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Habitat restoration is a cornerstone of conservation, particularly for habitat‐limited species. However, restoration efforts are seldom rigorously monitored at meaningful spatial scales. Poor understanding of how species respond to habitat restoration programs limits conservation efficacy for habitat‐restricted species like the Golden‐winged Warbler (Vermivora chrysoptera, GWWA). We provide one of the first concerted assessments of a national conservation program aimed at restoring songbird habitat across its breeding range. We studied GWWA response to forest habitat restoration across two broad regions with opposing population trajectories and assessed factors driving species use of restored habitats across multiple spatial scales. From 2015 to 2017, we conducted 1,145 (n = 457 locations) and 519 point counts (n = 215 locations) across the Appalachian Mountains and Great Lakes (respectively) within restored habitats. Warbler abundance within restored habitats across the Great Lakes varied with latitude, longitude, elevation, forest type, and number of growing seasons. In the Appalachian Mountains, occupancy () varied with longitude, elevation, forest type, and number of growing seasons. Detections were restricted to areas within close proximity to population centers (usually <24 km) in the Appalachian Mountains, where GWWAs are rare ( = 0.22, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.20–0.25), but not in the Great Lakes, where GWWAs remain common ( = 0.87, 95% CI: 0.84–0.90). Our study suggests that, even when best management practices are carefully implemented, restoration outcomes vary within/across regions and with multiscale habitat attributes. Although assessments of concerted habitat restoration efforts remain uncommon, our study demonstrates the value of monitoring data in the adaptive management process for imperiled species.  相似文献   

Delineation of units below the species level is critical for prioritizing conservation actions for species at‐risk. Genetic studies play an important role in characterizing patterns of population connectivity and diversity to inform the designation of conservation units, especially for populations that are geographically isolated. The northernmost range margin of Western Rattlesnakes (Crotalus oreganus) occurs in British Columbia, Canada, where it is federally classified as threatened and restricted to five geographic regions. In these areas, Western Rattlesnakes hibernate (den) communally, raising questions about connectivity within and between den complexes. At present, Western Rattlesnake conservation efforts are hindered by a complete lack of information on genetic structure and degree of isolation at multiple scales, from the den to the regional level. To fill this knowledge gap, we used Genotyping‐in‐Thousands by sequencing (GT‐seq) to genotype an optimized panel of 362 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) from individual samples (n = 461) collected across the snake's distribution in western Canada and neighboring Washington (USA). Hierarchical STRUCTURE analyses found evidence for population structure within and among the five geographic regions in BC, as well as in Washington. Within these regions, 11 genetically distinct complexes of dens were identified, with some regions having multiple complexes. No significant pattern of isolation‐by‐distance and generally low levels of migration were detected among den complexes across regions. Additionally, snakes within dens generally were more related than those among den complexes within a region, indicating limited movement. Overall, our results suggest that the single, recognized designatable unit for Western Rattlesnakes in Canada should be re‐assessed to proactively focus conservation efforts on preserving total genetic variation detected range‐wide. More broadly, our study demonstrates a novel application of GT‐seq for investigating patterns of diversity in wild populations at multiple scales to better inform conservation management.  相似文献   

1. A key element of conservation planning is the extremely challenging task of estimating the likely effect of restoration actions on population status. To compare the relative benefits of typical habitat restoration actions on Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.), we modelled the response of an endangered Columbia River Chinook salmon (O. tshawytscha) population to changes in habitat characteristics either targeted for restoration or with the potential to be degraded. 2. We applied a spatially explicit, multiple life stage, Beverton‐Holt model to evaluate how a set of habitat variables with an empirical influence on spring‐run Chinook salmon survivorship influenced fish population abundance, productivity, spatial structure and diversity. Using habitat condition scenarios – historical conditions and future conditions with restoration, no restoration, and degradation – we asked the following questions: (i) how is population status affected by alternative scenarios of habitat change, (ii) which individual habitat characteristics have the potential to substantially influence population status and (iii) which life stages have the largest impact on population status? 3. The difference in population abundance and productivities resulting from changes in modelled habitat variables from the ‘historical’ to ‘current’ scenarios suggests that there is substantial potential for improving population status. Planned restoration actions directed toward modelled variables, however, produced only modest improvements. 4. The model predicted that population status could be improved by additional restoration efforts directed toward further reductions in the percentage of fine sediments in the streambed, a factor that has a large influence on egg survival. Actions reducing fines were predicted to be especially effective outside the national forest that covers most of the basin. Scenarios that increased capacity by opening access to habitat in good condition also had a positive but smaller effect on spawner numbers. 5. Degradation in habitat quality, particularly in percent fine sediments, within stream reaches located in the national forest had great potential to further reduce this population’s viability. This finding supports current forest planning efforts to minimise road density and clear‐cut harvests and to return forest stand structure in dry regions to the historical condition that promoted frequent low‐intensity fires rather than catastrophic stand‐replacing fires, as these landscape factors have been shown to influence percent fine sediment in streams. 6. Together, these results suggest that planning focusing on protecting currently good habitat, reducing fine sediments to promote egg survival and increasing spawner capacity will be beneficial to endangered spring‐run Chinook population status.  相似文献   

Ecologists have examined the synchronization of population dynamics across space as a means to understand how populations respond to climate variation. However, response diversity may reflect important variation among local population dynamics driven by population‐specific responses to regional environmental change. We used long‐term data on sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka from pristine watersheds of southwestern Alaska to show that populations spawning in close proximity (<40 km) to one another have a limited degree of synchrony in their dynamics, even after accounting for density‐dependent processes. In fact, the dynamics of local populations of stream‐spawning sockeye salmon were no more coherent than those of stocks at a much coarser resolution across this region of Alaska. We examined four hypotheses to explain the observed patterns of asynchrony among stream‐spawning populations, and found that populations spawning in dissimilar habitats, and using different nursery lakes were less synchronized in their productivity. Similarity in the age structure of spawning adults was less correlated with synchrony in productivity. These results emphasize the importance of maintaining diverse spawning and rearing habitat for the conservation of Pacific salmon, and should guide conservation planning for Pacific salmon populations in regions where natural dynamics have been altered by habitat loss, hatchery practices, and over‐fishing.  相似文献   

Functional trait variation within and across populations can strongly influence population, community, and ecosystem processes, but the relative contributions of genetic vs. environmental factors to this variation are often not clear, potentially complicating conservation and restoration efforts. For example, local adaptation, a particular type of genetic by environmental (G*E) interaction in which the fitness of a population in its own habitat is greater than in other habitats, is often invoked in management practices, even in the absence of supporting evidence. Despite increasing attention to the potential for G*E interactions, few studies have tested multiple populations and environments simultaneously, limiting our understanding of the spatial consistency in patterns of adaptive genetic variation. In addition, few studies explicitly differentiate adaptation in response to predation from other biological and environmental factors. We conducted a reciprocal transplant experiment of first‐generation eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) juveniles from six populations across three field sites spanning 1000 km in the southeastern Atlantic Bight in both the presence and absence of predation to test for G*E variation in this economically valuable and ecologically important species. We documented significant G*E variation in survival and growth, yet there was no evidence for local adaptation. Condition varied across oyster cohorts: Offspring of northern populations had better condition than offspring from the center of our region. Oyster populations in the southeastern Atlantic Bight differ in juvenile survival, growth, and condition, yet offspring from local broodstock do not have higher survival or growth than those from farther away. In the absence of population‐specific performance information, oyster restoration and aquaculture may benefit from incorporating multiple populations into their practices.  相似文献   

Knowing how habitat determines the distribution of great apes is essential for understanding their ecology and conservation requirements. Habitats in the northern Lac Tumba Landscape where this study was conducted are mostly swamp and flooded forests, which types have been overlooked in many great ape surveys. This study describes and discusses patterns of bonobo and chimpanzee nesting sites across these habitat types in the general scope of habitat use by great apes. Considerable efforts were deployed to survey forests of the Ngiri Triangle (186 km), Bomongo‐Lubengo (126 km) and Bolombo‐Losombo (112 km). Great ape nesting site encounter rates (r) were calculated for Bonobos (r = 0.21 nesting sites km?1; Bolombo‐Losombo), chimpanzees (r = 0.11 nesting sites km?1; Ngiri Triangle) and (r = 0.02 nesting sites km?1; Bomongo‐Lubengo). Swamps and flooded forests dominated the three zones. Nesting sites were at the highest encounter rates in flooded forests; both great ape species were significantly associated with swampy and flood forests. Human signs did not influence the occurrence of nesting sites in these forests. These results confirm findings from other sites where great apes were observed using swamps; they suggest that future surveys include these types of habitat to avoid under‐estimating population sizes.  相似文献   

Defining boundaries of species' habitat across broad spatial scales is often necessary for management decisions, and yet challenging for species that demonstrate differential variation in seasonal habitat use. Spatially explicit indices that incorporate temporal shifts in selection can help overcome such challenges, especially for species of high conservation concern. Greater sage‐grouse Centrocercus urophasianus (hereafter, sage‐grouse), a sagebrush obligate species inhabiting the American West, represents an important case study because sage‐grouse exhibit seasonal habitat patterns, populations are declining in most portions of their range and are central to contemporary national land use policies. Here, we modeled spatiotemporal selection patterns for telemetered sage‐grouse across multiple study sites (1,084 sage‐grouse; 30,690 locations) in the Great Basin. We developed broad‐scale spatially explicit habitat indices that elucidated space use patterns (spring, summer/fall, and winter) and accounted for regional climatic variation using previously published hydrographic boundaries. We then evaluated differences in selection/avoidance of each habitat characteristic between seasons and hydrographic regions. Most notably, sage‐grouse consistently selected areas dominated by sagebrush with few or no conifers but varied in type of sagebrush selected by season and region. Spatiotemporal variation was most apparent based on availability of water resources and herbaceous cover, where sage‐grouse strongly selected upland natural springs in xeric regions but selected larger wet meadows in mesic regions. Additionally, during the breeding period in spring, herbaceous cover was selected strongly in the mesic regions. Lastly, we expanded upon an existing joint–index framework by combining seasonal habitat indices with a probabilistic index of sage‐grouse abundance and space use to produce habitat maps useful for sage‐grouse management. These products can serve as conservation planning tools that help predict expected benefits of restoration activities, while highlighting areas most critical to sustaining sage‐grouse populations. Our joint–index framework can be applied to other species that exhibit seasonal shifts in habitat requirements to help better guide conservation actions.  相似文献   

Cerulean Warblers (Setophaga cerulea) are a species with declining populations that exhibit regional variation in habitat selection and demographic rates. The Ozark region of the south‐central United States likely provides important habitat for Cerulean Warblers, but little is known about their breeding biology in that region. We studied Cerulean Warblers in riparian forests of the Ozarks of Arkansas from 2018 to 2020. We assessed multi‐scale habitat selection for vegetative and topographic features, documented their breeding biology, estimated within‐season and annual apparent survival, and estimated territory sizes. We found that Cerulean Warblers selected riparian habitat characterized by large‐diameter trees across all spatial scales. Contrary to the results of previous studies, males appeared to avoid white oaks (Quercus spp., Section Quercus) at the territory scale, but this avoidance may reflect an underlying preference for riparian habitat. Our logistic‐exposure estimate of nest survival (0.32; 85% confidence interval: 0.21–0.46) was similar to the median of estimates reported in previous studies. Our results indicate that maintaining riparian forests with large trees is important to provide suitable habitat for Cerulean Warblers in the Ozark region. Because of similarities in habitat selection among regions, some management practices from other populations, including retaining large trees and promoting a heterogeneous canopy structure, may be useful for managing for Cerulean Warblers in riparian areas of the Ozarks. However, selection for topography and tree species by Cerulean Warblers in our study also suggests that region‐specific management strategies will be beneficial. Finally, our demographic rate estimates for this population should prove valuable in future full‐annual‐cycle population modeling efforts.  相似文献   

Several recent studies suggest local adaptation in multiple taxa across Hawaii's steep environmental gradients. Restoration efforts in devastated tropical island ecosystems may be deficient if we lack an understanding of the interactions and dependencies in communities that occur along these gradients. Endangered Hawaiian tree snails are part of a snail–epiphyte–plant system where they graze fungi and other microbes on the leaf surface, a process difficult to observe using conventional techniques. Tree snails have undergone catastrophic decline due to introduced predators, removal by shell collectors, and human‐influenced habitat degradation. Prior to this study, little was known about the relationship among tree‐snails, their host plants, and the epiphytic microbes on which they feed. In this study, we identified scale‐dependent selection of substrates in Achatinella sowerbyana and Achatinella lila across the species’ ranges. We assessed: (1) within‐plant diet selection using high‐throughput DNA sequencing (micro‐scale); (2) among‐plant selection of tree host species (small‐scale); (3) and the influence of climate on this system (macro‐scale). Selection of substrates occurred at two scales: fungal communities in fecal samples differed in composition from those available on leaf surfaces; and at all sites, snail occurrence on Metrosideros polymorpha, a foundational forest plant, was significantly higher than expected based on availability. Habitat restoration efforts should focus on out‐planting of M. polymorpha, the preferred snail host tree, in degraded habitat. Fungal differences across sites suggest relocation efforts to predator‐free enclosures may be hindered by microbial shifts associated with geographic distance or differing environments.  相似文献   

Addressing population declines of migratory insects requires linking populations across different portions of the annual cycle and understanding the effects of variation in weather and climate on productivity, recruitment, and patterns of long‐distance movement. We used stable H and C isotopes and geospatial modeling to estimate the natal origin of monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) in eastern North America using over 1000 monarchs collected over almost four decades at Mexican overwintering colonies. Multinomial regression was used to ascertain which climate‐related factors best‐predicted temporal variation in natal origin across six breeding regions. The region producing the largest proportion of overwintering monarchs was the US Midwest (mean annual proportion = 0.38; 95% CI: 0.36–0.41) followed by the north‐central (0.17; 0.14–0.18), northeast (0.15; 0.11–0.16), northwest (0.12; 0.12–0.16), southwest (0.11; 0.08–0.12), and southeast (0.08; 0.07–0.11) regions. There was no evidence of directional shifts in the relative contributions of different natal regions over time, which suggests these regions are comprising the same relative proportion of the overwintering population in recent years as in the mid‐1970s. Instead, interannual variation in the proportion of monarchs from each region covaried with climate, as measured by the Southern Oscillation Index and regional‐specific daily maximum temperature and precipitation, which together likely dictate larval development rates and food plant condition. Our results provide the first robust long‐term analysis of predictors of the natal origins of monarchs overwintering in Mexico. Conservation efforts on the breeding grounds focused on the Midwest region will likely have the greatest benefit to eastern North American migratory monarchs, but the population will likely remain sensitive to regional and stochastic weather patterns.  相似文献   

Habitat loss is one of the main threats to wildlife. Therefore, knowledge of habitat use and preference is essential for the design of conservation strategies and identification of priority sites for the protection of endangered species. The yellow‐tailed woolly monkey (Lagothrix flavicauda Humboldt, 1812), categorized as Critically Endangered on the IUCN Red List, is endemic to montane forests in northern Peru where its habitat is greatly threatened. We assessed how habitat use and preference in L. flavicauda are linked to forest structure and composition. The study took place near La Esperanza, in the Amazonas region, Peru. Our objective was to identify characteristics of habitat most utilized by L. flavicauda to provide information that will be useful for the selection of priority sites for conservation measures. Using presence records collected from May 2013 to February 2014 for one group of L. flavicauda, we classified the study site into three different use zones: low‐use, medium‐use, and high‐use. We assessed forest structure and composition for all use zones using 0.1 ha Gentry vegetation transects. Results show high levels of variation in plant species composition across the three use zones. Plants used as food resources had considerably greater density, dominance, and ecological importance in high‐use zones. High‐use zones presented similar structure to medium‐ and low‐use zones; thus it remains difficult to assess the influence of forest structure on habitat preference. We recommend focusing conservation efforts on areas with a similar floristic composition to the high‐use zones recorded in this study and suggest utilizing key alimentation species for reforestation efforts.  相似文献   

Restoring habitat degraded by invasive species is often a primary focus of conservation strategies, yet few studies investigate the effects of invasive species control on multiple at‐risk taxa. Selective herbicides are increasingly used because they can selectively reduce aggressive invasive plant species with the aim of minimizing effects on other taxa within the habitat. We conducted a four‐year experiment to test how annual application of grass‐specific herbicide affected the demography on Fender's blue butterfly (Icaricia icarioides fenderi) and Kincaid's lupine (Lupinus oreganus), two federally protected species which persist in highly degraded prairie remnants in western Oregon, USA. Effects of herbicide application were transitory for the butterfly; reduction of invasive grasses increased fecundity and led to higher annual population growth (λ) at one of two conservation areas in the first season. There were no detectable differences in λ in subsequent seasons—suggesting that treatments caused neither extensive harm nor extensive benefit to the butterfly population. For the lupine, there were no detectable differences in leaf and flower abundance between control and herbicide treatments. However, greater seed production in herbicide plots in the first and third seasons suggests that lupines in herbicide‐treated plots have greater potential reproductive success. While treatments do not have a long‐term benefit to annual population growth for the butterfly, increasing reproductive success of the threatened plant may justify integrating this strategy into restoration plans. Considering the impact of restoration practices on the demography of multiple at‐risk taxa within a community is critical to effective recovery strategies.  相似文献   

Understanding ecosystem processes is vital for effective restoration of degraded ecosystems, especially wetlands. Restoration has become a necessity for management and conservation of the federally endangered Amargosa vole (Microtus californicus scirpensis) endemic to small, bulrush (Schoenoplectus americanus) dominated wetlands in the Mojave Desert. Recent data indicate catastrophic decrease of the vole population and its habitat from local alterations to hydrology, combined with diminished decomposition rates of bulrush, persistence of plant litter, and minimal plant growth except along narrow margins along stream edges. We conducted a series of three field and one greenhouse experiment(s) testing the effect of (1) moisture level on plant decay rate, (2) litter removal on plant regeneration, (3) the interactive effect of litter removal and moisture level increase on plant regeneration, and (4) potential germination rate of bulrush seeds under multiple hydrologic regimes to understand how hydrologic alteration and litter decay ultimately influences marsh regeneration. Results revealed decrease in water level caused a 20‐fold reduction in decomposition rates of a degraded marsh. Litter removal alone and in combination with water table restoration significantly and positively affected bulrush resprouting (p < 0.0001 for both). Seed bank experiments showed high rates of germination in saturated and flooded soil conditions, emphasizing the potential role of seedlings in ecosystem recovery. This study shows how the interaction of hydrologic change and decreased decomposition can shift an ecosystem toward limits of resilience. These results inform restoration strategies in arid‐region wetlands dominated by plants with slow litter decay where strategic litter removal may beneficially increase plant growth.  相似文献   

Ward  Tockner 《Freshwater Biology》2001,46(6):807-819
1. A broadened concept of biodiversity, encompassing spatio‐temporal heterogeneity, functional processes and species diversity, could provide a unifying theme for river ecology. 2. The theoretical foundations of stream ecology often do not reflect fully the crucial roles of spatial complexity and fluvial dynamics in natural river ecosystems, which has hindered conceptual advances and the effectiveness of efforts at conservation and restoration. 3. Inclusion of surface waters (lotic and lentic), subsurface waters (hyporheic and phreatic), riparian systems (in both constrained and floodplain reaches), and the ecotones between them (e.g. springs) as interacting components contributing to total biodiversity, is crucial for developing a holistic framework of rivers as ecosystems. 4. Measures of species diversity, including alpha, beta and gamma diversity, are a result of disturbance history, resource partitioning, habitat fragmentation and successional phenomena across the riverine landscape. A hierarchical approach to diversity in natural and altered river‐floodplain ecosystems will enhance understanding of ecological phenomena operating at different scales along multidimensional environmental gradients. 5. Re‐establishing functional diversity (e.g. hydrologic and successional processes) across the active corridor could serve as the focus of river conservation initiatives. Once functional processes have been reconstituted, habitat heterogeneity will increase, followed by corresponding increases in species diversity of aquatic and riparian biota.  相似文献   

As climate changes, tree decline in Mediterranean‐type ecosystems is increasing worldwide, often due to decreased effective precipitation and increased drought and heat stress, and has recently been observed in coastal species of the iconic Eucalyptus (Myrtaceae) genus in the biodiversity hotspot of south‐west Western Australia. To investigate how this drought‐related decline is likely to continue in the future, we used species distribution modelling techniques to generate broad‐scale predictions of future distribution patterns under three distinct projected climate change scenarios. In a moderate climate change scenario, suitable habitat for all species was predicted to decrease by, on average, 73% by the year 2100, with most receding into southern areas of their current distribution. Although the most severe Eucalyptus declines in south‐west Western Australia have been observed in near‐coastal regions, our predictions suggest that inland species are at greater risk from climate change, with six inland species predicted to lose 95% of their suitable habitat in a moderate change scenario. This is due to the shallow environmental gradients of inland regions causing larger spatial shifts of environmental envelopes, which is likely to be relevant in many regions of the world. The knowledge gained suggests that future research and conservation efforts in south‐west Western Australia and elsewhere should avoid focussing disproportionately on coastal regions for reasons of convenience and proximity to population centres, and properly address the inland region where the biggest future impacts may occur.  相似文献   

Understanding the natal origins of migratory animals is critical for understanding their population dynamics and conservation. However, quantitative estimates of population recruitment from different natal habitats can be difficult to assess for many species, especially those with large geographic ranges. These limitations hinder the evaluation of alternative hypotheses about the key movements and ecological interactions of migratory species. Here, we quantitatively investigated intra‐population variation in the natal origins of western North American monarch butterflies Danaus plexippus using spatial analyses of stable isotope ratios and correlations with wing morphology. A map of hydrogen isotope values in western monarch butterfly wings (δ2Hm) was estimated using a transfer function that relates the δ2Hm values of monarch butterfly wing keratin to a long‐term dataset of precipitation isotope (δ2Hp) values across the western United States. Isotopic analyses of 114 monarch butterfly wings collected at four California overwintering locations indicated substantial individual variation in natal origins, with most recruitment coming from broad regions along the Pacific coast, the southwestern US and the northern intermountain region. These observed patterns may partially resolve and reconcile several past hypotheses about the natal origins of western monarch butterflies, while also raising new questions. More negative δ2Hm values (associated with longer migratory distance) were significantly correlated with larger forewing sizes, consistent with expectations based on the aerodynamic and energetic costs of long‐distance migration, while analyses of wing shape suggest potential differences in the movement behaviors and constraints observed in the western range, compared with previous observations in eastern North America. Taken together, the results of this study indicate substantial individual variation in the natal origins of overwintering western monarch butterflies, suggesting both local and long‐distance movement to overwintering sites.  相似文献   

Cyst bank life-history model for a fairy shrimp from ephemeral ponds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. Ephemeral wetland habitats provide a useful model system for studying how life‐history patterns enable populations to persist despite high environmental variation. One important life‐history trait of both plants and crustaceans in such habitats involves hatching/germination of only some of the eggs/seeds at any time. This bet‐hedging leads to the development of a bank composed of dormant propagules of many ages. 2. The San Diego fairy shrimp, Branchinecta sandiegonensis (Crustacea: Anostraca), a dominant faunal element of ephemeral ponds in San Diego, California, is a suitable organism for studying the consequences of highly fluctuating environmental conditions. As a result of large‐scale habitat loss, the species is also endangered, and this motivated our specific study towards understanding the hatching dynamics of its egg bank for planning conservation efforts such as pool restoration and re‐creation. 3. We formulated a matrix population model using egg age within the bank to study the relationship between adult survival and reproduction, and survival in and hatching from the egg bank. As vital rates for fairy shrimp are only poorly known, we generated 48 matrices with parameters encompassing ranges of likely values for the vital rates of B. sandiegonensis. We calculated population growth rates and eigenvalue elasticities both for a static model and a model with periodic reproductive failure. 4. The model shows that in good filling events, population growth rate is very high and the egg bank is increased dramatically. While population growth rate is insensitive to long‐term survival in the egg bank in our static deterministic model, it becomes sensitive to survival in the egg bank when a regime of periodically failed reproductive events is imposed. 5. Under favourable conditions, it was best for shrimp to hatch from eggs as soon as possible. However, under a regime where failed reproductive events were common, it was best to hatch after several pool fillings. Because conditions change from favourable to unfavourable unpredictably, variation in age within the egg bank appears to be critical for the persistence of the population. This attribute needs to be carefully considered when restoring or creating new pools for conservation purposes.  相似文献   

The decline in migratory monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) over the past 20 years has been attributed to several drivers, including loss of their host plants (milkweeds Asclepias spp.). This has sparked widespread interest in milkweed ecology and restoration. We developed a model on environmental and habitat‐type variables to predict milkweed abundance by sampling 93 prairie plantings (47 conservation plantings and 46 roadsides) and 5 unplowed prairie remnants throughout the state of Iowa, United States. Milkweeds were censused in 10–25 random locations within each site, and data on plant diversity, age of planting, soil characteristics, and management were tested as predictors of abundance. Milkweed densities of all species combined were highest in remnant prairies (8,705 stems/ha), intermediate in roadside plantings (1,274 stems/ha), and lowest in conservation plantings (212 stems/ha). Most milkweeds were common milkweeds Asclepias syriaca, which were more abundant in roadside than conservation plantings. Remnants contained the most milkweed species. Total milkweed and common milkweed abundance were both predicted by higher soil pH, a more linear site shape, and lower soil bulk density across restorations. Our results indicate that common milkweed is maintained by disturbance, and establishes readily in rural roadside habitat. Remnants are important as reservoirs for multiple milkweed species and should be protected.  相似文献   

  • 1 Twenty‐five pairs of North American beavers Castor canadensis Kuhl were introduced to Tierra del Fuego Island in 1946. The population has expanded across the archipelago, arriving at the Chilean mainland by the mid‐1990s. Densities range principally between 0.5–2.05 colonies/km. They have an impact on between 30–50% of stream length and occupy 2–15% of landscape area with impoundments and meadows. Beaver impacts constitute the largest landscape‐level alteration in subantarctic forests since the last ice age.
  • 2 The colonization pattern, colony densities and impacted area indicate that habitat in the austral archipelago is optimal for beaver invasion, due to low predator pressure and suitable food resources. Nothofagus pumilio forests are particularly appropriate habitat, but a more recent invasion is occurring in adjacent steppe ecosystems. Nonetheless, Nothofagus reproductive strategies are not well adapted to sustain high beaver population levels.
  • 3 Our assessment shows that at the patch‐scale in stream and riparian ecosystems, the direction and magnitude of exotic beaver impacts are predictable from expectations derived from North American studies, relating ecosystem engineering with underlying ecological mechanisms such as the relationships of habitat heterogeneity and productivity on species richness and ecosystem function.
  • 4 Based on data from the species' native and exotic range, our ability to predict the effects of beavers is based on: (i) understanding the ecological relationships of its engineering effects on habitat, trophic dynamics and disturbance regimes, and (ii) having an adequate comprehension of the landscape context and natural history of the ecosystem being engineered.
  • 5 We conclude that beaver eradication strategies and subsequent ecosystem restoration efforts, currently being considered in southern Chile and Argentina, should focus on the ecology of native ecosystems rather than the biology of this invasive species per se. Furthermore, given the nature of the subantarctic landscape, streams will probably respond to restoration efforts more quickly than riparian ecosystems.

Threats to several of the world's great animal migrations necessitate a research agenda focused on identifying drivers of their population dynamics. The monarch butterfly is an iconic species whose continental migratory population in eastern North America has been declining precipitously. Recent analyses have linked the monarch decline to reduced abundance of milkweed host plants in the USA caused by increased use of genetically modified herbicide‐resistant crops. To identify the most sensitive stages in the monarch's annual multi‐generational migration, and to test the milkweed limitation hypothesis, we analyzed 22 years of citizen science records from four monitoring programs across North America. We analyzed the relationships between butterfly population indices at successive stages of the annual migratory cycle to assess demographic connections and to address the roles of migrant population size versus temporal trends that reflect changes in habitat or resource quality. We find a sharp annual population decline in the first breeding generation in the southern USA, driven by the progressively smaller numbers of spring migrants from the overwintering grounds in Mexico. Monarch populations then build regionally during the summer generations. Contrary to the milkweed limitation hypothesis, we did not find statistically significant temporal trends in stage‐to‐stage population relationships in the mid‐western or northeastern USA. In contrast, there are statistically significant negative temporal trends at the overwintering grounds in Mexico, suggesting that monarch success during the fall migration and re‐establishment strongly contributes to the butterfly decline. Lack of milkweed, the only host plant for monarch butterfly caterpillars, is unlikely to be driving the monarch's population decline. Conservation efforts therefore require additional focus on the later phases in the monarch's annual migratory cycle. We hypothesize that lack of nectar sources, habitat fragmentation, continued degradation at the overwintering sites, or other threats to successful fall migration are critical limiting factors for declining monarchs.  相似文献   

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