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In the present study, the binding affinities of 28 androgens for two nuclear androgen receptors (AR), termed AR1 and AR2, in Atlantic croaker (Micropogonias undulatus) brain and ovarian tissues, respectively, were determined using competitive binding assays. The 5alpha-reduction of steroids, in general, increased the metabolite's binding affinity for AR2 while decreasing it for AR1. In addition, few androgens bound to AR1 with high affinity and modifications to the basic 3-ketone,4-ene,17beta-hydroxy structure of testosterone usually reduced its binding affinity for AR1. However, androgens with ketone groups at the 3- and 17-position bound with high affinity to AR1 provided that the androgen had either a 5alpha-reduced A-ring or a third ketone group at the 11-position. This suggests that there may be several high affinity conformations that AR1 can occupy depending upon whether an androgen possesses a ketone or a hydroxyl group at the 17-position. The binding of androgens to AR2 showed a more predictable pattern, 5alpha-reduced steroids bound better than 4-ene steroids and any changes to the basic 3-keto,17-hydroxy motif of 5alpha-dihydrotestosterone lowered the binding affinity of a steroid. However, these structural changes often caused only minor decreases in binding affinity, such that AR2 has a broader affinity for androgens and a greater affinity than AR1 for structurally diverse androgens. Widely different androgen binding affinities of AR1 and AR2 suggest that these two nuclear androgen receptors may mediate the physiological actions of different androgens in teleosts.  相似文献   

Summary 3H or14C labeled tracers were used to investigate the metabolism of trimethylamine (TMA), trimethylamine oxide (TMAO), choline, and betaine in free swimming kelp bass (Paralabrax clathratus). An indwelling cannula in the ventral aorta was used to administer tracer and withdraw blood samples. The concentrations of TMA and TMAO were determined in liver, muscle, and plasma. The TMA liver content is higher than that of muscle (0.85 vs 0.01 moles/g wet tissue) while the amount of TMAO in muscle greatly exceeds its liver concentration (60 vs 0.04 moles/g wet tissue). Prolonged fasting (21 and 75 days) or feeding the fish a squid diet containing high levels of TMAO did not alter the tissue concentrations of TMA or TMAO, suggesting that these compounds are endogenous in origin and that their tissue concentrations are subject to regulation. Comparison of the radiospecific activities of TMA and TMAO, and the administered TMA tracer suggest that TMA is channled directly to TMAO in the liver without equilibration in the hepatic TMA pool. The conversion kinetics of TMA to TMAO and the distribution of these amines in liver and muscle with time suggest that labeled TMA is rapidly taken up into a sequestered pool from which it is slowly released, oxidized to TMAO in the liver, and then transported via the circulation to the muscle mass. The location of this proposed sequestered TMA pool was not determined. Experiments with labeled choline and betaine suggest that these compounds are interconverted in the liver and that enzymes are present for conversion of choline betaine TMA TMAO. Labeled dimethylamine (DMA) was not metabolized and is, therefore, probably not a precursor of TMA and TMAO. [14C]Trimethylamine (TMA) was also used to investigate the possible role of trimethylamine oxide (TMAO) as an osmoregulatory compound in migrating prespawning cannulated Pacific pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) taken from marine or fresh water environments. Marine and fresh water salmon oxidized administered [14C]TMA to TMAO; labeled metabolites other than TMA and TMAO were not detected. Four hours after [14C]TMA injection about 10% of the administered dose was present in muscle as labeled TMAO and about 33% as TMA. Unlike our finding in kelp bass, [14C]TMAO was not recovered in liver, although low amounts of labeled TMA were found (0.4% of administered dose). Labeled TMA and TMAO, however, were detected in liver after [14C]betaine adminstration to a marine salmon, indicating that TMA-mono-oxygenase is present in salmon liver. The presence of labeled choline indicates that choline and betaine are interconverted as in kelp bass. The amount of [14C]TMA oxidized to [14C]TMAO and then accumulated in the muscle mass is the same in marine and fresh water salmon, as is the amount of chemical TMAO present (4.6 moles/g muscle).  相似文献   

An estrogen receptor (ER) was identified in cytosolic and nuclear fractions of the testis in a marine teleost, Atlantic croaker (Micropogonias undulatus). A single class of high affinity, low capacity, and displaceable binding sites was identified by saturation analysis, with a Kd of 0.40 nM in cytosolic extracts and a Kd of 0.33 nM in nuclear extracts. Competition studies demonstrated that the receptor was highly specific for estrogens (diethylstilbestrol > estradiol > estriol = estrone) and also bound several antiestrogens. Testosterone and 5alpha-dihydrotestosterone had much lower affinities for the receptor, whereas no displacement of specific binding occurred with 11-ketotestosterone or any of the C21 maturation-inducing steroids. A variety of xenoestrogens, including o,p'-dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), chlordecone (Kepone), nonylphenol, hydroxylated polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and the mycotoxin zearalenone, bound to the receptor with relatively low binding affinities, 10(-3) to 10(-5) that of estradiol. A comparison of the binding affinities of various ligands for the testicular ER and the hepatic ER in this species revealed that the testicular ER was saturated at a lower [3H]estradiol concentration (1 nM vs. 4 nM). The binding affinities of several compounds, including testosterone and nafoxidine, exhibited marked differences for the two ERs; and most of the estrogens and xenoestrogens tested had higher binding affinities for the testicular receptor. Minor amounts of estradiol (0.12 ng/g tissue/h) were produced by testicular tissue fragments incubated in vitro, and estradiol was detected in male Atlantic croaker plasma. The identification of a testicular ER and evidence that estradiol is produced by the testes in croaker suggest that estrogens participate in the hormonal control of testicular function in teleosts.  相似文献   

Membrane androgen receptors have been biochemically characterized in only a few vertebrate species to date. Therefore, the purpose of the current study was to comprehensively investigate the binding characteristics of a putative membrane androgen receptor in the ovary of the teleost, Atlantic croaker (Micropogonias undulatus). Specific androgen binding to an ovarian plasma membrane fraction was demonstrated using a radioreceptor assay protocol consisting of a short-term incubation with [(3)H]testosterone (T) and subsequent filtration of bound steroid from free steroid. Saturation and Scatchard analyses of T binding to an ovarian plasma membrane fraction indicated the presence of a single, high-affinity (K(d) = 15.32 +/- 2.68 nM [mean +/- SEM]), low-capacity (B(max) = 2.81 +/- 0.31 pmol/mg protein), androgen-binding site. Specific androgen binding to the receptor was readily displaceable, and the association and dissociation kinetics were rapid (half-time = 3.7 +/- 1.7 and 4.7 +/- 0.2 min, respectively). Competitive binding assays showed that 5alpha-dihydrotestosterone, T, and 11-ketotestosterone had relative binding affinities (RBAs) of 193%, 100%, and 13%, respectively, whereas none of the C(18) or C(21) steroids tested bound with high affinity except for progesterone (RBA = 191%). This androgen-binding moiety with high affinity for progesterone is unlikely to mediate the physiological actions of progestins in croaker, because it has low binding affinity for fish progestin hormones. Androgen-binding sites were also detected in membrane fractions of the brain, liver, kidney, and drumming muscle, whereas little or no binding was detected in the trunk muscle, heart, gills, or intestine. Receptor levels increased 10-fold during ovarian recrudescence, reaching maximum levels in fully mature ovaries, which suggests a likely physiological role for this receptor during the reproductive cycle of female croaker. It is concluded that the androgen-binding moiety identified in the plasma membrane fraction of Atlantic croaker ovarian tissue fulfils all the criteria for its designation as a steroid receptor.  相似文献   

Cardicola parvus n. sp. (Digenea: Aporocotylidae) infects the heart of Atlantic croaker, Micropogonias undulatus (Linnaeus, 1766) (Perciformes: Sciaenidae), in the South Atlantic Bight off Cow Island (34°38'49″N, 76°33'41″W, type locality) and Figure Eight Island (34°15'48″N, 77°44'27″W), North Carolina, USA, and off Jacksonville Beach (30°08'23″N, 81°20'52″W), Florida, USA. The new species is most easily differentiated from other members of Cardicola Short, 1953 by the combination of having a minute adult body (≤ 1 mm total length) that is 3.1-4.7× longer than wide, widely dispersed ventral tegumental sensory papillae, ~180 tegumental spine rows per side of body, a spheroid anterior sucker that is apparently aspinous, an esophagus that is 38-39% of the body total length, a male genital pore that is anterior to the ootype, a uterus that transitions from ascending to descending portions posterolaterally to the ovary, and a nearly transverse oviducal seminal receptacle. The new species is the second named aporocotylid from a littoral fish of the South Atlantic Bight and the fifth aporocotylid species reported from fishes of the northwestern Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   

Teleost fishes have three distinct oestrogen receptor (ER) subtypes: ER-alpha, ER-beta a (or ER-gamma) and ER-beta b. ER-beta a and ER-beta b arose from a duplication of an ancestral ER-beta gene early in the teleost lineage. Here, we describe the distribution of the three ER mRNAs in the hypothalamus and cerebellum of the Atlantic croaker to address two issues: the specific functions of multiple ERs in the neuroendocrine system and the evolution and fate of duplicated genes. ER-alpha was detected in nuclei of the preoptic area (POA) and hypothalamus previously shown to possess ER-alphas in teleosts. AcER-beta b, but not ER-beta a, labelling was detected in the magnocellular neurons of the POA, nucleus posterior tuberis, the nucleus recessus posterior and cerebellum. By contrast, acER-beta a, but not ER-beta b, was detected in the dorsal anterior parvocellular POA and suprachiasmatic nucleus. Both ER-betas were found in posterior parvocellular and ventral anterior POA nuclei, the ventral hypothalamus, and periventricular dorsal hypothalamus. The differences we observed in ER subtype mRNA distribution within well-characterized brain nuclei suggest that ER-beta a and ER-beta b have distinct functions in the neuroendocrine control of reproduction and behaviour, and provide evidence that the teleost ER-beta paralogues have partitioned functions of the ancestral ER-beta gene they shared with tetrapods.  相似文献   

The presence of androgen receptors in the ovaries of several vertebrate species, including Atlantic croaker, suggests that androgens may have important roles in ovarian function. In the current study the effects of androgens on ovarian steroidogenesis in Atlantic croaker were investigated. Addition of 17beta-hydroxy-5alpha-androstan-3-one (DHT), 11-ketotestosterone (11-KT), or Mibolerone to ovarian incubations caused dose-dependent decreases in gonadotropin-stimulated in vitro estradiol production, which was not reversed by cotreatment with the antiandrogens, cyproterone acetate or 1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl) ethylene. Androgen treatment also caused significant decreases in estradiol production in the presence of 17-hydroxyprogesterone, which suggests that the site of androgen action is downstream of this steroid in the steroidogenic pathway. The mechanism of androgen action on ovarian steroidogenesis was also investigated. Coincubation with actinomycin D did not reverse the inhibitory effect of the androgens, which suggests that the mechanism of androgen action is nongenomic. An androgen conjugated to bovine serum albumin (DHT-BSA), which does not enter the cell, also caused inhibition of estradiol production in vitro, indicating that the androgen is acting at the cell surface. In addition, time course experiments revealed that the androgen action is rapid; 5-min exposure to DHT was sufficient to cause a significant reduction in estradiol production. Finally, preliminary evidence was obtained for the existence of a high-affinity, low-capacity androgen binding site in croaker ovarian plasma membranes. These studies suggest that androgens can down-regulate estrogen production in croaker ovaries via a rapid, cell surface-mediated, nongenomic mechanism.  相似文献   

Exposure of fully grown fish and amphibian oocytes to a maturation-inducing steroid (MIS) activates numerous signal transduction pathways to initiate the final stage of oocyte maturation. These events culminate in the activation of maturation-promoting factor and germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD). In most species, exposure to MIS causes a transient decrease in oocyte cAMP levels. Whether this reduction in oocyte cAMP concentration is sufficient to induce GVBD is unclear. The current study tested the hypothesis that activation of cAMP-independent signal transduction pathways by the naturally occurring MIS, 17,20beta,21-trihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (20beta-S), is necessary for GVBD in Atlantic croaker (Micropogonias undulatus) oocytes. Results indicate that although 20beta-S treatment of oocyte membranes significantly reduced cAMP production, incubation of follicles with the cell-permeable cAMP-dependent protein kinase (Prka) inhibitors Rp-cAMP or KT5720 did not promote GVBD in the absence of 20beta-S. Additionally, treatment of follicles with the phosphodiesterase (Pde) inhibitors Cilostamide (Pde3) or Rolipram (Pde4) significantly reduced GVBD, but they were not able to completely block it. In contrast, pharmacologic inhibition of the cAMP-independent phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (Pik3)/Akt signal transduction pathway using the Pik3 inhibitors Wortmannin or LY294002, or the Akt inhibitor ML-9, blocked 20beta-S-induced GVBD. Finally, mitogen-activated protein kinase (Mapk1/3) activity increased after treatment with 20beta-S; however, inhibition of Mapk1/3 activity using PD98059 or U0126 had no effect on GVBD. These results demonstrate that activation of cAMP-independent signaling pathways, especially the Pik3/Akt pathway, is necessary for 20beta-S-induced GVBD in Atlantic croaker oocytes.  相似文献   

Twenty-three species of metazoan parasites were recorded from adult spot and 26 from adult croaker. Of the 33 parasitic species found, 17 occurred in both spot and croaker. No significant differences in intensity of parasites occurred between sexes of either spot or croaker. All of the parasites had over-dispersed, or clumped, distributions among hosts. Adult spot and croaker collected offshore had much greater species-richness, diversity, and total number of individual parasites than juvenile fishes collected in adjoining estuaries during another study. The juvenile spot and croaker had less time to acquire parasites and inhabited less diverse and more confined habitats in inshore estuaries, which resulted in less diverse parasite communities than offshore fishes. The number of species and diversity of parasites in adult fish was greater in croaker than spot. However, when only gastrointestinal helminths were considered, spot had greater species-richness as well as greater numbers of individual helminths, suggesting that they had a more diverse diet and that they fed on more infected intermediate hosts than croaker. In both adult spot and croaker the mean number of parasitic species was greater than those of freshwater fishes and fewer than those for birds and mammals. The total number of individual parasites was similar to that of freshwater fishes. The opportunistic diet and the migratory habits of both spot and croaker contribute to their diverse parasite faunas. Comparison of adult spot and croaker parasite faunas collected offshore indicated that their respective parasite component communities were distinct and that similar parasite infracommunity variability existed in both hosts and that their communities were not ‘random’ samples, but restricted subsets of the compound community. Although the parasite dominance hierarchy in adults of both species varied slightly between areas and seasons sampled, there appeared to be a predictable dominant species that was accompanied by subordinate, less predictable species. However, the variability in both relative intensities and presence-absence of parasites within communities resulting from their diverse diets make them less predictable than those of other vertebrates with less diverse diets such as the lesser scaup duck and more like those of other marine fishes.  相似文献   

The parasite communities of juvenile spot, Leiostomus xanthurus Lacepede, and Atlantic croaker, Micropogonias undulatus (Linnaeus), changed with size, season. and geographical area. A total of 21 parasitic species occurred in juvenile spot and 19 occurred in juvenile croaker from Chesapeake Bay and Pamlico Sound. More parasitic species were acquired as juveniles grew, diversified their diets, and consumed larger numbers of intermediate hosts. They were also exposed to infective larvae of parasites with direct lifecycles over long periods of time. Equibility and, thus, diversity were depressed because of large numbers of Diplomonorchis /eiostomi Hopkins, I941 that dominated the parasite communities of both species. Although spot and croaker from both estuaries shared eight and six parasites, respectively, many of these non-specific parasites (generalists) were more common in both spot and croaker from one estuary than from the other. All species occurring in both hosts have indirect life cycles suggesting that the availability of certain intermediate hosts as prey was an important determinant of infection. Estuary of residence was clearly as important as host species identity in determining parasite community structure.  相似文献   

The present work aimed to identify the best doses of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) needed to induce oocyte maturation of Micropogonias furnieri and to characterize ovarian dynamics during the periovulatory period. Adult M. furnieri females with fully developed ovaries were injected intraperitoneally with four different doses of hCG. The gonadotropin response was succeeded by analyzing morphologically gonadal biopsies and following the postinjection changes in follicle diameter. Oocyte maturation was induced by three doses used: 100, 300, and 500 IU of hCG kg bw-1, and was reached 48 h after treatment with 300 and 500 IU of hCG kg bw-1, and 72 h after treatment with 100 IU of hCG kg bw-1. Concerning ovarian dynamics, only 100 and 300 IU of hCG kg bw-1 mimicked the natural ones which have a synchronic group maturation. In conclusion, the dose mimicking natural ovarian dynamics and inducing oocyte maturation more quickly is 300 IU of hCG kg bw-1.  相似文献   

A series of 2-(2,3-dimethoxyphenyl)-4-(aminomethyl)imidazole derivatives was prepared and their affinity for dopamine D2 and D3 receptors was measured using in vitro binding assays. Several oxadiazole analogues were also prepared and tested for their affinity for dopamine D2 and D3 receptors. The results of receptor binding studies indicated that the incorporation of an imidazole moiety between the phenyl ring and the basic nitrogen did not significantly increase the selectivity for dopamine D3 receptors, whereas the incorporation of an oxadiazole at the same region resulted in a total loss of affinity for both dopamine receptor subtype binding sites. The most selective compound in this series is 2-(5-bromo-2,3-dimethoxyphenyl)-4-(6,7-dimethoxy-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinolinomethyl)imidazole (5i), which has a D3 receptor affinity of 21 nM and a 7-fold selectivity for D3 versus D2 receptors. The binding affinity for σ1 and σ2 receptors was also measured, and the results showed that several analogues were selective σ1 receptor ligands.  相似文献   

To determine how the androgen binding protein in human testes (hABP) is related to the serum protein, testosterone-estradiol binding globulin (hTeBG), both proteins were isolated and compared. The hABP in extracts of human testes was composed of two molecular species based on concanavalin A (ConA)-Sepharose chromatography. Form I hABP did not interact with ConA while Form II hABP bound to ConA and eluted with alpha-methylmannoside. Form I and Form II hABP from five batches of testes were then purified approximately 30,500- and 30,000-fold to apparent homogeneity by high-performance liquid chromatography and compared with hTeBG isolated from human pregnancy serum. Fractionation of both forms of hABP and hTeBG by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the absence of sodium dodecyl sulfate suggested that the native forms of these proteins were indistinguishable. However, analysis of the purified proteins on sodium dodecyl sulfate-containing polyacrylamide gels indicated that all three were dimers and that each was composed of monomers of at least two sizes which were not present in equimolar concentrations. Two distinctive monomers or protomers of each protein were designated as heavy (H) and light (L) according to their electrophoretic mobilities on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels. The H and L protomers of Form I hABP showed apparent molecular weights of 55,000 and 52,000, respectively, in all preparations and were usually present in a 4:5 ratio (H:L). The two components of Form II hABP had apparent molecular weights of 53,000 and 48,000, respectively, and existed in a ratio of approximately 20:1. These two components could not be distinguished in some preparations where Form II hABP migrated as a broad band rather than as distinct protomers. By contrast, hTeBG, which was similar to Form II hABP with respect to ConA binding, always exhibited discrete H and L protomers in a 10:1 ratio. Photolysis of these highly purified proteins with delta 6-[3H]testosterone resulted in specific covalent labeling of their binding sites, confirming that the products identified by silver staining and immunoblotting were indeed steroid binding proteins. The H and L protomers of Form I hABP and hTeBG were separated and examined by peptide mapping using Staphylococcus aureus protease V8 and chymotrypsin. The comparison of the respective fragmentation patterns of protomers indicated that Form I hABP and hTeBG contained distinctive peptides.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Interactions of the Escherichia coli PriA helicase with nucleotide cofactors have been studied using the fluorescence titration and analytical ultracentrifugation techniques. Binding of unmodified cofactors was characterized by the fluorescence competition titration method. The obtained data establish that at saturation the PriA helicase binds two nucleotide molecules per protein monomer. This result corroborates with the primary structure of the protein, which contains sequence motifs implicated as putative nucleotide-binding sites. The intrinsic affinities of the binding sites differ by 2-4 orders of magnitude. Thus, the PriA helicase has a strong and a weak nucleotide-binding site. The binding sites differ dramatically in their properties. The strong site is highly specific for adenosine cofactors, while the weak site shows very modest base specificity. The affinities of the strong and weak binding sites for ATP are lower than the affinities for ADP, although both sites have similar affinity for the inorganic phosphate group. Unlike the weak site, the affinity of the strong site profoundly depends on the structure of the phosphate group of the ATP cofactor. Binding of unmodified nucleotides indicates the presence of positive cooperative interactions between bound cofactors (i.e., the existence of communication between the two sites). Magnesium cations are specifically involved in controlling the cofactor affinity for the strong site, while the affinity of the weak site is predominantly determined by interactions between the phosphate group and ribose regions of the cofactor and the protein matrix. The significance of these results for the activities of the PriA helicase is discussed.  相似文献   

Males are the heterogametic sex in salmonid fishes. In brown trout (Salmo trutta) the sex-determining locus, SEX, has been mapped to the end of linkage group BT-28, which corresponds to linkage group AS-8 and chromosome SSA15 in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). We set out to identify the sex chromosomes in brown trout. We isolated Atlantic salmon BAC clones containing microsatellite markers that are on BT-28 and also on AS-8, and used these BACs as probes for fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis. SEX is located on the short arm of a small subtelocentric/acrocentric chromosome in brown trout, which is consistent with linkage analysis. The acrocentric chromosome SSA15 in Atlantic salmon appears to have arisen by a centric fusion of 2 small acrocentric chromosomes in the common ancestor of Salmo sp. We speculate that the fusion process that produced Atlantic salmon chromosome SSA15 disrupted the ancestral sex-determining locus in the Atlantic salmon lineage, providing the impetus either for the relocation of SEX or selection pressure for a novel sex-determining gene to arise in this species. Thus, the sex-determining genes may differ in Atlantic salmon and brown trout.  相似文献   

A novel variation in electrophoretic phenotype is described for a mouse salivary androgen binding protein (Abp). Crosses show that the variation is inherited in an autosomal codominant manner and protein characterization studies show that the variant Abp differs in isoelectric point from the common form of the protein. Those observations suggest that the variation involves the structural gene for the mouse salivary Abp. The genetic studies also show that the electrophoretic mobility of the variant Abp can be influenced by the sex-limited saliva pattern (Ssp) gene. The Ssp S allele alters the electrophoretic mobility of Abp in males at puberty or in females which have received exogenous testosterone [Karn, R. C., Dlouhy, S. R., Springer, K. R., Hjorth, J. P., and Nielsen, J. T. (1982). Biochem Genet. 20:493]. This study shows that Abp and Ssp are distinct genes which are not closely linked and that Ssp S is trans active in F1 (Abp a /Abp b , Ssp S /Ssp F ) males.SRD was supported in part by PHS General Medical Training Grant T32 GMO7468 and the Indiana University School of Medicine Research Program in Academic Medicine. RCK was supported in part by PHS Career Development Award 1 KO4 AMOO284.  相似文献   

A series of 2-(2,3-dimethoxyphenyl)-4-(aminomethyl)imidazole derivatives was prepared and their affinity for dopamine D2 and D3 receptors was measured using in vitro binding assays. Several oxadiazole analogues were also prepared and tested for their affinity for dopamine D2 and D3 receptors. The results of receptor binding studies indicated that the incorporation of an imidazole moiety between the phenyl ring and the basic nitrogen did not significantly increase the selectivity for dopamine D3 receptors, whereas the incorporation of an oxadiazole at the same region resulted in a total loss of affinity for both dopamine receptor subtype binding sites. The most selective compound in this series is 2-(5-bromo-2,3-dimethoxyphenyl)-4-(6,7-dimethoxy-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinolinomethyl)imidazole (5i), which has a D3 receptor affinity of 21 nM and a 7-fold selectivity for D3 versus D2 receptors. The binding affinity for σ1 and σ2 receptors was also measured, and the results showed that several analogues were selective σ1 receptor ligands.  相似文献   

Epididymal cytosol fractions of adult short-time castrated rats contained at least two different androgen protein complexes by experiments in vivo (Complex I and II).Complex I is probably located intracellularly in the epididymal cells. It was specific for 5α-dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and appeared to be very similar to the cytoplasmic DHT-receptor complexes in rat ventral prostate. By ultracentrifugation on sucrose gradients, it sedimented as heavy aggregates 8–10 S complexes and 3–4 S complexes, which dissociated into 3–4 S complexes at high ionic strength. Complex I was eluted in the void volume from columns of Sephadex G-200.Complex II was also specific for DHT and showed physical properties similar to those of the androgen binding protein (ABP) in the testicular fluid. It was eluted between immunoglobulin G (IgG) (53 Å) and albumin (36 Å) by gel filtration on Sephadex G-200. The sedimentation coefficient was 4.5–5 S (mean 4.6 SW, 20) at both high and low ionic strength.Complex I and the cytosol receptors for DHT in the rat ventral prostate were both destroyed by heating at 50° C for 30 min, addition of 1 mM p-chloro-mercuri-phenyl-sulphonate (PCMPS) and charcoal absorption (1 mg/mg protein) overnight, whereas complex II was not influenced by similar treatment.Hemi-castration for 4 weeks caused complex II to disappear completely from the castrated side, confirming the intraluminal localization of this complex. Complex I was not influenced by such treatment, indicating that this protein is located within the epididymal cells. The similarity between complex I and the cytoplasmic DHT-receptor complexes in the ventral prostate also suggests that complex I represents the cytoplasmic receptors for DHT in the epididymis.  相似文献   

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