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Fungal infections are highly dangerous for social insects including ants. Close trophobiotic interaction between ants and aphids promotes infection transmission, as aphids can be a disease vector. The ability of ants to detect fungus-infected aphids and get rid of them is important to the prosperity of both symbiotic partners. However, the diversity of quarantining behaviour among ants is still poorly studied. Here, the behaviour of honeydew foragers of two ant species – Myrmica rubra L. and Myrmica scabrinodis Nylander (Hymenoptera: Formicidae, Myrmicinae, Myrmicini) – was studied in laboratory towards Schizaphis graminum (Rondani) (Hemiptera: Aphididae, Aphidini) aphids contaminated with the generalist fungal pathogen Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo-Crivelli) Vuillemin (Hypocreales). This fungus attacks a wide range of hosts including aphids and ants. The removal of conidia-contaminated aphids from the host plant was found not to be typical of the ants studied. Aphid milkers of M. rubra and M. scabrinodis usually displayed non-aggressive behaviour (tolerance, antennation, honeydew collection, grooming) towards the experimental aphids regardless of whether they were covered with conidia or not. Neither ant species, nor the number of milkers had significant effects on their behaviour towards ‘infected’ aphids. However, some individuals were found to demonstrate quarantining behaviour in full. They quickly detected and removed contaminated aphids, placing them at some distance from the plant. Moreover, in addition to the simple carrying of ‘infected’ aphids down, the more effective technique of dropping them from the plant was noted as well. Ants of the genus Myrmica appear to have a tendency to perform a certain sequence of actions to remove conidia-contaminated aphids from the plant. It is likely that in larger colonies or under conditions of increased risk of infection with entomopathogenic fungi, some Myrmica ants are able to deploy and actively use the behavioural pattern of quarantining behaviour to increase their viability.  相似文献   

Parasites are thought to be a major driving force shaping genetic variation in their host, and are suggested to be a significant reason for the maintenance of sexual reproduction. A leading hypothesis for the occurrence of multiple mating (polyandry) in social insects is that the genetic diversity generated within‐colonies through this behavior promotes disease resistance. This benefit is likely to be particularly significant when colonies are exposed to multiple species and strains of parasites, but host–parasite genotypic interactions in social insects are little known. We investigated this using honey bees, which are naturally polyandrous and consequently produce genetically diverse colonies containing multiple genotypes (patrilines), and which are also known to host multiple strains of various parasite species. We found that host genotypes differed significantly in their resistance to different strains of the obligate fungal parasite that causes chalkbrood disease, while genotypic variation in resistance to the facultative fungal parasite that causes stonebrood disease was less pronounced. Our results show that genetic variation in disease resistance depends in part on the parasite genotype, as well as species, with the latter most likely relating to differences in parasite life history and host–parasite coevolution. Our results suggest that the selection pressure from genetically diverse parasites might be an important driving force in the evolution of polyandry, a mechanism that generates significant genetic diversity in social insects.  相似文献   

Stable isotopes provide a powerful means of elucidating the trophic ecology of organisms. Analyses of variation in the ratio of nitrogen isotopes (δ15N) can provide insights into the trophic position of species with broad diets and the ability to occupy multiple positions in food webs, such as ants. The most powerful studies compare subjects across various spatial scales, but to do so, local variation in δ15N baselines must be taken into account. To date, a wide variety of baseline calibration methods have been employed, leading some authors to suggest that a standard approach is needed, and that the reality of environmental variation necessitates that this should be at fine scales. In this study, we examine the fine‐scale variation in δ15N value of colonies of the ant Formica kozlovi Dlussky (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Formicini) along a sloped transect in Mongolia, and compare these with values for associated soils in an effort to shed further light on this issue. We find variation in ant δ15N to the order of one trophic level (ca. 3‰), over a distance of only 1 km. Ant δ15N was highly correlated with soil δ15N, and variation in mineral soil δ15N explained ca. 81% of the variation in ant δ15N. This study underlines the importance of local‐scale baseline corrections for isotopic studies, particularly in environments where baseline variation might be expected. It further suggests that δ15N of mineral soils may provide a suitable baseline for ecological studies of terrestrial arthropods.  相似文献   

The broad host range necrotrophic fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum is a devastating pathogen of many oil and vegetable crops. Plant genes conferring complete resistance against S. sclerotiorum have not been reported. Instead, plant populations challenged by S. sclerotiorum exhibit a continuum of partial resistance designated as quantitative disease resistance (QDR). Because of their complex interplay and their small phenotypic effect, the functional characterization of QDR genes remains limited. How broad host range necrotrophic fungi manipulate plant programmed cell death is for instance largely unknown. Here, we designed a time‐resolved automated disease phenotyping pipeline enabling high‐throughput disease lesion measurement with high resolution, low footprint at low cost. We could accurately recover contrasted disease responses in several pathosystems using this system. We used our phenotyping pipeline to assess the kinetics of disease symptoms caused by seven S. sclerotiorum isolates on six A. thaliana natural accessions with unprecedented resolution. Large effect polymorphisms common to the most resistant A. thaliana accessions identified highly divergent alleles of the nucleotide‐binding site leucine‐rich repeat gene LAZ5 in the resistant accessions Rubezhnoe and Lip‐0. We show that impaired LAZ5 expression in laz5.1 mutant lines and in A. thaliana Rub natural accession correlate with enhanced QDR to S. sclerotiorum. These findings illustrate the value of time‐resolved image‐based phenotyping for unravelling the genetic bases of complex traits such as QDR. Our results suggest that S. sclerotiorum manipulates plant sphingolipid pathways guarded by LAZ5 to trigger programmed cell death and cause disease.  相似文献   

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