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高勇  康乐 《中国科学C辑》2006,36(2):180-183
雄性短翅鸣螽在交配过程中具有较大的交配投资, 包括营养投资(精包)和遗传投资(精子)两部分. 考查在交配过程中雌雄交配状态的4种组合处理对雄性释放出的精包与其组分以及精子数量的影响发现: 精包和精护鲜重与雄性体重成正相关关系, 而与雌性体重不相关, 这说明雄性营养投资强度取决于雄性质量而非雌性质量, 该结果支持父方投资假说. 精包及其精护、精荚鲜重在4种交配状态组合条件下没有差异, 而精子数目在雄性第二次交配过程中比第一次显著降低; 雄性在与已交配雌虫配对时, 没有显著提高繁殖投资, 该结果不支持精子竞争假说.  相似文献   

近年来越来越多研究表明,雄性产生精子(精液)也需付出代价。在多次交配的动物中,雄性为获得最大生殖潜力,必须依据配偶的质量策略性地调整每次交配的生殖投入。雄性策略性的生殖投入主要体现在两个方面,一是精子竞争(sperm competition),二是柯立芝效应(Coolidge effect)。目前精子竞争研究主要集中于昆虫类群,而柯立芝效应研究集中于高等脊椎动物,同时验证结果也时常与假说不一致。以多次交配的三突伊氏蛛为材料,以雄蛛交配行为为指标,在蜘蛛类群中探讨和验证雄性精子竞争强度假说和柯立芝效应。设定3个交配组合:2只雄蛛依次与1只雌蛛各交配1次(A组)、2只雄蛛依次与2只雌蛛各交配1次(B组)和1只雄蛛与1只雌蛛交配2次(C组),分析比较3个交配组合的三突伊氏蛛第1次交配和第2次交配在交配潜伏期、交配持续时间和交配回合数方面的差异,比较三突伊氏蛛雌蛛不同交配史对雄蛛交配行为的影响,以此验证雄性精子竞争强度假说和柯立芝效应。研究结果表明A和B组的三突伊氏蛛第2次交配的交配潜伏期和交配持续时间显著长于第1次交配。同时,C组的三突伊氏蛛第1次交配的交配潜伏期和交配持续时间与第2次交配都没有显著差异。同时,A、B和C组的三突伊氏蛛第1次交配的交配回合数与第2次交配都没有显著差异。研究结果支持精子竞争强度假说,而不支持柯立芝效应。  相似文献   

昆虫在多次交配与精子竞争格局中的雌雄对策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
长有德  康乐 《昆虫学报》2002,45(6):833-839
绝大多数昆虫雌性一生中不但与不同雄性交配许多次,而且在其特殊器官中还可长期贮藏雄性精子,因此来自不同雄性的的精子在与雌性卵子受精时发生激烈的精子竞争。本文综述了昆虫在多次交配与精子竞争格局中的雌雄对策。雄性对策表现在对自身与配偶身体质量状况的正确评估、精子竞争风险预测、精子异型及延长交配时程和配后保护等,雌性对策则表现在对雄性质量状况的正确评估、对精液的主动操纵及精子偏向性等,从而很好地适因多次交配和精子竞争而带来的强烈自然选择和性选择压力。  相似文献   

本研究考察了条纹短攀鲈(Trichopsis vittata)雄性个体的身体大小对雌性个体性偏好的影响以及对雄性之间竞争的影响。本研究设立了两种处理来研究雌性个体的性偏好以及雄性之间的竞争。在一种处理中,放入同样大小的雄性个体,而在另一种处理中,放入大小不同的雄性个体。结果表明,雄性个体的大小不影响雌性条纹短攀鲈的性偏好。在对雄性之间竞争的研究中,发现个体较大的个体获胜的次数比较多。在个体大小相同的处理中,雄性之间打斗的持续时间比另一种处理中的打斗持续时间长。对这两种处理中不同对抗行为的比较表明,个体大小相同处理组中的发声、咬、以及总体对抗行为发生得更为频繁。对个体大小不同处理组中的大、小个体的进一步观察也揭示出体型大的个体比体型小的个体有更多的追逐行为和更少的逃脱行为。这些结果表明,在雄性个体比雌性个体大的物种中,体型的性两型可能与雄性之间的竞争有关,而不是与雌性偏好有关。  相似文献   

钱静  沈和定  管菊 《动物学杂志》2015,50(4):600-606
雌雄同体贝类精子的储存和利用规律一直是国内外贝类生物学研究的难点之一,本文利用活体解剖、显微观察、组织切片和扫描电镜技术,综合研究了平疣桑椹石磺(Platevindex mortoni)的生殖系统及精子储存场所。结果显示,其生殖系统包括生殖器本部、雌性生殖部分和雄性生殖部分。生殖器本部由两性腺、两性输送管、蛋白腺、黏液腺、支囊组成;雌性生殖部分包括输卵管、受精囊、阴道,位于身体中后方体腔内;雄性生殖部分包括输精管、刺激器、阴茎、阴茎鞘和阴茎牵引肌,位于身体前端右侧体腔内;其阴茎有阴茎鞘,阴茎表面布满倒刺。平疣桑椹石磺阴茎为直线状,无雄性附属腺。未交配的性成熟个体支囊内充满细长精子,受精囊内无精子;而交配后充当雌性个体的支囊内均为细长的自体精子,受精囊内有大量活力较强的粗短精子,其支囊为自体精子的存储场所,而受精囊为异体精子的存储场所。其精子储运情况为:两性腺内精子成熟后暂存于支囊,交配时通过输精管运输至阴茎,由阴茎输送精子至对方的阴道,异体精子进入受精囊内存储待用。  相似文献   

精子储存是蝙蝠的生殖对策之一,有些种类的蝙蝠能将成熟精子在交配前(雄性)或交配后(雌性)储存在附睾或者输卵管及子宫内数月。采用冰冻切片和苏木精-伊红(H.E)染色法,观察了6种蝙蝠的睾丸、附睾、卵巢、输卵管和子宫,发现5种蝙蝠有精子储存现象。另外,本文还讨论了不同生殖对策蝙蝠的地理分布。  相似文献   

"雄性早现"(protandry)是指雄性相对于雌性更早进入繁殖状态或更早到达繁殖地的现象.该文针对候鸟的雄性比雌性在春季时更早到达繁殖地这一现象,介绍了雄性早现的6种假说,即等级优势(rank advantage)假说、敏感性(susceptibility)假说、限制性(constraint)假说、交配机会(mate opportunity)假说、等待代价(waiting cost)假说和配偶选择(mate choice)假说,并通过近年来的研究证据阐述了上述假说对解释候鸟雄性早现的适用性.此外,对鸟类雄性早现未来研究中可能的热点问题做了展望.  相似文献   

借鉴行为经济学的研究成果,从信息获取、信息加工、信息输出和信息反馈阶段,系统分析了消费者食品安全风险认知偏差。基于江苏省消费者660份实地问卷调查数据,实证检验了消费者食品安全风险认知偏差。研究发现:消费者食品安全风险认知过程中存在严重的认知偏差,在信息获取阶段存在易记性偏差、易得性偏差和次序效用;在信息输出阶段存在过度自信;在信息加工阶段的简化信息处理过程中存在代表性启发、易得性启发和框架依赖;在信息反馈阶段存在损失厌恶。实证检验表明,消费者在信息输出阶段存在过度自信、信息加工阶段存在框架依赖,政府和企业食品安全风险沟通需要考虑到认知偏差的存在。  相似文献   

雄性海南坡鹿发情期泥浴、沙浴行为及其在繁殖中的作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2005年2-5月间,在海南省大田国家级自然保护区文昌保护站的养鹿场内对7只半野生雄性海南坡鹿(Cervus eldi hainanus)的泥浴和沙浴行为、进行泥浴和沙浴行为的雄性个体的年龄、等级序位和交配成功次数进行了观察记录,以确定雄性坡鹿的泥、沙浴行为是否与雄性个体的年龄、等级序位和交配行为相关.本实验对以下3个假说进行了检验:(1)性成熟的雄鹿的泥浴行为多于刚刚性成熟的雄鹿;(2)优势雄鹿泥浴的频次和持续的时间多于非优势个体;(3)泥浴的次数与交配次数正相关.研究期间记录到雄性个体的79次泥浴和171次沙浴行为,性成熟雄鹿的泥浴和沙浴的频次显著地高于刚刚性成熟的雄鹿(P<0.01,Friedman nonparametric two-way ANOVA);不同等级序位的雄性泥沙浴持续时间没有明显的差异,但是优势雄鹿的泥浴频次显著高于非优势个体(Wilcoxon signed ranks 检验,P<0.01);雄鹿的泥浴和沙浴的频次分别与交配次数显著正相关(r=0.802, P<0.05, n=7;r=0.919, P<0.01, n=7;Pearson 检验).雄性海南坡鹿沙浴与泥浴是雄鹿发情期中的优势炫耀行为,对雄性个体的繁殖成功与否具有重要的意义[动物学报 53(3):417-424,2007].  相似文献   

2009 年9 月在黑龙江省带岭区东方红林场10 m ×10 m 半天然围栏内模拟花鼠种内(不同性别) 和种间
(大林姬鼠) 干扰竞争对花鼠分散埋藏红松种子行为的影响。实验分四个处理两个批次进行,依次为单只花鼠对
照实验(雄性7 只,雌性9 只)、种内同性干扰竞争、种内异性干扰竞争和种间干扰竞争。结果表明:(1)花鼠
内干扰对花鼠分散埋藏行为的影响不显著;(3) 种内干扰竞争条件下,同性干扰竞争和异性干扰竞争对花鼠分
增加;(5)雌性个体在雌性和雄性干扰条件下,花鼠分散埋藏行为均无明显变化。  相似文献   

Theory predicts that when sperm compete numerically, selection will favor males who vary the number of sperm they transfer with the immediate level of sperm competition. In this study, I measured male mating investment in response to both female mating status (virgin vs. mated) and the number of foreign sperm stored by females in a previous mating in the scorpionfly Panorpa cognata. Female sperm storage was manipulated by interrupting copulations at different time points. Female mating status did not significantly influence male mating investment, but resource-limited males invested strategically in relation to the amount of sperm stored by females in a previous mating. I found continuously decreasing male investment in response to increasing amounts of competing sperm. These results demonstrate an unprecedented male ability to assess the number of sperm stored by females. As a result, males are capable of an extraordinarily fine-tuned reaction to the intensity of sperm competition.  相似文献   

Sperm competition theory predicts that males should use cues indicating the risk and intensity of sperm competition to tailor their sperm investment accordingly. Rival males are an important source of social information regarding sperm competition risk. However, revealing such information may not be in the rival males' interest. Here, we use a theoretical approach based on informed and uninformed games to investigate when information transfer about sperm competition risk to competitors is beneficial for a male, and when it is not. The results show that signalling to potential future mates that a female has already mated is beneficial when the signalling male has a sperm competition disadvantage, whereas it is unfavourable when the signaller has an advantage. The reason for this counterintuitive result is that the rival males' optimal response is to reduce sperm investment when the signaller has a disadvantage and, conversely, to increase investment when the signaller has an advantage. Furthermore, we analysed scenarios where males use alternative reproductive tactics. In this situation, signalling the awareness of sperm competition risk rarely pays; instead, it is beneficial to maintain an information advantage. Thus, it may be beneficial for bourgeois males to accept cuckoldry instead of revealing their sperm competition awareness to reproductive parasites. These results provide new insight into the evolution of communication between rivals in the context of sperm competition.  相似文献   

Rainbow darters, Etheostoma caeruleum, are promiscuous fish with moderate rates of group spawning (between one and five males may simultaneously mate with one female). In this study, I examined male sperm output and male willingness to spawn under different levels of sperm competition intensity. One male and one female were allowed to spawn in an aquarium where they had visual and olfactory access to one of four treatments: four males, one male, zero males, or one female. Theory predicts that males should reduce sperm output when there are more than the average number of males at a group spawning (four-male treatment) and should increase sperm output when there are fewer than average males at a group spawning (one-male treatment). Mean sperm output did not differ among treatments. However, males released more sperm when spawning in the presence of competing males (four-male and one-male treatments pooled) than when spawning in the absence of competing males (zero-male and one-female treatments pooled). Males were also most likely to forego spawning opportunities when sperm competition intensity was high. Furthermore, male willingness to spawn was size dependent. Large males were more likely to forego spawning opportunities under high sperm competition intensity. Large males may be better off waiting for future spawning opportunities when there is a lower potential for sperm competition intensity.  相似文献   

Presgraves DC 《Genetics》2000,154(2):771-776
Cytoplasmic bacteria of the genus Wolbachia are best known as the cause of cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI): many uninfected eggs fertilized by Wolbachia-modified sperm from infected males die as embryos. In contrast, eggs of infected females rescue modified sperm and develop normally. Although Wolbachia cause CI in at least five insect orders, the mechanism of CI remains poorly understood. Here I test whether the target of Wolbachia-induced sperm modification is the male pronucleus (e.g., DNA or pronuclear proteins) or some extranuclear factor from the sperm required for embryonic development (e.g., the paternal centrosome). I distinguish between these hypotheses by crossing gynogenetic Drosophila melanogaster females to infected males. Gynogenetic females produce diploid eggs whose normal development requires no male pronucleus but still depends on extranuclear paternal factors. I show that when gynogenetic females are crossed to infected males, uniparental progeny with maternally derived chromosomes result. This finding shows that Wolbachia impair the male pronucleus but no extranuclear component of the sperm.  相似文献   

There are 2 models of male adjustment of sperm investment inthe ejaculate in relation to sperm competition. The "risk model"predicts that as "risk" of sperm competition increases, sperminvestment also increases. This prediction has been supportedin many species, including mammals. The "intensity model" involvesthe number of competing males copulating with the same femaleand predicts that males will allocate the highest sperm investmentat low sperm competition intensity (SCI) and then decreasingsperm investments as SCI increases. Two alternative outcomesare that sperm investment is unaffected by SCI and that sperminvestment increases as SCI increases. There are studies supportingall 3 possible outcomes in relation to SCI but no data on mammals.The present paper presents the first study of SCI in a mammalspecies, the meadow vole, Microtus pennsylvanicus. We used odorsof conspecific males to simulate low and high intensities ofsperm competition. We found that males allocate the highestsperm investment at low SCI and decrease significantly theirsperm investment at high SCI. We also found that males allocatethe lowest sperm investment at low sperm competition risk (SCR)and the highest sperm investment at high SCR. All these resultsagree with current theoretical models of sperm competition.  相似文献   

Juvenile population size may affect the potential for future mating opportunities and therefore potentially sperm competition; this may favour ontogenetic adjustments in sperm production. Theory predicts that males should optimize their ejaculatory investment in accordance with the risk of sperm competition. Evidence for these theories is typically revealed in males of highly polyandrous species. Whether such responses to environmental cues exist for females, or are maintained in mildly polyandrous species in which most females do not re-mate, is unknown. Male lepidopterans produce normal, fertilizing sperm (eupyrene) and non-fertilizing (apyrene) sperm. Apyrene sperm are associated with reduced female receptivity, suggesting a role in sperm competition. We tested the effect of juvenile population size on life-history parameters and reproductive investment in the mildly polyandrous almond moth, Cadra cautella , a species in which current male ejaculate traits suggest previous selection for paternity protection consistent with a sperm-competitive environment. Larvae were reared at high (H) or low population sizes (L). We recorded larval development time, adult longevity and male gametic investment. Our results show a response by adults to signals in the juvenile environment. H males transferred more apyrene, but not eupyrene sperm. We also examined potential trade-offs between somatic characters and reproductive behaviours. Larval duration was longer for H individuals, females and heavier individuals. Further, H females and L males lived longer than L females. Our data are consistent with the theory that males should adjust their reproductive investment in accordance with sperm competition risk.  相似文献   

Locomotor performance is an indicator of dynamic exercise; thus, it is a central trait in many animal behaviours. Although higher locomotor endurance may increase male reproductive success (e.g., in mate searching and male–male contests), investment in other male reproductive traits (e.g., male attractiveness and sperm competition) may be decreased through energy consumption due to higher activity levels. Here, I investigated male attractiveness, mating success, and paternity success using males of the red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum selected for higher (H) and lower (L) locomotor endurance. Although there was no difference in male attractiveness between the selection regimes, H males had significantly higher mating success than L males. Conversely, L males had significantly higher paternity success than H males. Therefore, there was a trade-off between mating success and paternity success among the selection regimes, suggesting that locomotor endurance affects male reproduction in T. castaneum, and individual variation of locomotor endurance may be maintained within a population.  相似文献   

Sexual selection in hermit crabs: a review and outlines of future research   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The information currently available on sexual selection in hermit crabs is reviewed to identify the role of males and females before, during and after mating. According to this information, possible mechanisms of male–male competition, female choice and/or sexual conflict are suggested. Important male components that may affect mating success include dragging the female shell, rotations of the female's shell and male cheliped palpations, and male size and/or shell characteristics (species and size). Possible female determinants of male mating/fertilization success include size (as an indicator of egg production capacity), signalling of sexual receptivity to males, delay from mate guarding to copulation and mating duration. Avenues for deeper exploration in males include the role of the number and morphometry of male sexual tubes during sperm transfer, and whether ejaculate size and sperm number can be adjusted with variable situations of sperm competition intensity and risk. In females it would be interesting to investigate the chemical and behavioural mechanisms affecting spermatophore breakage for sperm release and the variable duration from sperm transfer to spawning. Given these possibilities, and that sperm is externally deposited on the female's body but inside her shell (except for those species that do not use shells, e.g. Birgus , or species where shells are rather small and do not cover the body totally, e.g. Parapagurus ), we conclude that hermit crabs are unique subjects for separating male and female effects, particularly with respect to the applicability of current ideas in sexual selection such as female choice and sexual conflict. Some practical ideas are provided to disentangle both hypotheses using these animals.  相似文献   

Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain the adaptivesignificance of prolonged copulations in insects, which includemate guarding and sperm loading functions. We have exploredthe adaptive significance of the prolonged copulations in thegolden egg bug (copulations up to 50 h) and the effect of anincreased risk of sperm competition on ejaculate investment.Our data support predictions derived from sperm competitiontheory, which posits that males are expected to increase ejaculateexpenditure in response to an increased risk of sperm competition.Results show a combined response by males that has not beenpreviously described: males in the presence of rivals increasecopulation duration and the rate of sperm transfer. No relationshipwas found between male or female size and copulation durationor ejaculate size. Golden egg bug males transfer sperm slowlyand gradually throughout copulation; thus an increase in theamount of sperm transferred and the corresponding increase inthe male's numerical representation in the female's storageorgans could be particularly important in a system in whichso few sperm are transferred and in which so few sperm are storedby females. In addition, copulation duration may not only serveto increase the total amount of sperm transferred, but it mayalso increase the chances that the female will lay an egg soonafter copulation has ended. This could explain why males tendto accept eggs after copulation, since they could be maximizingthe chances that such eggs are fathered by them, and in thisway they would substantially increase the survival rates oftheir offspring because eggs laid on plants suffer high mortalityrates.  相似文献   

Sperm competition influences sperm size in mammals.   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Among mammals sperm competition leads to selection for increased sperm numbers but it is not known whether it also leads to changes in sperm size. Two contrasting theoretical predictions have been made. The first hypothesis relies on the assumption that there is a trade-off between sperm numbers and sperm size and predicts that, in species confronting sperm competition, there will be a concomitant decrease in sperm size as sperm numbers increase. In contrast, the second hypothesis suggests that longer sperm may outcompete rival sperm; if longer sperm may swim faster, they will reach the ova sooner and will be selected when sperm competition prevails. We tested these hypotheses in both primates and rodents. We report that males from species in which females mate promiscuously have longer sperm than species in which females mate with one male. In addition, we also found that sperm length is positively correlated with maximum sperm velocity. Our findings thus support the view that longer sperm may be adaptive in the context of sperm competition.  相似文献   

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