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Sarah S. Wheeler Meighan P. Vineyard Leslie W. Woods William K. Reisen 《PLoS neglected tropical diseases》2012,6(10)
West Nile Virus (WNV) is now endemic throughout North America, with annual recurrence dependent upon successful overwintering when cold temperatures drive mosquito vectors into inactivity and halt transmission. To investigate whether avian hosts may serve as an overwintering mechanism, groups of eight to ten House Sparrows were experimentally infected with a WN02 genotype of WNV and then held until necropsy at 3, 5, 7, 9, 12, 15, or 18 weeks post-infection (pi) when they were assessed for the presence of persistent infection. Blood was collected from all remaining birds every two weeks pi, and sera tested for WNV RNA and WNV neutralizing antibodies. West Nile virus RNA was present in the sera of some birds up to 7 weeks pi and all birds retained neutralizing antibodies throughout the experiment. The detection of persistently infected birds decreased with time, from 100% (n = 13) positive at 3 weeks post-infection (pi) to 12.5% (n = 8) at 18 weeks pi. Infectious virus was isolated from the spleens of birds necropsied at 3, 5, 7 and 12 weeks pi. The current study confirmed previous reports of infectious WNV persistence in avian hosts, and further characterized the temporal nature of these infections. Although these persistent infections supported the hypothesis that infected birds may serve as an overwintering mechanism, mosquito-infectious recrudescent viremias have yet to be demonstrated thereby providing proof of principle. 相似文献
Social Control and Physiological Cost of Cheating in Status Signalling Male House Sparrows (Passer domesticus) 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Guillermo Gonzalez Gabriele Sorci Linda C. Smith† & Florentino de Lope‡ 《Ethology : formerly Zeitschrift fur Tierpsychologie》2002,108(4):289-302
Flock-forming passerines often use plumage characteristics to signal their social dominance. While the benefits to signal dominance seem obvious, costs associated with status signalling are ambiguous. The social control hypothesis predicts that individuals of high social status – with large badges – are involved in more social interactions with individuals of similar badge size. Cheaters are therefore exposed to increased risk of fighting with high quality individuals and the costs associated with enhanced fights with dominant males are supposed to outweigh the benefits of cheating. We tested the social control hypothesis in male house sparrows ( Passer domesticus ), by observing social interactions in captive flocks and determining dominance relationships. Two low status individuals within each flock had the size of their badge experimentally increased and the interactions involving experimental and control birds were recorded. We also assessed the potential physiological cost of cheating in terms of enhanced levels of the stress hormone, corticosterone. Dominance was significantly positively correlated with badge size, but not with other morphological traits. We found little support for the social control hypothesis. Birds did not have significantly more interactions with individuals of similar badge size, before the manipulation. Similarly, after the experimental increase in badge size, experimental birds did not tend to have more encounters with large-badged males. Experimental birds with enlarged badges won more fights compared with prior to the manipulation, suggesting that badge size is used as a signal of social dominance even in small and stable flocks. Finally, corticosterone levels in the blood did not increase significantly after the manipulation of badge size, suggesting that there is no measurable cost, resulting from stress, in cheaters. 相似文献
Testis size, bill colour and moult were monitored in male House Sparrows Passer domesticus kept under a natural daylength regime between February and November. On three occasions (at the summer solstice, 25 days later and 39 days later), groups of birds were transferred to a daylength of 18 h of light and 6 h of darkness per day (18L: 6D), the natural daylength at the solstice. In birds under natural daylengths, the testes had regressed significantly by 2 5 days after the solstice. In those transferred to 18L:6D at the solstice, the onset of regression was delayed by about 4 weeks. Transfer to 18L: 6D after the solstice did not cause recrudescence; the testes continued to regress. In birds transferred to 18L: 6D at the solstice, moult was delayed by 4 weeks and progressed more slowly. These results suggest that photoperiodically induced gonadal regression in this species contains elements characteristic of both absolute and relative photorefractoriness. 相似文献
Two photoperiodic mechanisms controlling gonadal regression in birds have been identified: absolute photorefractoriness, typical of species with short breeding seasons, where gonadal regression occurs spontaneously during long days, and relative photorefractoriness, where a decrease in daylength is required to induce regression. An experiment was designed to test whether these simply represent extremes of one underlying mechanism. Three groups of male House Sparrows Passer domesticus were transferred from a short photoperiod, 8 h of light: 16 h of darkness per day (8L:16D) to long photoperiods of either 18L:6D, 16L:8D or 13L:11D. Gonadal maturation rates were similar in all three groups; gonadal regression and moult began latest in the 13L:11D group. Four additional groups of sparrows were transferred from 8L:16D to 18L:6D and then transferred to either 13L: 11D or 16L:8D prior to, or shortly after, the onset of gonadal regression. The decrease in daylength prior to regression had no effect on the timing of regression but did advance the onset of moult. Decrease in daylength after the onset of regression increased the rate of regression and the rate of moult. Because a decrease in daylength did not affect the timing of regression, the data do not support the hypothesis that absolute and relative photorefractoriness represent extremes of a single underlying photoperiodic control mechanism. The adaptive significance of the effects of decreasing daylength on the rate of regression and moult is discussed. 相似文献
An overall loss of protein was considered to be the explanation for at least some of the observed loss of lean dry material from muscle of wild House sparrows overnight. 相似文献
Gerson AR Guglielmo CG 《American journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology》2011,300(4):R925-R930
Birds primarily rely on fat for energy during fasting and to fuel energetically demanding activities. Proteins are catabolized supplemental to fat, the function of which in birds remains poorly understood. It has been proposed that birds may increase the catabolism of body protein under dehydrating conditions as a means to maintain water balance, because catabolism of wet protein yields more total metabolic and bound water (0.155·H(2)O(-1)·kJ(-1)) than wet lipids (0.029 g·H(2)O(-1)·kJ(-1)). On the other hand, protein sparing should be important to maintain function of muscles and organs. We used quantitative magnetic resonance body composition analysis and hygrometry to investigate the effect of water restriction on fat and lean mass catabolism during short-term fasting at rest and in response to a metabolic challenge (4-h shivering) in house sparrows (Passer domesticus). Water loss at rest and during shivering was compared with water gains from the catabolism of tissue. At rest, water-restricted birds had significantly greater lean mass loss, higher plasma uric acid concentration, and plasma osmolality than control birds. Endogenous water gains from lean mass catabolism offset losses over the resting period. Water restriction had no effect on lean mass catabolism during shivering, as water gains from fat oxidation appeared sufficient to maintain water balance. These data provide direct evidence supporting the hypothesis that water stress can increase protein catabolism at rest, possibly as a metabolic strategy to offset high rates of evaporative water loss. 相似文献
H. E. M. DOTT 《Ibis》1986,128(1):132-137
Bolivia lies within the Tropics and contains extremes from desert to jungle and from low to high altitudes. House Sparrows entered the south of Bolivia from Argentina about 1930 and have now spread to towns and villages scattered through about half of the country. These are principally in the semi-arid Andean descents of south and central Bolivia and in the lowlands in Santa Cruz city and certain nearby towns. In the high altiplano they have reached only two cities and are not numerous in either. They appear to be absent from the humid Andean slopes and from most of the eastern and northern lowlands, with the exception of two isolated towns which they could have reached either from Brazil or from elsewhere in Bolivia. House Sparrows do not occur away from human settlements in Bolivia. 相似文献
Capsule The population of House Sparrow Passer domesticus has experienced a sharp decline in the municipality of Valencia. Aims To investigate the population trends of House Sparrows. Methods Between September 1998 and December 2008, House Sparrows were censused monthly in 22 urban parks covering a total of 118 ha. Additionally, birds in the wider urban landscape were censused in 24 plots of about 50 ha during the winter and spring of years 1998, 2003 and 2007. Results The House Sparrow population experienced a significant decline of about 70% over 10 years in urban parks, with monthly peak values decreasing from about 2000 birds in 1998 to about 500 in 2008. Between 1998 and 2007, a significant decline was detected in the urban landscape mostly during the winter. Conclusions Urban parks are a main feeding habitat for House Sparrows, and habitat structure of urban parks has remained similar throughout these years. Therefore, the decreasing number of sparrows recorded in parks probably reflects an overall population decline of the species in Valencia. This decline has coincided with high‐intensity urban development i.e. an increase in the building density and a reduction in the amount of wastelands and other feeding habitats. Thus, shortage of nest‐sites did not seem to be a limiting factor for the population, but a reduction of food availability may be partially responsible for the observed patterns. 相似文献
The content and distribution of lipid in avian muscle were investigated on a diurnal basis. The results were discussed with reference to shivering and with respect to apparently conflicting findings obtained by previous workers on the effects of exercise and starvation on intracellular lipid in muscle fibres. 相似文献
Under the tropical regime in Rajkot, India, the House Sparrow Passer domesticus had a prolonged breeding season, so that breeding and moulting of the primaries overlapped. The moult was interrupted commonly in the nesting birds and was observed more frequently in females than in males. It is concluded that moult initiation was not controlled by reproductive hormones in any way. It is also suggested that the reproductive hormones may not be directly involved with moult interruption. 相似文献
Marcos R. Lima Regina H. F. Macedo Thaís L. F. Martins Aaron W. Schrey Lynn B. Martin Staffan Bensch 《PloS one》2012,7(12)
Introduced species are interesting systems for the study of contemporary evolution in new environments because of their spatial and temporal scales. For this study we had three aims: (i) to determine how genetic diversity and genetic differentiation of introduced populations of the house sparrow (Passer domesticus) in Brazil varies with range expansion, (ii) to determine how genetic diversity and differentiation in Brazil compares to ancestral European populations; and (iii) to determine whether selection or genetic drift has been more influential on phenotypic divergence. We used six microsatellite markers to genotype six populations from Brazil and four populations from Europe. We found slightly reduced levels of genetic diversity in Brazilian compared to native European populations. However, among introduced populations of Brazil, we found no association between genetic diversity and time since introduction. Moreover, overall genetic differentiation among introduced populations was low indicating that the expansion took place from large populations in which genetic drift effects would likely have been weak. We found significant phenotypic divergence among sites in Brazil. Given the absence of a spatial genetic pattern, divergent selection and not genetic drift seems to be the main force behind most of the phenotypic divergence encountered. Unravelling whether microevolution (e.g., allele frequency change), phenotypic plasticity, or both mediated phenotypic divergence is challenging and will require experimental work (e.g., common garden experiments or breeding programs). 相似文献
Summary Characteristics of the ependymal cells of the Paraventricular Organ (PVO) in the sparrow are strongly dilated ergastoplasmic cisternae filled with a moderately dense substance, the absence of cilia and a long basal process ending around capillaries. Elongated cells having a pale cytoplasm (light cells) are interposed between the ependymal cells. These cells protrude into the ventricle lumen with a bulbous cytoplasmic swelling; centrioles and several dense-core vesicles occur frequently in them.Two types of nerve cells have been identified in the PVO. The more superficial cells — called type-I neurons have a dendrite-like process which, after passing the ependymal layer reach the ventricle surface and end there freely with a bulbous swelling (club). The whole neuron contains dense-core vesicles of an average diameter of 840 Å; the extensive Golgi region is located in the dendrite.The larger type-II neurons situated in the deeper layers show a folded nuclear membrane, large mitochondria and rarely dense-core vesicles; the Golgi apparatus is enclosed in the perikaryon.The nerve cells are embedded in a feltwork of glial and neural processes the latters showing often synaptic (axodendritic) junctions. The majority of the synapses are supposed to occur between the axon-like processes of the typeI neuron and dendrites of the type-II neuron. Axo-somatic synapses can be found not infrequently on the perikarya of the latters.The nature of the free ventricular endings of the neurons and the possible function of the PVO are discussed in the text. 相似文献
To examine the importance of the inductive light period of a skeleton photoperiod in relation to the endogenous circadian rhythm of photoinducibility mediating photoperiodic induction, P. domesticus were exposed for 28 weeks to a series of skeleton photoperiods, viz. 6L:4D:1L:13D, 6L:6D:1L:11D. 6L:8D:1L:9D and 6L:14D:1L:3D. The inductive effects of 1 hr light pulse at night varied depending on the time of its placement. To compare the inductive effects of complete and its corresponding skeleton photoperiods, birds in the second experiment were subjected for 20 weeks to 12L:12D and 6L:5D:1L:12D given daily or interposed on alternate days with constant darkness (12L:12D/DD and 6L:5D:1L:12D/DD). There was a difference in the rate and magnitude of response between the complete and skeleton photoperiods. It appears that the subtropical house sparrow uses photoperiodic strategy in regulation of its seasonal testicular responses similar to that is reported for its temperate population. 相似文献
A. LIKER V. BÓKONY A. KULCSÁR† Z. TÓTH K. SZABÓ‡ B. KAHOLEK§ Z. PÉNZES§ ¶ 《Molecular ecology》2009,18(22):4696-4706
Social behaviour of group-living animals is often influenced by the relatedness of individuals, thus understanding the genetic structure of groups is important for the interpretation of costs and benefits of social interactions. In this study, we investigated genetic relatedness in feeding aggregations of free-living house sparrows ( Passer domesticus ) during the nonbreeding season. This species is a frequent model system for studies of social behaviour (e.g. aggression, social foraging), but we lack adequate information on the kin structure of sparrow flocks. During two winters, we ringed and observed sparrows at feeding stations, and used resightings to identify stable flock-members and to calculate association indices between birds. We genotyped the birds using seven highly polymorphic microsatellite loci, and estimated pairwise relatedness coefficients and relatedness categories (close kin vs. unrelated) by maximum likelihood method. We found that most birds were unrelated to each other in the flocks (mean ± SE relatedness coefficient: 0.06 ± 0.002), although most individuals had at least a few close relatives in their home flock (14.3 ± 0.6% of flock-mates). Pairwise association between individuals was not significantly related to their genetic relatedness. Furthermore, there was no difference between within-flock vs. between-flock relatedness, and birds had similar proportions of close kin within and outside their home flock. Finally, relatedness among members of different flocks was unrelated to the distance between their flocks. Thus, sparrow flocks were not characterized by association of relatives, nevertheless the presence of some close kin may provide opportunity for kin-biased behaviours to evolve. 相似文献
EDITH D. BOX 《The Journal of eukaryotic microbiology》1966,13(2):204-208
SYNOPSIS. The 42% incidence of Plasmodium in blood films of English sparrows reported here is the highest on record for surveys of blood parasites of birds in the United States. The only Plasmodium species identified in the sparrows was P. relictum. Adult birds were almost universally infected and tended to experience the highest degree of parasitemia in the spring months, while young birds had a higher blood positivity in the summer months. The lowest incidence of Plasmodium positive blood films occurred in fall and winter in the Galveston area. Overwintering birds had a decrease in parasitemia corresponding to reported minimal gonadal activity in sparrows. The 20% incidence of Lankesterella (avian Toxoplasma) in the blood of these sparrows was also higher than has been reported in other blood film surveys in this country. Incidence of this parasite in blood films was highest in the summer months, corresponding with highest average temperature for the year. Lankesterella could be found in 95% of sparrows whose tissues were examined after autopsy. Ducks and pigeons in the immediate vicinity of the survey sparrows had neither Plasmodium nor Lankesterella in blood films. Resident wild birds from adjacent rural areas, including redwinged blackbirds, boat-tailed grackles, laughing gulls and meadowlarks, had fewer Plasmodium and Lankesterella than the sparrows. A few Lankesterella were found in the liver or spleen of young redwinged blackbirds, and only 2 of 79 wild birds had the organisms in their heart blood. Plasmodium was found only in meadowlarks and included P. hexamerium and elongatum as well as relictum. 相似文献
Rhimi Wafa Sgroi Giovanni Aneke Chioma Inyang Annoscia Giada Latrofa Maria Stefania Mosca Adriana Veneziano Vincenzo Otranto Domenico Alastruey-Izquierdo Ana Cafarchia Claudia 《Mycopathologia》2022,187(2-3):235-248
Mycopathologia - Wildlife animals are recognized as reservoirs for zoonotic fungi and their faeces might play an important role in introducing pathogens into the environment. Thought wild boar (Sus... 相似文献