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Dwarf individuals are observed in many species of freshwater fish. This paper studies the potential causes of such stunted growth. We present a model which describes the effect of growth conditions on the age- and size-structure of fish populations. The model parameters are chosen to characterize a Eurasian perch population. Two possible causes of stunting are identified: resource limitation and size- or age-dependent survival probabilities. While the former mechanism often arises from intraspecific density dependence, the latter is of particular relevance in the context of interspecific interactions and fishing. After evaluating the immediate ecological consequences of these factors, we examine the potential for life-history adaptations in stunted fish populations. Interactions between the ecological and adaptive mechanisms of stunting are shown to be intricate: not only does the age at maturity of individuals affect their growth trajectories, but, in addition, alterations in growth conditions can result in different adaptively stable ages at maturity. We show that such adaptive responses can either alleviate or amplify stunting caused by ecological factors. Life-history adaptation may also lead to the persistence of stunting when ecological factors alone would allow for normal growth. An appreciation of the interplay between ecological and adaptive factors therefore is critical for understanding the causes and mechanisms of stunted growth. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

金枪鱼围网渔船使用人工集鱼装置(FADs)可以增加对金枪鱼随附鱼群的捕捞能力,而大规模投放FADs引起的生态问题在数十年间引起了国际社会的广泛关注。因此,开发高效集鱼能力并降低生态影响的FADs是金枪鱼围网渔业面临的挑战。由于缺乏大量试验研究,目前对FADs和捕捞物种之间相互关系的理解极其有限。本研究通过对从事金枪鱼围网捕捞生产的船长进行问卷调查,从渔民经验的角度总结了FADs的投放现状、结构设计、捕捞和生态特性,以及随附鱼群的行为特征等,并基于一致性指数(IoC)对调查内容的认知差异进行量化。结果表明: 我国金枪鱼围网船单船每年平均投放的FADs数量为(102±37),丢失数量为(72±15)。FADs的集鱼效果优于天然流木,水下悬挂结构是吸引金枪鱼的主要原因,且悬挂吸引物(如漂带)有助于诱集金枪鱼集群。FADs投放后金枪鱼的首次出现时间平均约32 d,此后的1个月内集群量趋于稳定;海龟或鲨鱼被FADs网状结构缠绕的情况偶有发生。被调查者对“生物附着对集群效果的影响”和“优化FADs隐蔽性的意愿”两个问题的反馈具有较高的一致性(IoC均为0.73),对“筏体结构类型对集群效果影响”的反馈答案分歧较大(IoC=0.34)。当前FADs的设计存在低隐蔽性和导致非目标鱼种高脆弱性的弊端。研究结果可为开发生态效应和捕捞效益兼具的生态友好型FADs提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Standard lengths of cyprinids at several sites in the River Great Ouse, England, were compared between catches taken using a conventional 15 × 3 m micromesh seine (pore diameter 2 mm) and using point sampling by electrofishing (PSE). No statistically significant differences in sites were found in six out of 10 trials. In nine out of 10 trials, the difference between the mean lengths differed by <1 mm. No serial bias was found between PSE and seine netting for cyprinid fishes between 14 and 100 mm SL, although variation between size classes was high, owing to small sample sizes. The coefficient of variation in fish length with size tended to increase with the age of 0+ Rutilus rutilus . The relationship between sample size (n) and variance ( s2 ) was explained by s 2=13·9 n −1·24. Sampling more than 30 fish resulted in little increase in precision. The relationship between the mean catch per site (̄) and the variance of the mean estimate was log s 2=1·6039 log ̄ +0·973. The number of samples required to estimate density within a given variance range was: n =9·33 ̄ 1·6–2 CV̄ −2. Given the high variance-mean ratio, great care should be taken when interpreting density data collected using PSE, and 50 point samples is the minimum required for density estimation.  相似文献   

Pollinator and flowering plant interactions play a critical role in maintaining most terrestrial ecosystems, including agroecosystems. Although estimates of floral resource availability are essential to understand plant–pollinator relationships, no generally accepted methodology exists to date. We compared two methods for sampling floral resources in a single meadow. About every three days, we recorded species lists of insect-pollinated plants with abundance categories assigned to each species (hereafter referred to as scanning) and we counted the flowering shoots in 36 2 × 2 m quadrats (hereafter quadrat sampling). These methods were compared with respect to (i) the number of species detected, (ii) estimated floral resource abundance, and (iii) temporal changes in flowering. With scanning, we found more potential nectar-plant species and species were found earlier than with quadrat sampling. With the latter, abundant species were found with higher probability than the scarce. Flower abundances were correlated between the two methods. We predicted that a cover of 6.3 ± 3.6% should be used for an appropriate estimate of flower abundance in our study site, although the optimal cover probably varies across different habitats. Furthermore, flower abundance changed 6% per day compared to the flowering peak. Overall, scanning seems to be more appropriate for detecting presence and the timing of species, while quadrats may provide higher resolution for abundance estimates. Increased sampling coverage and frequency may enhance research accuracy and using scanning and quadrat sampling simultaneously may help to optimize research effort. We encourage further development of sampling protocols.  相似文献   

人工集鱼装置对热带金枪鱼类摄食模式的影响研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王少琴  许柳雄  王学昉  朱国平 《生态学报》2014,34(13):3490-3498
热带金枪鱼类具有聚集在漂浮物体周围的行为特性,形成的集群表现稳定,可捕性较高。以此特性,金枪鱼围网渔业研制并投放了大量的人工集鱼装置(Fish Aggregation Device,FAD)用于聚集并捕捞金枪鱼。然而,大规模出现的FAD会使某些海域海面漂浮物的密度迅速增加,从而在一定程度上人为地改变了金枪鱼的表层栖息环境,对金枪鱼种群具有一系列可能的潜在负面影响,摄食模式的改变就是其中之一。归纳并综合了近年来国内外关于FAD对金枪鱼类摄食模式影响的相关研究,从摄食行为、日摄食量、饵料种类与组成以及生态位宽度4个方面对比了随附于FAD的金枪鱼和自由状态下同类的不同,发现大多情况下FAD的存在会使金枪鱼的摄食模式发生一定的改变。最后,归纳了过往实验存在的不足,对今后研究的发展方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

Social living of animals is a broadly occurring phenomenon, although poorly studied in freshwater systems, fish schooling behaviour is an excellent example. The composition of fish schools, species-specific schooling tendencies and preferences of adult fish were studied in the pelagic habitat of the Římov Reservoir, Czech Republic. Video recordings captured over a total of 34 days (16 h per day) in the clear water period of three seasons were analysed. From four species identified as school-forming species – bream, bleak, roach and perch, 40% of the individuals observed formed schools of 3–36 individuals. Although conspecific schools prevailed, 20% of individuals formed heterospecific schools, except bleak that schooled strictly with conspecifics. Schools were composed of individuals of similar body size and life strategy. Heterospecific schools were significantly larger than conspecific schools and showed uneven proportion among species, that is, one species being more abundant when the school dimension increased. Probability of encounter in bleak was lowest and proved highest inclination for schooling. Gregarianism levels depended on species morphology and body size, with larger and morphologically advanced fish tending less to sociability. This indicates that the antipredator function of schooling behaviour is intensified with increasing vulnerability of the species.  相似文献   

中西太平洋鲣鱼的年龄鉴定和生长特性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
鱼类的年龄和生长等生物学参数对于准确评估渔业资源非常重要.本文于2007年10月至2008年1月,利用围网渔船在中西太平洋海域采集了262尾鲣鱼样本,现场测定其叉长(278~746 mm)和体质量(345~9905 g),并搜集第一背鳍鳍棘用于鉴定其年龄和生长状况.结果表明:鲣鱼叉长(L, mm)与体质量(M,g)的关系式为M=3.612×10-6L3. 278 (R2=0.9782),性别对其影响不显著(F=2.002,P>0.05);经赤池信息量标准(AIC)评估,在幂函数、线性及指数3种回归关系中,线性回归模型最好地拟合了鲣鱼叉长与鳍棘截面半径之间的关系(AIC=2257.4);采用Fraser-Lee法求得的鲣鱼1~5龄平均逆算叉长分别为398.4、494.2、555.4、636.8和728.8 mm;经残差平方和分析,雌雄鲣鱼的生长状况间不存在显著性差异(F=0.670;df=182;P>0.05),推得鲣鱼von Bertalanffy生长方程为Lt=706.51(1-e-0.64(t+0.037)).  相似文献   

森林冠层昆虫多样性研究方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孟庆繁 《昆虫知识》2007,44(6):815-820
森林冠层是森林昆虫栖息、取食、避敌的重要生境,其中生活着十分丰富的昆虫物种。但由于乔木树体高大,冠层难于接近,在很大程度上限制了冠层昆虫多样性的研究。冠层昆虫类群结构的划分和冠层昆虫取样技术也是冠层昆虫多样性研究的重要基础。文章综述当前冠层接近和冠层昆虫抽样技术的最新进展,并评述冠层昆虫类群结构划分的方法。  相似文献   

In the Enonselkä and Laitialanselkä basins of Lake Vesijärvi, perch Perca fluviatilis and roach Rutilus rutilus were abundant in the littoral and in the pelagic zones throughout the summer. In the littoral zone, roach was always more numerous than perch, while perch dominated in the open water. Intraspecific diet overlap values were higher than interspecific values. In the pelagic zone, perch <155 mm fed mainly on the cladoceran Leptodora kindtii , while small bosminids were most important food items for roach. Large perch were piscivorous, feeding mainly on smelt Osmerus eperlanus . In the littoral zone small perch foraged on zooplankton and chironomid larvae and large perch on chironomids and fish (small perch). Small roach fed mainly on bosminids and detritus, while for roach <185 mm macrophytes ( Elodea Canadensis, Lemna trisulca ) were also of importance. Detritus was more common in the food of roach in Laitialanselkä than in Enonselkä. The slower growth rate of roach in Laitialanselkä compared with Enonselkä was probably connected with this. However, considering the latitude of the lake, the growth rate of both roach and perch was relatively fast in both basins. The results indicated that in a large lake both perch and roach are able to utilize effectively the different habitats and diverse food resources. By segregation in food resource utilization they are able to co-exist in large quantities, at the same time maintaining a relatively fast growth rate.  相似文献   

Decreasing spring abundances of the copepod Eurytemora affinis,in a shallow brackish inlet of the Baltic Sea, were comparedwith calculated consumption of age-0 fish [dominant speciesherring (Clupea harengus) and perch (Perca fluviatihs)] as determinedby two bioenergetics models. Fish and zooplankton populationswere sampled at three stations along a salinity gradient of0.3-8.1% maximum range. Larvae and juveniles of both fish speciespreferred to prey on adults and developmental stages of E.affinis.Although there were substantial variations in fish density andcopepod production across the salinity range, consumption ofzooplankton by age-0 fish was never high enough to be a majorsource of copepod mortality.This finding is an independent confirmationof previous results obtained by direct food-intake measurementsin the same region. The low impact of fish predation may bea function of the low individual fish biomass in spring, theincreased copepod production and the dominance of the less planktivorousperch, rather than herring, in the less saline waters of theBarther Strom inlet.  相似文献   

A large scale biomanipulation of pelagic fish by trawling was started in the eutrophic Enonselkä basin (26 km2) of Lake Vesijärvi to improve the water quality which had remained poor in spite of the termination of nutrient loading. The distribution and density of the fish were studied by hydroacoustics before and during the removal. The initial annual fish density varied between 13 000–21 000 fish ha–1 in the study area in August 1984–89. The mass-removal of the fish by pelagic trawling took place in 1989–1992. The catch varied annually between 64 and 92 kg ha–1. Roach (Rutilus rutilus (L.)) and smelt (Osmerus eperlanus (L.)) accounted for c. 85% of the weight of the catch. The mass-removal decreased the pelagic fish density in the Enonselkä basin during the trawling. An increase in the density was observed after the trawling ceased in these years, and the initial density level was reached within one month. The density level after mass-removal remained high compared with oligotrophic lakes. The pelagic fish had a diurnal ascending trend with the decreasing light intensity in August, and the fish were significantly (p < 0.01) higher in the water mass in temperature non-stratified water in autumn than in stratified water in summer. The fish were somewhat deeper in the years of mass-removal than before it. Mass-removal did not affect the individual length of the echosurveyed fish. Fish smaller than c. 15 cm (TS < –44 dB; mainly smelt) were numerically dominant throughout the whole study period.  相似文献   

稻田水生昆虫在稻田生态系统功能实现中发挥着重要的作用。本文基于作者对稻田生态系统中水生昆虫多样性研究,系统地介绍了稻田水生昆虫的生态位分布、定量研究与定性研究的采集技术方法与流程,为更好地开展稻田水生昆虫研究提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

A simultaneous (SIM) sediment extraction procedure for low carbonate sediments, which partitions sediment-bound trace metals (Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, and Cd) into easily reducible (associated with Mn oxides), reducible (associated with Fe oxides) and alkaline extracted (bound to organic) metal is presented. The SIM method was compared to the sequential (SEQ) extraction procedure of Tessier et al. (1979). Both methods showed good agreement for the partitioning of Zn and Cd among the easily reducible, reducible and organic components of sediment. Both methods also showed the same general distribution of Mn, Fe and Cu among the three sediment components, however concentrations of metals recovered by the two methods differed; less Mn and Fe and more Cu was recovered from sediments by the SEQ vs. the SIM procedure. Less recovery of Mn is in part attributed to the loss of this metal in the `in between' reagent rinses required in the SEQ procedure. Greater recovery of Cu by the SEQ vs. the SIM method may be due to the pretreatment of sediment with strong reducing agents prior to the step used for liberating organically bound metals. Advantages of a SIM over the SEQ include rapid sample processing time (i.e. the treatment of 40 samples per day vs. 40 samples in three days), plus minimal sample manipulation. Hence, for partitioning metals into easily reducible, reducible and organic sediment components in sediments low in carbonate, we recommend the use of a SIM extraction over that of a SEQ procedure.  相似文献   

We investigated growth and mortality of age-0 northern squawfish during early rearing in shallow shoreline habitats. Larvae and juveniles (n=22914) were collected by weekly seining at three sample sites in the upper John Day Reservoir, Columbia River, during June through early September 1994–1996. Using a length-based ageing method, it was estimated that the exponential growth rate (G) for a common growth stanza (10–28 mm standard length SL) was significantly higher in 1994 (G=0.047) than in 1996 (G=0.037). Growth rate in 1995 could not be estimated, but was probably intermediate between 1994 and 1996 based on mean standard lengths of fish collected at the end of each sampling season (46.3, 40.0, and 32.0 mm SL in 1994, 1995, and 1996, respectively). For many fish species, variations in early growth can influence survival through size-selective mortality processes. Consistent with this possibility, our estimates of instantaneous mortality rates (Z) demonstrated that larvae and juveniles had significantly higher mortality in 1996 than in 1994 (Z=0.103 in 1994, versus Z=0.138 in 1996). Enhanced growth and lower mortality in 1994 were associated with a number of interrelated environmental conditions – comparatively low flows and turbidities, abundant instream vegetative cover, and high near-shore water temperatures.  相似文献   

Counting the number of individuals emerging from burrows is the most practical method for estimating the apparent abundance of Australian Uca species living in mangrove habitats. Experiments were conducted to investigate the effect on counts of quadrat design, distance of observer, quadrat size, recovery time and observational technique. Significant differences in the apparent abundance of one species were found when the subjects were within 2 m of the observer, and when a conspicuous quadrat was used. The largest quadrat tested provided the least variability in counts but an intermediate size (0.56 m2) was more practical. Most Uca active within a 30-min period emerged during the first 10 min regardless of site, species, sex or season. There was a linear correlation between scanning and continuous observation indicating that the former method could be useful when sampling time was limited. Temporal changes in the apparent abundance of Uca suggest that long-term sampling and more detailed studies will be worthwhile.  相似文献   

Josef Matěna 《Hydrobiologia》1995,303(1-3):31-38
The food composition of young-of-the-year (YOY) roach, common bream and perch, the dominant fish species in ímov reservoir, was investigated during 1989 and 1990. The littoral fry assemblages were dominated by roach and perch, while bream larvae migrated into deeper water early in their development. The YOY roach fed opportunistically. Up to 15 mm length they remained close to the shoreline, preferring periphyton, Chydoridae and larval Chironomidae. Perch larvae between 10–15 mm long gradually became demersal but their diet continued to consist of the planktonic Cyclops spp. and Diaptomus spp. Resource partitioning was a characteristic feature of the littoral fry assemblages. The only significant overlap in diet occurred with Polyphemus pediculus, which was positively selected by both roach and perch fry.  相似文献   

The characterization of candidate loci is a critical step in obtaining insight into adaptation and acclimation of organisms. In this study of two non-model tropical (to sub-tropical) congeneric perciformes (Lates calcarifer and Lates niloticus) we characterized both coding and non-coding regions of lactate dehydrogenase-B (ldh-b), a locus which exhibits temperature-adaptive differences among temperate and sub-tropical populations of the North American killifish Fundulus heteroclitus. Ldh-b was 5,004 and 3,527 bp in length in L. calcarifer and L. niloticus, respectively, with coding regions comprising 1,005 bp in both species. A high level of sequence homology existed between species for both coding and non-coding regions of ldh-b (> 97% homology), corresponding to a 98.5% amino acid sequence homology. All six known functional sites within the encoded protein sequence (LDH-B) were conserved between the two Lates species. Ten simple sequence repeat (SSR) motifs (mono-, di-, tri- and tetranucleotide) and thirty putative microRNA elements (miRNAs) were identified within introns 1, 2, 5 and 6 of both Lates species. Five single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were also identified within miRNA containing intron regions. Such SNPs are implicated in several complex human conditions and/or diseases (as demonstrated by extensive genome-wide association studies). This novel characterization serves as a platform to further examine how non-model species may respond to changes in their native temperatures, which are expected to increase by up to 6°C over the next century.  相似文献   

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