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单核苷酸多态性(single nucleotide polymorphism,SNPs),即在基因组水平上由单个核苷酸的变异而引起的DNA序列多态性变化,具体是指在DNA序列中的单个碱基的变异,其是人类基因组变异种最常见的一种。SNP研究最主要的目的就是对人类表型变异遗传学的理解,尤其是关于人类遗传疾病的研究。而非同义单核苷酸多态性(nsSNPs)是SNPs中的一种,主要是指处于编码区会引起翻译后对应氨基酸序列变化的单核苷酸突变。因为nsSNPs可能会对蛋白质的功能造成影响,被认为是造成人类遗传病的主要原因。因此将与疾病相关的nsSNPs从中性的nsSNPs中区分出来是很重要的。本文根据国内外与疾病相关nsSNPs预测的研究,分析了预测中所涉及到的特征属性,总结了对这些特征进行优化的特征选择方法,并概述了在预测过程中使用的各种分类器。 相似文献
目的:人肌球蛋白7A(MYO7A)基因是遗传性耳聋分子筛查的候选基因之一。从已知的MYO7A非同义单核苷酸多态性(ns SNPs)位点数据库中筛选可能与致病表型相关的ns SNPs位点,以提高MYO7A基因耳聋分子诊断的有效性和准确率。方法:首先,从NCBI数据中心的db SNP数据库(db SNP)和Deafness Variation Database数据库获得MYO7A基因的SNPs数据和基因的相关信息;然后,通过SIFT、Poly Phen-2、PANTHER、Ph D-SNP、Mutation Taster、SNPGO和Mut Pred软件进行ns SNPs表型致病性分析,预测潜在致病位点;接着,应用Clustal X2和Gene Doc软件进行同源氨基酸序列比对,分析潜在致病的ns SNPs位点保守性;最后,应用Swiss Model平台选择性地对某些突变蛋白质的三维结构进行建模,并分析结构域的变化。结果:预测出MYO7A的104个高风险致病的ns SNPs位点,包括25个已报道的耳聋相关ns SNPs位点;高风险致病的ns SNPs位点中,有42个位于肌球蛋白马达(myosin motor)结构域,其中12个预测有致病风险的ns SNPs位点与MYO7A基因致聋的突变研究报道一致。肌球蛋白马达结构域中包含30个新预测的潜在致病性ns SNPs位点,其中仅L366P位点在7个预测软件中具有高度一致性。通过对L366P位点位点突变前后的三维模型构建,发现存在蛋白结构的改变,且同源性比对结果显示了该位点的高度保守性。结论:MYO7A的L366P为潜在高风险致病性ns SNP位点,推测该基因突变可能与耳聋表型相关。本研究所采用的分析筛选方法对MYO7A基因突变的临床筛查及其他致病基因的ns SNPs筛选具有重要的参考价值。 相似文献
人类线粒体DNA 12S rRNA A1555G突变可引起母系遗传性非综合征耳聋,并提高氨基糖甙类药物对该类耳聋的诱导作用。我们在江苏淮阴发现了一个非综合征耳聋大家系,家系个体发病呈典型的母系遗传特征,临床可表现为先天性耳聋、中年进行性耳聋乃至完全正常的表型。对家系个体进行研究后发现A1555G突变是引起该家系耳聋的主要原因。我们用EB病毒转化的方法对该家系部分个体行建系工作后,对家系中17个个体的类淋巴母细胞进行分析,其中包括具有耳聋症状的个体7人(患者组),具有同质性A1555G突变但表型正常的个体6人(携带组),正常婚配对照 5人,与正常婚配对照相比,患者组与携带组在线粒体蛋白合成速率及在葡萄糖或半乳糖培养基中的生长速度出现了不同程度的下降,且突变细胞系中线粒体功能缺陷的严重程度与个体的临床表型相关.这些发现强有力地支持了核基因参与了该疾病临床表型的形成。 相似文献
药物毒物代谢酶编码区的非同义单核苷酸多态性(nsSNPs)导致氨基酸改变,从而可能改变相应蛋白质的功能,使人体对有关药物毒物产生异常反应,亦与疾病易感性关联.在人类Ⅱ相代谢酶基因中已发现大量nsSNPs,但对这些酶nsSNPs基因型和表型间的关系了解甚少.本研究从Ensembl基因组数据库和NCBISNP数据库识别出104个人类Ⅱ相酶基因的923个经确认的nsSNPs.用PolyPhen,Panther和SNAP算法预测,发现44%~59%的nsSNPs影响到蛋白质功能.本研究的预测结果与已有实验研究证据基本吻合.68%的已知有害nsSNPs被正确预测为有害.本研究识别出多个尚未经实验研究的功能氨基酸.Panther和PolyPhen的预测结果吻合,SNAP非中性预测结果与PolyPhen预测分值亦吻合.进化上非中性的(去稳定化的)氨基酸替换可能是Ⅱ相酶活性改变,产生疾病易感性和药物/外源物毒性的致病基础.本研究还在有害nsSNPs预测的框架内阐明了Ⅱ相酶的分子进化模式. 相似文献
非综合征型遗传性耳聋基因的研究进展及相关网络资源 总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5
Abstract:Deafness is the most prevalent sensory system impairment of human,and 70% of genetic deafness belongs to nonsyndromic hearing impairment.The total number of genes involved in nonsyndromic hereditary deafness has been estimated to above 100.So far,approximate 80 loci have been mapped to human chromosome,and 23 genes have been identified.In this article,these 23 genes were summarized systematically and some databases about hereditary deafness were provided for reference. 相似文献
传统的表型组学研究已严重滞后于高速发展的基因组、转录组及蛋白质组学,这也制约了作物育种学、功能基因组学等领域研究的深入开展。为突破这一瓶颈,国内外科研工作者经不懈的努力开发出了各类具有自动化、高精度、高通量特点的表型组学分析平台,并将该平台与各类"组学"研究相结合,这将是作物育种学领域的一次新的技术革命。本文对植物表型组学的概念和研究意义进行了介绍和分析,并对高通量表型组学分析平台进行了详细介绍,同时对未来表型组学的发展和各类组学及生物大数据的综合利用进行了展望。 相似文献
目的:分析不同民族(即维吾尔族、汉族、哈萨克族、回族)耳聋人群耳聋基因常见突变的一般特点。方法:选取4个不同民族共计714例耳聋患者(全部属于非综合征性耳聋患者),利用DNA技术对其耳聋基因突变进行分析。结果:在常见耳聋基因检出率方面,汉族为30.83%,哈萨克族为20.00%,回族为16.00%,维吾尔族为12.50%;235delC是汉族、维吾尔族、回族耳聋患者常见突变,35delG是维吾尔族、哈萨克族耳聋患者常见突变,IVS7-2AG是汉族耳聋患者常见突变,187delG是维吾尔族耳聋患者中第一次检测到的病理性突变。结论:在耳聋基因突变方面,4个民族表现出不同的特点,存在一定的差异。 相似文献
幽门螺杆菌相关胃癌是一种由遗传、环境、生活方式等因素共同作用所致的特殊类型胃癌。它的发病过程至少包括炎症、萎缩和癌变3个主要阶段。宿主基因单核苷酸多态性(SNP)包括炎症反应、胃酸抑制、免疫识别等相关基因SNP,可能特异性参与了幽门螺杆菌相关胃癌发生发展过程中的不同阶段。文章综述与幽门螺杆菌相关胃癌发病3个主要病理阶段相关的宿主基因SNP及其与胃癌发病风险关系的研究进展。 相似文献
常染色体显性遗传非综合征型耳聋致病基因定位研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
耳聋具有高度的遗传异质性, 迄今已定位了51个常染色体显性遗传非综合征型耳聋(autosomal dominant non-syndromic sensorineural hearing loss, DFNA)基因位点, 20个DFNA相关基因被克隆.文章收集了一个DFNA巨大家系, 家系中有血缘关系的家族成员共170人, 对73名家族成员进行了详细的病史调查、全身检查和耳科学检查, 提示39人有不同程度的迟发性感音神经性听力下降, 未见前庭及其他系统的异常.应用ABI公司382个常染色体微卫星多态标记进行全基因组扫描连锁分析, 将该家系致聋基因定位于14q12-13处D14S1021-D14S70之间约7.6 cM (3.18 Mb)的区域, 最大LOD值为6.69 (D14S1040), 与已知DFNA9位点有4.7 cM (2.57 Mb)的重叠区, DFNA9致病基因COCH位于重叠区域内.下一步拟进行COCH基因的突变筛查, 以揭示该家系耳聋的分子致病机制. 相似文献
耳聋是一种最常见的人类感觉系统缺陷, 在已发现的遗传性耳聋中,有70%的属于非综合征型听力缺损。据估计非综合征型遗传性耳聋基因总数在100个以上,目前已经确定了近80个非综合征型遗传性耳聋的遗传位点,其中23个基因已经被成功克隆。文章报道一遗传性非综合征型耳聋家系。该家系中存在2代近亲结婚,共2代13人出现聋哑症状。经遗传分析,该家系的遗传方式与常染色体显性或隐性遗传均不符合,提示此家系中的非综合征型遗传性耳聋可能为线粒体突变所致。 相似文献
Predicting the functional impact of amino acid substitutions (AAS) caused by nonsynonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms (nsSNPs) is becoming increasingly important as more and more novel variants are being discovered. Bioinformatics analysis is essential to predict potentially causal or contributing AAS to human diseases for further analysis, as for each genome, thousands of rare or private AAS exist and only a very small number of which are related to an underlying disease. Existing algorithms in this field still have high false prediction rate and novel development is needed to take full advantage of vast amount of genomic data.Results
Here we report a novel algorithm that features two innovative changes: 1. making better use of sequence conservation information by grouping the homologous protein sequences into six blocks according to evolutionary distances to human and evaluating sequence conservation in each block independently, and 2. including as many such homologous sequences as possible in analyses. Random forests are used to evaluate sequence conservation in each block and to predict potential impact of an AAS on protein function. Testing of this algorithm on a comprehensive dataset showed significant improvement on prediction accuracy upon currently widely-used programs. The algorithm and a web-based application tool implementing it, EFIN (Evaluation of Functional Impact of Nonsynonymous SNPs) were made freely available (http://paed.hku.hk/efin/) to the public.Conclusions
Grouping homologous sequences into different blocks according to the evolutionary distance of the species to human and evaluating sequence conservation in each group independently significantly improved prediction accuracy. This approach may help us better understand the roles of genetic variants in human disease and health.Electronic supplementary material
The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-455) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. 相似文献12.
Nonsynonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms (nsSNPs) in coding regions can lead to amino acid changes that might alter the
protein’s function and account for susceptibility to disease and altered drug/xenobiotic response. Many nsSNPs have been found
in genes encoding human phase II metabolizing enzymes; however, there is little known about the relationship between the genotype
and phenotype of nsSNPs in these enzymes. We have identified 923 validated nsSNPs in 104 human phase II enzyme genes from
the Ensembl genome database and the NCBI SNP database. Using PolyPhen, Panther, and SNAP algorithms, 44%–59% of nsSNPs in
phase II enzyme genes were predicted to have functional impacts on protein function. Predictions largely agree with the available
experimental annotations. 68% of deleterious nsSNPs were correctly predicted as damaging. This study also identified many
amino acids that are likely to be functionally critical, but have not yet been studied experimentally. There was significant
concordance between the predicted results of Panther and PolyPhen, and between SNAP non-neutral predictions and PolyPhen scores.
Evolutionarily non-neutral (destabilizing) amino acid substitutions are thought to be the pathogenetic basis for the alteration
of phase II enzyme activity and to be associated with disease susceptibility and drug/xenobiotic toxicity. Furthermore, the
molecular evolutionary patterns of phase II enzymes were characterized with regards to the predicted deleterious nsSNPs. 相似文献
Recent progress in identification and mapping of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the human genome generates an unprecedented opportunity to explore cause-effect relationships between genetic variations and susceptibility to common diseases. For this purpose, one promising strategy would be to select a set of SNPs that potentially alter the function of proteins involved in the pathogenesis of the diseases and compare their frequencies in the affected individuals and the healthy population. In this respect, SNPs that change amino acid sequences (nonsynonymous SNPs; nsSNPs) are of particular interest, since they are more likely to affect protein functions. In this study, we have constructed a catalog of nsSNPs (PicSNP), whose unique features are (i) nsSNPs are classified according to the functions of the affected genes and are searchable under the guidance of hierarchical lists of protein functions and (ii) nsSNPs that lead to amino acid changes in the known functional sites and domains of proteins are highlighted. Out of 1,190,295 SNPs extracted from public database, we identified 3793 nsSNPs and classified them in 1247 categories of protein functions. 495 sites and domains annotated in the Swiss-Prot database were found to include nsSNPs, including 2 nsSNPs in disulfide-binding sites and 38 nsSNPs in transmembrane regions. PicSNP is available via the World Wide Web (http://picsnp.org) and would support research questing for SNPs involved in common diseases. 相似文献
Sapna Pandey Kalyani Dhusia Pramod Katara Satendra Singh 《Journal of biomolecular structure & dynamics》2020,38(14):4259-4272
Abstract Mutation in two genes deglycase gene (DJ-1) and retromer complex component gene (VPS35) are linked with neurodegenerative disorder such as Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease, and Alzheimer's disease. DJ-1 gene located at 1p36 chromosomal position and involved in PD pathogenesis through many pathways including mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative injury. VPS35 gene located at 16q13-q21 chromosomal position and the two pathways, the Wnt signaling pathway, and retromer-mediated DMT1 missorting are proposed for basis of VPS35 related PD. The study focuses on identifying most deleterious SNPs through computational analysis. Result obtained from various bioinformatics tools shows that D149A is most deleterious in DJ-1 and A54W, R365H, and V717M are most deleterious in VPS35. To understand the functionality of protein comparative modeling of DJ-1 and VPS35 native and mutants was done by MODELLER. The generated structures are validated by two web servers–ProSa and RAMPAGE. Molecular dynamic simulation (MDS) analysis done for the most validated structures to know the functional and structural nature of native and mutants protein of DJ-1 and VPS35. Native structure of DJ-1 and VPS35 show more flexibility through MDS analysis. DJ-1 D149A mutant structures become more compact which shows the structural perturbation and loss of DJ-1 protein function which in turn are probable cause for PD. A54W, R365H, and V717M mutant protein of VPS35 also shows compactness which cause structure perturbation and absence of retromer function which likely to be linked to PD pathogenesis. This in silico study may provide a new insight for fundamental molecular mechanism involved in Parkinson’s disease. Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma 相似文献
Rutash Kumar Ankush Bansal Rohit Shukla Tiratha Raj Singh Pramod Wasudeo Ramteke Satendra Singh 《Journal of biomolecular structure & dynamics》2019,37(13):3513-3523
Solute carrier family 24 member 5 (SLC24A5) is a gene that is associated with oculocutaneous albinism type 6 (OCA6) disorder and is involved in skin and hair pigmentation. It is involved in the maturation of melanosomes and melanin synthesis. SLC24A5 gene is located in the chromosomal position of 15q21.1. The present study involves the use of computational techniques in order to obtain a detailed picture of the most probable mutations that are associated with SLC24A5. From the observed result it was found that the mutation S145F is most deleterious and disease associated is predicted using several bioinformatics tools. The 3-D structures of native and mutant (S145F) were modeled in order to understand protein functionality using ab initio Robetta server. The modeled structure validation was done with ERRAT, Verify-3D, Procheck and RAMPAGE Ramachandran plot analysis. The most validated structure undergoes molecular dynamics simulations (MDS) study to understand the structural and functional behaviour of the native and mutant proteins. The MDS result showed the more flexibility in the native SLC24A5 structure. Due to mutation in the SLC24A5 protein structure it became more rigid and might disturb the conformational changes and glycosylation function of protein structure and might play role in inducing the OCA6. This study provides a significant insight into the underlying molecular mechanism involved in albinism associated with OCA6. It further helps scientists to develop a drug therapy against OCA 6 disease.
Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma 相似文献
《Small Ruminant Research》2010,91(1-3):34-40
Acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACACA) is the rate-limiting enzyme in the biosynthesis of palmitic acid and long-chain fatty acids. The dietary intake of palmitic acid, which represents approximately 22% of sheep milk fatty acids, increases low-density lipoprotein (LDL) levels and the risk of developing human cardiovascular diseases. Following the candidate gene approach for improving sheep milk composition, and as a first step in assessing the possible influence of the ovine ACACA gene on milk fatty acid composition and its potential use as an animal genetic model of human atherosclerosis disease, we present here an investigation into the genetic variability of the ovine ACACA gene. We sequenced approximately 6.6 kb of ovine ACACA cDNA, including most of the coding sequence of the protein (except 348 bp), in Spanish Churra sheep. A total of 22 synonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were identified in the analysed sequence, which were genotyped in a set of eight sheep breeds with different productive aptitudes (dairy, meat and double aptitudes). Two of the SNPs identified, SNP03 (c.1450T>C) and SNP15 (c.5134T>C), which appeared to be breed-specific variations, were situated in the gene sequence coding for the biotin-carboxylase (BC) and acetyl-CoA carboxyltransferase (ACCT) domains of the protein, respectively. Particularly interesting is SNP12 (c.4579G>A), which displayed higher frequencies in the dairy-specialised breeds relative to the meat-producing breeds. Moreover, in the dairy breeds studied, the frequency of this SNP showed a positive correlation with the degree of dairy specialisation. A previously described alternative splicing site (Ser-1200) affecting an important regulatory region of the enzyme was observed in one of the Churra animals. Despite the high genetic variability observed in this gene, none of the identified SNPs caused an amino acid change. However, these polymorphisms could be in linkage disequilibrium with other mutations showing a functional effect on the ACACA enzyme. Hence, the characterisations of the allelic variants reported herein lay the groundwork for evaluation of the potential use of these SNPs as genetic markers of fat content and fatty acid composition in sheep dairy products. 相似文献
Objective: To explore the stability of phenotype and genotype in Trichophyton rubrum. Methods: All the strains were cultured on Sabouraud’s dextrose agar slopes, and identified to species level. Strains isolated recently
were subcultured on Sabouraud agar slopes four times at an interval of 4 weeks. DNA was extracted with CTAB method. A probe
consisting of 3′ end of 18S rDNA, adjacent ITS1, 5.8S rDNA and ITS2 regions was amplified from template DNA of the T. rubrum standard strain using fungal universal primers NS5 and ITS4, labelled by P32 and hybridized with EcoR I-digested T. rubrum genomic DNA. Results: (1) Four phenotypes were isolated from 207 T. rubrum strains, with downy type (45.4%) in the first place, and granular type not found. After 1 year of conservation, 54 strains
showed morphological variations with the total variation rate of 26.1%. (2) Eleven strains showed variations in colony morphology
or pigment upon subculture. (3) AP-PCR analysis of 10 T. rubrum isolates and one T. rubrum standard strain showed similar DNA patterns with main bands at 2.2, 1.7, 1.3, 0.9 and 0.7 kb. No changes in DNA pattern were
found upon subculture. (4) Hybridization analysis revealed that all the 11 T. rubrum strains presented three bands and were identified into two types (2.4, 3.9, 5.9 kb and 2.4, 4.4, 6.5 kb). No changes in band
pattern were found upon subculture.
Conclusions: Phenotype of T. rubrum was instable and the colonial morphology and pigment easily changed during conservation or subculture, while its genotype
was relatively stable. 相似文献
The gene polymorphisms interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) +874 T/A and interleukin (IL)-4 −590 C/T have been associated with the altered production of cytokines. Therefore, they might be indicative of the occurrence of Paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) caused by Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. The analysis of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) at position +874 IFN-γ showed an increase occurrence of A/T genotype in both PCM patients and healthy individuals as control (HIC) (56% and 45%, respectively), while the allelic distribution showed 82% of A allele in the patients and 80% in the controls. The SNP of −590 IL-4 showed that C/T genotype was significantly (p < 0.05) more prevalent (39%) in PCM group compared to the HIC group (19%), while IL-4 C/C genotype was significantly less frequent (59%) in the patient group compared to the control group (81%). Otherwise, 41% of PCM patients and 19% of HIC individuals carried the IL-4 T allele. Stimulation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from PCM patients with cell extract antigenic preparations (PbAg) as well as secreted and surface antigens (MEXO) of P. brasiliensis evidenced that there is no difference in the IFN-γ production related to A and T alleles between PCM and HIC individuals. However, with IL-4 production, PCM patients classified as C phenotype showed two times more IL-4 production than PCM patients classified as T phenotype and HIC controls. In conclusion, our results suggest that functional genetic variants in the IL-4 promoter could influence the production of IL-4 in PCM. 相似文献