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刘芳  郝小花  陈中元  何昊 《广西植物》2024,44(5):936-950
为探究油菜miR172前体(pre-miR172)及成熟体(miR172)对AP2基因的调控功能,该研究通过生物信息学方法对miR172和AP2启动子进行调控元件预测,分析6条油菜AP2基因的进化关系及miR172与AP2的靶向关系; 通过qRT-PCR方法检测AP2、miR172和pre-miR172在早熟和晚熟油菜不同组织的表达规律; 比较分析miR172丰度和AP2表达量间的相关关系,以及比较分析 pre-miR172和miR172在表达水平上的相关关系; 通过过表达pre-miR172,再次验证pre-miR172对成熟体miR172及AP2的作用。结果表明:(1)miR172和AP2启动子区均存在调控花发育的顺式元件。(2)6条AP2序列均经历了强烈的纯化选择,均具备miR172的结合位点,属miR172的靶基因。(3)miR172家族成员均可促进早熟油菜AP2表达,但miR172d作用不明显。在晚熟油菜中,miR172a和miR172c作用微弱,miR172b和miR172d二者共同发挥作用降低AP2的表达水平。(4)pre-miR172家族对于早熟油菜中miR172家族的表达水平均有促进作用; 在晚熟油菜中pre-miR172a和pre-miR172b对其成熟序列的形成发挥正调控作用,pre-miR172c和pre-miR172d则对于其成熟序列的形成发挥负调控作用。过表达pre-miR172后,miR172和AP2表达规律与上述结果保持一致,证实pre-miR172对miR172及AP2的调控功能。该研究结果丰富了油菜AP2基因的功能调控路径,为基因的调控功能研究提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) act as down-regulators of gene expression, and play a dominant role in eukaryote development. In Arabidopsis thaliana, DICER-LIKE 1 (DCL1) is the main processor in miRNA biogenesis, and dcl1 mutants show various developmental defects at the early stage of embryogenesis or at gamete formation. However, miRNAs responsible for the respective developmental stages of the dcl1 defects have not been identified. Here, we developed a DCL1-independent miRNA expression system using the unique DCL4-dependent miRNA, miR839. By replacing the mature sequence in the miR839 precursor sequence with that of miR172, one of the most widely conserved miRNAs in angiosperms, we succeeded in expressing miR172 from a chimeric miR839 precursor in dcl1-7 plants and observed the repression of miR172 target gene expression. In parallel, the DCL4-dependent miR172 expression rescued the late flowering phenotype of dcl1-7 by acceleration of flowering. We established the DCL1-independent miRNA expression system, and revealed that the reduction of miR172 expression is responsible for the dcl1-7 late flowering phenotype.  相似文献   

Unstable mammalian genomic sequences frequently underwent spontaneous rearrangement during the bacterial cloning process. When the flanking sequences of an INSM1 gene comprised of 3.0 and 4.5 kb were subcloned into a targeting vector for a gene deletion study, both the genomic sequences underwent spontaneous rearrangement. Neither the usage of recombinase-free Escherichia coli competent cells nor lowering the culture incubation temperature averted the recombination events. Co-transformation of a methyltransferase vector, pAIT2, with the targeting vector had little effect in preventing recombination through methylation of the plasmid DNA. Here, we show that a single-copy cloning technique is effective to clone the unstable mouse genomic DNA into the targeting vector.  相似文献   

Closely related species can exhibit different behaviours despite homologous neural substrates. The nudibranch molluscs Tritonia diomedea and Melibe leonina swim differently, yet their nervous systems contain homologous serotonergic neurons. In Tritonia, the dorsal swim interneurons (DSIs) are members of the swim central pattern generator (CPG) and their neurotransmitter serotonin is both necessary and sufficient to elicit a swim motor pattern. Here it is shown that the DSI homologues in Melibe, the cerebral serotonergic posterior-A neurons (CeSP-As), are extrinsic to the swim CPG, and that neither the CeSP-As nor their neurotransmitter serotonin is necessary for swim motor pattern initiation, which occurred when the CeSP-As were inactive. Furthermore, the serotonin antagonist methysergide blocked the effects of both the serotonin and CeSP-As but did not prevent the production of a swim motor pattern. However, the CeSP-As and serotonin could influence the Melibe swim circuit; depolarization of a cerebral serotonergic posterior-A was sufficient to initiate a swim motor pattern and hyperpolarization of a CeSP-A temporarily halted an ongoing swim motor pattern. Serotonin itself was sufficient to initiate a swim motor pattern or make an ongoing swim motor pattern more regular. Thus, evolution of species-specific behaviour involved alterations in the functions of identified homologous neurons and their neurotransmitter.  相似文献   

Chitinase is a rate-limiting and endo-splitting enzyme involved in the bio-degradation of chitin, an important component of the cuticular exoskeleton and peritrophic matrix in insects. We isolated a cDNA-encoding chitinase from the last larval integument of the cabbage moth, Mamestra brassicae (Lepidoptera; Noctuidae), cloned the ORF cDNA into E. coli to confirm its functionality, and analyzed the deduced amino acid sequence in comparison with previously described lepidopteran chitinases. M. brassicae chitinase expressed in the transformed E. coli cells with the chitinase-encoding cDNA enhanced cell proliferation to about 1.6 times of the untransformed wild type strain in a colloidal chitin-including medium with only a very limited amount of other nutrients. Compared with the wild type strain, the intracellular levels of chitin degradation derivatives, glucosamine and N-acetylglucosamine were about 7.2 and 2.3 times higher, respectively, while the extracellular chitinase activity was about 2.2 times higher in the transformed strain. The ORF of M. brassicae chitinaseencoding cDNA consisted of 1686 nucleotides (562 amino acid residues) except for the stop codon, and its deduced amino acid composition revealed a calculated molecular weight of 62.7 and theoretical pI of 5.3. The ORF was composed of N-terminal leading signal peptide (AA 1-20), catalytic domain (AA 21-392), linker region (AA 393-498), and C-terminal chitin-binding domain (AA 499-562) showing its characteristic structure as a molting fluid chitinase. In phylogenetic analysis, the enzymes from 6 noctuid species were grouped together, separately from a group of 3 bombycid and 1 tortricid enzymes, corresponding to their taxonomic relationships at both the family and genus levels.  相似文献   

Wang X  Xu X 《Gene》2012,494(1):17-23
The extreme variability of the mitochondrial (mito) genomes of bivalves makes it difficult to understand their evolutionary dynamics, given that species from different families do not share comparable features. We compared the mitogenomes from four Paphia clams (three of them were firstly sequenced) and found that mitogenome reorganization among the four congeneric species is not random but follows phylogenetic trends. Start/stop codon variations are species-correlated rather than gene-correlated, and bear useful phylogenetic information. Unique start/stop codon usage in P. euglypta and A+T content in P. amabilis indicates that these mitogenome-level characters, usually considered to be conservative features in other lineages, may not be phylogenetically evolved, but may have evolved via species-specific mitogenomic maintenance mechanisms. Variable divergence of two trnM genes in different lineages may demonstrate differences in mechanisms by which paralogous trnM genes are maintained. Sequence alignment analysis indicates that the VNTRs in the four mitogenomes have a common origin. The rationale of the subgenus Neotapes Kuroda and Habe, 1971 was supported by evidence from morphological characters, mitogenomic features, as well as phylogenetic analyses using cox1 and rrnS genes. The data suggest that the taxonomic basis of the subgenus should be “smooth surface” but not “undulated lines,” and P. textile should be classified to the Neotapes subgenus.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Cutting plant material is essential for observing internal structures and may be difficult for various reasons. Most fixation agents such as aldehydes, as well as embedding resins, do not allow subsequent use of fluorescent staining and make material too soft to make good-quality hand-sections. Moreover, cutting thin roots can be very difficult and time consuming. A new, fast and effective method to provide good-quality sections and fluorescent staining of fresh or fixed root samples, including those of very thin roots (such as Arabidopsis or Noccaea), is described here.


To overcome the above-mentioned difficulties the following procedure is proposed: fixation in methanol (when fresh material cannot be used) followed by en bloc staining with toluidine blue, embedding in 6 % agarose, preparation of free-hand sections of embedded material, staining with fluorescent dye, and observation in a microscope under UV light.

Key Results

Despite eventual slight deformation of primary cell walls (depending on the species and root developmental stage), this method allows effective observation of different structures such as ontogenetic changes of cells along the root axis, e.g. development of xylem elements, deposition of Casparian bands and suberin lamellae in endodermis or exodermis or peri-endodermal thickenings in Noccaea roots.


This method provides good-quality sections and allows relatively rapid detection of cell-wall modifications. Also important is the possibility of using this method for free-hand cutting of extremely thin roots such as those of Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

SEPALLATA3 (SEP3) is important in determining flowering time as well as floral organ identity. Although much is known about the regulation of floral organ identity by SEP3, its role as a downstream gene of FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) for the regulation of ambient temperature-responsive flowering is poorly understood. Here, we show that SEP3 as a downstream gene of SQUAMOSA PROMOTER BINDING PROTEIN-LIKE3 (SPL3) and FT modulates the flowering time in response to different ambient temperatures. SEP3 overexpression showed temperature-insensitive flowering at 23°C and 16°C. This suggests that altered SEP3 activity affects ambient temperature-responsive flowering. However, a lesion in SEP3 did not obviously affect ambient temperature-responsive flowering. SEP3 expression was affected by altered SPL3 and FT activities in the leaf and shoot apical regions at different temperatures. These results suggest that the miR156-SPL3-FT circuitry directly or indirectly regulates SEP3 expression for the regulation of ambient temperature-responsive flowering in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

Salient features of the first meiotic division are independent segregation of chromosomes and homologous recombination (HR). In non-sexually reproducing, homozygous species studied to date HR is absent. In this study, we constructed the first linkage maps of homozygous, bivalent-forming Oenothera species and provide evidence that HR was exclusively confined to the chromosome ends of all linkage groups in our population. Co-segregation of complementary DNA-based markers with the major group of AFLP markers indicates that HR has only a minor role in generating genetic diversity of this taxon despite its efficient adaptation capability. Uneven chromosome condensation during meiosis in Oenothera may account for restriction of HR. The use of plants with ancient chromosomal arm arrangement demonstrates that limitation of HR occurred before and independent from species hybridizations and reciprocal translocations of chromosome arms-a phenomenon, which is widespread in the genus. We propose that consecutive loss of HR favored the evolution of reciprocal translocations, beneficial superlinkage groups and ultimately permanent translocation heterozygosity.  相似文献   

In this study, we report a novel cellulase [β-1,4-endoglucanase (EGase), EC] cDNA (Bh-EGase II) belonging to the glycoside hydrolase family (GHF) 45 from the beetle Batocera horsfieldi. The Bh-EGase II gene spans 720 bp and consists of a single exon coding for 239 amino acid residues. Bh-EGase II showed 93.72% protein sequence identity to Ag-EGase II from the beetle Apriona germari. The GHF 45 catalytic site is conserved in Bh-EGase II. Bh-EGase II has three putative N-glycosylation sites at 56–58 (N–K–S), 99–101 (N–S–T), and 237–239 (N–Y–S), respectively. The cDNA encoding Bh-EGase II was expressed in baculovirus-infected insect BmN cells and Bombyx mori larvae. Recombinant Bh-EGase II from BmN cells and larval hemolymph had an enzymatic activity of approximately 928 U/mg. The enzymatic catalysis of recombinant Bh-EGase II showed the highest activity at 50 °C and pH 6.0.  相似文献   

Anthocyanidins were proposed to derive from (+)-naringenin via (2R,3R)-dihydroflavonol(s) and (2R,3S,4S)-leucocyanidin(s) which are eventually oxidized by anthocyanidin synthase (ANS). Recently, the role of ANS has been put into question, because the recombinant enzyme from Arabidopsis exhibited primarily flavonol synthase (FLS) activity with negligible ANS activity. This and other studies led to the proposal that ANS as well as FLS may select for dihydroflavonoid substrates carrying a "beta-face" C-3 hydroxyl group and initially form the 3-geminal diol by "alpha-face" hydroxylation. Assays with recombinant ANS from Gerbera hybrida fully supported the proposal and were extended to catechin and epicatechin isomers as potential substrates to delineate the enzyme specificity. Gerbera ANS converted (+)-catechin to two major and one minor product, whereas ent(-)-catechin (2S,3R-trans-catechin), (-)-epicatechin, ent(+)-epicatechin (2S,3S-cis-epicatechin) and (-)-gallocatechin were not accepted. The K(m) value for (+)-catechin was determined at 175 microM, and the products were identified by LC-MS(n) and NMR as the 4,4-dimer of oxidized (+)-catechin (93%), cyanidin (7%) and quercetin (trace). When these incubations were repeated in the presence of UDP-glucose:flavonoid 3-O-glucosyltransferase from Fragariaxananassa (FaGT1), the product ratio shifted to cyanidin 3-O-glucoside (60%), cyanidin (14%) and dimeric oxidized (+)-catechin (26%) at an overall equivalent rate of conversion. The data appear to identify (+)-catechin as another substrate of ANS in vivo and shed new light on the mechanism of its catalysis. Moreover, the enzymatic dimerization of catechin monomers is reported for the first time suggesting a role for ANS beyond the oxidation of leucocyanidins.  相似文献   



Cabbage Fusarium wilt is a major disease worldwide that can cause severe yield loss in cabbage (Brassica olerecea). Although markers linked to the resistance gene FOC1 have been identified, no candidate gene for it has been determined so far. In this study, we report the fine mapping and analysis of a candidate gene for FOC1 using a double haploid (DH) population with 160 lines and a F2 population of 4000 individuals derived from the same parental lines.


We confirmed that the resistance to Fusarium wilt was controlled by a single dominant gene based on the resistance segregation ratio of the two populations. Using InDel primers designed from whole-genome re-sequencing data for the two parental lines (the resistant inbred-line 99–77 and the highly susceptible line 99–91) and the DH population, we mapped the resistance gene to a 382-kb genomic region on chromosome C06. Using the F2 population, we narrowed the region to an 84-kb interval that harbored ten genes, including four probable resistance genes (R genes): Bol037156, Bol037157, Bol037158 and Bol037161 according to the gene annotations from BRAD, the genomic database for B. oleracea. After correcting the model of the these genes, we re-predicted two R genes in the target region: re-Bol037156 and re-Bol0371578. The latter was excluded after we compared the two genes’ sequences between ten resistant materials and ten susceptible materials. For re-Bol037156, we found high identity among the sequences of the resistant lines, while among the susceptible lines, there were two types of InDels (a 1-bp insertion and a 10-bp deletion), each of which caused a frameshift and terminating mutation in the cDNA sequences. Further sequence analysis of the two InDel loci from 80 lines (40 resistant and 40 susceptible) also showed that all 40 R lines had no InDel mutation while 39 out of 40 S lines matched the two types of loci. Thus re-Bol037156 was identified as a likely candidate gene for FOC1 in cabbage.


This work may lay the foundation for marker-assisted selection as well as for further function analysis of the FOC1 gene.  相似文献   

葫芦素类是主要分布于葫芦科植物中具有多种医药活性的四环三萜类化合物,目前药用葫芦素原料主要从甜瓜蒂中提取。该研究从甜瓜中克隆葫芦素类合成关键酶——鲨烯合酶(SQS)的基因,并对其序列进行了生物信息学分析。结果表明:DNA测序和BLASTRefSeqGene分析表明,克隆的甜瓜SQS基因片段具有完整的该酶基因开放阅读框架(ORF)序列。ORF分析显示,甜瓜SQS由417氨基酸残基构成,等电点为7.56。对推衍的甜瓜SQS氨基酸序列分析结果提示,该酶二级结构以α螺旋为主。结构域预测结果表明,SQS属于异戊二烯合酶家族,具有法呢酰基二磷酸及镁离子的结合位点。三级结构预测提示,甜瓜SQS为单体酶,其活性中心主要由几个α螺旋围绕形成的穴状结构。磷酸化位点分析显示,S~(48)处于酶活性中心相关~(47)VSRSF~(52)的模体中,而S~(196)是正选择位点,提示这两处磷酸化位点可能是甜瓜SQS酶活性调节的关键部位。以甜瓜SQS基因ORF序列构建系统发生树的系统发生分类结果与形态学分类结果一致。该研究结果为葫芦素类的生物合成调控研究提供了新的线索和实验依据。  相似文献   



Agrobacterium-mediated transformation is widely used to produce insertions into plant genomes. There are a number of well-developed Agrobacterium-mediated transformation methods for dicotyledonous plants, but there are few for monocotyledonous plants.


Three hydrolase genes were transiently expressed in Brachypodium distachyon plants using specially designed vectors that express the gene product of interest and target it to the plant cell wall. Expression of functional hydrolases in genotyped plants was confirmed using western blotting, activity assays, cell wall compositional analysis and digestibility tests.

Key Results

An efficient, new, Agrobacterium-mediated approach was developed for transient gene expression in the grass B. distachyon, using co-cultivation of mature seeds with bacterial cells. This method allows transformed tissues to be obtained rapidly, within 3–4 weeks after co-cultivation. Also, the plants carried transgenic tissue and maintained transgenic protein expression throughout plant maturation. The efficiency of transformation was estimated at around 5 % of initially co-cultivated seeds. Application of this approach to express three Aspergillus nidulans hydrolases in the Brachypodium cell wall successfully confirmed its utility and resulted in the expected expression of active microbial proteins and alterations of cell wall composition. Cell wall modifications caused by expression of A. nidulans α-arabinofuranosidase and α-galactosidase increased the biodegradability of plant biomass.


This newly developed approach is a quick and efficient technique for expressing genes of interest in Brachypodium plants, which express the gene product throughout development. In the future, this could be used for broad functional genomics studies of monocots and for biotechnological applications, such as plant biomass modification for biofuel production.  相似文献   

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