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Ninety four scalloped hammerhead sharks, Sphyrna lewini (53 females and 41 males) ranging in size from 121 to 321cm total length (TL), were collected from surface gillnetters operating off northeastern Brazil and throughout the southwestern equatorial Atlantic Ocean between January and December 1996. A common regression for TL and eviscerated weight (EW) was calculated as, logEW = –11.786 + 2.889 logTL. Females and males were categorised into reproductive stages (4 and 2, respectively) according to morphological changes in their gonads. Size at sexual maturity for females was estimated to be 240cm, while males appeared to mature at between 180 and 200cm. Gravid females had between 2 and 21 embryos or pups, varying in TL from 3 to 38cm. There was no relationship between maternal length and size of litter. Copulation and parturition appear to occur outside the sampled area and possibly closer to the coast. With the exception of slightly lower uterine and ovarian fecundities, the results support the few existing data on the reproductive cycle of S. lewini in other areas.  相似文献   

The nurse shark, Ginglymostoma cirratum, is an abundant coastal species widely distributed on both sides of the tropical and subtropical Atlantic Ocean. Despite being an endangered species in Brazil, information on bio-ecological aspects of this species is still very scarce. This study investigates seasonal fluctuations in abundance, sex ratio and residency of nurse sharks in coastal waters off Recife, northeastern Brazil. Total length of the specimens caught ranged from 107 to 300 cm. Sex ratio for nurse sharks was 1.31♀:1♂ but it showed a strong variation throughout the year. About 8% of tagged sharks were recaptured after an average of 248 days at liberty, at distances between 0.04 and 6.23 km from the tagging site. A growth rate of 15.77?±?2.53 cm/yr was obtained from total length data collected from three recaptured specimens. Nurse sharks demonstrated some signs of affinity for temperatures between 25º and 30°C and salinities between 34 and 37. The combined analysis of longline and telemetry data indicated possible differences in habitat usage between sexes of nurse sharks off Recife.  相似文献   

Martijn Koster 《Ethnos》2014,79(2):215-237
In Brazil, citizenship rights and the institutionalisation of citizen participation have advanced significantly under the democratic regime. However, many of the urban poor are still alienated from the state and its legal system. This article argues that, to understand the citizenship of these ‘half-citizens’, it is necessary to take account of an unofficial realm of practices. I show how residents of a slum in Recife interpret and deal with the state project of registered citizenship, which finds its material expression in the compulsory carrying of identity cards. Carrying these cards is surrounded by fear of violent police control. However, obtaining identity cards through informal procedures is associated with a longing for personalised relationships with the police and other state representatives. The relationship of these residents with their identity cards is thus both fearful and affectionate, which allows us to understand their citizenship as a confluence of fear and intimacy.  相似文献   

Six hundred and eleven random-source dogs (338 male, 273 female) one year of age or older, from six sections of the city of Recife, Pernambuco, were examined antemortem for circulating microfilariae Dirofilaria immitis and Dipetalonema reconditum adult heartworm (D. immitis) antigen, and examined postmortem for adult heartworms. The prevalence of heartworm infection was 2.3% (14/611), as determined by necropsy for adult worms, and 1% (6/611) had circulating microfilariae of D. immitis; thus, 57.1% of the heartworm-infected dogs had occult infections. The results of serological testing indicated that 1.3% (8/611) of the dogs were positive for adult heartworm antigen. A total of 42 (6.9%) of the dogs had microfilariae of D. reconditum; 40 of these had only D. reconditum and two additional dogs had microfilariae of both species, D. immitis and D. reconditum.  相似文献   

As the intensity and speed of environmental change increase at both local and global scales it is imperative that we gain a better understanding of the ecological implications of community shifts. While there has been substantial progress toward understanding the drivers and subsequent responses of community change (e.g. lake trophic state), the ecological impacts of food web changes are far less understood. We analyzed Wabash River fish assemblage data collected from 1974-2008, to evaluate temporal variation in body-size structure and functional group composition. Two parameters derived from annual community size-spectra were our major response variables: (1) the regression slope is an index of ecological efficiency and predator-prey biomass ratios, and (2) spectral elevation (regression midpoint height) is a proxy for food web capacity. We detected a large assemblage shift, over at least a seven year period, defined by dramatic changes in abundance (measured as catch-per-unit-effort) of the dominant functional feeding groups among two time periods; from an assemblage dominated by planktivore-omnivores to benthic invertivores. There was a concurrent increase in ecological efficiency (slopes increased over time) following the shift associated with an increase in large-bodied low trophic level fish. Food web capacity remained relatively stable with no clear temporal trends. Thus, increased ecological efficiency occurred simultaneous to a compensatory response that shifted biomass among functional feeding groups.  相似文献   

In this first attempt to survey the Brazilian sponge-dwelling fishes we present a list of collected fishes, with notes on their distribution, abundance and habitat preferences. Risor ruber, an obligate sponge-dwelling goby, and Scorpaenodes tredecimspinosus, never before collected in association with sponges, are recorded for the first time in the western South Atlantic based on collections made in localities on the northeastern Brazilian coast. Previous work on Risor ruber indicated that it preferred massive sponges, but in our study the majority of the specimens were found in the lumen of tubular sponges, Aplysina lacunosa, together with other fishes and invertebrates, mostly crustaceans. Elacatinus figaro, originally described as a cleaner goby, is also a sponge-dweller that occurs in waters much deeper than previously thought. The sponge community off northeastern Brazil represents the only shelter for several species of fishes in a desert of rubble and flat rocky bottoms, perhaps functioning as habitat oases. We also found four Brazilian endemic species of fishes associated with sponges in depths greater than 50m, which contradicts a previous hypothesis suggesting that endemic fishes in Brazilian coastal waters are restricted to depths less than 50m.  相似文献   

Thirty nosocomial isolates of Klebsiella pneumoniae, collected from three public hospitals in Recife, Brazil, between 1999 and 2000, were analysed in order to determine their epidemiological relatedness and genetic characteristics. The isolates were characterised by biotyping, antibiotyping, protein analysis, plasmid profile and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD). The majority of the clinical isolates were resistant to multiple antibiotics, in particular to beta-lactams, and 30% were found to be ESBLs producers. RAPD proved to be the most effective technique in discriminating unrelated K. pneumoniae isolates. It was confirmed by the highly genetic similarity found among related isolates from an hospital outbreak. We conclude that K. pneumoniae infections in Recife has been caused by a variety of bacterial genotypes. This is the first report that revealed the subtypes of K. pneumoniae in Brazil by plasmid analysis and RAPD.  相似文献   

326 samples of diarrheal feces obtained from children whose ages ranged from zero to 5 years, admitted in two rehydration hospitals in the city of Recife, Pernambuco, were analyzed. Feces were placed in Cary-Blair medium (4 degrees C) for shipment to the laboratory. There was no difference in the rate of bacteria isolation if the samples were analyzed within the period from 3 to 7 days of collection. 19.02% of the analyzed samples were positives for at least one of the searched bacteria, 26 Salmonella belonging to 3 species, 21 classic enteropathogenic E. coli, 1 invasive E. coli, 10 Shigella belonging to 3 serotypes and 1 Yersinia enterocolitica were found.  相似文献   

Little is known about the impacts of the international shark fin trade in emerging economies. This study describes and discusses the knowledge and practices of artisanal fishers in Bahia state, Brazil, concerning the global fin trade. All participants confirmed that fin trade is conducted locally, and 44 (67.7%) admitted to having sold fins. Shark fins reach high prices. Most fishers claim that the number of sharks captured is increasing, and 24.6% (n = 16) claim that this is the reason behind the drop in shark populations. The participants vehemently oppose finning and declare that vessels from other regions catch shark for finning in the area. Fishers believe that surveillance and heavy fines are an effective way to curb finning. Further studies should investigate the sociocultural, economic, and ecological impacts of the sale of fins by artisanal fishers.  相似文献   

The Caatinga dry forest poses a series of ecological challenges for mammals in general and primates in particular. The erratic rainfall pattern impacts on plant diversity and phenological patterns; from year to year there is marked variability in fruit production and failure to fruit is common. The harshness apparently accounts for the impoverished mammalian fauna. However, data on primate abundance, distribution, and possible environmental effects on primate density are lacking in this type of dry forest. I censused the primate community in 3 habitats of the Serra da Capivara National Park, Piaui, NE Brazil, over a total distance of 318 km. Overall, the abundance of primates in the Caatinga dry forest is very low as a consequence of low abundance of food resources both in space and time. Alouatta caraya (predominantly folivorous) occurs at extremely low density, and during the dry season are apparently confined to canyon areas, where trees retain their leaves. Callithrix jacchus has morphological feeding specializations for gum-eating, and gum is an important resource during food bottleneck periods. Nonetheless, Callithrix jacchus occurs at comparatively low densities. Group sizes for howlers and marmosets in the Caatinga are significantly smaller than in other forest types. Contrarily, Cebus apella libidinosus had an average group size within the range reported for Amazonian and Atlantic forests. Researchers consider the generalized diet of capuchins as the explanation for their similar abundance in different habitats, indicating relative independence from ecological constraints. However, I suggest that capuchin foraging style and cognitive abilities are important factors accounting for their unreduced group size and density even under extreme conditions.  相似文献   

A common mesofilter approach to conservation of biological diversity and ecosystem function used in agricultural and urban landscapes is maintenance of wetlands and an undisturbed terrestrial buffer surrounding wetlands. Although it is generally accepted that forest buffers protect wetland-associated biological diversity and ecosystem function, the effectiveness and optimal spatial extent of buffers is still an area of debate. During 2007 and 2008 we surveyed amphibians and environmental conditions associated with 54 depression wetlands on the Delmarva Peninsula of Maryland, USA, to examine the role of forest buffers and wetland characteristics in structuring amphibian communities. Forest cover within a 50-m buffer surrounding wetlands was correlated (r = −0.81) with wetland pH but no other wetland characteristics. Wetland pH, canopy cover, hydroperiod, and adjacent forest cover were important predictors of wetland use by individual amphibian species, with many species more likely to occur at wetlands that dried late in the hydrological year and with open canopies. At least one common species preferred circumneutral pH and several restricted-distribution species preferred lower pH (<5). Contrary to expectations, relationships between species occurrence and adjacent forest cover were negative. Our results suggest that current regulations that provide buffers of 30 m or less do not provide adequate protection of wetland water chemistry but that forest encroachment into wetlands may be a threat to the integrity of amphibian communities and should be the target of monitoring, future research, and management efforts. © 2021 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

A synthetic mixture of an oviposition‐stimulating kairomone for the yellow fever mosquito, Aedes aegypti, comprising of 83% tetradecanoic acid, 16% nonanoic acid and 1% tetradecanoic acid methyl ester (NTT, in short) was tested in a dengue endemic area in Recife, Brazil. Gravid female mosquitoes confined to a cage under semi‐field conditions deposited significantly higher numbers of eggs in traps baited with NTT at doses ranging from 0.6 to 600 ng/μl than in control (water) traps. When tested in homes, egg‐laying in traps baited with 60 ng NTT/μl (final concentration in trap, ≈3.33 ng/ml) and in control traps was not significantly different, but egg deposited in traps with lower dosage (6 ng NTT/μl; final concentration in trap, ≈0.33 ng/ml) was significantly higher than in control traps. In subsequent trials, the numbers of eggs laid in traps baited with 0.6 ng NTT/μl (final concentration in trap, ≈0.033 ng/ml) were not significantly different from the numbers deposited in trap loaded with 6 ng NTT/μl. Egg‐laying was significantly higher in these treatments than in control traps.  相似文献   

To assess the prevalence of primary resistance of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) to antiretrovirals, 84 patients chronically infected with HIV without prior antiretroviral treatment from Northeast Brazil were studied. Genotyping was performed using the ViroSeq Genotyping System. Thimidine analog mutations occurred in 3 (3.6%) patients. Accessory mutations related to NRTI occurred in 6 (7.1%) and related to PI in 67 (79.8%). Subtypes B (72.6%), F (22.6%), B/F 3 (3.6%), and C (1.2%) were detected. A low prevalence of major mutations related to NRTI in patients chronically infected by HIV was observed.  相似文献   

Highly constrained, subsurface layers of Mesodinium rubrum (Lohmann)were observed and sampled on the continental shelf off the northerncoast of São Paulo State, Brazil in calm, sunny weather.The layers of this autotrophic ciliate occurred as visible lenticularbillows of red water lying 1.5—2 m below the sea surface.Upper and lower limits of the discolored layers, as seen bydivers, were defined by sharp visual discontinuities. Maximumvertical thickness of the layers was  相似文献   

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