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Proteins of the Omp85 family are conserved in all kingdoms of life. They mediate protein transport across or protein insertion into membranes and reside in the outer membranes of Gram-negative bacteria, mitochondria, and chloroplasts. Omp85 proteins contain a C-terminal transmembrane β-barrel and a soluble N terminus with a varying number of polypeptide-transport-associated or POTRA domains. Here we investigate Omp85 from the cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. PCC 7120. The crystallographic three-dimensional structure of the N-terminal region shows three POTRA domains, here named P1 to P3 from the N terminus. Molecular dynamics simulations revealed a hinge between P1 and P2 but in contrast show that P2 and P3 are fixed in orientation. The P2-P3 arrangement is identical as seen for the POTRA domains from proteobacterial FhaC, suggesting this orientation is a conserved feature. Furthermore, we define interfaces for protein-protein interaction in P1 and P2. P3 possesses an extended loop unique to cyanobacteria and plantae, which influences pore properties as shown by deletion. It now becomes clear how variations in structure of individual POTRA domains, as well as the different number of POTRA domains with both rigid and flexible connections make the N termini of Omp85 proteins versatile adaptors for a plentitude of functions.  相似文献   

The Type VI secretion system (T6SS) is a macromolecular machine that mediates bacteria-host or bacteria-bacteria interactions. The T6SS core apparatus assembles from 13 proteins that form two sub-assemblies: a phage-like complex and a trans-envelope complex. The Hcp, VgrG, TssE, and TssB/C subunits are structurally and functionally related to components of the tail of contractile bacteriophages. This phage-like structure is thought to be anchored to the membrane by a trans-envelope complex composed of the TssJ, TssL, and TssM proteins. However, how the two sub-complexes are connected remains unknown. Here we identify TssK, a protein that establishes contacts with the two T6SS sub-complexes through direct interactions with TssL, Hcp, and TssC. TssK is a cytoplasmic protein assembling trimers that display a three-armed shape, as revealed by TEM and SAXS analyses. Fluorescence microscopy experiments further demonstrate the requirement of TssK for sheath assembly. Our results suggest a central role for TssK by linking both complexes during T6SS assembly.  相似文献   

The type II secretion system (T2SS) secretes enzymes and toxins across the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria. The precise assembly of T2SS, which consists of at least 12 core-components called Gsp, remains unclear. The outer membrane secretin, GspD, forms the channels, through which folded proteins are secreted, and interacts with the inner membrane component, GspC. The periplasmic regions of GspC and GspD consist of several structural domains, HR(GspC) and PDZ(GspC), and N0(GspD) to N3(GspD), respectively, and recent structural and functional studies have proposed several interaction sites between these domains. We used cysteine mutagenesis and disulfide bonding analysis to investigate the organization of GspC and GspD protomers and to map their interaction sites within the secretion machinery of the plant pathogen Dickeya dadantii. At least three distinct GspC-GspD interactions were detected, and they involve two sites in HR(GspC), two in N0(GspD), and one in N2(GspD). None of these interactions occurs through static interfaces because the same sites are also involved in self-interactions with equivalent neighboring domains. Disulfide self-bonding of critical interaction sites halts secretion, indicating the transient nature of these interactions. The secretion substrate diminishes certain interactions and provokes an important rearrangement of the HR(GspC) structure. The T2SS components OutE/L/M affect various interaction sites differently, reinforcing some but diminishing the others, suggesting a possible switching mechanism of these interactions during secretion. Disulfide mapping shows that the organization of GspD and GspC subunits within the T2SS could be compatible with a hexamer of dimers arrangement rather than an organization with 12-fold rotational symmetry.  相似文献   

Protein secretion systems in Gram-negative bacteria evolved into a variety of molecular nanomachines. They are related to cell envelope complexes, which are involved in assembly of surface appendages or transport of solutes. They are classified as types, the most recent addition being the type VI secretion system (T6SS). The T6SS displays similarities to bacteriophage tail, which drives DNA injection into bacteria. The Hcp protein is related to the T4 bacteriophage tail tube protein gp19, whereas VgrG proteins structurally resemble the gp27/gp5 puncturing device of the phage. The tube and spike of the phage are pushed through the bacterial envelope upon contraction of a tail sheath composed of gp18. In Vibrio cholerae it was proposed that VipA and VipB assemble into a tail sheathlike structure. Here we confirm these previous data by showing that HsiB1 and HsiC1 of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa H1-T6SS assemble into tubules resulting from stacking of cogwheel-like structures showing predominantly 12-fold symmetry. The internal diameter of the cogwheels is ∼100 Å, which is large enough to accommodate an Hcp tube whose external diameter has been reported to be 85 Å. The N-terminal 212 residues of HsiC1 are sufficient to form a stable complex with HsiB1, but the C terminus of HsiC1 is essential for the formation of the tubelike structure. Bioinformatics analysis suggests that HsiC1 displays similarities to gp18-like proteins in its C-terminal region. In conclusion, we provide further structural and mechanistic insights into the T6SS and show that a phage sheathlike structure is likely to be a conserved element across all T6SSs.  相似文献   

Fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF2) is a critical mitogen with a central role in specific steps of tumor-induced angiogenesis. It is known to be secreted by unconventional means bypassing the endoplasmic reticulum/Golgi-dependent secretory pathway. However, the mechanism of FGF2 membrane translocation into the extracellular space has remained elusive. Here, we show that phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate-dependent membrane recruitment causes FGF2 to oligomerize, which in turn triggers the formation of a lipidic membrane pore with a putative toroidal structure. This process is strongly up-regulated by tyrosine phosphorylation of FGF2. Our findings explain key requirements of FGF2 secretion from living cells and suggest a novel self-sustained mechanism of protein translocation across membranes with a lipidic membrane pore being a transient translocation intermediate.  相似文献   

The type II secretion system of Gram-negative bacteria is important for bacterial pathogenesis and survival; it is composed of 12 mostly multimeric core proteins, which build a sophisticated secretion machine spanning both bacterial membranes. OutC is the core component of the inner membrane subcomplex thought to be involved in both recognition of substrate and interaction with the outer membrane secretin OutD. Here, we report the solution structure of the HR domain of OutC and explore its interaction with the secretin. The HR domain adopts a β-sandwich-like fold consisting of two β-sheets each composed of three anti-parallel β-strands. This structure is strikingly similar to the periplasmic region of PilP, an inner membrane lipoprotein from the type IV pilus system highlighting the common evolutionary origin of these two systems and showing that all the core components of the type II secretion system have a structural or sequence ortholog within the type IV pili system. The HR domain is shown to interact with the N0 domain of the secretin. The importance of this interaction is explored in the context of the functional secretion system.  相似文献   

The role of TolC has largely been explored in proteobacteria, where it functions as a metabolite and protein exporter. In contrast, little research has been carried out on the function of cyanobacterial homologues, and as a consequence, not much is known about the mechanism of cyanobacterial antibiotic uptake and metabolite secretion in general. It has been suggested that the TolC-like homologue of the filamentous, heterocyst-forming cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. PCC 7120, termed heterocyst glycolipid deposition protein D (HgdD), is involved in both protein and lipid secretion. To describe its function in secondary metabolite secretion, we established a system to measure the uptake of antibiotics based on the fluorescent molecule ethidium bromide. We analyzed the rate of porin-dependent metabolite uptake and confirmed the functional relation between detoxification and the action of HgdD. Moreover, we identified two major facilitator superfamily proteins that are involved in this process. It appears that anaOmp85 (Alr2269) is not required for insertion or assembly of HgdD, because an alr2269 mutant does not exhibit a phenotype similar to the hgdD mutant. Thus, we could assign components of the metabolite efflux system and describe parameters of detoxification by Anabaena sp. PCC 7120.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic membrane proteins generally reside in membrane bilayers that have lipid asymmetry. However, in vitro studies of the impact of lipids upon membrane proteins are generally carried out in model membrane vesicles that lack lipid asymmetry. Our recently developed method to prepare lipid vesicles with asymmetry similar to that in plasma membranes and with controlled amounts of cholesterol was used to investigate the influence of lipid composition and lipid asymmetry upon the conformational behavior of the pore-forming, cholesterol-dependent cytolysin perfringolysin O (PFO). PFO conformational behavior in asymmetric vesicles was found to be distinct both from that in symmetric vesicles with the same lipid composition as the asymmetric vesicles and from that in vesicles containing either only the inner leaflet lipids from the asymmetric vesicles or only the outer leaflet lipids from the asymmetric vesicles. The presence of phosphatidylcholine in the outer leaflet increased the cholesterol concentration required to induce PFO binding, whereas phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylserine in the inner leaflet of asymmetric vesicles stabilized the formation of a novel deeply inserted conformation that does not form pores, even though it contains transmembrane segments. This conformation may represent an important intermediate stage in PFO pore formation. These studies show that lipid asymmetry can strongly influence the behavior of membrane-inserted proteins.  相似文献   

A significant part of bacterial two-component system response regulators contains effector domains predicted to be involved in metabolism of bis-(3'-5')-cyclic dimeric guanosine monophosphate (c-di-GMP), a second messenger that plays a key role in many physiological processes. The intracellular level of c-di-GMP is controlled by diguanylate cyclase and phosphodiesterases activities associated with GGDEF and EAL domains, respectively. The Legionella pneumophila Lens genome displays 22 GGDEF/EAL domain-encoding genes. One of them, lpl0329, encodes a protein containing a two-component system receiver domain and both GGDEF and EAL domains. Here, we demonstrated that the GGDEF and EAL domains of Lpl0329 are both functional and lead to simultaneous synthesis and hydrolysis of c-di-GMP. Moreover, these two opposite activities are finely regulated by Lpl0329 phosphorylation due to the atypical histidine kinase Lpl0330. Indeed, Lpl0330 was found to autophosphorylate on a histidine residue in an atypical H box, which is conserved in various bacteria species and thus defines a new histidine kinase subfamily. Lpl0330 also catalyzes the phosphotransferase to Lpl0329, which results in a diguanylate cyclase activity decrease whereas phosphodiesterase activity remains efficient. Altogether, these data present (i) a new histidine kinase subfamily based on the conservation of an original H box that we named HGN H box, and (ii) the first example of a bifunctional enzyme that modulates synthesis and turnover of c-di-GMP in response to phosphorylation of its receiver domain.  相似文献   

Diseases caused by many Gram-negative bacterial pathogens depend on the activities of bacterial effector proteins that are delivered into eukaryotic cells via specialized secretion systems. Effector protein function largely depends on specific subcellular targeting and specific interactions with cellular ligands. PDZ domains are common domains that serve to provide specificity in protein-protein interactions in eukaryotic systems. We show that putative PDZ-binding motifs are significantly enriched among effector proteins delivered into mammalian cells by certain bacterial pathogens. We use PDZ domain microarrays to identify candidate interaction partners of the Shigella flexneri effector proteins OspE1 and OspE2, which contain putative PDZ-binding motifs. We demonstrate in vitro and in cells that OspE proteins interact with PDLIM7, a member of the PDLIM family of proteins, which contain a PDZ domain and one or more LIM domains, protein interaction domains that participate in a wide variety of functions, including activation of isoforms of protein kinase C (PKC). We demonstrate that activation of PKC during S. flexneri infection is attenuated in the absence of PDLIM7 or OspE proteins and that the OspE PDZ-binding motif is required for wild-type levels of PKC activation. These results are consistent with a model in which binding of OspE to PDLIM7 during infection regulates the activity of PKC isoforms that bind to the PDLIM7 LIM domain.  相似文献   

Oral streptococci adhere to tooth-immobilized glycoprotein 340 (GP340) via the surface protein antigen I/II (AgI/II) and its homologs as the first step in pathogenesis. Studying this interaction using recombinant proteins, we observed that calcium increases the conformational stability of the scavenger-rich cysteine repeat (SRCRs) domains of GP340. Our results also show that AgI/II adheres specifically with nanomolar affinity to the calcium-induced SRCR conformation in an immobilized state and not in solution. This interaction is significantly dependent on the O-linked carbohydrates present on the SRCRs. This study also establishes that a single SRCR domain of GP340 contains the two surfaces to which the apical and C-terminal regions of AgI/II noncompetitively adhere. Compared with the single SRCR domain, the three tandem SRCR domains displayed a collective/cooperative increase in their bacterial adherence and aggregation. The previously described SRCRP2 peptide that was shown to aggregate several oral streptococci displayed limited aggregation and also nonspecific adherence compared to SRCR domains. Finally, we show distinct species-specific adherence/aggregation between Streptococcus mutans AgI/II and Streptococcus gordonii SspB in their interaction with the SRCRs. This study concludes that identification of the metal ion and carbohydrate adherence motifs on both SRCRs and AgI/II homologs could lead to the development of anti-adhesive inhibitors that could deter the adherence of pathogenic oral streptococci and thereby prevent the onset of infections.  相似文献   

The serine/threonine protein kinase YpkA is an essential virulence factor produced by pathogenic Yersinia species. YpkA is delivered into host mammalian cells via a type III secretion system and localizes to the inner side of the plasma membrane. We have previously shown that YpkA binds to and phosphorylates the α subunit of the heterotrimeric G protein complex, Gαq, resulting in inhibition of Gαq signaling. To identify residues in YpkA involved in substrate binding activity we generated GFP-YpkA N-terminal deletion mutants and performed coimmunoprecipitation experiments. We located a substrate-binding domain on amino acids 40–49 of YpkA, which lies within the previously identified membrane localization domain on YpkA. Deletion of amino acids 40–49 on YpkA interfered with substrate binding, substrate phosphorylation and substrate inhibition. Autophosphorylation regulates the kinase activity of YpkA. To dissect the mechanism by which YpkA transmits signals, we performed nano liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry to map in vivo phosphorylation sites. Multiple serine phosphorylation sites were identified in the secretion/translocation region, kinase domain, and C-terminal region of YpkA. Using site-directed mutagenesis we generated multiple YpkA constructs harboring specific serine to alanine point mutations. Our results demonstrate that multiple autophosphorylation sites within the N terminus regulate YpkA kinase activation, whereas mutation of serine to alanine within the C terminus of YpkA had no effect on kinase activity. YpkA autophosphorylation on multiple sites may be a strategy used by pathogenic Yersinia to prevent inactivation of this important virulence protein by host proteins.  相似文献   

The TolC-like protein HgdD of the filamentous, heterocyst-forming cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. PCC 7120 is part of multiple three-component “AB-D” systems spanning the inner and outer membranes and is involved in secretion of various compounds, including lipids, metabolites, antibiotics, and proteins. Several components of HgdD-dependent tripartite transport systems have been identified, but the diversity of inner membrane energizing systems is still unknown. Here we identified six putative resistance-nodulation-cell division (RND) type factors. Four of them are expressed during late exponential and stationary growth phase under normal growth conditions, whereas the other two are induced upon incubation with erythromycin or ethidium bromide. The constitutively expressed RND component Alr4267 has an atypical predicted topology, and a mutant strain (I-alr4267) shows a reduction in the content of monogalactosyldiacylglycerol as well as an altered filament shape. An insertion mutant of the ethidium bromide-induced all7631 did not show any significant phenotypic alteration under the conditions tested. Mutants of the constitutively expressed all3143 and alr1656 exhibited a Fox phenotype. The phenotype of the insertion mutant I-all3143 parallels that of the I-hgdD mutant with respect to antibiotic sensitivity, lipid profile, and ethidium efflux. In addition, expression of the RND genes all3143 and all3144 partially complements the capability of Escherichia coli ΔacrAB to transport ethidium. We postulate that the RND transporter All3143 and the predicted membrane fusion protein All3144, as homologs of E. coli AcrB and AcrA, respectively, are major players for antibiotic resistance in Anabaena sp. PCC 7120.  相似文献   

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