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Whether female crickets choose among males based on characteristics of the courtship song is uncertain, but in many species, males not producing courtship song do not mate. In the house cricket,Acheta domesticus, we examined whether a female chose or rejected a male based on his size, latency to chirp, latency to produce courtship song, or rate of the high-frequency pulse of courtship song (“court rate”). We confirmed that females mated only with males that produced courtship song, but we found no evidence that the other factors we measured affected a female’s decision to mate. In addition, we investigated whether the outcome of male agonistic encounters affected the subsequent production of courtship song. In one experiment, we observed courtship and mating behavior when a single female was placed with a pair of males following a 10-min interaction period between the two males. Winners of male agonistic encounters had higher mating success. However, winners and losers of agonistic encounters were not different in their likelihood or latency to produce courtship song or in the number of times they were disrupted by the other male in the pair. In a second experiment, we allowed two males to interact for a 10-min period, but following this interaction period, we placed a female with each male separately and observed courtship and mating behavior. The mating success of winners and losers was not different under these circumstances, and we found no differences between winners and losers in any subsequent courtship or mating behavior examined. We conclude that winning agonistic encounters influences a male’s mating success in ways other than his production of courtship song and this effect is lost when winning and losing males are separated and each is given an opportunity to mate.  相似文献   

Patterns of tracheation in the abdominal central nervous system and the cerci of Acheta domesticus are described from whole mounts, and light and electron microscopy. The tracheal supply of the ganglia is derived from ventral longitudinal tracheal trunks which have segmental connections to the spiracels. Each abdominal ganglion is served by a single pair of tracheal trunks, except the terminal ganglion, which has two pairs. Within the ganglia, tracheoles occur principally in association with glia-rich areas of the neuropile. We suggest that the respiratory exchange may be concentrated in the cell bodies of neurons and glia. Each cercus has a tracheal supply in paralle with a large air sac which, it is suggested, serves to lighten the cercus, functions as a resonator for sound reception, or facilitates tidal flow of hemolymph and postecdysial expansion of the cercus. No tracheae run continuously between ganglia or between the terminal ganglion and the cerci, and they do not appear to have a potential role as a contact guidance pathway for cercal nerve growth.  相似文献   

Amplification of the genes coding for rRNA occurs in the oocytes of a wide variety of organisms. The amplification process appears to be mediated through a rolling-circle mechanism. The approximate molecular weight of the smallest rDNA circles is equivalent to the estimated combined molecular weight of DNA which codes for a single ribosomal RNA precursor molecule and an associated non-transcribed spacer DNA sequence. RNA-DNA hybridization studies carried out on oocytes of the house cricket, Acheta domesticus, suggest that DNA coding for rRNA accounts for only a small fraction of the rDNA satellite, all of which is amplified in the oocyte. In order to test the possibility that the remainder of the amplified rDNA represents spacer and to determine whether a rolling-circle mechanism might also be involved in amplification in A. domesticus oocytes, rDNA was isolated from ovaries of A. domesticus and spread for electron microscopy. A large proportion of the rDNA isolated from ovaries is circular, while main-band DNA and rDNA prepared from other tissues demonstrates few if any circles. The mean size of the smallest rDNA circles is approximately 8 times longer than the length estimated for DNA which codes for 18 S and 28 S rRNA. Denaturation mapping shows the rDNA circles to contain two major readily denaturing regions located about equidistant from one another on the circle. Each readily denaturing region accounts for 4–6% of the total DNA in the circle. The fact that only 12% of the average molecule is required to code for A. domesticus 18 S and 28 S rRNA is consistent with the hybridization data. Considerable size heterogeneity exists in the length of the smallest class of rDNA molecules. In the rDNA of other species such heterogeneity has been shown to reside in the non-transcribed spacer.  相似文献   

At a time in the life cycle when a large proportion of the oocytes of Acheta incorporate 3H-thymidine into an extrachromosomal DNA body, synthesis of a satellite or minor band DNA, the density of which is greater than main band DNA, is readily detected. Synthesis of the satellite DNA is not detectable in tissues, the cells of which do not have a DNA body, or in ovaries in which synthesis of extrachromosomal DNA by the oocytes is completed. The DNA body contains the amplified genes which code for ribosomal RNA. However, less than 1 percent of the satellite DNA, all of which appears to be amplified in the oocyte, is complementary to ribosomal 18S and 28S RNA. In situ hybridization demonstrates that non-ribosomal elements, like the ribosomal elements of the satellite DNA, are localized in the DNA body.Abbreviations used rRNA ribosomal RNA, includes 18S and 28S RNA - rDNA gene sequences complementary to rRNA - cRNA complementary RNA synthesized in vitro  相似文献   

An analysis of a 29-kilobase nontranscribed spacer fragment in the ribosomal DNA (rDNA) of the house cricket, Acheta domesticus, revealed a highly repetitious structure. A total of eight EcoRI repeats of three different size classes measuring 259, 420, and 508 base pairs (bp) was mapped to a region 2 kilobases (kb) from the 18 S coding region. The repeats were oriented in a nonrandom manner and had sequences homologous to DNA located immediately adjacent to the repetitive array. DNA sequence analysis showed that the repetitive region was composed of smaller direct repeats 66, 67, and 383 bp in length. There was minor length heterogeneity of the chromosomal restriction fragments containing the entire array, indicating that a variable number of EcoRI repeats is a minor contributor to the total repeat-unit length heterogeneity. Immediately upstream from the EcoRI array there is a 17-kb region composed of 50 to 60 subrepeat elements recognized by a variety of restriction endonucleases. A subcloned SmaI repeat from the array was not homologous to any other part of the rDNA repeat unit or other chromosomal DNA. There was little length heterogeneity in restriction fragments containing the chromosomal 17-kb repetitions region. Immediately upstream from the 17-Kb region there is a 4.1-kb segment with sequences homologous to the EcoRI repeats.  相似文献   

A growing body of literature is recognizing that males may also play a role in the mating process by behaving non‐randomly toward potential female mates during courtship. In numerous species, discrete color polymorphisms in males are inferred to represent alternative mating tactics, which often correspond with concomitant asymmetries in ecology and behavior. In terms of their mating behavior, these ecological outcomes of a color polymorphism should affect a morph's likelihood and frequency of encountering females in a population, possibly favoring the evolution of morph‐specific mating preferences. Knowledge of how male morphs contribute to a species’ overall mating dynamics will improve our understanding of how sexual selection shapes phenotypic diversity in color polymorphic systems. We conducted a mate choice experiment to evaluate the extent and morph specificity of non‐random mating preferences by male ornate tree lizards, Urosaurus ornatus. We observed the behavior of blue and yellow males in an experimental arena in response to a choice between an orange or yellow female. We found that blue males preferred yellow females over orange females, and although yellow males visited females more often than blue males overall, their attention was not morph‐specific. Given male morph differences in choosiness, and their differences in social dominance, we conclude that female throat color may be partly under sexual selection in U. ornatus. However, a lack of concordance between male and female mating preferences (drawn from an earlier study) suggests that overall mating dynamics may serve to maintain, rather than enhance, color morph differences in this species.  相似文献   

Field cricket species are ideal model organisms for the study of sexual selection because cricket calling songs, used to attract mating partners, are pronouncedly sexually dimorphic. However, few studies have focused on other sexually dimorphic traits of field crickets. The horn‐headed cricket, Loxoblemmus doenitzi, exhibits exaggerated sexual dimorphism in head shape: males have flat heads with triangular horns, while females lack horns. This study examines the relationship between horn length, male calling efforts and diet quality. Horn length was not found to be significantly correlated with calling efforts. When diet was manipulated for late‐stage nymphs, calling efforts in the group with poor‐quality diet treatment was significantly lower than that of crickets in the group with high‐quality diet treatment. However, horn length was not affected by diet quality. The implication of these results in the context of the evolution of multiple signals and sexual dimorphism is discussed.  相似文献   

A novel delta 12-desaturase from animals, which converts oleic acid (18:1n-9) to linoleic acid (18:2n-6), was characterized in the house cricket, Acheta domesticus. The delta 12-desaturase product, linoleic acid, was determined by silver nitrate thin-layer chromatography, radio-gas-liquid chromatography and radio-high-performance liquid chromatography with the latter being used for routine analyses. Enzyme activity was located in the microsomal fraction of whole insect homogenates. NADPH or NADH was required for activity, with NADPH being the more efficient electron donor. In short incubation times with oleoyl-CoA as substrate, the highest amount of product, linoleic acid, was found as linoleoyl-CoA. With longer incubation periods, most of the linoleic acid was recovered in the polar lipid fraction containing phospholipid. Preincubation of the microsomal preparation in the absence of NADPH, which allowed 90% of the oleoyl moiety to be transacylated into complex lipid, resulted in no detectable desaturation upon addition of NADPH. These data indicate that the oleic acid moiety used as substrate was in the form of a CoA derivative and not in the form of a phospholipid, as it is for the plant delta 12-desaturase. This is the first characterization of a delta 12-desaturase from an animal system and the first report of a delta 12-desaturase that uses oleoyl-CoA as substrate.  相似文献   

Supernumerary compound eyes were generated in the cricket Acheta domesticus (L.) (Orthoptera : Gryllidae) by applying the insect teratogen biquidone (benz[g]isoquinoline-5, 10-dione) and partially characterized teratogenic mixtures to eggs within 24 hr following oviposition at 31 ± 0.5°C. Postembryonic development of supernumerary eyes was compared with that of normal compound eyes, using light and scanning electron microscopy. All elements of the dioptric apparatus were present in supernumerary eyes of nymphs, but no axonal connection to the brain was found. Supernumerary eyes deteriorated during successive instars. Occasionally, these eyes were sloughed off before the adult stage was reached; more frequently, eyes appeared as highly pigmented protrusions not readily identifiable as adult eye tissue. Teratogen-induced supernumerary eyes are probably not functional light receptors in A. domesticus nymphs or adults.  相似文献   

The female Truljalia hibinonis ingests metanotal secretions of the male during copulation. The effect of ingestion on oviposition behavior was compared between three female groups: females that copulated once with an intact male (a male that had not been manipulated; M group); females that copulated once with a male from which most of the metanotal secretion had been removed (NO group); and females that copulated once with an intact male followed by being artificially supplied with metanotal secretion three times (MS group). There were no obvious differences in female fecundity across the three groups. However, within the MS group, intake of an optimal amount of metanotal secretion increased the number of eggs laid. This effect appeared quickly after ingestion and was most effective on the first bout (eggs laid during the first few days after copulation) after ingestion of the metanotal secretion. In contrast, the number of eggs laid had a negative correlation with the amount of metanotal secretion ingested when the amount exceeded the optimal in this experimental arrangement.  相似文献   

In many species, males can increase their fitness by mating with the highest quality females. Female quality can be indicated by cues, such as body size, age and mating status. In the alpine grasshopper Kosciuscola tristis, males can be found riding on subadult females early in the season, and as the season progresses, males engage in fights over ovipositing females. These observations suggest that males may be competing for females that are either unmated (early season) or sperm‐depleted (late season). We thus hypothesised that male K. tristis may be choosy in relation to female mating status, and specifically, we predicted that males prefer females that are unmated. We conducted behavioural experiments in which males were given the choice of two females, one mated and one unmated. Contrary to our prediction, males did not mate preferentially with unmated females. However, copulation duration with unmated females was, on average, 24 times the length of copulation with mated females. While female K. tristis can reject mates, we did not observe any evidence of overt female choice during our trials. Females may gain additional benefits from mating multiply and may therefore not readily reject males. While our experiment cannot definitively disentangle female from male control over copulation duration, we suggest that males choose to invest more time in copula with unmated females, perhaps for paternity assurance, and that male mate assessment occurs during copulation rather than beforehand.  相似文献   

Sexual conflict can elevate mating costs via male inflicted damage to females. Possible selective advantages to males include decreasing the likelihood that females remate and/or increasing females' current reproductive investment in a manner analogous to terminal reproductive investment. We investigated female mating behaviour relative to their number of previous copulations in the fly Sepsis cynipsea, and whether males accepted as first mates were more likely to be accepted again. Females were more likely to remate with new rather than original males, although there was no associated fitness benefit, and in contrast to theoretical predictions, females became less reluctant to remate as the number of previous copulations increased. Additionally, females did not increase reproductive investment as would be expected if they were ensuring their final reproductive efforts were maximized by remating. This suggests that damaging females is a pleiotropic effect which inadvertently leads to increased, not decreased, polyandry.  相似文献   

Jang Y 《PloS one》2011,6(1):e16063
In many species males aggregate and produce long-range advertisement signals to attract conspecific females. The majority of the receivers of these signals are probably other males most of the time, and male responses to competitors' signals can structure the spatial and temporal organization of the breeding aggregation and affect male mating tactics. I quantified male responses to a conspecific advertisement stimulus repeatedly over three age classes in Gryllus rubens (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) in order to estimate the type and frequency of male responses to the broadcast stimulus and to determine the factors affecting them. Factors tested included body size, wing dimorphism, age, and intensity of the broadcast stimulus. Overall, males employed acoustic response more often than positive phonotactic response. As males aged, the frequency of positive phonotactic response decreased but that of the acoustic response increased. That is, males may use positive phonotaxis in the early stages of their adult lives, possibly to find suitable calling sites or parasitize calling males, and then later in life switch to acoustic responses in response to conspecific advertisement signals. Males with smaller body size more frequently exhibited acoustic responses. This study suggests that individual variation, more than any factors measured, is critical for age-dependent male responses to conspecific advertisement signals.  相似文献   

Animals use a variety of chemosensory functions to coordinate behavioral actions, such as sexual recognition and courtship. In particular, many insects use antennae as a vital chemosensory organ to transmit and receive sexual signals that are believed to be crucial in mate recognition and mating in various species of insects. Crickets provide a usable model to test the significance of antennae in insects. The general importance of antennae in male crickets to initiate courtship, ensure copulation, and post-copulatory mate guarding has been documented in studies that performed full antennectomy. Our study is the first to perform partial antennectomy to test the hypothesis that even partial loss due to injury has negative effects on sexual behaviors. We found that partially antennectomized males are not slower than control males in mate recognition and courtship initiation. However, we found that partially antennectomized males take longer to achieve copulation than control males with normal uncut antennae. Our results suggest that male crickets require long, undamaged antennae to efficiently engage in mating behavior and may already incur fitness costs when they lose half of their antennae.  相似文献   

Cryptic female choice in crickets occurs through the prematureremoval of a male's spermatophore after copulation, which terminatessperm transfer. Although it is known that this behavior candirectly influence the paternity of offspring, its effects onfemale fitness have not been directly assessed. We tested thehypothesis that spermatophore removal by female house crickets(Acheta domesticus) confers fitness benefits on females, byrandomly assigning mates to females but permitting some femalesto freely remove spermatophores after mating (cryptic-choicetreatment) while forcing others to accept complete ejaculates(no-choice treatment). Although there was about a two-fold differencein the volume of ejaculate received by females of the two treatments,there were no significant differences in female longevity, reproductiveoutput, or offspring quality, as measured by offspring massand developmental time. Although differential spermatophoreremoval by females imposes strong sexual selection on males,the absence of a clear treatment effect suggests that femalesobtain no direct or indirect genetic benefits through theirpostcopulatory mating preferences.  相似文献   

Female house crickets are attracted to male calling song containing a relatively high number of syllables per ‘chirp’, which tends to be produced by large males. In a previous study, we showed that this song characteristic is also positively and independently correlated with haemocyte load, an important determinant of the ability to produce an encapsulation response in insects. Females will therefore tend to select males with high encapsulation ability (and large body size) as mates. The present study demonstrates that variation in haemocyte load and body size, together with a second parameter of immune function (the ability to encapsulate a synthetic substrate), is heritable in the same population. Moreover, all three traits are shown to be positively genetically correlated. In favouring males that produce calling song with the preferred characteristics, females should therefore also tend to produce larger offspring with a greater ability to produce an encapsulation response.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The scototactic responses of adult female Acheta domesticus L. were tested toward various shaped targets in an orientation arena and on a compensatory treadmill. In an arena, crickets oriented toward dark targets (positive scototaxis) if they had horizontal visual angles ≥30, and if the vertical dimensions of the target was ≤ its horizontal dimension. Unattractive targets did not result in negative scototaxis but caused crickets to orient randomly with no net directionality. When complex targets were composed of two or more simple rectangular targets which had been previously defined as attractive or unattractive, intermediate responses were obtained. Crickets oriented less toward complex targets than toward simple attractive targets, but oriented more than toward simple unattractive targets. The responses of a female cricket toward an attractive target can be modified by the presence of a chemical signal emitted by previously tested females. When the signal is present females are less likely to orient toward a target that would otherwise be very attractive. This effect was not as great when the females being tested were taken directly from densely populated colonies.
When running on a compensatory treadmill, female crickets exhibit scototactic tendencies similar to those displayed in the arena. When tested on the treadmill over long periods, the amount of time spent orienting toward an attractive target increased.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism is presumed to reflect adaptive divergence in response to selection favouring different optimal character states in the two sexes. Here, we analyse patterns of sexual dimorphism in the cuticular hydrocarbons of the Australian field cricket Teleogryllus oceanicus using gas chromatography. Ten of the 25 peaks found in our chromatographs, differed in their relative abundance between the sexes. The presence of sexual dimorphism in T. oceanicus is discussed in reference to a review of sexual dimorphism in cuticular hydrocarbons of other insects. We found that this trait has been examined in 103 species across seven different orders. Seventy-six of these species (73%) displayed sex specificity of cuticular hydrocarbons, the presence/absence of which does not appear to be directly linked to phylogeny. The occurrence of sexual dimorphism in cuticular hydrocarbons of some but not other species, and the extent of variation within genera, suggest that this divergence has been driven primarily by sexual selection.  相似文献   

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