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目的:分析和探讨冠心病合并室壁瘤的外科手术治疗的方法。方法:2008年1月至2014年3月我科共收治37例冠心病合并左心室室壁瘤患者,均在体外循环下行冠脉搭桥术,室壁瘤直径小于50 mm采用"三明治"法室壁瘤折叠术(13例),室壁瘤直径大于50 mm采用Dor标准术式(24例);同期行二尖瓣置换术5例,二尖瓣成形术3例,三尖瓣成形术4例,主动脉瓣置换术3例。比较术前、术后2周及术后一年患者左心室舒张末期内径、左室射血分数、NYHA心功能分级,评价手术治疗效果。结果:所有病例均手术成功,前降支均采用左乳内动脉作为桥血管,移植血管1-4支。术后1例因肺部感染死亡,1例猝死,其余均康复出院。术后血胸再次开胸止血1例。随访34例,1例失访。术后2周、术后1年患者左室射血分数(LVEF)(44.27±7.22)%、(49.32±6.98)%较术前(34.47±8.13)%明显改善,左室舒张末期直径(LVEDD)(51.87±6.25)mm、(50.73±5.72)mm)较术前(61.25±5.21)mm明显改善,心功能分级(1.82±0.47)、(1.64±0.51)较术前(3.08±0.55)明显改善,上述差异均有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:对冠心病合并室壁瘤患者,根据瘤体大小及部位选择不同手术方式,并同期冠脉搭桥及矫治瓣膜功能障碍,临床疗效满意。  相似文献   



Previous genome-wide linkage analysis has suggested that chromosomal region 17p13.3 may harbour genes influencing left ventricular mass (LVM) in man. To date, the genetic factors accounting for LVM variability remain largely unknown but a non-coding RNA gene within this region, micro-RNA 22 (miR-22), has been implicated in cardiac hypertrophy and heart failure in animal models. We thus investigated the relationship between common genetic polymorphisms surrounding miR-22 and left ventricular mass in a family-based association study.

Methods and Results

We studied a cohort of 255 families comprising 1,425 individuals ascertained via a hypertensive proband. Ten single nucleotide polymorphisms which together tagged common genetic variation surrounding the miR-22 gene were genotyped. There was evidence of association between the rs7223247 polymorphism, which lies within the 3′UTR of a gene of unknown function, TLCD2, immediately downstream from miR-22, and left ventricular mass determined by Sokolow-Lyon voltage (Bonferroni corrected p-value = 0.038). The T allele at rs7223247 was associated with an 0.272 standard deviation higher Sokolow-Lyon voltage. Genotype was responsible for ∼1% of the population variability in LVM.


Genotype at the rs7223247 polymorphism affects left ventricular mass determined by Sokolow-Lyon voltage. The neighbouring genes miR-22 and TLCD2 are strong candidates to account for this observation.  相似文献   

摘要 目的:应用三维斑点追踪技术联合左心腔声学造影评价冠状动脉搭桥术后左心室扭动的变化,探讨其评价治疗效果的临床应用价值。方法:(1)选择本院心脏外科接受择期冠状动脉搭桥术的患者30例,男19例,女11例,左室射血分数≥50%。排除急性及陈旧性心肌梗死病史、其他器质性心脏疾病。另外选择30名行冠状动脉造影或冠状动脉CT成像结果正常的人做为对照组,血生化、心电图检查结果正常。同时排除其它器质性疾病。(2)分别于搭桥术前1-3天、术后早期(7-15)天及术后3个月进行超声心动图检查,同时进行左心腔超声造影。开启4D模式,获取左室扭动参数,并进行手术前后对比分析。结果:左心腔造影可以提高设备自动描记的准确性。术前病例组的左室整体扭动幅度明显减低,与正常对照组相比差异具有显著性(P<0.05)。术后早期左室扭动角度略高于术前,仅中间段增高幅度与术前相比有显著性差异(P<0.05)。而手术后三个月左室扭动逐渐增强,接近正常对照组,与术后早期相比差异有显著性(P<0.05)。结论:三维斑点追踪显像联合左心腔造影可以准确检测冠状动脉搭桥手术前、后左心室扭动的变化。左室扭动可以敏感地反映术后左室心肌收缩功能的变化。  相似文献   

Atrial remodeling due to elevated arterial pressure predisposes the heart to atrial fibrillation (AF). Although abnormal sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) function has been associated with AF, there is little information on the effects of elevated afterload on atrial Ca2+-handling. We investigated the effects of ascending aortic banding (AoB) on Ca2+-handling in rat isolated atrial myocytes in comparison to age-matched sham-operated animals (Sham). Myocytes were either labelled for ryanodine receptor (RyR) or loaded with fluo-3-AM and imaged by confocal microscopy. AoB myocytes were hypertrophied in comparison to Sham controls (P<0.0001). RyR labeling was localized to the z-lines and to the cell edge. There were no differences between AoB and Sham in the intensity or pattern of RyR-staining. In both AoB and Sham, electrical stimulation evoked robust SR Ca2+-release at the cell edge whereas Ca2+ transients at the cell center were much smaller. Western blotting showed a decreased L-type Ca channel expression but no significant changes in RyR or RyR phosphorylation or in expression of Na+/Ca2+ exchanger, SR Ca2+ ATPase or phospholamban. Mathematical modeling indicated that [Ca2+]i transients at the cell center were accounted for by simple centripetal diffusion of Ca2+ released at the cell edge. In contrast, caffeine (10 mM) induced Ca2+ release was uniform across the cell. The caffeine-induced transient was smaller in AoB than in Sham, suggesting a reduced SR Ca2+-load in hypertrophied cells. There were no significant differences between AoB and Sham cells in the rate of Ca2+ extrusion during recovery of electrically-stimulated or caffeine-induced transients. The incidence and frequency of spontaneous Ca2+-transients following rapid-pacing (4 Hz) was greater in AoB than in Sham myocytes. In conclusion, elevated afterload causes cellular hypertrophy and remodeling of atrial SR Ca2+-release.  相似文献   

目的:慢性心力衰竭(CHF)患者终末期阶段常发生左室(LV)重塑和心脏性恶病质,有研究称Ghrelin可能对CHFLV功能和能量代谢产生保护作用。本文旨在探讨Ghrelin对CHF大鼠LV功能紊乱和心源性恶病质的作用。方法:建立左冠状动脉结扎术和假手术组,手术后4周,给予大鼠Ghrelin或生理盐水3周。用超声心动图和心脏导管术监测结果。结果:与给予安慰剂组相比,用Ghrelin治疗的CHF和假手术组,血浆GH和胰岛素样生长因子1明显升高(t=1.49,t=0.71,P0.05)。与Sham-Placebo组相比,CHF-Placebo组大鼠体重明显减轻(t=2.18,P0.05)。然而与CHF-Placebo组相比,CHF-Ghrelin组大鼠,体重(t=3.89,P0.05),心输出量(t=3.28,P0.05),LV dP/dtmax(t=3.90,P0.05)明显增加。Ghrelin增加了CHF大鼠心脏舒张压,抑制LV扩大,增加LV缩短分数。结论:长期注射Ghrelin可改善CHF大鼠LV功能紊乱,减缓LV重构和心脏性恶病质的发展,有望为CHF的治疗提供新的途径和方法。  相似文献   

目的:本文主要研究ghrelin对心肌梗死大鼠恶性心律失常和早期左室重构的影响。方法:心肌梗死大鼠模型每天两次注射ghrelin(100μg/kg)或生理盐水。通过超声心动图评估大鼠的心脏重量并且观察大鼠的血流动力学。使用酶免疫分析法测定血清胰岛素生长因子I(IGF-1)、血浆肾上腺素、去甲肾上腺素和多巴胺的浓度。注射药物前后分析大鼠的神经功能。结果:与对照组相比,ghrelin治疗的心肌梗死模型大鼠生存率显著增加(P0.05),心脏功能增强,但心肌梗死面积差异不大(P0.05)。结论:Ghrelin能够提高心肌梗死模型大鼠的生存率、缓解心肌梗死大鼠心率失常、改善心肌梗死大鼠左心室重构。  相似文献   



The mechanisms whereby aerobic training reduces the occurrence of sudden cardiac death in humans are not clear. We test the hypothesis that exercise-induced increased resistance to ventricular tachycardia and fibrillation (VT/VF) involve an intrinsic remodeling in healthy hearts.

Methods and Results

Thirty rats were divided into a sedentary (CTRL, n = 16) and two exercise groups: short- (4 weeks, ST, n = 7) and long-term (8 weeks, LT, n = 7) trained groups. Following the exercise program hearts were isolated and studied in a Langendorff perfusion system. An S1–S2 pacing protocol was applied at the right ventricle to determine inducibility of VT/VF. Fast Fourier transforms were applied on ECG time-series. In-vivo measurements showed training-induced increase in aerobic capacity, heart-to-body weight ratio and a 50% low-to-high frequency ratio reduction in the heart rate variability (p<0.05). In isolated hearts the probability for VF decreased from 26.1±14.4 in CTRL to 13.9±14.1 and 6.7±8.5% in the ST and LT, respectively (p<0.05). Duration of VF also decreased from 19.0±5.7 in CTRL to 8.8±7.1 and 6.0±5.8 sec in ST and LT respectively (p<0.05). Moreover, the pacing current required for VF induction increased following exercise (2.9±1.7 vs. 5.4±2.1 and 8.5±0.9 mA, respectively; p<0.05). Frequency analysis of ECG revealed an exercise-induced VF transition from a narrow single peak spectrum at 17 Hz in CTRL to a broader range of peaks ranging between 8.8 and 22.5 Hz in the LT group (p<0.05).


Exercise in rats leads to reduced VF propensity associated with an intrinsic cardiac remodeling related to a broader spectral range and faster frequency components in the ECG.  相似文献   

Transthoracic Doppler echocardiography (TTDE) is a clinically useful, noninvasive tool for studying coronary artery flow velocity and coronary flow reserve (CFR) in humans. Reduced CFR is accompanied by marked intramyocardial and pericoronary fibrosis and is used as an indication of the severity of dysfunction. This study explores, step-by-step, the real-time changes measured in the coronary flow velocity, CFR and systolic to diastolic peak velocity (S/D) ratio in the setting of an aortic banding model in mice. By using a Doppler transthoracic imaging technique that yields reproducible and reliable data, the method assesses changes in flow in the septal coronary artery (SCA), for a period of over two weeks in mice, that previously either underwent aortic banding or thoracotomy. During imaging, hyperemia in all mice was induced by isoflurane, an anesthetic that increased coronary flow velocity when compared with resting flow. All images were acquired by a single imager. Two ratios, (1) CFR, the ratio between hyperemic and baseline flow velocities, and (2) systolic (S) to diastolic (D) flow were determined, using a proprietary software and by two independent observers. Importantly, the observed changes in coronary flow preceded LV dysfunction as evidenced by normal LV mass and fractional shortening (FS). The method was benchmarked against the current gold standard of coronary assessment, histopathology. The latter technique showed clear pathologic changes in the coronary artery in the form of peri-coronary fibrosis that correlated to the flow changes as assessed by echocardiography. The study underscores the value of using a non-invasive technique to monitor coronary circulation in mouse hearts. The method minimizes redundant use of research animals and demonstrates that advanced ultrasound-based indices, such as CFR and S/D ratios, can serve as viable diagnostic tools in a variety of investigational protocols including drug studies and the study of genetically modified strains.  相似文献   



Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) is an innate immune receptor expressed in immune cells and the heart. Activation of the immune system following myocardial ischemia causes the release of proinflammatory mediators that may negatively influence heart function.


The aim of this study is to determine whether TLR4 is activated in peripheral monocytes and heart tissue taken from patients with varying degrees of myocardial dysfunction caused by coronary artery diseases and scheduled for coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery before 12 months following operation.

Methods and Results

Patients (n = 44) undergoing CABG surgery having left ventricular ejection fraction ≤ 45% (‘reduced EF’, n = 20) were compared to patients with preserved EF >45% (‘preserved EF’ group, n = 24). ‘Reduced EF’ patients exhibited increased TLR4 expression in monocytes (2.78±0.49 vs. 1.76±0.07 rMFI, p = 0.03). Plasma levels of C-reactive protein, microRNA miR-320a, brain natriuretic peptide (pro BNP) and NADPH oxidase (NOX4) were also significantly different between the ‘preserved EF’ and ‘reduced EF’groups. Elevated TLR4 gene expression levels in the right auricle correlated with those of EF (p<0.008), NOX4 (p<0.008) and miR320, (p<0.04). In contrast, no differences were observed in peripheral monocyte TLR2 expression. After CABG surgery, monocyte TLR4 expression decreased in all patients, reaching statistical significance in the ‘reduced EF’ group.


TLR4 is activated in peripheral monocytes and heart tissue obtained from patients with ischemic heart disease and reduced left ventricular function. Coronary revascularization decreases TLR4 expression. We therefore propose that TLR4 plays a pathogenic role and may serve as an additional marker of ischemic myocardial dysfunction.  相似文献   

王超  薛莉  杨先  刘微  刘洪媛  王翠翠 《生物磁学》2013,(36):7062-7065
目的:应用血流向量图(VFM)对扩张性心肌病(DCM)患者收缩期左室心腔血液流场变化情况进行检测,初步探讨VFM技术在评价DCM患者左心室收缩功能方面的临床价值。方法:选择临床诊断为DCM患者30例作为病例组,另选30例体检健康者作为对照组。在血流向量图条件下测量两组取样线上收缩期负向总流量(SystoleQ-,SQ-)在涡流条件下测量涡流的最大流量(Qmax)、半值面积(S)、涡流半径(r)以及涡流强度(Qmax/S),并比较两组差异。应用Simpson双平面法获取左心室射血分数(EF),并与SQ-、Qmax/S进行相关性分析。结果:两组比较病例组基底段、中间段、心尖段收缩期负向总流量SQ-、两组组内比较基底段、中间段、心尖段收缩期负向总流量SQ.均呈逐渐递减变化趋势(P均〈0.01)。收缩期涡流最大流量Qmax及涡流强度Qmax/S测值均低于对照组(P〈0.01);收缩期涡流半值面积S、涡流半径r均大于对照组(P〈0.01):Qmax/S与EF呈正相关,(r=0.78,P〈0.01);结论:VFM技术可以定量分析DCM患者左室心腔内血流流场的变化情况,有望为临床提供一种较为准确检测DCM患者左心功能的新方法。  相似文献   

This paper presents Computational fluid dynamic (CFD) analysis of blood flow in three different 3-D models of left coronary artery (LCA). A comparative study of flow parameters (pressure distribution, velocity distribution and wall shear stress) in each of the models is done for a non-Newtonian (Carreau) as well as the Newtonian nature of blood viscosity over a complete cardiac cycle. The difference between these two types of behavior of blood is studied for both transient and steady states of flow. Additionally, flow parameters are compared for steady and transient boundary conditions considering blood as non-Newtonian fluid. The study shows that the highest wall shear stress (WSS), velocity and pressure are found in artery having stenosis in all the three branches of LCA. The use of Newtonian blood model is a good approximation for steady as well as transient blood flow boundary conditions if shear rate is above 100 s-1. However, the assumption of steady blood flow results in underestimating the values of flow parameters such as wall shear stress, pressure and velocity.  相似文献   



Atherosclerosis is an inflammatory condition and increased blood levels of inflammatory biomarkers have been observed in acute coronary syndromes. In addition, high expression of inflammatory markers is associated with worse prognosis of coronary artery disease. The presence and extent of inducible ischemia in patients with stable angina has previously been shown to have strong prognostic value. We hypothesized that evidence of inducible myocardial ischemia by local lesions, as measured by fractional flow reserve (FFR), is associated with increased levels of blood based inflammatory biomarkers.


Whole blood samples of 89 patients with stable angina pectoris and 16 healthy controls were analyzed. The patients with stable angina pectoris underwent coronary angiography and FFR of all coronary lesions.We analyzed plasma levels of cytokines IL-6, IL-8 and TNF-α and membrane expression of Toll-like receptor 2 and 4, CD11b, CD62L and CD14 on monocytes and granulocytes as markers of inflammation.Furthermore, we quantified the severity of hemodynamically significant coronary artery disease by calculating Functional Syntax Score (FSS), an extension of the Syntax Score.


For the majority of biomarkers, we observed lower levels in the healthy control group compared with patients with stable angina who underwent coronary catheterization.We found no difference for any of the selected biomarkers between patients with a positive FFR (≤0.75) and negative FFR (>0.80). We observed no relationship between the investigated biomarkers and FSS.


The presence of local atherosclerotic lesions that result in inducible myocardial ischemia as measured by FFR in patients with stable coronary artery disease is not associated with increased plasma levels of IL-6, IL-8 and TNF-α or increased expression of TLR2 and TLR4, CD11b, CD62L and CD14 on circulating leukocytes.  相似文献   



Increased arterial stiffness is associated with left ventricular diastolic dysfunction (LVDD), but this association may be influenced by left ventricular (LV) performance. Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) is not only a significant determinant of LV performance, but is also correlated with LVDD. This study is designed to compare LV diastolic function among patients divided by brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity (baPWV) and electrocardiography (ECG)-determined LVH and to assess whether increased baPWV and ECG-determined LVH are independently associated with LVDD.


This cross-sectional study enrolled 270 patients and classified them into four groups according to the median value of baPWV and with/without ECG-determined LVH. The baPWV was measured using an ABI-form device. ECG-determined LVH was defined by Sokolow-Lyon criterion. LVDD was defined as impaired relaxation, pseudonormal, and restrictive mitral inflow patterns. Groups 1, 2, 3, and 4 were patients with lower baPWV and without ECG-determined LVH, lower baPWV but with ECG-determined LVH, higher baPWV but without ECG-determined LVH, and higher baPWV and with ECG-determined LVH respectively.


Early diastolic mitral velocity (Ea) was gradually decreased from group 1 to group 4 (p≦0.027). Patients in group 4 had the highest prevalence of LVDD (all p<0.001). After multivariate analysis, both baPWV and ECG-determined LVH were independent determinants of Ea (β = −0.02, P<0.001; β = −1.77, P<0.001 respectively) and LVDD (odds ratio = 1.02, P = 0.011 and odds ratio = 3.53, P = 0.013 respectively).


Our study showed the group with higher baPWV and ECG-determined LVH had the lowest Ea and highest prevalence of LVDD. In addition, both baPWV and ECG-determined LVH were independently associated with Ea and LVDD. Hence, assessment of arterial stiffness by baPWV and LVH by ECG may be useful in identifying the high risk group of LVDD.  相似文献   

目的:探讨冠心病合并高血压患者左室质量指数(LVMI)与冠脉病变严重程度的相关性。方法:选取在我院住院的冠心病合并高血压患者168例为研究对象,所有患者入院后均行心脏超声检查,按照LVMI水平的中位数将患者分为A组(LVMI≥115.71g/m~2,n=82例)和B组(LVMI115.71g/m~2,n=86例);比较两组的实验室检查指标与冠脉病变支数及Gensini积分差异。利用多元线性回归方程分析影响Gensini积分的相关因素。结果:与B组比较,A组患者收缩压(SBP)、甘油三酯(TG)、B型脑钠肽(BNP)、血清肌酐(Scr)较高(P0.05);A组中Gensini积分亦高于B组(P0.05),三支病变的比例高于B组(P0.05);Gensini积分高分组LVMI高于中分组及低分组(P0.05),中分组高于低分组(P0.05);Pearson相关性分析显示:Gensini积分与LVMI呈现正相关(P0.05),亦与SBP、TG、Scr、BNP呈正相关(P0.05);多元线性回归分析显示:LVMI是Gensini积分增高的独立危险因素(P0.05)。结论:冠心病合并高血压患者LVMI增高与冠脉病变严重程度具有一定正相关性,可能是影响患者冠脉病变严重程度的独立危险因素。  相似文献   

Cardiovascular diseases are the main reason of high mortality among hemodialysis patients. Decreased serum selenium levels may have a role in accelerated atherosclerosis in this patient group. The hypothesis of this study was to show a correlation between decreased serum selenium levels and coronary flow reserve as an indicator of endothelial dysfunction and atherosclerosis in HD patients. Seventy-one chronic hemodialysis patients and age 65 and sex-matched healthy controls were included in the study. Plasma selenium levels were measured by spectrophotometry, and coronary flow reserve was assessed by transthoracic Doppler echocardiography. Serum selenium levels (34.16?±?6.15 ng/ml vs. 52.4?±?5.51 ng/ml, P?<?0.001) and coronary flow reserve values (1.73?±?0.11 vs. 2.32?±?0.28, P?<?0.001) were significantly lower in hemodialysis patients compared with controls, respectively. There was a significant positive correlation between coronary flow reserve and serum levels of selenium (r?=?0.676, P?<?0.001). A linear regression analysis showed that serum levels of selenium were independently and positively correlated with coronary flow reserve (regression coefficient?=?0.650, P?<?0.05). This study was the first to show a positive and independent correlation between decreased selenium levels and diminished coronary flow reserve as an indicator of endothelial dysfunction and atherosclerosis in hemodialysis patients. Our data suggest that decreased serum selenium levels may facilitate the development of endothelial dysfunction and disruption of coronary flow reserve which occur before the development of overt atherosclerosis.  相似文献   



Pulmonary arterial hypertension is usually fatal due to right ventricular failure and is frequently associated with co-existing left ventricular dysfunction. Endothelin-1 is a powerful pro-fibrotic mediator and vasoconstrictor that is elevated in pulmonary arterial hypertension. Endothelin receptor blockers are commonly used as pulmonary vasodilators, however their effect on biventricular injury, remodeling and function, despite elevated isolated right ventricular afterload is unknown.


Elevated right ventricular afterload was induced by progressive pulmonary artery banding. Seven rabbits underwent pulmonary artery banding without macitentan; 13 received pulmonary artery banding + macitentan; and 5 did not undergo inflation of the pulmonary artery band (sham-operated controls). Results: Right and left ventricular collagen content was increased with pulmonary artery banding compared to sham-operated controls and ameliorated by macitentan. Right ventricular fibrosis signaling (connective tissue growth factor and endothelin-1 protein levels); extra-cellular matrix remodeling (matrix-metalloproteinases 2 and 9), apoptosis and apoptosis-related peptides (caspases 3 and 8) were increased with pulmonary artery banding compared with sham-operated controls and decreased with macitentan.


Isolated right ventricular afterload causes biventricular fibrosis, right ventricular apoptosis and extra cellular matrix remodeling, mediated by up-regulation of endothelin-1 and connective tissue growth factor signaling. These pathological changes are ameliorated by dual endothelin receptor blockade despite persistent elevated right ventricular afterload.  相似文献   

目的:观察高同型半胱氨酸对高血压大鼠心肌内质网应激相关因子GRP94、caspase12表达的影响,及依那普利叶酸片(简称依叶片)对其表达的干预作用。方法:30只雄性成年自发性高血压大鼠(SHR),随机分为对照组、模型组和依叶片组,每组10只。对照组给予普通颗粒饲料喂养同时给予双蒸水灌胃,模型组给予含3%蛋氨酸的颗粒饲料喂养同时给予双蒸水灌胃,依叶片组给予含3%蛋氨酸的颗粒饲料喂养同时给予依叶片粉剂20 mg/kg/d灌胃。实验第8周末,用颈动脉插管法测各组大鼠平均动脉压(MAP),同型半胱氨酸检测仪检测血清同型半胱氨酸(homocystein,Hcy)浓度,称取体质量、全心质量及左心室质量计算大鼠心肌肥厚指数HWI及LVEI,通过HE染色观察心肌细胞形态学改变,免疫组化检测大鼠心肌组织中GRP94及caspase12表达水平。结果:①大鼠血清Hcy水平的变化。对照组大鼠血清Hcy值在正常值范围。与对照组相比,模型组大鼠血清Hcy值显著增高(P0.01);与模型组相比,依叶片组大鼠血清Hcy值明显降低(P0.01)。②大鼠HWI、LVEI及MAP的变化。模型组大鼠的HWI及LVEI均明显高于对照组(P0.05);依叶片干预后大鼠的HWI及LVEI均明显降低(P0.05)。对照组与模型组大鼠的MAP均明显增高,但两组大鼠的MAP差异无统计学意义(P0.05);与模型组相比,依叶片干预后大鼠的MAP明显降低(P0.01)。③大鼠心肌细胞内质网应激(endoplasmic reticulum stress,ERS)相关因子GRP94及caspase12表达。对照组及模型组大鼠心肌细胞GRP94及caspase12表达均增高。与对照组相比,模型组大鼠心肌细胞GRP94、caspase12表达增高更为明显(P0.05)。依叶片干预后大鼠心肌细胞GRP94、caspase12表达明显降低(P0.05)。结论:高Hcy通过ERS途径使高血压大鼠左室肥厚程度加重;依叶片可有效降低血清Hcy及血压水平,抑制心肌细胞ERS,从而有效逆转左室肥厚,其对左室肥厚干预的分子机制为"H型"高血压的预防及治疗提供了新的理论依据。  相似文献   

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