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Previous studies in anesthetized humans positioned in the left lateral decubitus (LLD) posture have shown that unilateral positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) to the dependent lung produce a more even ventilation distribution and improves gas exchange. Unilateral PEEP to the dependent lung may offer special advantages during LLD surgery by reducing the alveolar-to-arterial oxygen pressure difference {(A-a)PO2 or venous admixture} in patients with thoracic trauma or unilateral lung injury. We measured the effects of unilateral PEEP on regional distribution of blood flow (Q) and ventilation (V(A)) using fluorescent microspheres in pentobarbital anesthetized and air ventilation dogs in left lateral decubitus posture with synchronous lung inflation. Tidal volume to left and right lung is maintained constant to permit the effect on gas exchange to be examined. The addition of unilateral PEEP to the left lung increased its FRC with no change in left-right blood flow distribution or venous admixture. The overall lung V(A)/Q distribution remained relatively constant with increasing unilateral PEEP. Bilateral PEEP disproportionately increased FRC in the right lung but again produced no significant changes in venous admixture or V(A)/Q distribution. We conclude that the reduced dependent lung blood flow observed without PEEP occurs secondary to a reduction in lung volume. When tidal volume is maintained, unilateral PEEP increases dependent lung volume with little effect of perfusion distribution maintaining gas exchange.  相似文献   

We usedfluorescent-labeled microspheres in pentobarbital-anesthetized dogs tostudy the effects of unilateral alveolar hypoxia on the pulmonary bloodflow distribution. The left lung was ventilated with inspiredO2 fraction of 1.0, 0.09, or 0.03 in random order; the right lung was ventilated with inspiredO2 fraction of 1.0. The lungs wereremoved, cleared of blood, dried at total lung capacity, then cubed toobtain ~1,500 small pieces of lung (~1.7 cm3). The coefficient ofvariation of flow increased (P < 0.001) in the hypoxic lung but was unchanged in the hyperoxic lung.Most (70-80%) variance in flow in the hyperoxic lung wasattributable to structure, in contrast to only 30-40% of thevariance in flow in the hypoxic lung(P < 0.001). When adjusted for thechange in total flow to each lung, 90-95% of the variance in thehyperoxic lung was attributable to structure compared with 70-80%in the hypoxic lung (P < 0.001). Thehilar-to-peripheral gradient, adjusted for change in total flow,decreased in the hypoxic lung (P = 0.005) but did not change in the hyperoxic lung. We conclude thathypoxic vasoconstriction alters the regional distribution of flow inthe hypoxic, but not in the hyperoxic, lung.


After single-lung transplantation (SLT) for emphysema, heterogeneity of ventilation distribution in the graft can be assessed by measuring the slope of the alveolar plateau, computed from a single-breath test, performed in lateral decubitus with this lung in the nondependent position. We tested the validity of this technique in patients with SLT for interstitial lung diseases (ILD). Twelve patients with SLT for ILD, 12 nontransplanted patients with ILD, and 10 healthy control subjects performed single-breath washouts in right and left lateral decubitus; nitrogen slope (S(N(2))) and the difference between SF(6) and He slopes (S(SF(6))-S(He)) were measured between 75 and 100% of expired volume. In 10 transplant recipients, the volume of each lung was measured in both postures by computerized tomography. Slopes were unaffected by posture in normal control subjects and patients with ILD. On the other hand, S(N(2)) and S(SF(6))-S(He) in transplant recipients were smaller with the graft in the nondependent than in the dependent position (0.366 +/- 0.445 vs. 1.035 +/- 0.498 for S(N(2)); 0.094 +/- 0.201 vs. 0.218 +/- 0.277 for S(SF(6))-S(He)). Values of S(N(2)) and S(SF(6))-S(He) obtained in the former position were similar to those obtained in normal controls, while values obtained in the latter position were similar to those obtained in nontransplanted patients with ILD. Computerized tomography studies with the graft in the nondependent position indicated that this lung contributed 82% of the volume expired below functional residual capacity. We conclude that, in patients with SLT for ILD, the slope of the alveolar plateau obtained with the graft in the nondependent position reflects heterogeneity of ventilation distribution in this lung.  相似文献   

Effect of lung inflation on lung blood volume and pulmonary venous flow   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Phasic changes in lung blood volume (LBV) during the respiratory cycle may play an important role in the genesis of the respiratory wave in arterial pressure, or pulsus paradoxus. To better understand the effects of lung inflation on LBV, we studied the effect of changes in transpulmonary pressure (delta Ptp) on pulmonary venous flow (Qv) in eight isolated canine lungs with constant inflow. Inflation when the zone 2 condition was predominant resulted in transient decreases in Qv associated with increases in LBV. In contrast, inflation when the zone 3 condition was predominant resulted in transient increases in Qv associated with decreases in LBV. These findings are consistent with a model of the pulmonary vasculature that consists of alveolar and extra-alveolar vessels. Blood may be expelled from alveolar vessels but is retained in extra-alveolar vessels with each inflation. The net effect on LBV and thus on Qv is dependent on the zone conditions that predominate during inflation, with alveolar or extra-alveolar effects being greater when the zone 3 or zone 2 conditions predominate, respectively. Lung inflation may therefore result in either transiently augmented or diminished Qv. Phasic changes in left ventricular preload may therefore depend on the zone conditions of the lungs during the respiratory cycle. This may be an important modulator of respiratory variations in cardiac output and blood pressure.  相似文献   

Increased blood pressure (BP) and heart rate during exercise characterizes the exercise pressor reflex. When evoked by static handgrip, mechanoreceptors and metaboreceptors produce regional changes in blood volume and blood flow, which are incompletely characterized in humans. We studied 16 healthy subjects aged 20-27 yr using segmental impedance plethysmography validated against dye dilution and venous occlusion plethysmography to noninvasively measure changes in regional blood volumes and blood flows. Static handgrip while in supine position was performed for 2 min without postexercise ischemia. Measurements of heart rate and BP variability and coherence analyses were used to examine baroreflex-mediated autonomic effects. During handgrip exercise, systolic BP increased from 120 +/- 10 to 148 +/- 14 mmHg, whereas heart rate increased from 60 +/- 8 to 82 +/- 12 beats/min. Heart rate variability decreased, whereas BP variability increased, and transfer function amplitude was reduced from 18 +/- 2 to 8 +/- 2 ms/mmHg at low frequencies of approximately 0.1 Hz. This was associated with marked reduction of coherence between BP and heart rate (from 0.76 +/- 0.10 to 0.26 +/- 0.05) indicative of uncoupling of heart rate regulation by the baroreflex. Cardiac output increased by approximately 18% with a 4.5% increase in central blood volume and an 8.5% increase in total peripheral resistance, suggesting increased cardiac preload and contractility. Splanchnic blood volume decreased reciprocally with smaller decreases in pelvic and leg volumes, increased splanchnic, pelvic and calf peripheral resistance, and evidence for splanchnic venoconstriction. We conclude that the exercise pressor reflex is associated with reduced baroreflex cardiovagal regulation and driven by increased cardiac output related to enhanced preload, cardiac contractility, and splanchnic blood mobilization.  相似文献   

The slope of alveolar plateau for nitrogen derived from the single-breath test is useful to assess the function of bilateral lung grafts, but this technique is not applicable to patients with single-lung grafts due to the confounding influence of the native lung. We tested the hypothesis that the nitrogen slope measured in lateral decubitus with the graft in nondependent position may primarily reflect the distribution of ventilation in this lung. Fifteen patients with single-lung transplantation for emphysema, 10 healthy controls, and 7 patients with advanced emphysema performed single-breath washouts in right and left lateral decubitus; nitrogen slope was measured between 75 and 100% of expired volume. In 10 transplant recipients, the volume of each lung was measured in the two postures by computerized tomography. Nitrogen slope was unaffected by posture in normal controls and emphysema patients. On the other hand, nitrogen slope in transplant recipients was invariably smaller, with the graft in nondependent vs. in dependent position. Values of nitrogen slope with the graft in nondependent position were similar to those obtained in normal controls but significantly smaller than those obtained in emphysema patients. Computerized tomography studies in this position indicated that the volume expired below functional residual capacity was exclusively contributed by the graft. We conclude that, in patients with single-lung transplantation for emphysema, 1) measuring nitrogen slope in lateral decubitus allows to distinguish between the graft and the native lung, and 2) nitrogen slope obtained with the graft in nondependent position reflects ventilation distribution in this lung.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) and tidal volume on the distribution of ventilation and perfusion in a canine model of asymmetric lung injury. Unilateral right lung edema was established in 10 animals by use of a selective infusion of ethchlorvynol. Five animals were tested in the supine position (horizontal asymmetry) and five in the right decubitus position (vertical asymmetry). Raising PEEP from 5 to 12 cmH2O improved oxygenation despite a redistribution of blood flow toward the damage lung and a consistent decrease in total respiratory system compliance. This improvement paralleled a redistribution of tidal ventilation to the injured lung. This was effected primarily by a fall in the compliance of the noninjured lung due to hyperinflation. The effects of higher tidal volume were additive to those of PEEP. We propose that the major effect of PEEP in inhomogeneous lung injury is to restore tidal ventilation to a population of alveoli recruitable only at high airway pressures.  相似文献   

To study the distribution of blood flow after blood volume expansion, seven miniature swine ran at high speed (17.6-20 km/h, estimated to require 115% of maximal O2 uptake) on a motor-driven treadmill on two occasions: once during normovolemia and once after an acute 15% blood volume expansion (homologous whole blood). O2 uptake, cardiac output, heart rate, mean arterial pressure, and distribution of blood flow (with radiolabeled microspheres) were measured at the same time during each of the exercise bouts. Maximal heart rate was identical between conditions (mean 266); mean arterial pressure was elevated during the hypovolemic exercise (149 +/- 5 vs. 137 +/- 6 mmHg). Although cardiac output was higher and arterial O2 saturation was maintained during the hypervolemic condition (10.5 +/- 0.7 vs. 9.3 +/- 0.6 l/min), O2 uptake was not different (1.74 +/- 0.08 vs. 1.74 +/- 0.09 l/min). Mean blood flows to cardiac (+12.9%), locomotory (+9.8%), and respiratory (+7.5%) muscles were all elevated during hypervolemic exercise, while visceral and brain blood flows were unchanged. Calculated resistances to flow in skeletal and cardiac muscle were not different between conditions. Under the experimental conditions of this study, O2 uptake in the miniature swine was limited at the level of the muscles during hypervolemic exercise. The results also indicate that neither intrinsic contractile properties of the heart nor coronary blood flow limits myocardial performance during normovolemic exercise, because both the pumping capacity of the heart and the coronary blood flow were elevated in the hypervolemic condition.  相似文献   

The extravascular volume of distribution for heat in the lung has been advocated for the measurement of lung water. The purpose of these experiments was to investigate how extremes of ventilation-perfusion mismatch influence this measurement. Twenty-six dogs were studied with right and left atrium-to-aorta thermal and dye-dilution curves before and 60 min after total right main-stem bronchial obstruction or microembolization of the pulmonary circulation with 0.275-mm glass beads. Whereas atelectasis had no influence on our measurements, embolization with 0.32 g/kg of beads decreased the detected pulmonary blood volume from 10.63 to 8.55 ml/kg and increased the extravascular thermal volume (ETV) from 9.89 to 10.99 ml/kg. Embolization with 0.65 g/kg decreased the detected ETV from 9.29 to 8.38 ml/kg, while the extravascular wet-to-dry weight ratio was increased, and the regression of postmortem extravascular mass on ETV differed from control. We conclude that microembolization but not atelectasis causes errors in the measurement of lung fluid when the thermodye technique is used. The errors are variable and depend on the degree of embolization.  相似文献   

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