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Stand development and regeneration were studied during a 33-year period (1965-1998) in a 1-ha plot in a seral Picea glehnii forest in northern Japan. P. glehnii was mono-dominant in the upper canopy layer, but its understory trees were rarely found in 1965. Other species were scarcely observed in 1965. Many recruited saplings of Abies sachalinensis which had grown to > 5 cm diameter at breast height (DBH) by 1998 had become dominant in the understory layer. Mortality of P. glehnii canopy trees was low. Therefore, the stand basal area increased during the census period due to the growth of surviving canopy trees. Stand development brought about intense competition among trees by increasing local crowding for each tree, and promoted dominance of larger trees and suppression of smaller trees. Although growth rates of understory trees of the two conifers decreased with the increase in local crowding, the growth rate of A. sachalinensis was consistently higher than that of P. glehnii at all extents of local crowding. The recruitment rate (growing to 5 cm DBH) of the two conifers was less affected by local crowding. However, the number of recruits of P. glehnii was only about a quarter of that of A. sachalinensis during the census period because the regeneration of P. glehnii was largely restricted to fallen logs and within 1 m of the base of any live tree > 20 cm DBH. Therefore, our long-term study suggests that A. sachalinensis will dominate over P. glehnii in the seral forest because of higher recruitment and growth rates of the former than the latter in the understory.An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

Stand structure was studied with special reference to growth and mortality patterns of sapling and understorey trees in a coniferousPicea jezoensis andAbies sachalinensis forest in Taisetsuzan National Park, Hokkaido, northern Japan.Picea jezoensis was dominant in the basal area, whileA. sachalinensis was abundant in large numbers in the canopy. Estimated mortalities increased significantly with diameter at breast height (DBH) for bothP. jezoensis andA. sachalinensis in the canopy, but the tendency was different between the two species.Picea jezoensis had a lower mortality rate thanA. sachalinensis, especially at small DBH classes. The spatial distribution of understorey individuals ofA. sachalinensis did not show any significant correlation with the spatial distribution of canopy gaps, but that ofP. jezoensis showed a significant correlation.Abies sachalinensis can grow higher thanP. jezoensis under suppressed conditions; whileP. jezoensis requires canopy gaps for steady height growth. This growth pattern leads to a different waiting height in the understorey (≥2 m in height and 10 cm in diameter at breast height).Abies sachalinensis waited for an improvement in light conditions at higher strata (max. 7 m), whileP. jezoensis waited at lower strata (max. 3 m). The estimated mortality of understoreyA. sachalinensis increased with size, while that of understoreyP. jezoensis decreased. Therefore,P. jezoensis gives priority to survival whileA. sachalinensis gives priority to understorey growth. The difference in the ‘waiting pattern’ between the two species in the understorey was considered a significant feature for the canopy recruitment process ofP. jezoensis andA. sachalinensis.  相似文献   

We monitored infection and mortality of full-sib families of sugar pine (SP) and western white pine (WWP) selected for different mechanisms of resistance to white pine blister rust for more than 30 years in a field test in northern California. Natural infection was enhanced by interplanting alternate host Ribes spp. among test seedlings. Parents of the families were from three geographic provinces, representing the northern Rocky Mountains of Idaho (WWP), the Cascade Range of Oregon and Washington (WWP), and the Siskiyou Mountains of California and Oregon (SP). Several families of each pine species had major gene resistance (MGR), or genes for partial resistance (PR), or both types. Under the chronic epidemic conditions that prevailed, susceptible controls of both species became infected and died within a few years. Families with MGR segregated in expected Mendelian ratios (susceptibility/resistance), but each R gene—Cr1 in sugar pine and Cr2 in western white pine—was eventually defeated by biotypes of the rust with specific virulence to it (vcr1 and vcr2, respectively). WWP families from Idaho, which lacked Cr2, performed the best overall, ranging from 44 to 64% rust-free; a few WWP families from the Cascades, both with and without Cr2, performed comparably. Families with PR were not specifically vulnerable to vcr1 or vcr2. PR was less frequent in SP than WWP, and SP families had steeper infection rate curves than WWP. Combining PR in pedigrees with MGR may prolong protection of MGR by inhibiting selection and epidemic increase of vcr genes in the rust.  相似文献   

The CO2 concentration of the atmosphere has increased by almost 30% in the past two centuries, with most of the increase (>5 Pa) during the past 60 years. Controlled environment studies of crop plants dependent on the C3 photosynthetic pathway indicate that an increase of this magnitude would enhance net photosynthesis, reduce stomatal conductance, and increase the difference in CO2 concentration across the stomata, i.e., CO2 concentration outside the leaf to that within (c a-c i). Here we report evidence, based on stable isotope composition of tree rings from three species of field-grown, native conifer trees, that the trees have indeed responded. However, rather than increasing c a-c i, intercellular CO2 concentrations have shifted upward to match the rise in atmospheric concentrations, holding c a-c i constant. No differences were detected among Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii), ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa), or western white pine (Pinus monticola). The values of c a-c i were inferred from stable carbon isotope ratio (13C) of tree ring holocellulose adjusted for the 0.6–2.6 difference between holocellulose and whole sapwood. The cellulose extraction removed contaminants deposited in the tree ring after it formed and the adjustment corrected for the enrichment of cellulose relative to whole tissue. The whole sapwood values were then adjusted for bublished estimates of past atmospheric 13CO2 and CO2 concentrations. To avoid confounding tree age with CO2, cellulose deposited by saplings in the 1980s was compared to cellulose deposited in the inner rings of nature trees when the mature trees were saplings, between 1910–1929 and 1941–1970; thus saplings were compared to saplings. In a separate analysis, the juvenile effect, which describes the tendency for 13C to increase in the first decades of a tree's life, was quantified independent of source CO2 effects. This study provides evidence that conifers have undergone adjustments in the intercellular CO2 concentration that have maintained c a-c i constant. Based on these results and others, we suggest that c a-c i, which has also been referred to as the intrinsic water-use efficiency, should be considered a homeostatic gas-exchange set point for these conifer species.  相似文献   

The geographical variation in the composition of triacylglycerols in seeds of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst.], grown in Finland, was analyzed. The total lipid content of pine seeds was slightly higher in the northernmost provenance (68 °50N), whereas the lipid content of spruce seeds was not affected systematically by the geographical origin of the seeds. The species studied differed in the proportions of fatty acids in their triacylglycerols, though the three most abundant components were the same, i.e. oleic acid (181 n9), linoleic acid (182n-6) and 5,9,12-octadecatrienoic acid (183 5c9c12c). These fatty acids corresponded to more than 80 mol% of the total fatty acids. According to mass spectrometric analyses, the triacylglycerols of both spruce and pine seeds consisted of the same molecular species with 52–56 acyl carbons, but in different proportions. Molecules with 54 acyl carbons represented approximately 75% of the pine and 85% of the spruce triacylglycerols, with the most abundant molecular species being 545, 546 and 547. Some minor differences in the fatty acid composition of triacylglycerols of pine seeds from different seed collecting areas were found: the proportion of linoleic acid slightly increased whereas that of 5,11,14-eicosatrienoic acid decreased towards the northern origins. Similar differences were not found in the proportions of fatty acids in spruce seed lots. Furthermore, the proportions of triacylglycerols in both pine and spruce seeds from northern and southern collecting areas were not significantly different. The higher content of total lipids in spruce seeds compared with pine seeds may be due to the structure of the seed coat, and the lipophilic layers inside it, acting as a barrier to imbibition.  相似文献   

Shrub willows (Salix spp.) form associations with arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM), ectomycorrhizal (EM) and dark septate endophytic (DSE) fungi. Willow root colonization by these three types of fungi was studied on a deglaciated forefront of Lyman Glacier, Washington, USA. Root colonization was low; less than 1% of the root length was colonized by AM and 25.6% by DSE. EM colonized 25% of the root tips and 19.4% of the root length. AM and DSE colonization were not related to distance from the present glacier terminus or to canopy cover. EM colonization increased with distance from the glacier terminus based on gridline intercept data but not on root tip frequency data. Availability of propagules in the substrate was low, but numbers of propagules increased with distance from the glacier terminus. The EM communities were dominated by three ascomycetes showing affinity to Sordariaceae in BLAST analyses. Other frequent taxa on the glacier forefront included species of Cortinariaceae, Pezizaceae, Russulaceae, Thelephoraceae and Tricholomataceae. When occurrence of individual taxa was used as a response variable to canopy cover, distance from the glacier terminus, and their interaction, four different fungal guilds were identified: 1) fungi that did not respond to these environmental variables; 2) fungi that occurred mainly in intercanopy areas and decreased with distance from the glacier terminus; 3) fungi that were insensitive to canopy cover but increased with distance from the glacier terminus; 4) fungi that occurred mainly under willow canopies and increased with distance from the glacier terminus. We suggest that fungal colonization is mainly limited by fungal propagule availability. Environmental conditions may also limit successful establishment of plant-fungus associations. We propose that the four EM guilds partly explain successional dynamics. The initial EM community comprises fungi that tolerate low organic matter and nitrogen environment (first and second guilds above). During later community development, these fungi are replaced by those that benefit from an increased organic matter and nitrogen environment (third and fourth guilds above).  相似文献   

基于树轮年代学方法,利用普达措国家公园海拔上、下限丽江云杉(Picea likiangensis)和长苞冷杉(Abies georgei)树轮宽度资料,构建差值年表并分析其与温度和降水的关系,阐明影响该区域2个主要针叶树种径向生长的主要气候要素。结果表明:(1)海拔下限丽江云杉径向生长同时受到温度和降水的影响:与上年11月平均温、当年生长季后期(9—10月)平均温和上年7月降水呈显著正相关;(2)海拔上限丽江云杉径向生长只受温度影响,与上年生长季后期平均温呈显著负相关,与当年生长季盛期(6—8月)平均温呈显著正相关;(3)长苞冷杉径向生长只与温度表现出显著相关性,海拔下限的生长与上年11月平均温呈显著正相关,海拔上限的生长与当年生长季盛期平均温呈显著正相关。结果可为气候变化对滇西北高原树木生长影响研究提供参考,为滇西北高原森林生态系统管理与保护提供理论依据。  相似文献   

We studied the effects of logging history, topography, and potential insolation on the lower-elevation limit of existing spruce-fir forest in Great Smoky Mountains National Park (GRSM). Dummy-variable regression, analysis of variance, and classification trees were applied to environmental data within a geographic information system framework. The effect of logging history on the lower limit of spruce-fir depended on aspect. On north-facing slopes (270°– 90°), the presence of spruce-fir was independent of both logging history and potential insolation. On south-facing sites (90°–270°), the elevation of spruce-fir was significantly higher (by 122 m) in areas that had been logged historically. Classification-tree models suggested an even greater logging effect, indicating that both the lower limit and the upper dominance zone of spruce-fir forest are, on average, nearly 200 m higher in historically logged landscapes. Presence of spruce-fir on south aspects was also significantly related to potential insolation, but the strength of this effect was not dependent on logging history. Classification-tree models, developed separately using data from logged sites versus unlogged sites, were used to estimate the current area of spruce-fir forest in the park expected under the hypothetical scenario that no spruce-fir had been logged (38,675 ha) versus the alternate scenario that it had hall been logged (11,727 ha). At present the area of spruce-fir forest in the park is 21,242 ha. We found greater prevalence of spruce-fir on the Tennessee side of the divide on south aspects and historically logged sites, possibly due to greater occurrence of westerly winds and associated cloud cover.  相似文献   

This study documents the stem size and age-structure in forests dominated by different species of Nothofagus in Torres del Paine National Park (51° S), in the Chilean Patagonian region. We also explored the relationship between the various types of Nothofagus forest and postglacial succession. Pioneer stands on moraine fields 1–2 km of the glacier front are dominated by Nothofagus betuloides and Nothofagus antarctica. Moraines appear to be first colonized by the evergreen N. betuloides, followed within 5–7 years by deciduous N. antarctica. Nothofagus antarctica may replace the former species and develop monospecific stands on glacial valleys. Most trees in the N. antarctica stand studied were older than 40 years and floods may cause a significant mortality of young trees. Recruitment from seed seems to be infrequent. Old-growth stands dominated by deciduous Nothofagus pumilio occupy more stable substrates, and probably represent the last stage of postglacial succession. This long-lived tree species had recorded ages over 200 years. The canopy of N. pumilio forests appears to be a mosaic of even-aged, old-growth patches. We propose that regeneration episodes follow the blowdown of a large portion of the canopy, with long intervals with little or no regeneration. Windstorms may be an important force influencing the regeneration of N. pumilio. Exogenous disturbances, such as floods and windstorms, are an integral part of the forest cycle in the Patagonian region.  相似文献   

We compared phloem characteristics of individual Pinus ponderosa attacked by the dwarf-mistletoe Arceuthobium vaginatum (Viscaceae) or by the beetle Dendroctonus ponderosae (Scolytidae) or by neither species. We quantified total nonstructural carbohydrates and a broad range of chemical elements for these three categories of trees. There were significant differences between trees parasitized by Arceuthobium, trees parasitized by Dendroctonus, and non-infected trees. Discriminant function analysis of trees attacked by either Arceuthobium or Dendroctonus correctly predicted group membership for 59 of 60 trees tested. Some of the differences detected may be induced, but many probably are not. Given that the accumulation of certain elements and compounds is under genetic control, and that both parasites often cause severe reductions in fitness, including death of their host, our results suggest that the two parasites may generate diversifying selection in ponderosa pine populations.  相似文献   

The putative ectomycorrhizal fungal species registered from sporocarps associated with ponderosa pine and Douglas-fir forests in their natural range distribution (i.e., western Canada, USA, and Mexico) and from plantations in south Argentina and other parts of the world are listed. One hundred and fifty seven taxa are reported for native ponderosa pine forests and 514 taxa for native Douglas-fir forests based on available literature and databases. A small group of genera comprises a high proportion of the species richness for native Douglas-fir (i.e., Cortinarius, Inocybe, and Russula), whereas in native ponderosa pine, the species richness is more evenly distributed among several genera. The comparison between ectomycorrhizal species richness associated with both trees in native forests and in Patagonia (Argentina) shows far fewer species in the latter, with 18 taxa for the ponderosa pine and 15 for the Douglas-fir. Epigeous species richness is clearly dominant in native Douglas-fir, whereas a more balanced relation epigeous/hypogeous richness is observed for native ponderosa pine; a similar trend was observed for Patagonian plantations. Most fungi in Patagonian Douglas-fir plantations have not been recorded in plantations elsewhere, except Suillus lakei and Thelephora terrestris, and only 56% of the fungal taxa recorded in Douglas-fir plantations around the world are known from native forests, the other taxa being new associations for this host, suggesting that new tree + ectomycorrhizal fungal taxa associations are favored in artificial situations as plantations.  相似文献   

A new species of Penicillium Link ex Fries is described and illustrated. It is represented by twenty six isolates recovered from soil at twenty six different locations at the southern part of the Paul Kruger National Park in South Africa. It clearly differs from all species of the genus described so far among the Biverticillata-Symmetrica Section, and it is therefore described and proposed as a new taxon: Penicillium krugerii sp. nov.  相似文献   

A female spider monkey (Ateles belzebuth belzebuth) that gave birth to twins was studied during 13 months, and her activity budget and diet were compared to those of females with single offspring and females with no offspring to assess selective pressures that could influence litter size. We recorded qualitative information on the development and social interactions of the twins and three other single infants. Emi, the female that had the twins, had the highest proportion of resting time and the lowest proportion of feeding and moving time compared to other adult females and males. Emi also had the lowest average daily travel distance and relied more heavily on flowers and leaves than other group members who included a higher proportion of fruits in their diets. These results suggest that twins are energetically costly to spider monkeys because of the direct energy allocated into raising and carrying the twins and, also, because these costs have direct effects in the ability of a mother to obtain high-quality resources (e.g., fruits). The twins had a slower rate of physical and social development as well as a smaller body size compared to same-aged singletons by the end of the study. Thus, the extended periods of maternal care and the costs associated with rearing and carrying offspring are some of the factors that influence the evolution and maintenance of a litter size of one in most anthropoid primates.  相似文献   

Throughout Pinus ponderosaPseudotsuga menziesii forests of the southern Colorado Front Range, USA, intense logging and domestic grazing began at the time of Euro-American settlement in the late 1800s and continued until the early 1900s. We investigated the long-term impacts of these settlement-era activities on understory plant communities by comparing understory composition at a historically logged and grazed site to that of an environmentally similar site which was protected from past use. We found that species richness and cover within functional groups rarely differed between sites in either upland or riparian areas. Multivariate analyses revealed little difference in species composition between sites on uplands, though compositional differences were apparent in riparian zones. Our findings suggest that settlement-era logging and grazing have had only minor long-term impacts on understories of upland Front Range P. ponderosaP. menziesii forests, though they have had a greater long-term influence on riparian understories, where these activities were likely the most intense. This article was written and prepared by US Government employees on official time, and therefore it is in the public domain and not subject to copyright.  相似文献   

Proximity partner choice by male chimpanzees of various age classes was analyzed in relation to their spatial positioning. Field work was carried out twice at the Mahale Mountains National Park, Tanzania. Proximity data were recorded at 3 and 10m from the focal animal. The data for the proximity between the focal male and other individuals allowed the males to be classified into two categories according to both criteria: early adolescence to young adult, and prime to old age. Between the males, the 3m proximity data permitted a classification into two categories as above, but those for 10m did not. These two spatial distances thus probably have different meanings for the males. The numbers of male proximity partners and proximity with the alpha male also allowed the males to be classified into two categories: early and late adolescence, and young adult to old age. Together, the above results support the classification of males into three age-graded categories: (1) early and late adolescence, (2) young adult, and (3) prime to old age. This does not arise because the males of each category form an age group. Prime or older males are most frequently in proximity, while their juniors consistently attempt to approach them. However, even prime or older males are not equally in proximity with one another. Their proximity partners change as time passes. Probably recognizing such changes, they form coalitions or are in rivalry. The sexual interest of adolescent males is probably a factor stimulating them to separate from their mothers, and to approach older males. Young adult males, even though physically mature, do not have equal proximity relations with older males. They are not yet sufficiently qualified to join the coalitions formed by their seniors.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of fruit patch size, density, and distribution on feeding subgroup size and feeding bout duration in four Neotropical primates—Lagothrix lagotricha, Ateles belzebuth, Cebus apella, and Alouatta seniculus—based on 2494 hr of focal animal sampling in Tinigua National Park, Colombia. All four species show positive correlations between patch size (tree diameter at breast height; DBH) and subgroup size (maximum number of individuals from the focal group feeding at the same time), but the determination coefficients are very low and this relationship does not seem to influence strongly the actual size of the groups. Ateles showed the weakest correlation between patch size and feeding party size, and their fission–fusion sociality is best explained as a mechanism to reduce intragroup competition rather than to adjust the subgroup size to the availability of patches. Feeding associations as well as proximal spacing patterns, in general, are more alike in species with similar ecological requirements.  相似文献   

The behavior and social interactions of young male chimpanzees were studied in relation to their age change. The data were obtained at the Mahale Mountains National Park, during a four-month period in 1986. Early adolescent males, becoming independent of their mothers, spend a long time near adults of both sexes. Late adolescent males are not tolerated by the senior males. Although such animals do not stop traveling together with their seniors, they are separated from the other members including the males of their own age class, and each of them lives a relatively lonely life. Where seniors are not nearby, they perform charging displays in front of estrous females. Young adult males tend to remain in the proximity of the alpha male, and can associate with their seniors without pant-grunting. Although some young adult males dominate over some senior males, increasingly performing charging displays, they do not appear to be permitted to associate intimately with their seniors; they are not yet considered to have attained social maturity. Prime and senior males are strongly bonded with one another, being able to associate intimately with those of their own or senior age classes including the alpha male. A young adult male's rise in rank is not connected with joining the “adult male-cluster,” nor does a senior male's decline necessarily means his dropping out from the cluster: the social position of male chimpanzees cannot be understood solely from their agonistic dominance rank. The alpha male plays a leading part in integrating the males of the unit-group. Young adult males and their seniors tend to associate most frequently with him, and all the males of the early adolescent or senior age classes pay attention to his movements.  相似文献   

Pitch pine, Pinus rigida Mill., is a rare species in Canada, existing as a disjunct population in the St. Lawrence River Valley in eastern Ontario and two northern outlier stands in southern Quebec along Canada's southern border with the United States. Reproductive and genetic characteristics of these small, scattered stands were investigated to develop a foundation for management and restoration in the event of range expansion northwards under anticipated climate warming. Seed yields and seed quality appear to be comparable to other eastern conifers, and to pitch pine at the center of its geographic range. For seed and seedling growth traits, most of the variation was attributable to differences among trees within stands and, to a lesser extent, among stands within a population; whereas the population effect was non-significant. For reproductive traits, such as numbers of filled and empty seeds per cone, reproductive efficiency, and inbreeding estimates, high levels of variation (ranging from 26% to 33%) were found among stands, suggesting that stand structural features, such as stand size and tree density within stands, play an important role in pollination environment and overall reproductive success. Estimates of genetic diversity at 32 allozyme gene loci indicate that these small, isolated stands have maintained relatively high levels of genetic diversity compared with populations at the center of its geographic range, and also relative to other widely dispersed eastern conifers. The relatively high levels of viable seed production and genetic diversity in native pitch pine populations indicate that native Canadian populations may be suitable seed sources for species restoration and range expansion in Canada.  相似文献   

Spatial dispersal patterns of fine litter were analyzed in relation to forest structure within a temperate mixed stand, in northeastern Japan. The canopy layer was a mosaic of two types of patches, those of shade-tolerant Abies firma (estimated age being 81–146 yrs.) and early successional deciduous broad-leaved trees (about 45 yrs. of age). Litter input to the forest floor was observed for a period of three years using 38 traps set at a height of 1.2 m. The average annual total of fine litter was 6.233 (dw.) metric tons hectare-1, 85.7% of the total litterfall. Fine litter was mostly leaves from the overstory (about 64%). Litter distribution maps were drawn, using the Davis's grid method, of the total fine litter and its two main elements, namely A. firma (a 36.1% share) and deciduous broad-leaved species (36.7%). The mosaic distribution of heterogeneous patches of litter was seem to corresponded with distribution of the canopy structure.  相似文献   

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