amino acid residues, suggesting a similarity to PEST-like degradation motif (PESTfind score of +10) and several glutamine repeats. The results define a novel large PEST-like sequence that participates in the sorting of internalized hCaR routed to the lysosomal/degradation pathway that regulates cell surface receptor numbers.  相似文献   

The glucagon receptor belongs to the B family of G-protein coupled receptors. Little structural information is available about this receptor and its association with glucagon. We used the substituted cysteine accessibility method and three-dimensional molecular modeling based on the gastrointestinal insulinotropic peptide and glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor structures to study the N-terminal domain of this receptor, a central element for ligand binding and specificity. Our results showed that Asp63, Arg116, and Lys98 are essential for the receptor structure and/or ligand binding because mutations of these three residues completely disrupted or markedly impaired the receptor function. In agreement with these data, our models revealed that Asp63 and Arg116 form a salt bridge, whereas Lys98 is engaged in cation-π interactions with the conserved tryptophans 68 and 106. The native receptor could not be labeled by hydrophilic cysteine biotinylation reagents, but treatment of intact cells with [2-(trimethylammonium)ethyl]methanethiosulfonate increased the glucagon binding site density. This result suggested that an unidentified protein with at least one free cysteine associated with the receptor prevented glucagon recognition and that [2-(trimethylammonium)ethyl]methanethiosulfonate treatment relieved this inhibition. The substituted cysteine accessibility method was also performed on 15 residues selected using the three-dimensional models. Several receptor mutants, despite a relatively high predicted cysteine accessibility, could not be labeled by specific reagents. The three-dimensional models show that these mutated residues are located on one face of the protein. This could be part of the interface between the receptor and the unidentified inhibitory protein, making these residues inaccessible to biotinylation compounds.  相似文献   

Mouse dendritic cells (DCs) can rapidly extend their Class II MHC-positive late endosomal compartments into tubular structures, induced by Toll-like receptor (TLR) triggering. Within antigen-presenting DCs, tubular endosomes polarize toward antigen-specific CD4+ T cells, which are considered beneficial for their activation. Here we describe that also in human DCs, TLR triggering induces tubular late endosomes, labeled by fluorescent LDL. TLR triggering was insufficient for induced tubulation of transferrin-positive endosomal recycling compartments (ERCs) in human monocyte-derived DCs. We studied endosomal remodeling in human DCs in co-cultures of DCs with CD8+ T cells. Tubulation of ERCs within human DCs requires antigen-specific CD8+ T cell interaction. Tubular remodeling of endosomes occurs within 30 min of T cell contact and involves ligation of HLA-A2 and ICAM-1 by T cell-expressed T cell receptor and LFA-1, respectively. Disintegration of microtubules or inhibition of endosomal recycling abolished tubular ERCs, which coincided with reduced antigen-dependent CD8+ T cell activation. Based on these data, we propose that remodeling of transferrin-positive ERCs in human DCs involves both innate and T cell-derived signals.  相似文献   

7,8-dihydroxyflavone (7,8-DHF), a newly identified small molecular TrkB receptor agonist, rapidly activates TrkB in both primary neurons and the rodent brain and mimics the physiological functions of the cognate ligand BDNF. Accumulating evidence supports that 7,8-DHF exerts neurotrophic effects in a TrkB-dependent manner. Nonetheless, the differences between 7,8-DHF and BDNF in activating TrkB remain incompletely understood. Here we show that 7,8-DHF and BDNF exhibit different TrkB activation kinetics in which TrkB maturation may be implicated. Employing two independent biophysical approaches, we confirm that 7,8-DHF interacts robustly with the TrkB extracellular domain, with a Kd of ∼10 nm. Although BDNF transiently activates TrkB, leading to receptor internalization and ubiquitination/degradation, in contrast, 7,8-DHF-triggered TrkB phosphorylation lasts for hours, and the internalized receptors are not degraded. Notably, primary neuronal maturation may be required for 7,8-DHF but not for BDNF to elicit the full spectrum of TrkB signaling cascades. Hence, 7,8-DHF interacts robustly with the TrkB receptor, and its agonistic effect may be mediated by neuronal development and maturation.  相似文献   

Rab31 is a member of the Rab5 subfamily of Rab GTPases. Although localized largely to the trans-Golgi network, it shares common guanine nucleotide exchange factors and effectors with other Rab5 subfamily members that have been implicated in endocytic membrane traffic. We investigated whether Rab31 also has a role in the trafficking of the ligand-bound EGF receptor (EGFR) internalized through receptor-mediated endocytosis. We found that loss of Rab31 inhibits, but overexpression enhances, EGFR trafficking to the late endosomes and that the effect of Rab31 silencing could be specifically rescued by overexpression of a silencing-resistant form of Rab31. Rab31 was found to interact with the EGFR by coimmunoprecipitation and affinity pulldown analyses, and the primarily trans-Golgi network-localized Rab31 has increased colocalization with the EGFR in A431 cells 30 min after pulsing with EGF. A glycerol gradient sedimentation assay suggested that Rab31 is sequestered into a high molecular weight complex after stimulation with EGF, as was early endosome antigen 1 (EEA1), a factor responsible for endosomal tethering and fusion events. We found that loss of EEA1 reduced the interaction between Rab31 and the EGFR and abrogated the effect of Rab31 overexpression on the trafficking of the EGFR. Likewise, loss of GAPex5, a Rab31 guanine nucleotide exchange factor that has a role in ubiquitination and degradation of the EGFR, reduced the interaction of Rab31 with the EGFR and its effect on EGFR trafficking. Taken together, our results suggest that Rab31 is an important regulator of endocytic trafficking of the EGFR and functions in an EGFR trafficking complex that includes EEA1 and GAPex5.  相似文献   

Receptor tyrosine kinases generally act by forming phosphotyrosine-docking sites on their own endodomains that propagate signals through cascades of post-translational modifications driven by the binding of adaptor/effector proteins. The pathways that are stimulated in any given receptor tyrosine kinase are a function of the initial docking sites that are activated and the availability of downstream participants. In the case of the Trk receptors, which are activated by nerve growth factor, there are only two established phosphotyrosine-docking sites (Tyr-490 and Tyr-785 on TrkA) that are known to be directly involved in signal transduction. Taking advantage of this limited repertoire of docking sites and the availability of PC12 cell lines stably transfected with chimeric receptors composed of the extracellular domain of the PDGF receptor and the transmembrane and intracellular domains of TrkA, the downstream TrkA-induced phosphoproteome was assessed for the “native” receptor and mutants lacking Tyr-490 or both Tyr-490 and Tyr-785. Basal phosphorylation levels were compared with those formed after 20 min of stimulation with PDGF. Several thousand phosphopeptides were identified after TiO2 enrichment, and many were up- or down-regulated by receptor activation. The modified proteins in the native sample contained many of the well established participants in TrkA signaling. The results from the mutant receptors allowed grouping of these downstream targets by their dependence on the two characterized docking site(s). A clear subset that was not dependent on either Tyr-490 or Tyr-785 emerged, providing direct evidence that there are other sites on TrkA that are involved in downstream signaling.  相似文献   

Nicotinic acid (niacin) has been widely used as a favorable lipid-lowering drug for several decades, and the orphan G protein-coupled receptor GPR109A has been identified to be a receptor for niacin. Mechanistic investigations have shown that as a Gi-coupled receptor, GPR109A inhibits adenylate cyclase activity upon niacin activation, thereby inhibiting free fatty acid liberation. However, the underlying molecular mechanisms that regulate signaling and internalization of GPR109A remain largely unknown. To further characterize GPR109A internalization, we made a construct to express GPR109A fused with enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) at its carboxyl-terminal end. In stable GPR109A-EGFP-expressing HEK-293 cells, GPR109A-EGFP was mainly localized at the plasma membrane and was rapidly internalized in a dose- and time-dependent manner upon agonist stimulation. GPR109A internalization was completely blocked by hypertonic sucrose, indicating that GPR109A internalizes via the clathrin-coated pit pathway. Further investigation demonstrated that internalized GPR109A was recycled to the cell surface after the removal of agonist, and recycling of the internalized receptors was not blocked by treatment with acidotropic agents, NH4Cl and monensin. Pertussis toxin pretreatment not only inhibited forskolin-induced cAMP accumulation and intracellular Ca2+ mobilization; it also significantly attenuated agonist-promoted GPR109A internalization. Moreover, RNA interference experiments showed that knockdown of GRK2 (G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2) and arrestin3 expression significantly impaired receptor internalization. Taken together, these results indicate that the agonist-induced internalization of GPR109A receptors is regulated by GRK2 and arrestin3 in a pertussis toxin-sensitive manner and that internalized receptor recycling is independent of endosomal acidification.  相似文献   

The molecular mechanisms underlying the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) export and cell surface transport of nascent G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) have just begun to be revealed and previous studies have shown that hydrophobic motifs in the putative amphipathic 8(th) α-helical region within the membrane-proximal C termini play an important role. In this study, we demonstrate that di-acidic motifs in the membrane-distal, nonstructural C-terminal portions are required for the exit from the ER and transport to the plasma membrane of angiotensin II receptors, but not adrenergic receptors. More interestingly, distinct di-acidic motifs dictate optimal export trafficking of different angiotensin II receptors and export ability of each acidic residue in the di-acidic motifs cannot be fully substituted by other acidic residue. Moreover, the function of the di-acidic motifs is likely mediated through facilitating the recruitment of the receptors onto the ER-derived COPII transport vesicles. Therefore, the di-acidic motifs located in the membrane-distal C termini may represent the first linear motifs which recruit selective GPCRs onto the COPII vesicles to control their export from the ER.  相似文献   

To survive and replicate within the human host, malaria parasites must invade erythrocytes. Invasion can be mediated by the P. falciparum reticulocyte-binding homologue protein 4 (PfRh4) on the merozoite surface interacting with complement receptor type 1 (CR1, CD35) on the erythrocyte membrane. The PfRh4 attachment site lies within the three N-terminal complement control protein modules (CCPs 1–3) of CR1, which intriguingly also accommodate binding and regulatory sites for the key complement activation-specific proteolytic products, C3b and C4b. One of these regulatory activities is decay-accelerating activity. Although PfRh4 does not impact C3b/C4b binding, it does inhibit this convertase disassociating capability. Here, we have employed ELISA, co-immunoprecipitation, and surface plasmon resonance to demonstrate that CCP 1 contains all the critical residues for PfRh4 interaction. We fine mapped by homologous substitution mutagenesis the PfRh4-binding site on CCP 1 and visualized it with a solution structure of CCPs 1–3 derived by NMR and small angle x-ray scattering. We cross-validated these results by creating an artificial PfRh4-binding site through substitution of putative PfRh4-interacting residues from CCP 1 into their homologous positions within CCP 8; strikingly, this engineered binding site had an ∼30-fold higher affinity for PfRh4 than the native one in CCP 1. These experiments define a candidate site on CR1 by which P. falciparum merozoites gain access to human erythrocytes in a non-sialic acid-dependent pathway of merozoite invasion.  相似文献   

It was previously demonstrated that sustained activation (30-60 min) of protein kinase C (PKC) results in translocation of PKC α and βII to the pericentrion, a dynamic subset of the recycling compartment whose formation is dependent on PKC and phospholipase D (PLD). Here we investigated whether the formation of the pericentrion modulates the ability of PKC to phosphorylate substrates, especially if it reduces substrate phosphorylation by sequestering PKC. Surprisingly, using an antibody that detects phosphosubstrates of classical PKCs, the results showed that the majority of PKC phosphosubstrates are phosphorylated with delayed kinetics, correlating with the time frame of PKC translocation to the pericentrion. Substrate phosphorylation was blocked by PLD inhibitors and was not observed in response to activation of a PKC βII mutant (F663D) that is defective in interaction with PLD and in internalization. Phosphorylation was also inhibited by blocking clathrin-dependent endocytosis, demonstrating a requirement for endocytosis for the PKC-dependent major phosphorylation effects. Serotonin receptor activation by serotonin showed a similar response to phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate, implicating a potential role of delayed kinetics in G protein-coupled receptor signaling. Evaluation of candidate substrates revealed that the phosphorylation of the PKC substrate p70S6K kinase behaved in a similar manner. Gradient-based fractionation revealed that the majority of these PKC substrates reside within the pericentrion-enriched fractions and not in the plasma membrane. Finally, proteomic analysis of the pericentrion-enriched fractions revealed several proteins as known PKC substrates and/or proteins involved in endocytic trafficking. These results reveal an important role for PKC internalization and for the pericentrion as key determinants/amplifiers of PKC action.  相似文献   

TRPM8, a nonselective cation channel activated by cold, voltage, and cooling compounds such as menthol, is the principal molecular detector of cold temperatures in primary sensory neurons of the somatosensory system. The N-terminal domain of TRPM8 consists of 693 amino acids, but little is known about its contribution to channel function. Here, we identified two distinct regions within the initial N terminus of TRPM8 that contribute differentially to channel activity and proper folding and assembly. Deletion or substitution of the first 40 residues yielded channels with augmented responses to cold and menthol. The thermal threshold of activation of these mutants was shifted 2 °C to higher temperatures, and the menthol dose-response curve was displaced to lower concentrations. Site-directed mutagenesis screening revealed that single point mutations at positions Ser-26 or Ser-27 by proline caused a comparable increase in the responses to cold and menthol. Electrophysiological analysis of the S27P mutant revealed that the enhanced sensitivity to agonists is related to a leftward shift in the voltage dependence of activation, increasing the probability of channel openings at physiological membrane potentials. In addition, we found that the region encompassing positions 40–60 is a key element in the proper folding and assembly of TRPM8. Different deletions and mutations within this region rendered channels with an impaired function that are retained within the endoplasmic reticulum. Our results suggest a critical contribution of the initial region of the N-terminal domain of TRPM8 to thermal and chemical sensitivity and the proper biogenesis of this polymodal ion channel.  相似文献   

Oral streptococci adhere to tooth-immobilized glycoprotein 340 (GP340) via the surface protein antigen I/II (AgI/II) and its homologs as the first step in pathogenesis. Studying this interaction using recombinant proteins, we observed that calcium increases the conformational stability of the scavenger-rich cysteine repeat (SRCRs) domains of GP340. Our results also show that AgI/II adheres specifically with nanomolar affinity to the calcium-induced SRCR conformation in an immobilized state and not in solution. This interaction is significantly dependent on the O-linked carbohydrates present on the SRCRs. This study also establishes that a single SRCR domain of GP340 contains the two surfaces to which the apical and C-terminal regions of AgI/II noncompetitively adhere. Compared with the single SRCR domain, the three tandem SRCR domains displayed a collective/cooperative increase in their bacterial adherence and aggregation. The previously described SRCRP2 peptide that was shown to aggregate several oral streptococci displayed limited aggregation and also nonspecific adherence compared to SRCR domains. Finally, we show distinct species-specific adherence/aggregation between Streptococcus mutans AgI/II and Streptococcus gordonii SspB in their interaction with the SRCRs. This study concludes that identification of the metal ion and carbohydrate adherence motifs on both SRCRs and AgI/II homologs could lead to the development of anti-adhesive inhibitors that could deter the adherence of pathogenic oral streptococci and thereby prevent the onset of infections.  相似文献   

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