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Accurate multidimensional localization of isolated fluorescent emitters is a time consuming process in single-molecule based super-resolution microscopy. We demonstrate a functional method for real-time reconstruction with automatic feedback control, without compromising the localization accuracy. Compatible with high frame rates of EM-CCD cameras, it relies on a wavelet segmentation algorithm, together with a mix of CPU/GPU implementation. A combination with Gaussian fitting allows direct access to 3D localization. Automatic feedback control ensures optimal molecule density throughout the acquisition process. With this method, we significantly improve the efficiency and feasibility of localization-based super-resolution microscopy.  相似文献   

《Biophysical journal》2019,116(11):2073-2078
We introduce a method for registration and visualization of correlative super-resolution microscopy images from different microscopy techniques. We established an automated registration procedure based on the generalized Hough transform. We developed a software tool to apply this algorithm and visualize correlated images from structured illumination microscopy (SIM) and direct stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (dSTORM). To demonstrate the potential of this super-resolution correlator, we visualize the distribution of the presynaptic protein bassoon in the active zones of synapses in the molecular layer of the mouse cerebellum. First, a multiple labeled sample is imaged by SIM, followed by imaging of one of the fluorescent labels by dSTORM. To avoid the use of artificial fiducial markers, we used the signal of Alexa Fluor 647 recorded in switching buffer on the two microscopes for image superposition. We recorded multicolor SIM images in 20-μm thick brain slices to identify synapses in the dendritic system of Purkinje cells and put higher-resolved dSTORM images of the synaptic distribution of bassoon in registry.  相似文献   

丙型肝炎病毒蛋白的分子生物学研究进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
丙型肝炎病毒(Hepatitis C viruS,HCV)是造成慢性肝炎,肝硬化及肝癌的重要原因之一.目前全球发现约有1亿7千万人口感染HCV.HCV的急性感染通常是没有症状的,但50%~80%的病人会转变成为慢性感染患者,而且大约20%的患者会在20年内转变成为肝硬化.  相似文献   

To study the effect of genetic immunization on transgenic expression of hepatitis C virus (HCV) proteins, we evaluated the immunological response of HCV transgenic mice to HCV expression plasmids. FVB/n transgenic mice expressing HCV structural proteins (core, E1, and E2) and wild-type (WT) FVB/n mice were immunized intramuscularly with plasmids expressing core (pHCVcore) or core/E1/E2 (pHCVSt). After immunization, HCV-specific humoral and cellular immune response was studied. Both WT and transgenic mice immunized with either HCV construct produced antibodies and exhibited T-cell proliferative responses against core or envelope. In WT mice immunized with pHCVSt, cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) activities were detected against E2 but not against core or E1, whereas strong CTL activities against core could be detected in WT mice immunized with pHCVcore. In pHCVSt-immunized, transgenic mice, CTL activities against the core or envelope were completely absent, but core-specific CTL activities could be detected in pHCVcore-immunized transgenic mice. A similar pattern of immune responses was also observed in other mouse strains, including a transgenic line expressing human HLA-A2.1 molecules (AAD mice). Despite the presence of a peripheral cellular immunity against HCV, no liver pathology or lymphocytic infiltrate was observed in these transgenic mice. Our study suggests a hierarchy of CTL response against the HCV structural proteins (E2 > core > E1) in vivo when the proteins are expressed as a polyprotein. The HCV transgenic mice can be induced by DNA immunization to generate anti-HCV antibodies and anticore CTLs. However, they are tolerant at the CTL level against the E2 protein despite DNA immunization.  相似文献   

采用组织匀浆免疫沉淀后负染、免疫组化块染后包埋、原位包埋等免疫电镜技术,研究丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)。组织匀浆、免疫沉定、负染后在电镜下观察到与HCV相关的类病毒颗粒,形态与披膜病毒相似,大小多在55~65nm,圆形,有包膜,边缘略有突起或比较平滑,有胶体金结合在此种颗粒上及其周围。无关单抗阴性对照无类似颗粒及胶体金。免疫酶染电镜下还见到成堆可疑颗粒。此外,HCV-E区抗原染色后原位包埋,尚发现胶体金大多结合于大小50nm左右圆形结构的内部,表明E区单抗针对的特异性抗原位点位于这种结构的内侧。  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a single-stranded RNA virus that replicates on endoplasmic reticulum-derived membranes. HCV particle assembly is dependent on the association of core protein with cellular lipid droplets (LDs). However, it remains uncertain whether HCV assembly occurs at the LD membrane itself or at closely associated ER membranes. Furthermore, it is not known how the HCV replication complex and progeny genomes physically associate with the presumed sites of virion assembly at or near LDs. Using an unbiased proteomic strategy, we have found that Rab18 interacts with the HCV nonstructural protein NS5A. Rab18 associates with LDs and is believed to promote physical interaction between LDs and ER membranes. Active (GTP-bound) forms of Rab18 bind more strongly to NS5A than a constitutively GDP-bound mutant. NS5A colocalizes with Rab18-positive LDs in HCV-infected cells, and Rab18 appears to promote the physical association of NS5A and other replicase components with LDs. Modulation of Rab18 affects genome replication and possibly also the production of infectious virions. Our results support a model in which specific interactions between viral and cellular proteins may promote the physical interaction between membranous HCV replication foci and lipid droplets.  相似文献   

In recent years, progress in the study of the lateral organization of the plasma membrane has led to the proposal that mammalian cells use two different organelles to store lipids: intracellular lipid droplets (LDs) and plasma membrane caveolae. Experimental evidence suggests that caveolin (CAV) may act as a sensitive lipid-organizing molecule that physically connects these two lipid-storing organelles. Here, we determine the sequences necessary for efficient sorting of CAV to LDs. We show that targeting is a process cooperatively mediated by two motifs. CAV's central hydrophobic domain (Hyd) anchors CAV to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Next, positively charged sequences (Pos-Seqs) mediate sorting of CAVs into LDs. Our findings were confirmed by identifying an equivalent, non-conserved but functionally interchangeable Pos-Seq in ALDI, a bona fide LD-resident protein. Using this information, we were able to retarget a cytosolic protein and convert it to an LD-resident protein. Further studies suggest three requirements for targeting via this mechanism: the positive charge of the Pos-Seq, physical proximity between Pos-Seq and Hyd and a precise spatial orientation between both motifs. The study uncovers remarkable similarities with the signals that target proteins to the membrane of mitochondria and peroxisomes  相似文献   

利用高效持续带毒增殖的细胞株传代增殖获取甲型肝炎病毒( H A V) 。采用不连续蔗糖/甘油密度梯度超速离心分离高度纯化的 H A V 颗粒。温和病毒裂解液裂解病毒后,运用高效液相色谱分离出三种蛋白, S D S P A G E 和 Westernblot 证实所分离蛋白为 H A V 三种主要结构蛋白 V P1 、 V P2 和 V P3 ,蛋白含量较高  相似文献   

甲型肝炎病毒结构蛋白的分离纯化及鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Well-defined, core-like structures were visualized in hepatitis A virus particles by a modified microelectron microscopy technique.  相似文献   

We examined the humoral immune response to recombinant structural proteins of hepatitis C virus (HCV) such as C, E1 and E2 in immunized mice. Mice showed high induction of antibodies against these three structural proteins. Conformational and/or linear epitopes of these regions showed high responses in mice. Comparison with patients revealed higher anti-E1 and anti-E2 responses in mice and 15 immunoreactive peptides which are unique to mice, especially 11 peptides from the E2 region. The hydrophilic regions of these proteins were found to be the most immunogenic. Therefore, the murine immune system against recombinant E1 and E2 glycoproteins was distinct from those of patients in natural infection, and may be a target to find protective activity against HCV infection.  相似文献   

The E2 envelope glycoprotein of hepatitis C virus (HCV) binds to the host entry factor CD81 and is the principal target for neutralizing antibodies (NAbs). Most NAbs recognize hypervariable region 1 on E2, which undergoes frequent mutation, thereby allowing the virus to evade neutralization. Consequently, there is great interest in NAbs that target conserved epitopes. One such NAb is AP33, a mouse monoclonal antibody that recognizes a conserved, linear epitope on E2 and potently neutralizes a broad range of HCV genotypes. In this study, the X-ray structure of AP33 Fab in complex with an epitope peptide spanning residues 412 to 423 of HCV E2 was determined to 1.8 Å. In the complex, the peptide adopts a β-hairpin conformation and docks into a deep binding pocket on the antibody. The major determinants of antibody recognition are E2 residues L413, N415, G418, and W420. The structure is compared to the recently described HCV1 Fab in complex with the same epitope. Interestingly, the antigen-binding sites of HCV1 and AP33 are completely different, whereas the peptide conformation is very similar in the two structures. Mutagenesis of the peptide-binding residues on AP33 confirmed that these residues are also critical for AP33 recognition of whole E2, confirming that the peptide-bound structure truly represents AP33 interaction with the intact glycoprotein. The slightly conformation-sensitive character of the AP33-E2 interaction was explored by cross-competition analysis and alanine-scanning mutagenesis. The structural details of this neutralizing epitope provide a starting point for the design of an immunogen capable of eliciting AP33-like antibodies.  相似文献   

Introduction HepatitisCvirus(HCV)isanRNAvirusthatcausesacuteor chronichepatitis,cirrhosis,andhepatocellularcarcinoma(HCC)[1,2].DespiterecentadvancesinthetherapyofHCV,eventhemostrecent combinationofpegylatedalpha-interferonandribavirinfailstoelimi nateinfectioninnearly50%ofthoseinfected[3,4].Nowadays,itis wellknownthatvaccineisstillthemostefficientwaystopreventvirus infection[5].Thestudyingofviralvaccinehasbeenhamperedbythe lackofanefficientcellculturesystem.Asaenvelopeglycoprotein,E2prot…  相似文献   

Structural Proteins of Rabies Virus   总被引:24,自引:20,他引:4  
Purified rabies virions, unlabeled or labeled with radioactive amino acids or d-glucosamine, were dissociated into their polypeptides by treatment with sodium dodecyl sulfate in a reducing environment and fractionated by electroiphoresis in sodium dodecyl sulfate-containing polyacrylamide gel. The molecular weights of individual polypeptides were estimated by comparison of their rate of migration with that of protein markers of known molecular weight. Purified viral nucleocapsid and a mixture of envelope components, isolated from virions disrupted by sodium deoxycholate, were analyzed by the same procedure. The number of molecules per virion of each polypeptide was estimated from the proportions of the separated components, the known molecular weight of the viral ribonucleic acid, and the chemical composition of the nucleocapsid. The protein moiety of the nucleocapsid particle was estimated to consist of 1,713 molecules of a major polypeptide (molecular weight, 62,000 daltons) and 76 molecules of a minor polypeptide (molecular weight, 55,000 daltons). In addition to 1,783 molecules of a glycoprotein component (molecular weight, 80,000 daltons), the viral envelope contains 789 and 1,661 molecules, respectively, of two other polypeptides (molecular weight, 40,000 and 25,000 daltons).  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) entry, translation, replication, and assembly occur with defined kinetics in distinct subcellular compartments. It is unclear how HCV spatially and temporally regulates these events within the host cell to coordinate its infection. We have developed a single molecule RNA detection assay that facilitates the simultaneous visualization of HCV (+) and (−) RNA strands at the single cell level using high-resolution confocal microscopy. We detect (+) strand RNAs as early as 2 hours post-infection and (−) strand RNAs as early as 4 hours post-infection. Single cell levels of (+) and (−) RNA vary considerably with an average (+):(−) RNA ratio of 10 and a range from 1–35. We next developed microscopic assays to identify HCV (+) and (−) RNAs associated with actively translating ribosomes, replication, virion assembly and intracellular virions. (+) RNAs display a defined temporal kinetics, with the majority of (+) RNAs associated with actively translating ribosomes at early times of infection, followed by a shift to replication and then virion assembly. (−) RNAs have a strong colocalization with NS5A, but not NS3, at early time points that correlate with replication compartment formation. At later times, only ~30% of the replication complexes appear to be active at a given time, as defined by (−) strand colocalization with either (+) RNA, NS3, or NS5A. While both (+) and (−) RNAs colocalize with the viral proteins NS3 and NS5A, only the plus strand preferentially colocalizes with the viral envelope E2 protein. These results suggest a defined spatiotemporal regulation of HCV infection with highly varied replication efficiencies at the single cell level. This approach can be applicable to all plus strand RNA viruses and enables unprecedented sensitivity for studying early events in the viral life cycle.  相似文献   

Structural Proteins of Pichinde Virus   总被引:10,自引:9,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Pichinde virus, a member of the arenovirus group, was found to have four polypeptides by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Two components, V(I) and V(II), had molecular weights of about 72,000, whereas V(III) had a molecular weight of 34,000. A minor component, V(IV), had a molecular weight of about 12,000. Glucosamine was incorporated into V(II) and V(III), suggesting that these components were glycopeptides whereas V(I) and V(IV) were polypeptides. Treatment of the virus with Nonidet P-40 removed V(III), but V(I) and V(II) remained associated with the virus nucleic acid. This suggests a functional role of a ribonucleoprotein for V(I) and an envelope glycoprotein for V(III). V(II), the major glycopeptide, could function both as a membrane component and as a nucleoprotein.  相似文献   

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