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Burnashev  N. 《Neurophysiology》2002,34(2-3):95-95
The author briefly summarizes his own experimental data obtained earlier and reports evidence in favor of the contribution of postsynaptic AMPA receptor channels to the mechanisms underlying modifications of excitatory synaptic transmission in the CNS (in particular, in neocortical and hippocampal neuronal circuits).  相似文献   

Memory storage in the brain relies on mechanisms acting on time scales from minutes, for long-term synaptic potentiation, to days, for memory consolidation. During such processes, neural circuits distinguish synapses relevant for forming a long-term storage, which are consolidated, from synapses of short-term storage, which fade. How time scale integration and synaptic differentiation is simultaneously achieved remains unclear. Here we show that synaptic scaling – a slow process usually associated with the maintenance of activity homeostasis – combined with synaptic plasticity may simultaneously achieve both, thereby providing a natural separation of short- from long-term storage. The interaction between plasticity and scaling provides also an explanation for an established paradox where memory consolidation critically depends on the exact order of learning and recall. These results indicate that scaling may be fundamental for stabilizing memories, providing a dynamic link between early and late memory formation processes.  相似文献   

Previous research suggests that anodal transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) over the primary motor cortex (M1) modulates NMDA receptor dependent processes that mediate synaptic plasticity. Here we test this proposal by applying anodal versus sham tDCS while subjects practiced to flex the thumb as fast as possible (ballistic movements). Repetitive practice of this task has been shown to result in performance improvements that reflect use-dependent plasticity resulting from NMDA receptor mediated, long-term potentiation (LTP)-like processes. Using a double-blind within-subject cross-over design, subjects (n=14) participated either in an anodal or a sham tDCS session which were at least 3 months apart. Sham or anodal tDCS (1 mA) was applied for 20 min during motor practice and retention was tested 30 min, 24 hours and one week later. All subjects improved performance during each of the two sessions (p < 0.001) and learning gains were similar. Our main result is that long term retention performance (i.e. 1 week after practice) was significantly better when practice was performed with anodal tDCS than with sham tDCS (p < 0.001). This effect was large (Cohen’s d=1.01) and all but one subject followed the group trend. Our data strongly suggest that anodal tDCS facilitates long-term memory formation reflecting use-dependent plasticity. Our results support the notion that anodal tDCS facilitates synaptic plasticity mediated by an LTP-like mechanism, which is in accordance with previous research.  相似文献   



Theta rhythm in the hippocampal formation is a main feature of exploratory behaviour and is believed to enable the encoding of new spatial information and the modification of synaptic weights. Cyclic changes of dentate gyrus excitability during theta rhythm are related to its function, but whether theta epochs per se are able to alter network properties of dentate gyrus for long time-periods is still poorly understood.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We used low-frequency stimulation protocols that amplify the power of endogenous theta oscillations, in order to estimate the plasticity effect of endogenous theta oscillations on a population level. We found that stimulation-induced augmentation of the theta rhythm is linked to a subsequent increase of neuronal excitability and decrease of the synaptic response. This EPSP-to-Spike uncoupling is related to an increased postsynaptic spiking on the positive phases of theta frequency oscillations. Parallel increase of the field EPSP slope and the population spike occurs only after concurrent pre- and postsynaptic activation. Furthermore, we observed that long-term potentiation (>24 h) occurs in the dentate gyrus of freely behaving adult rats after phasic activity of entorhinal afferents in the theta-frequency range. This plasticity is proportional to the field bursting activity of granule cells during the stimulation, and may comprise a key step in spatial information transfer. Long-term potentiation of the synaptic component occurs only when the afferent stimulus precedes the evoked population burst, and is input-specific.


Our data confirm the role of the dentate gyrus in filtering information to the subsequent network during the activated state of the hippocampus.  相似文献   

A major goal of modern neuroscience research is to understand the cellular and molecular processes that control the formation, function, and remodeling of chemical synapses. In this article, we discuss the numerous studies that implicate molecules initially discovered for their functions in axon guidance as critical regulators of synapse formation and plasticity. Insights from these studies have helped elucidate basic principles of synaptogenesis, dendritic spine formation, and structural and functional synapse plasticity. In addition, they have revealed interesting dual roles for proteins and cellular mechanisms involved in both axon guidance and synaptogenesis. Much like the dual involvement of morphogens in early cell fate induction and axon guidance, many guidance-related molecules continue to play active roles in controlling the location, number, shape, and strength of neuronal synapses during development and throughout the lifetime of the organism. This article summarizes key findings that link axon guidance molecules to specific aspects of synapse formation and plasticity and discusses the emerging relationship between the molecular and cellular mechanisms that control both axon guidance and synaptogenesis.  相似文献   

Changes in tissue and extracellular serotonin (5-HT) in raphe dorsalis, raphe medialis and in their main projections areas (hippocampus, striatum and frontal cortex) were investigated at short and long-term times after single injection (5 mg/kg ip) of a novel tryptophan hydroxylase inhibitor, p-ethynylphenylalanine (p-EPA). The 5-HT tissue concentration decreased significantly in raphe nuclei, 30 min post-injection and for 4 days, whereas it decreased from 24 hours post-injection in the 5-HT projections. Normal 5-HT levels reappeared after 12 days post-injection in all areas. Moreover, in the projection areas, the extracellular 5-HT levels decreased rapidly, 90, 40 and 30 min after p-EPA injection, in hippocampus, striatum and frontal cortex, respectively. Decreased accumulation of 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) under NSD-101 perfusion in the serotoninergic projections after p-EPA injection, confirmed the direct inhibitory effect of the drug on the tryptophan hydroxylase activity. These results demonstrated that p-EPA is a useful pharmacological tool which powerfully, acutely and irreversibly reduces the 5-HT levels.  相似文献   

Space perception provides egocentric, oriented views of the environment from which working and long-term memories are constructed. “Allocentric” (i.e. position-independent) long-term memories may be organized as graphs of recognized places or views but the interaction of such cognitive graphs with egocentric working memories is unclear. Here we present a simple coherent model of view-based working and long-term memories, together with supporting evidence from behavioral experiments. The model predicts that within a given place, memories for some views may be more salient than others, that imagery of a target square should depend on the location where the recall takes place, and that recall favors views of the target square that would be obtained when approaching it from the current recall location. In two separate experiments in an outdoor urban environment, pedestrians were approached at various interview locations and asked to draw sketch maps of one of two well-known squares. Orientations of the sketch map productions depended significantly on distance and direction of the interview location from the target square, i.e. different views were recalled at different locations. Further analysis showed that location-dependent recall is related to the respective approach direction when imagining a walk from the interview location to the target square. The results are consistent with a view-based model of spatial long-term and working memories and their interplay.  相似文献   

One-trial step-down inhibitory (passive) avoidance training is followed by two peaks of cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) activity in rat CA1: one immediately after training and the other 3 h later. The second peak relies on the first: Immediate posttraining infusion into CA1 of the inhibitor of the regulatory subunit of PKA, Rp-cAMPS, at a dose that reduces PKA activity during less than 90 min, cancelled both peaks. Long-term memory (LTM) of this task measured at 24 h depends on the two peaks: Rp-cAMPS given into CA1 0 or 175 min posttraining, but not between those times, blocked LTM. However, the effect of immediate posttraining Rp-cAMPS on LTM could not be reversed by the activator of the regulatory subunit of PKA, Sp-cAMPS, given at 180 min, which suggests that, for LTM, the first peak may be more important than the second. When given at 0, 22, 45, or 90, but not at 175 min from training, Rp-cAMPS blocked short-term memory (STM) measured at 90 or 180 min. This effect of immediate posttraining Rp-cAMPS infusion on STM but not that on LTM was readily reversed by Sp-cAMPS infused 22 min later. On its own, Sp-cAMPS had effects exactly opposite to those of the inhibitor. It enhanced LTM when given at 0 or 175 min from training, and it enhanced STM when given at 0, 22, 45, or 90 min from training. These findings show that STM and LTM formation require separate PKA-dependent processes in CA1. STM relies on the continued activity of the enzyme during the first 90 min. LTM relies on the two peaks of PKA activity that occur immediately and 180 min posttraining.  相似文献   



Jaundice is one of the most common problems encountered in newborn infants, due to immaturity of hepatic conjugation and transport processes for bilirubin. Although the majority of neonatal jaundice is benign, some neonates with severe hyperbilirubinemia develop bilirubin encephalopathy or kernicterus. Accumulation of unconjugated bilirubin (UCB) in selected brain regions may result in temporary or permanent impairments of auditory, motor, or cognitive function; however, the molecular mechanisms by which UCB elicits such neurotoxicity are still poorly understood. The present study is undertaken to investigate whether prolonged exposure of rat organotypic hippocampal slice cultures to UCB alters the induction of long-term synaptic plasticity.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Using electrophysiological recording techniques, we find that exposure of hippocampal slice cultures to clinically relevant concentrations of UCB for 24 or 48 h results in an impairment of CA1 long-term potentiation (LTP) and long-term depression (LTD) induction in a time- and concentration-dependent manner. Hippocampal slice cultures stimulated with UCB show no changes in the secretion profiles of the pro-inflammatory cytokines, interleukin-1β and tumor necrosis factor-α, or the propidium ioide uptake. UCB treatment produced a significant decrease in the levels of NR1, NR2A and NR2B subunits of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors through a calpain-mediated proteolytic cleavage mechanism. Pretreatment of the hippocampal slice cultures with NMDA receptor antagonist or calpain inhibitors effectively prevented the UCB-induced impairment of LTP and LTD.


Our results indicate that the proteolytic cleavage of NMDA receptor subunits by calpain may play a critical role in mediating the UCB-induced impairment of long-term synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus. These observations provide new insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying UCB-induced impairment of hippocampal synaptic plasticity which, in turn, might provide opportunities for the development of novel therapeutic strategies that targets these pathways for treatment.  相似文献   

Mutations in leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2) underlie an autosomal-dominant form of Parkinson''s disease (PD) that is clinically indistinguishable from idiopathic PD. The function of LRRK2 is not well understood, but it has become widely accepted that LRRK2 levels or its kinase activity, which is increased by the most commonly observed mutation (G2019S), regulate neurite growth. However, growth has not been measured; it is not known whether mean differences in length correspond to altered rates of growth or retraction, whether axons or dendrites are impacted differentially or whether effects observed are transient or sustained. To address these questions, we compared several developmental milestones in neurons cultured from mice expressing bacterial artificial chromosome transgenes encoding mouse wildtype-LRRK2 or mutant LRRK2-G2019S, Lrrk2 knockout mice and non-transgenic mice. Over the course of three weeks of development on laminin, the data show a sustained, negative effect of LRRK2-G2019S on dendritic growth and arborization, but counter to expectation, dendrites from Lrrk2 knockout mice do not elaborate more rapidly. In contrast, young neurons cultured on a slower growth substrate, poly-L-lysine, show significantly reduced axonal and dendritic motility in Lrrk2 transgenic neurons and significantly increased motility in Lrrk2 knockout neurons with no significant changes in length. Our findings support that LRRK2 can regulate patterns of axonal and dendritic growth, but they also show that effects vary depending on growth substrate and stage of development. Such predictable changes in motility can be exploited in LRRK2 bioassays and guide exploration of LRRK2 function in vivo.  相似文献   

Wistar rats were injected intraperitoneally with 10 mg/kg of protriptyline according to one of the following schedules: a single dose or daily for 4 days (short-term), or daily for 2 or 13 weeks (long-term). Total lipid, total phospholipid, and individual phospholipid contents in the brain were determined. Further, the incorporation of 32P into individual phospholipids in vivo and the fatty acid composition of phosphatidylethanolamine in the brains of rats treated with protriptyline for 13 weeks were studied. Three alternative phases of changes of total and individual phospholipid contents in the brain during 13 weeks of experimentation were distinguished. An increase of phospholipid contents after 4 days, a decrease after 2 weeks, and a further increase after 13 weeks of protriptyline administration were found. However, phosphatidylinositol and phosphatidic acid levels after 13 weeks of protriptyline administration were diminished. The decrease of specific radioactivity of phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylcholine, and phosphatidylserine and the increase of phosphatidylinositol, phosphatidic acid, and sphingomyelin in rats treated with the drug for a longer period of time were noted. No greater differences in fatty acid composition of phosphatidylethanolamine in the brains of the same group of rats were observed as compared to control. These results indicate that during long-term treatment with protriptyline the contents of lipids and phospholipids in rat brain are altered. The modification of the biological function of phospholipids in brain cell membranes is suggested.  相似文献   

《Endocrine practice》2023,29(4):240-246
ObjectiveThe aim of this study was to compare long-term outcomes in terms of new onset or worsening of Graves orbitopathy (GO) in patients with Graves disease treated with different therapeutic modalities for hyperthyroidism.MethodsA total of 1163 patients with Graves disease were enrolled in this study; 263 patients were treated with radioiodine and 808 patients received methimazole (MMI) therapy for a median of 18 months, of whom 178 patients continued MMI for a total of 96 months (long-term methimazole [LT-MMI]). The thyroid hormonal status and GO were evaluated regularly for a median of 159 months since enrollment.ResultsThe rates of relapse, euthyroidism, and hypothyroidism at the end of follow-up were as follows: radioiodine treatment group: 16%, 22%, and 62%, respectively; short-term MMI group: 59%, 36%, and 5%, respectively; and LT-MMI group: 18%, 80%, and 2%, respectively. During the first 18 months of therapy, worsening of GO (11.5% vs 5.7%) and de novo development of GO (12.5% vs 9.8%) were significantly more frequent after radioiodine treatment (P <.004). Overall worsening and de novo development of GO from >18 to 234 months occurred in 26 (9.9%) patients in the radioiodine group and 8 (4.5%) patients in the LT-MMI group (P <.037). No case of worsening or new onset of GO was observed in patients treated with LT-MMI from >60 to 234 months of follow-up.ConclusionProgression and development of GO were associated more with radioiodine treatment than with MMI treatment; GO may appear de novo or worsen years after radioiodine treatment but not after LT-MMI therapy.  相似文献   

Tumor-promoting inflammation is one of the hallmarks of cancer. It has been shown that cancer development is strongly influenced by both chronic and acute inflammation process. Progress in research on inflammation revealed a connection between inflammatory processes and neoplastic transformation, the progression of tumour, and the development of metastases and recurrences. Moreover, the tumour invasive procedures (both surgery and biopsy) affect the remaining tumour cells by increasing their survival, proliferation and migration. One of the concepts explaining this phenomena is an induction of a wound healing response. While in normal tissue it is necessary for tissue repair, in tumour tissue, induction of adaptive and innate immune response related to wound healing, stimulates tumour cell survival, angiogenesis and extravasation of circulating tumour cells. It has become evident that certain types of immune response and immune cells can promote tumour progression more than others. In this review, we focus on current knowledge on carcinogenesis and promotion of cancer growth induced by inflammatory processes.  相似文献   

Rats were submitted to a series of 10 daily electroconvulsive shocks (ECS). A first group of animals was killed 1 day after the last seizure and a second group 30 days later. Tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) activity was measured using an in vitro assay in the nucleus caudatus, anterior cortex, amygdala, substantia nigra, ventral tegmental area, and locus ceruleus. The mRNA corresponding to this enzyme (TH-mRNA) was evaluated using a cDNA probe at the cellular level in the ventral tegmental area, substantia nigra, and locus ceruleus. Met-enkephalin (MET)-immunoreactivity and the mRNA coding for the preproenkephalin (PPE-mRNA) were assayed in striatum and the central nucleus of the amygdala. The day after the last ECS an increase of TH activity was observed in the ventral tegmental area, locus ceruleus, and substantia nigra in parallel with a similar increase in the amygdala and striatum; in the anterior cortex TH activity remained unchanged. TH-mRNA was increased in the locus ceruleus, evidencing the presence in this structure of a genomic activation. The amounts of MET and PPE-mRNA were unaffected in the striatum but increased in the amygdala. Thirty days after the last ECS we observed a decrease of TH activity in the amygdala and of TH-mRNA amount in the ventral tegmental area. In the locus ceruleus TH-mRNA remained higher in treated animals than in controls whereas TH activity returned to control levels. These results demonstrate that a series of ECS induces an initial increase of the activity of mesoamygdaloid catecholaminergic neurons followed by a sustained decrease through alterations of TH gene expression which could mediate the clinical effect of the treatment.  相似文献   

Previous research suggests that overweight patients with diabetes lose less weight than non diabetics. We compared the response of obese women with NIDDM to non diabetic controls, matched for age and weight, to a behavior weight loss program. Forty-three overweight women (20 NIDDM, 23 non diabetic) participated in the study. NIDDM and non diabetic subjects were treated together and received the same 16-week behavioral weight loss program. Dependent measures included weight, 3-day food records, physical activity, fasting plasma glucose, and questionnaires assessing eating behavior and depressive symptomatology. Weight loss of NIDDM and non diabetic subjects at posttreatment was comparable (-7.4 ± 5.3 kg vs. ?6.4 ± 3.8 kg, respectively). Changes in caloric intake, eating behavior, exercise and depressive symptomatology were also similar between the two groups. However, during the 1-year follow-up period, NIDDM subjects regained 5.4 ± 6.1 kg compared to 1.0 ± 6.7 kg for nondiabetics (p=.058). These data indicate that NIDDM subjects can lose as much weight as their nondiabetic peers during active treatment Once treatment terminated, however, NIDDM subjects demonstrated poor weight loss maintenance. Thus the added motivation that comes from having diabetes and seeing improvements in glycemic control with weight loss were not sufficient to improve long term weight loss in diabetic subjects. A continuous care model of weight control may be particularly necessary for overweight patients with type II diabetes.  相似文献   

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