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ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Pinnipeds have a thick blubber layer and may have difficulty maintaining their body temperature during hot weather when on land. The skin is the main thermoregulatory conduit which emits excessive body heat. Methods: Thorough evaluation of the skin histology in three pinniped species; the California sea lion-Zalophus californianus, the Pacific harbor seal-Phoca vitulina richardsi, and the Northern elephant seal-Mirounga angustirostris, was conducted to identify the presence, location and distribution of skin structures which contribute to thermoregulation. These structures included hair, adipose tissue, sweat glands, vasculature, and arteriovenous anastomoses (AVA). Thermal imaging was performed on live animals of the same species to correlate histological findings with thermal emission of the skin. Results: The presence and distribution of skin structures directly relates to emissivity of the skin in all three species. Emissivity of skin in phocids (Pacific harbor and Northern elephant seals) follows a different pattern than skin in otariids (California sea lions). The flipper skin in phocids tends to be the most emissive region during hot weather and least emissive during cold weather. On the contrary in otariids, skin of the entire body has a tendency to be emissive during both hot and cold weather. Conclusion: Heat dissipation of the skin directly relates to the presence and distribution of skin structures in all three species. Different skin thermal dissipation patterns were observed in phocid versus otariid seals. Observed thermal patterns can be used for proper understanding of optimum thermal needs of seals housed in research facilities, rescue centers and zoo exhibits.  相似文献   

Milk expression was used to determine lactation length in three species of Galago at the Duke University Primate Center. Lactation length in G. senegalensis moholi was significantly shorter than the lactation length of either G. garnettii or G. crassicaudatus, but lactation length did not differ between G. garnettii or G. crassicaudatus. Litter size had no significant effect on lactation length. The lactation lengths determined in this study are substantially longer than those reported by investigators who used observational techniques. These discrepancies may be partially explained by failure to observe nursing during the diurnal inactive period.  相似文献   

Regional scale conservation decisions can be aided by information on the distribution of intraspecific diversity, especially the extent to which patterns are common to multiple species. We compare patterns of intraspecific mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (COI) variation among three flightless beetles (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae: Nyctoporis carinata LeConte; Staphylinidae: Sepedophilus castaneus (Horn); Carabidae: Calathus ruficollis Dejean) in the southern part of the California Floristic Province biodiversity hotspot. All species exhibit moderate to high levels of total variation, ranging from 2% to 10% (maximum uncorrected distance). Most populations of all species exhibit unique haplotypes, but few populations’ haplotypes constitute exclusive clades. Many adjacent pairs of populations show indications of some, though limited, genetic connectedness, due either to gene flow or ancestral polymorphism. However, in most cases this diminishes sharply over greater distances. By both statistical and phylogenetic measures, Sierra Nevadan populations are highly distinct from those in the coast and transverse ranges. Among the latter, the eastern transverse ranges are generally most unique and isolated, with diversity in the western parts of these ranges showing fewer barriers. Otherwise, few measures agree on areas of highest conservation value, and overall patterns tend to be species-specific.  相似文献   

We review published studies on the demography and recruitment of California oak trees and focus on the widespread dominant species of the foothill woodlands, Quercus douglasii, Q. lobata, and Q. agrifolia, to ascertain the nature and strength of evidence for a decline in populations of these species. The vast majority of studies have been of short duration (less than three years), focused on the acorn and seedling life stages, and conducted at few locations within each species geographic range. We summarize the extensive body of research that has been conducted on the biological and physical factors that limit natural seedling recruitment of oaks. The oak "regeneration problem" has largely been inferred from current stand structure rather than by demographic analyses, which in part reflects the short-term nature of most oak research. When viewed over longer periods of time usingfield surveys or historical photos, the evidence for a regeneration problem in foothill oaks is mixed. Q. douglasii shows very limited seedling or sapling recruitment at present, but longer term studies do not suggest a decline in tree density, presumably because rare recruitment is sufficient to offset low rates of mortality of overstory individuals. Q. agrifolia appears to be stable or increasing in some areas, but decreasing in areas recently impacted by the disease Phytophthora ramorum. Evidence from the few available studies is more consistent in suggesting long-term declines in foothill populations of Q. lobata. Long-term monitoring, age structure analysis, and population models are needed to resolve the current uncertainty over the sustainability of oak woodlands in California.  相似文献   

Conservation successes of the past several decades provide natural settings to study post-bottleneck evolutionary processes in species undergoing recovery. Here, we study the impact of demographic change on genetic diversity in parallel natural experiments of historical decline and subsequent recovery in two sympatric pinniped species in the Northwest Atlantic, the gray seal (Halichoerus grypus atlantica) and harbor seal (Phoca vitulina concolor). We compare genetic diversity at the mitochondrial control region today to diversity in archaeological specimens, which represent the populations prior to the regional bounties of the late 1800s to mid-1900s that drastically reduced population sizes and led to local extirpations. We further assess genetic diversity throughout recovery, using biological collections from ongoing long-term studies of both species. Overall, the genetic data are consistent with the historical presence of large, genetically diverse populations of pinnipeds prior to human exploitation, and suggest that gray seals were more dramatically impacted by historical bottlenecks than harbor seals in the Northwest Atlantic. Current mitochondrial diversity in both species is relatively high, and we observe little change over the past several decades during a period of roughly parallel rapid population increases. However, there remain large differences in haplotype composition between pinniped populations of pre-exploitation and today, a lasting genetic signature of historical exploitation that is likely to persist into the future.  相似文献   

Length–weight and length–length relationships are presented for three endemic Pseudophoxinus species in Turkey. This study provides the first references for these relationships in the species examined.  相似文献   

Summary Three species ofAphytis parasites of California red scale,Aonidiella aurantii (Maskell) were each confined at different densities with approximately equal numbers of scale insects at several constant temperatures to determine the effect of these factors on progeny production and distribution and the search rate. Egg location on the host body by the parasites was unaffected by temperature or parasite density.A. melinus laid its eggs both dorsally and ventrally in equal proportions whileA. lingnanensis andA. chrysomphali laid their eggs ventrally. Progeny production byA. melinus andA. lingnanensis increased at the higher temperature; that ofA. chrysomphali did not. Unlike the other species,A. chrysomphali failed to oviposit at 32°C. Although increasing parasite density reduced progeny production in bothA. melinus andA. lingnanensis, they were able to maintain an almonst constant search rate. This was due to their ability to distribute their eggs among the hosts more regularly at the higher parasite densities. While the mechanism of this process is easy to understand forA. melinus which behaved as a gregarious parasite, it is unclear forA. lingnanensis, which is almost a solitary parasite. The progeny production and the search rate ofA. chrysomphali dropped significantly with increasing parasite density.  相似文献   

Lichens, a classic example of an obligate symbiosis between fungi and photobionts (which could be algae or cyanobacteria), are abundant in many terrestrial ecosystems. The genetic structure of the photobiont population found in association with a lichen-forming fungal species could be affected by fungal reproductive mode and by the spatial extent of gene flow in the photobiont. Using DNA sequences from one nuclear ribosomal and two chloroplast loci, we analyzed the genetic structure of the photobiont associated with the fungus Ramalina menziesii at an oak woodland study site in southern California. We had previously shown that the fungus exhibited no genetic structure among four local sites or three phorophyte species. Our goals were to identify the photobiont species and assess its genetic structure. We found that R. menziesii was highly specific in its photobiont choice and associated with one alga, Trebouxia decolorans. In contrast to the fungal population, we found significant differentiation among the algae sampled on three oak species and little genetic structure among the sites for two of the three algal loci. We hypothesize that R. menziesii is locally adapted to the phorophyte species through habitat specialization in the algal partner of the symbiosis.  相似文献   

Synopsis I examined the temperature preferences and routine metabolic rates of Pit sculpin, Cottius pitensis, marbled sculpin, C. klamathensis macrops, and rough sculpin, C. asperrimus, of the Pit River drainage of California to determine if the distributional patterns of these species can be explained on the basis of physiological or behavioral responses to temperature. The routine metabolic rates of these species did not increase significantly between 10 and 15°C, indicating an area of thermal compensation. Metabolic rates then rapidly increased between 15 and 20°C (Q10 values>4.0) followed by little increase between 20 and 25°C (Q10 values >2.0), indicating another area of thermal compensation. The final temperature preferenda of Pit, marbled and rough sculpin were 11.2, 12.1 and 13.5°C, respectively. Marbled and rough sculpin appear to be more stenothermal than Pit sculpin. At acclimation temperatures of 10, 15 and 20°C the acute preferred temperatures of marbled and rough sculpin ranged from 11.1 to 14.7° C and 13.3 to 14.4°C, respectively. Values for Pit sculpin ranged from 9.9 to 16.4°C at acclimation temperatures of 10, 15 and 20°C. The distributions of marbled and rough sculpin are consistent with their behavioral and metabolic responses to temperature. The widespread distribution of Pit sculpin is consistent with its greater tolerance of high temperatures and eurythermal behavior, but the absence of Pit sculpin from habitats dominated by marbled and rough sculpin is not consistent with a temperature related explanation.  相似文献   

Life-history traits interact in important ways. Relatively few studies, however, have explored the relationships between life-history traits in long-lived taxa such as trees. We examined patterns of energy allocation to components of reproduction and growth in three species of California oaks (Quercus spp.) using a combination of annual acorn censuses, dendrometer bands to measure radial increment, and litterfall traps. Our results are generally consistent with the hypothesis that energy invested in reproduction detracts from the amount of energy available for growth in these long-lived taxa; i.e., there are trade-offs between these traits. The relationships between reproduction and growth varied substantially among specific trait combinations and tree species, however, and in some cases were in the direction opposite that expected based on the assumption of trade-offs between them. This latter finding appears to be a consequence of the pattern of resource use across years in these long-lived trees contrasting with the expected partitioning of resource use within years in short-lived taxa. Thus, the existence and magnitude of putative trade-offs varied depending on whether the time scale considered was within or across years. Collectively, our results indicate that negative relationships between fundamental life-history traits can be important at multiple levels of modular organization and that energy invested in reproduction can have measurable consequences in terms of the amount of energy available for future reproduction and both current and future growth.  相似文献   

Interspecific microsatellite markers for the study of pinniped populations   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Microsatellites have rapidly become the marker of choice for a wide variety of population genetic studies. Here we describe 20 pinniped microsatellite markers which have been tested across 18 pinniped species. The majority of these markers have broad utility in all pinnipeds and provide a strong base for detailed population genetic studies in the Pinnipedia.  相似文献   

Listeria species in a California coast estuarine environment   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Listeria species and L. monocytogenes were found in 81 and 62%, respectively, of fresh or low-salinity waters (37 samples) in tributaries draining into Humboldt-Arcata Bay, Calif., during a winter (January-February) sampling period. The incidence of Listeria species and L. monocytogenes in sediment (46 samples) from the same sites where water was sampled was 30.4 and 17.4%, respectively. One of three bay water samples contained Listeria species (including L. monocytogenes), while of 35 samples of oysters examined, only 1 was found positive for Listeria species (L. innocua). A given species or L. monocytogenes serogroup appeared to predominate in fresh water when domesticated animals (cows, horses) were nearby, whereas greater variety with no species predominance was observed in areas with no direct animal influence.  相似文献   

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