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The effect of left lung atelectasis on the regional distribution of blood flow (Q), ventilation (V(A)) and gas exchange on the right lung ventilated with 100% O2 was studied in anesthetized dogs in the lateral decubitus posture. Q and V(A) were measured in 1.7 ml lung volume pieces using injected and aerosolized fluorescent microspheres, respectively. Hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction (HPV) in the atelectatic lung shifted flow to the ventilated lung. The increased flow in the ventilated lung ensured adequate gas exchange, compensating for the hypoxemia due to shunt contributed by the atelectatic lung. Left lung atelectasis caused a compensatory increase in the ventilated lung FRC that was smaller in the right (RLD) than left (LLD) lateral posture, the effect of lung compression by the atelectatic lung and mediastinal contents in the RLD posture. The O2 deficit measured by (A-a)DO2 increased with left lung atelectasis and was exacerbated in the LLD posture by 10 cm H2O PEEP, a result of increased shunt caused by a shift in Q from the ventilated to the atelectatic lung. The PEEP-induced O2 deficit was eliminated with inversion to the RLD posture.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) and tidal volume on the distribution of ventilation and perfusion in a canine model of asymmetric lung injury. Unilateral right lung edema was established in 10 animals by use of a selective infusion of ethchlorvynol. Five animals were tested in the supine position (horizontal asymmetry) and five in the right decubitus position (vertical asymmetry). Raising PEEP from 5 to 12 cmH2O improved oxygenation despite a redistribution of blood flow toward the damage lung and a consistent decrease in total respiratory system compliance. This improvement paralleled a redistribution of tidal ventilation to the injured lung. This was effected primarily by a fall in the compliance of the noninjured lung due to hyperinflation. The effects of higher tidal volume were additive to those of PEEP. We propose that the major effect of PEEP in inhomogeneous lung injury is to restore tidal ventilation to a population of alveoli recruitable only at high airway pressures.  相似文献   

Lung recruitment maneuvers can help open collapsed lung units for sufficient oxygenation, and positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP) is used to keep the lung open after recruitment. However, the application of high PEEP levels may play a significant role in causing regional lung hyperinflation during mechanical ventilation. The authors sought to study the effects of PEEP targeting optimal oxygenation on regional lung volume distribution in a direct and an indirect acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) model. ARDS was induced by either surfactant depletion or oleic acid injection in dogs. After lung recruitment, PEEP was decreased from 20 to 10 cmH2O in 2 cmH2O steps every 10 min to examine regional lung aeration by using computed tomography. Lung injury appeared to be localized in the model of surfactant depletion while it widely diffused after oleic acid infusion. At PEEP levels that achieved optimal oxygenation, nonaerated lung units decreased and normally aerated lung units enhanced, but hyperinflated areas increased significantly in both models (P < 0.05). Hyperinflated areas were greater in the surfactant depletion model than in the oleic acid model at PEEP levels applied (P < 0.05). Optimal oxygenation guided PEEP may cause hyperinflated in both focal lung injury and diffused lung injury post lung recruitment. Hyperinflation was more susceptible in focal lung injury than in diffused lung injury post lung recruitment.  相似文献   

We aimed to assess the influence of lateral decubitus postures and positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) on the regional distribution of ventilation and perfusion. We measured regional ventilation (VA) and regional blood flow (Q) in six anesthetized, mechanically ventilated dogs in the left (LLD) and right lateral decubitus (RLD) postures with and without 10 cmH(2)O PEEP. Q was measured by use of intravenously injected 15-microm fluorescent microspheres, and VA was measured by aerosolized 1-microm fluorescent microspheres. Fluorescence was analyzed in lung pieces approximately 1.7 cm(3) in volume. Multiple linear regression analysis was used to evaluate three-dimensional spatial gradients of Q, VA, the ratio VA/Q, and regional PO(2) (Pr(O(2))) in both lungs. In the LLD posture, a gravity-dependent vertical gradient in Q was observed in both lungs in conjunction with a reduced blood flow and Pr(O(2)) to the dependent left lung. Change from the LLD to the RLD or 10 cmH(2)O PEEP increased local VA/Q and Pr(O(2)) in the left lung and minimized any role of hypoxia. The greatest reduction in individual lung volume occurred to the left lung in the LLD posture. We conclude that lung distortion caused by the weight of the heart and abdomen is greater in the LLD posture and influences both Q and VA, and ultimately gas exchange. In this respect, the smaller left lung was the most susceptible to impaired gas exchange in the LLD posture.  相似文献   

The influences of body posture and tidal volume (VT) on inter- and intraregional ventilation inhomogeneity were assessed by normalized phase III slope (Sn(III)) analysis of multiple-breath washout recordings of SF(6) and He in 11 healthy men. Washouts with target VT of 750, 1,000, and 1,250 ml were performed standing and supine. A linear-fit method was used to establish the contributions of convection-dependent (interregional) (cdi) and diffusion-convection interaction-dependent (intraregional) inhomogeneity (dcdi). Overall inhomogeneity was defined as the sum of cdi and dcdi. The difference in first-breath Sn(III) for SF(6) vs. He, the (SF(6) - He)Sn(III), served as an index of intra-acinar inhomogeneity. Multiple-regression analysis revealed greater cdi supine vs. standing (P < 0.001) but no significant effects of posture on dcdi or overall inhomogeneity. Larger VT were associated with greater cdi (P < 0.001), particularly when supine, but reduced dcdi (P < 0.001), overall inhomogeneity (P < 0.001), and (SF(6) - He)Sn(III) (P = 0.031). In conclusion, during resting breathing overall and intraregional ventilation inhomogeneities remain unchanged when the supine posture is assumed and improve with larger VT, but supine posture and larger breaths result in greater interregional inhomogeneities.  相似文献   

If esophageal and chest wall recordings of diaphragmatic electromyographic activity (EMG) accurately reflect neural drive to this muscle, then compound muscle action potentials (CMAPs) produced by supramaximal stimulation of the phrenic nerve should not alter with changes in diaphragmatic position. Maximal CMAPs were therefore recorded 1) during changes in lung volume from near residual volume to near total lung capacity, 2) during isovolume maneuvers at different lung volumes, and 3) while subjects were lying, sitting, and standing. The areas of maximal CMAPs recorded with the gastroesophageal catheter increased 5.1 +/- 3.6 times (mean +/- SD) between these volumes, increased 2.4 +/- 1.3 times as the diaphragm descended during an isovolume maneuver (at functional residual capacity), and increased 4.4 +/- 2.4 times between the lying and standing positions. Because the stimuli were supramaximal, these changes in EMG reflect changes in the relationship between the esophageal electrodes and the diaphragmatic muscle fibers. Artifactual changes were also documented for surface electrodes on the chest wall. Because of these positional changes in maximal CMAPs, previous studies, which used integrated diaphragmatic EMG to document "reflex" changes in neural drive, should be reevaluated.  相似文献   

The classic four-zone model of lung blood flow distribution has been questioned. We asked whether the effect of positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) is different between the prone and supine position for lung tissue in the same zonal condition. Anesthetized and mechanically ventilated prone (n = 6) and supine (n = 5) sheep were studied at 0, 10, and 20 cm H2O PEEP. Perfusion was measured with intravenous infusion of radiolabeled 15-microm microspheres. The right lung was dried at total lung capacity and diced into pieces (approximately 1.5 cm3), keeping track of the spatial location of each piece. Radioactivity per unit weight was determined and normalized to the mean value for each condition and animal. In the supine posture, perfusion to nondependent lung regions decreased with little relative perfusion in nondependent horizontal lung planes at 10 and 20 cm H2O PEEP. In the prone position, the effect of PEEP was markedly different with substantial perfusion remaining in nondependent lung regions and even increasing in these regions with 20 cm H2O PEEP. Vertical blood flow gradients in zone II lung were large in supine, but surprisingly absent in prone, animals. Isogravitational perfusion heterogeneity was smaller in prone than in supine animals at all PEEP levels. Redistribution of pulmonary perfusion by PEEP ventilation in supine was largely as predicted by the zonal model in marked contrast to the findings in prone. The differences between postures in blood flow distribution within zone II strongly indicate that factors in addition to pulmonary arterial, venous, and alveolar pressure play important roles in determining perfusion distribution in the in situ lung. We suggest that regional variation in lung volume through the effect on vascular resistance is one such factor and that chest wall conformation and thoracic contents determine regional lung volume.  相似文献   

Venovenous perfusion has been conducted in 12 healthy dogs to examine carbon dioxide (CO2) transfer and haemocompatibility over 9 h during total extracorporeal CO2 removal using a microporous polypropylene membrane lung with secondary flows in the blood channel. The anaesthetized animals were maintained normocapnic by including CO2 in the inspired gases. The CO2 removal was achieved using 0.631 m2 of active membrane, at a pulsatile Reynolds number of 50, and a CO2 extraction from blood of 17.8 ml (STP) dl−1. Gas exchange remained constant during the perfusions. Several aspects of our results suggest that the haemocompatibility of a system of the kind used here is at least as favourable as that of a steady flow device using a continuous silicone rubber membrane of equivalent gas transfer capability.  相似文献   

Effects of tidal volume (VT), end-expiratory pressure (EEP), and environmental temperature (Tenv) on elastic recoil force (Pel) and edema formation were examined in open-chest anesthetized rabbits. Sixty-two rabbits in four groups were ventilated for 3 h with VT of either 10 or 25 ml/kg body wt, EEP of 0 or 2 cmH2O, and Tenv of 18 or 35 degrees C. After ventilation, Pel at 80% of total lung capacity (P80) was significantly increased when ventilation was performed with the combination of large VT, 0 EEP, and low Tenv. This change was prevented by altering any one of the three conditions, e.g., small VT, positive EEP, or high Tenv. Similarly, elevation of minimum surface tension and reduction of surface activity index of lavages from excised lungs after ventilation were observed only when increased P80 was noted. Additionally, the increase of P80 was well correlated with increment of wet weight-to-dry weight ratio and degree of perivascular cuffing and alveolar edema formation of excised lungs. These results indicate that elevation of Pel after high tidal ventilation in open-chest animals in vivo was influenced by level of EEP and Tenv and that the degree of edema formation was closely related to the increase of Pel. The increased Pel is presumably primary and causes fluid accumulation.  相似文献   

Controlled mandatory ventilation with positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) reduces renal sodium excretion. To examine whether atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) is involved in the renal response to alterations in end-expiratory pressure in hypervolemic dogs, experiments were performed on anesthetized dogs with increased blood volume. Changing from PEEP to zero end-expiratory pressure (ZEEP) increased sodium excretion by 145 +/- 61 from 310 +/- 61 mumol/min and increased plasma immunoreactive (ir) ANF by 104 +/- 27 from 136 +/- 21 pg/ml. Changing from ZEEP to PEEP reduced sodium excretion by 136 +/- 36 mumol/min and reduced plasma irANF by 98 +/- 22 pg/ml. To examine a possible causal relationship, ANF (6 ng.min-1.kg body wt-1) was infused intravenously during PEEP to raise plasma irANF to the same level as during ZEEP. Sodium excretion increased by 80 +/- 36 from 290 +/- 78 mumol/min as plasma irANF increased by 96 +/- 28 from 148 +/- 28 pg/ml. We conclude that alterations in end-expiratory pressure lead to great changes in plasma irANF and sodium excretion in dogs with increased blood volume. Comparison of the effects of altering end-expiratory pressure and infusing ANF indicates that a substantial part of the changes in sodium excretion during variations in end-expiratory pressure can be attributed to changes in plasma irANF.  相似文献   

In this study we have investigated how changes in respiratory frequency and tidal volume in anesthetized dogs affect the fall in dynamic compliance (Cdyn) that occurs with time after a hyperinflation. Results showed that increasing frequency [at controlled arterial (PaCO2)] PCO2 from 16 to 32 breaths/min had no effect on either the rate of fall or the magnitude of the fall up to 1 h after the hyperinflation. However, increasing the tidal volume from 300 to 750 ml abolished the fall in Cdyn from 10 to 50 min after the hyperinflation; the fall within the first 10 min remained unchanged. We also examined the effect of a simulated "hyperinflation" on the compliance of strips of parenchymal tissue in vitro. This result indicated that in the absence of surface forces, parenchymal tissue demonstrates a fall in compliance, which is complete within 10 min. Overall our findings are consistent with the hypothesis that the fall in Cdyn after hyperinflation is a two-phase process. The initial rapid fall in Cdyn (i.e., within 10 min) may simply represent a passive recovery process from the hyperinflation stress on the parenchymal tissue. The slower fall occurring after 10 min likely results from progressive increases in surface tension, and this increase can apparently be blocked by increases in tidal volume.  相似文献   

The frequency dependence of respiratory impedance (Zrs) from 0.125 to 4 Hz (Hantos et al., J. Appl. Physiol. 60: 123-132, 1986) may reflect inhomogeneous parallel time constants or the inherent viscoelastic properties of the respiratory tissues. However, studies on the lung alone or chest wall alone indicate that their impedance features are also dependent on the tidal volumes (VT) of the forced oscillations. The goals of this study were 1) to identify how total Zrs at lower frequencies measured with random noise (RN) compared with that measure with larger VT, 2) to identify how Zrs measured with RN is affected by bronchoconstriction, and 3) to identify the impact of using linear models for analyzing such data. We measured Zrs in six healthy dogs by use of a RN technique from 0.125 to 4 Hz or with a ventilator from 0.125 to 0.75 Hz with VT from 50 to 250 ml. Then methacholine was administered and the RN was repeated. Two linear models were fit to each separate set of data. Both models assume uniform airways leading to viscoelastic tissues. For healthy dogs, the respiratory resistance (Rrs) decreased with frequency, with most of the decrease occurring from 0.125 to 0.375 Hz. Significant VT dependence of Rrs was seen only at these lower frequencies, with Rrs higher as VT decreased. The respiratory compliance (Crs) was dependent on VT in a similar fashion at all frequencies, with Crs decreasing as VT decreased. Both linear models fit the data well at all VT, but the viscoelastic parameters of each model were very sensitive to VT. After methacholine, the minimum Rrs increased as did the total drop with frequency. Nevertheless the same models fit the data well, and both the airways and tissue parameters were altered after methacholine. We conclude that inferences based only on low-frequency Zrs data are problematic because of the effects of VT on such data (and subsequent linear modeling of it) and the apparent inability of such data to differentiate parallel inhomogeneities from normal viscoelastic properties of the respiratory tissues.  相似文献   

To determine the sensitivity of pulmonary resistance (RL) to changes in breathing frequency and tidal volume, we measured RL in intact anesthetized dogs over a range of breathing frequencies and tidal volumes centering around those encountered during quiet breathing. To investigate mechanisms responsible for changes in RL, the relative contribution of airway resistance (Raw) and tissue resistance (Rti) to RL at similar breathing frequencies and tidal volumes was studied in six excised, exsanguinated canine left lungs. Lung volume was sinusoidally varied, with tidal volumes of 10, 20, and 40% of vital capacity. Pressures were measured at three alveolar sites (PA) with alveolar capsules and at the airway opening (Pao). Measurements were made during oscillation at five frequencies between 5 and 45 min-1 at each tidal volume. Resistances were calculated by assuming a linear equation of motion and submitting lung volume, flow, Pao, and PA to a multiple linear regression. RL decreased with increasing frequency and decreased with increasing tidal volume in both isolated and intact lungs. In isolated lungs, Rti decreased with increasing frequency but was independent of tidal volume. Raw was independent of frequency but decreased with tidal volume. The contribution of Rti to RL ranged from 93 +/- 4% (SD) with low frequency and large tidal volume to 41 +/- 24% at high frequency and small tidal volume. We conclude that the RL is highly dependent on breathing frequency and less dependent on tidal volume during conditions similar to quiet breathing and that these findings are explained by changes in the relative contributions of Raw and Rti to RL.  相似文献   

Ventilator settings influence the development and outcome of acute lung injury. This study investigates the influence of low versus high tidal volume (V(t)) on oxidative stress-induced lung injury.Isolated rabbit lungs were subjected to one of three ventilation patterns (V(t)-positive end-expiratory pressure, PEEP): LVZP (6 ml/kg-0 cm H(2)O), HVZP (12 ml/kg-0 cm H(2)O), LV5P (6 ml/kg-5 cm H(2)O). These ventilation patterns allowed a comparison between low and high V(t) without dependence on peak inspiratory pressure (PIP). Infusion of hypochlorite (1000 nmol/min) or buffer (control) was started at t=0 min. Pulmonary artery pressure (PAP), PIP and weight were continuously recorded. Capillary filtration coefficient [K(f,c) (10(-4) ml s(-1) cm H(2)O(-1) g(-1))] was gravimetrically determined (-15/30/60/90/120 min).PIP averaged 5.8+/-0.6/13.9+/-0.6/13.9+/-0.4 cm H(2)O in the LVZP, HVZP and LV5P groups. PIP, K(f,c) or PAP did not change in control groups, indicating that none of the ventilation patterns caused lung injury by themselves. Hypochlorite-induced increase in K(f,c) but not hypochlorite-induced increase in PAP, was significantly attenuated in the LVZP-/LV5P- versus the HVZP-group (K(f,c,max.) 1.0+/-0.23/1.4+/-0.40 versus 3.2+/-1.0*). Experiments with hypochlorite were terminated due to excessive edema (>50 g) at 97+/-2.2/94.5+/-4.5 min in the LVZP-/LV5P-group versus 82+/-3.8* min in the HVZP-group (*: P<0.05).Low V(t) attenuated oxidative stress-induced increase in vascular permeability independently from PIP and PEEP.  相似文献   

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