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Summary Although mussel beds are common in many intertidal habitats, the ecological significance of the aggregated distribution of mussels has not been examined. The ribbed mussel, Geukensia demissa, is found in dense aggregations on the seaward margin of many salt marshes in New England. Here, we examine the population structure of G. demissa in a New England salt marsh and investigate experimentally the costs and benefits of aggregation.Size, growth rate, and settlement rates of mussels decrease with increasing tidal height, whereas survivorship and longevity increase with increasing tidal height. Winter ice dislodges mussels from the substratum, resulting in mortality over all size classes, whereas crab predation results in the mortality of smaller mussels. The intensity of each of these mortality agents decreases with increasing tidal height. Effects of intraspecific competition on individual growth and mortality also decrease with increasing tidal height.At high densities, individual growth rates were reduced, with depression of growth rates most pronounced on smaller individuals. Mortality from sources other than intraspecific crowding, however, was reduced at high mussel densities, including mortality due to winter ice and crab predators. As a result, our data suggest that the mussel population at our study site would be reduced by 90% in only five years and no juveniles would survive through their second year without an aggregated distribution.Juveniles settle gregariously with or without adults present. The aggregated distribution of settlers and the postsettlement movement of smaller mussels to favorable microhabitats result in size and age class segregation within the population. This probably reduces intraspecific competition for food, while maintaining the survivorship advantages of an aggregated distribution.  相似文献   

The structure of the heart of Geukensia demissa, a common object of physiological and biochemical investigation, is described by scanning, transmission and freeze-fracture electron microscopy. A single-cell epithelial layer covers the ventricle, but an endothelium is lacking. Myofibers are small (6–7 μm diam.), mononucleate, and tapered. Glycogen is concentrated peripherally. Mitochondria are particularly concentrated under the sarcolemma, near the ends of the nucleus, and in rows between bundles of myofilaments. The myofilaments (6–8nm thin, 30–35 nm thick filament diam.) are loosely arranged into sarcomeres (2–4 μm) by Z bodies. Many of these Z bodies interconnect, and some anchor to the sarcolemma forming attachment plaques. Cells are joined by intercalated discs consisting of fascia adherentes, spot desmosomes, and gap junctions. The gap junctions include intramembrane particles. T tubules are absent. The sarcolemma is coupled to the junctional sarcoplasmic reticulum (JSR) over 357ndash;40% of the cell surface. Tubules extend from the JSR deep into and throughout the cell as an irregularly dispersed network. The SR occupies 1% of the cell volume. A few, small (0.1–1.0 μm) unmyelinated nerves are present, but no neuromuscular junctions were seen. The auricles have fewer and smaller myocytes than the ventricle. The auricles also contain podocytes with pedicels having 20–35 nm slits and containing sieve-like projections. The morphology of the Geukensia heart is similar to that of other bivalves.  相似文献   

The content of betaine and alanine in gills of the ribbed mussel Geukensia demissa increases rapidly following transfer of the tissues from 250 to 1000 mOsm seawater (SW). Increases in alanine, proline and glycine account for most of the increase in the amino acid pool. The betaine content increases from 45 to 150 μmol/g dry weight within 12 h. Transfer of isolated gills from 250 to 1000 mOsm SW results in a temporary cessation of all ciliary activity. Within 20–40 min following transfer, ciliary activity has recovered. Recovery of ciliary activity precedes recovery of tissue hydration. The uric acid content of gills is unchanged by exposure to hyperosmotic media, suggesting that uric acid is not a store of nitrogen for alanine synthesis from pyruvate. In other organisms, the accumulation of betaine in response to hyperosmotic stress is a slow (days to weeks) process that probably involves changes in gene expression. The rapid, large increases in betaine reported here suggest that gene expression is not a factor in volume recovery by euryhaline bivalve tissues exposed to acute hyperosmotic stress.  相似文献   

Summary The ventricle of the mussel Geukensia demissa is inhibited by 5-hydroxytryptamine and excited by the molluscan neuropeptide FMRFamide. Supra-threshold doses of amide result in marked positive chronotropy and inotropy within 5–15 s. 5-Hydroxytryptamine at 10-8 M produces diastolic arrest within 10 s. A 1-min exposure to FMRFamide (5 · 10-8 M) results in a small increase in the cytoplasmic levels of adenosine 3,5-cyclic monophosphate; shorter or longer exposures have no effect. The cAMP content of ventricles incubated in 5 · 10-8 M 5-hydroxytryptamine for 1 min decreases by 2.3 pmol/mg protein; longer or shorter incubations have no effect. Treatment with forskolin results in 3-or 4-fold increases in adenosine 3,5-cyclic monophosphate, but forskolin has no effect on the mechanical activity of the ventricle. The levels of inositol monophosphate, inositol 1,4-diphosphate, and inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate in tissues exposed to 5-hydroxytryptamine are not different from levels in control tissues. FMRFamide decreases the levels of these phosphoinositides by 50% or more. Lower concentrations of phorbol 12,13-diacetate (10-8 to 10-7 M) and phorbol 12-myristate, 13-acetate (10-6 M) cause positive chronotropy in the isolated ventricle; higher concentrations induce systolic arrest. These results suggest that the effects of 5HT on the ventricle are not mediated by adenosine 3,5-cyclic monophosphate or inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate. The effects of FMRFamide may involve a decrease in inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate. The effects of amide may involve a decrease in inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate. The response of the ventricles to phorbol esters suggest that protein kinase C may be involved in the regulation of cardiac contractility.Abbreviations cAMP adenosine 3,5-cyclic monophosphate - DMA dimethylformamide - DMSO dimethylsulfoxide - FMRFamide Phenylalanyl-methionyl-arginyl-phenylalanylamide - 5HT 5-hydroxytryptamine - IP inositol monophosphate - IP2 inositol 1,4-diphosphate - IP3 inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate - PDA phorbol 12,13-diacetate - PMA phorbol 12-myristate, 13-acetate - SW sea water Present address: MSU; E.M. Center, Memphis, TN 38152, USA  相似文献   

Seston in salt marshes contains a temporally and spatially complex mixture of natural microparticulate organic material, including phytoplankton, vascular plant detritus, bacteria, heterotrophic nanoflagellates and benthic diatoms. Quantitative information is available concerning how suspension-feeding consumers, such as the ribbed mussel, Geukensia demissa (Dillwyn), utilize some of these components to satisfy their carbon demands. Despite this information there is still a limited understanding of how the relative nutritive contribution of these different dietary items may shift during the year associated with variations in both seston composition and the mussel's physiological condition. To investigate if the mussel's ability to use specific constituents of natural seston varies seasonally, we ran a series of pulse-chase 14C feeding experiments under ambient conditions in March, May, August and November 1996. Phytoplankton, cellulosic detritus, bacteria, heterotrophic nanoflagellates and benthic diatoms were radiolabeled and supplemented in small amounts to natural marsh water for feeding to mussels. The fate of 14C in mussel tissues, feces, respiration and excretion was quantified and contrasted among the different diet types and seasons. Microcapsules containing radiolabeled carbohydrate and protein were used as standards to differentiate possible between-experiment variations in seston composition from seasonal changes in the mussel's feeding and digestive physiology. Mussel clearance rates for all diets were highest in summer and autumn and lowest in winter and spring. In contrast, seasonal shifts in digestive physiology were only found for certain diets. The seasonal range of assimilation efficiencies for microcapsule standards (18-29%) and field-collected microheterotrophs (bacteria 76-93% and heterotrophic nanoflagellates 87-94%) did not differ significantly during the year, whereas summer and autumn assimilation efficiencies for cellulosic detritus (22-24%), phytoplankton (71-79%) and benthic diatoms (89-93%) were up to twofold greater than those in winter and spring (13%, 40-59% and 45-81%, respectively). We conclude that the digestive physiology (e.g., digestive enzyme production) of mussels responds to shifts in dietary components during the year.  相似文献   

Sperm ultrastructure was studied in two Atlantic species of bivalve mollusks Geukensia demissa and Modiolus modiolus (Mytilidae). These spermatozoa have a classic structure common for species with external fertilization: the head of the spermatozoon of G. demissa and M. modiolus consists of an acrosome, including an acrosomal vesicle and periacrosomal material, a nucleus, and a middle part with two mutually perpendicular centrioles, surrounded by a ring of spherical mitochondria. The spermatozoa of G. demissa and M. modiolus differ in the general shape and size of the head (M. modiolus, 5.8 × 4 m; G. demissa, 4.2 × 2.5 m), as well as the structure of the acrosome and the number of mitochondria (M. modiolus, 8–12; G. demissa, 5–6). The spermatozoa of the Atlantic species M. modiolus and M. modiolus (M. kurilensis) from the Sea of Japan are close in ultrastructure, but differ in the number of mitochondria. This could possibly be a reason to consider M. modiolus from the Sea of Japan as a separate subspecies, M. modiolus kurilensis. In ultrastructure, the spermatozoa of G. demissa differ significantly from the spermatozoa of M. modiolus, but are similar to the spermatozoa of species of the genus Brachidontes.  相似文献   

In the fall, freeze tolerant intertidal invertebrates usually produce ice-nucleating proteins that are secreted into the hemolymph. These proteins help protect against freeze damage by insuring that ice formation is limited to extracellular spaces. Geukensia demissa, a freeze tolerant, salt marsh bivalve mollusc was examined for the presence of ice nucleating proteins. The ice-nucleating temperature (INT) of the hemolymph was not significantly different from artificial seawater of the same salinity indicating the lack of an ice nucleating protein in the hemolymph. The palial fluid did have an elevated INT, indicating the presence of an ice nucleator. The INT of the palial fluid was significantly reduced by boiling and filtration through a 0.45-&mgr;m filter. High INT was also observed in the seawater associated with the bivalves, and was demonstrated in water samples collected from salt marshes but not sand and pebble beaches. Moreover, the INT of water samples collected from a salt marsh decreased in the summer. All of these data suggest that the ice-nucleating agents in the hemolymph and the seawater are ice-nucleating bacteria. One species of ice-nucleating bacteria, Pseudomonas fulva was isolated from the gills of Geukensia. These bacteria could perform the same function as hemolymph ice-nucleating proteins by limiting ice formation to extracellular compartments.  相似文献   

The ribbed mussel, Geukensia demissa, is highly dependent on the cordgrass Spartina alterniflora for amelioration from environmental stress and substrate stabilization. Spartina alterniflora is a foundation species in marshes, and G. demissa is typically associated with cordgrass beds. Marshes in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence are experiencing erosion and degradation, presumably as a result of increases in sea level, which increases salinity exposure and negatively impacts S. alterniflora. The population structure of the ribbed mussel, Geukensia demissa, was studied at nine sites in six estuaries in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence in Nova Scotia, Canada, where marsh degradation is occurring. Mussel length was used as a proxy for age of G. demissa in three salt marsh zones characterized by density and elevation of Spartina alterniflora: (1) a lower zone in which the S. alterniflora was dead, but where the basal mat was coherent, (2) a zone of living, but low density S. alterniflora at the margin of the living marsh, and (3) a zone of dense S. alterniflora one to three meters back from the edge. Mussel length was significantly different across the three zones in seven of the nine sites. Mean length decreased as elevation increased, and small mussels (i.e., 1–3 cm) were absent at seven sites. The smallest mussels occurred in the dense S. alterniflora zone, higher in the marsh. Mussel length in the two western sites did not differ between zones, and small mussels (i.e., 1–3 cm) were present, but rare. The absence of small mussels in seven of the nine sites, and the size frequency distribution at remaining sites, suggests a lack of recent recruitment and a long-term threat to the survival of G. demissa. Salt marsh degradation and the death of S. alterniflora have negatively impacted G. demissa recruitment, and population decline is evident.  相似文献   


1. 1.|The external temperatures of the trunks and tails of four groups of mice kept at 33, 21, 8 and 4°C for the first 6 months of their life were different depending on the environmental temperature.

2. 2.|The skin temperatures over the tails was lower than those over the trunk at all ambient temperatures but the internal rectal temperature had not changed.

3. 3.|Those ear pinnae are also important in thermoregulation for those of 33°C mice were larger and thinner than those kept at the lower temperatures.

Author Keywords: Body temperature; thermoregulation; mice; ear  相似文献   

As cold weather is an ischaemic heart disease (IHD) risk factor, year-to-year variations of the level of IHD mortality may be partly determined by inter-annual variations in winter climate. This paper investigates whether there is any association between the level of IHD mortality for three English counties and the winter North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), which exerts a fundamental control on the nature of the winter climate over Western Europe. Correlation and regression analysis was used to explore the nature of the association between IHD mortality and a climate index (CI) that represents the interaction between the NAO and temperature across England for the winters 1974–1975 to 1989–1999. Statistically significant inverse associations between the CI and the level of IHD mortality were found. Generally, high levels of winter IHD mortality are associated with a negative CI, which represents winters with a strong negative phase of the NAO and anomalously low temperatures across England. Moreover, the nature of the CI in the early stages of winter appears to exert a fundamental control on the general level of winter IHD mortality. Because winter climate is able to explain a good proportion of the inter-annual variability of winter mortality, long-lead forecasting of winter IHD mortality appears to be a possibility. The integration of climate-based health forecasts into decision support tools for advanced general winter emergency service and capacity planning could form the basis of an effective adaptive strategy for coping with the health effects of harsh winters.  相似文献   

Transgenic Bt cotton has been planted in Hubei province of China since 2000. One of the main targets of Bt cotton in the region is cotton bollworm (CBW), Helicoverpa armigera, a polyphagous insect species that feeds not only on cotton but also a number of other host crops. After many years with Bt cotton planting, it is important to know how the population density of CBW has changed at the provincial level. To address the issue, we conduted a monitoring study involving 14 sample sites over 9 years from 2008 to 2016. By data analysis we found that the population density of CBW eggs on cotton plants had significant spatial and temporal differences. Temporally, the population density was significantly lower in 2015–2016 than in 2008–2014. Spatially, the population density was significantly lower in the central plain region than in the northern and southeastern mountain region. Among the six types of non-cotton host crops (i.e. wheat, maize, cole, peanuts, soybean and vegetables), wheat, maize, cole and peanuts had a positive, soybean a negative, and others no significant impact on the population density. Among the two climate factors of temperature and relative humidity, only temperature had a significant impact on the population density, where the impact was negative. The results here help understand the spatial and temporal patterns of CBW population density and their ecological determinants in the study area.  相似文献   

Growth of 2659 Atlantic cod Gadus morhua aged 4 to 9 years examined in Placentia Bay, Newfoundland, peaked in most cases in June and was at a minimum in October or November. Water temperature, partial fullness index ( I P) and gonado‐somatic index ( I G) explained between 31 and 52% of the monthly variability in growth. Temperature and I P of capelin Mallotus villosus had significant effects on growth of all age groups and explained most of the variance for ages 6–8 and 4–5 years, respectively. The I P of large invertebrates (ages 4 to 7 years), sandlance ( Ammodytes sp. age 6 years) and demersal fishes (age 9 years) had age‐specific effects in the model. Overall, amphipods, decapods and echinoderms dominated the Atlantic cod diet in most seasons, but fish consumption by Atlantic cod was high in June and July, particularly on capelin. The rapid increase in somatic mass during June and July occurred despite cold water temperatures ( < 3° C at 50 m) and moderate to high gonado‐somatic index. The findings of this study suggest that when food was not a limiting factor, growth tended to increase even when Atlantic cod occupied colder waters, but when food was limiting, the opposite may have occured.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. The rate of development and mortality of perch Perca fluviatilis was studied at ten different constant temperatures. The rate of development was inversely related to the incubation temperature, whereas the rate of mortality was directly related to the incubation temperature. The sum of heat (Σ H , degree-days) required for 10, 50 and 90% of the eggs to hatch was found to be constant, regardless of the incubation temperature, with mean values (with 95% confidence limits) of 91.4 (83.3–102.0) degree-days above 4.6°C for 10% hatched, 97.0 (90.9–104.2) degree-days above 4.9°C for 50% hatched and 101.0 (94.3–108.7) degree-days above 5.0°C for 90% hatched. Mortality among the different embryological stages was highest for the pre-hatching stage (i.e. when eye-pigment has been formed) at all temperatures. High mortality among the early stages occurred at temperatures below 8°C and above 12°C.  相似文献   

Although the circadian blood pressure (BP) pattern has been extensively studied, the determinants of this rhythm are not fully understood. Peripheral vasodilatation is a regulatory mechanism for BP maintenance. However, it remains to be established whether the increase of nocturnal distal skin temperature associated with heat loss could also reflect the dipping status. For the first time, this paper investigates the relationship between BP and skin wrist temperature (WT), to evaluate whether the WT circadian rhythm can serve as screening procedure to detect dipping/non-dipping BP patterns. In addition, the authors compare the relationship between WT and other variables previously described as determinants of the BP pattern, such as physical activity and body position. Measurements of WT, motor activity, and body position for 5 d, plus ambulatory BP for 24-h during that span, were obtained from 28 diurnally active normotensive volunteers. WT was negatively correlated, whereas activity and body position were positively correlated, with systolic and diastolic BPs. However, these relationships were stronger during the rest than activity phase. In addition, a 78.6% concordance was detected between the observed dips in BP and the predicted BP pattern calculated based on the WT rhythm. Thus, these results suggest that the increase in WT produced by heat loss during the rest phase through peripheral skin blood vessels is the result of blood vessel vasodilatation reflexes in response to a shift from a standing to a supine position, together with shift in the circadian sympathetic/parasympathetic balance (nocturnal parasympathetic activation). In conclusion, WT could be considered as a potential new screening procedure to implement the diagnosis of non-dipping BP pattern.  相似文献   

The effect of giant Andean stem-rosettes (Coespeletia lutescens) on air and soil temperatures was studied in the Páramo de Piedras Blancas (Venezuela) at 4265 and 4385 m altitude during the dry season, which is the coldest season in this tropical mountain area. Maximum air temperatures beneath a plant canopy were only slightly higher than in the open. Minimum temperatures below the stem-rosettes were 4.7° to 7.0°C higher than in the open. This substantially reduced the intensity of nightly freezing. Soil temperature minima at 20 cm depth were 2.4° to 4.2°C higher below plants, but maxima were somewhat lower than in bare soil. These microclimatic alterations are ecologically significant for stemprosette seedlings, which should have a higher probability of survival due to the reduced frequency of frost and needle ice formation below large plants. Warmer soils at night should also result in greater water uptake by seedlings during the early morning hours, thus reducing dry-season mortality.  相似文献   

Anti-mosquito antibodies, produced in mice inoculated with mosquito homogenates or exposed to mosquito bites, reacted with a variety of mosquito antigens including muscle, gut, fat body and nervous tissue; those in anti-mosquito bite sera reacted solely with salivary glands. Mosquitoes fed on restrained immunized mice showed a significant increase in mortality correlated to both the titre and specificity of the anti-mosquito antibodies ingested. No changes in their fecundity or feeding success were noted. Mosquitoes exposed to unrestrained immunized mice or mosquito-bitten mice, however, showed a significant reduction in feeding success, possibly reflecting enhanced host grooming.  相似文献   

Climate-mediated shifts in species’ phenologies are expected to alter species interactions, but predicting the consequences of this is difficult because phenological shifts may be driven by different climate factors that may or may not be correlated. Temperature could be an important factor determining effects of phenological shifts by altering species’ growth rates and thereby the relative size ratios of interacting species. We tested this hypothesis by independently manipulating temperature and the relative hatching phenologies of two competing amphibian species. Relative shifts in hatching time generally altered the strength of competition, but the presence and magnitude of this effect was temperature dependent and joint effects of temperature and hatching phenology were non-additive. Species that hatched relatively early or late performed significantly better or worse, respectively, but only at higher temperatures and not at lower temperatures. As a consequence, climate-mediated shifts in hatching phenology or temperature resulted in stronger or weaker effects than expected when both factors acted in concert. Furthermore, consequences of phenological shifts were asymmetric; arriving relatively early had disproportional stronger (or weaker) effects than arriving relatively late, and this varied with species identity. However, consistent with recent theory, these seemingly idiosyncratic effects of phenological shifts could be explained by species-specific differences in growth rates across temperatures and concordant shifts in relative body size of interacting species. Our results emphasize the need to account for environmental conditions when predicting the effects of phenological shifts, and suggest that shifts in size-structured interactions can mediate the impact of climate change on natural communities.  相似文献   

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