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The CATH database of domain structures has been used to explore the structural variation of homologous domains in 294 well populated domain structure superfamilies, each containing at least three sequence diverse relatives. Our analyses confirm some previously detected trends relating sequence divergence to structural variation but for a much larger dataset and in some superfamilies the new data reveal exceptional structural variation. Use of a new algorithm (2DSEC) to analyse variability in secondary structure compositions across a superfamily sheds new light on how structures evolve. 2DSEC detects inserted secondary structures that embellish the core of conserved secondary structures found throughout the superfamily. Analysis showed that for 56% of highly populated superfamilies (>9 sequence diverse relatives), there are twofold or more increases in the numbers of secondary structures in some relatives. In some families fivefold increases occur, sometimes modifying the fold of the domain. Manual inspection of secondary structure insertions or embellishments in 48 particularly variable superfamilies revealed that although these insertions were usually discontiguous in the sequence they were often co-located in 3D resulting in a larger structural motif that often modified the geometry of the active site or the surface conformation promoting diverse domain partnerships and protein interactions. These observations, supported by automatic analysis of all well populated CATH families, suggest that accretion of small secondary structure insertions may provide a simple mechanism for evolving new functions in diverse relatives. Some layered domain architectures (e.g. mainly-beta and alpha-beta sandwiches) that recur highly in the genomes more frequently exploit these types of embellishments to modify function. In these architectures, aggregation occurs most often at the edges, top or bottom of the beta-sheets. Information on structural variability across domain superfamilies has been made available through the CATH Dictionary of Homologous Structures (DHS).  相似文献   

The CATH database of protein domain structures (http://www.biochem.ucl.ac.uk/bsm/cath_new) currently contains 34 287 domain structures classified into 1383 superfamilies and 3285 sequence families. Each structural family is expanded with domain sequence relatives recruited from GenBank using a variety of efficient sequence search protocols and reliable thresholds. This extended resource, known as the CATH-protein family database (CATH-PFDB) contains a total of 310 000 domain sequences classified into 26 812 sequence families. New sequence search protocols have been designed, based on these intermediate sequence libraries, to allow more regular updating of the classification. Further developments include the adaptation of a recently developed method for rapid structure comparison, based on secondary structure matching, for domain boundary assignment. The philosophy behind CATHEDRAL is the recognition of recurrent folds already classified in CATH. Benchmarking of CATHEDRAL, using manually validated domain assignments, demonstrated that 43% of domains boundaries could be completely automatically assigned. This is an improvement on a previous consensus approach for which only 10-20% of domains could be reliably processed in a completely automated fashion. Since domain boundary assignment is a significant bottleneck in the classification of new structures, CATHEDRAL will also help to increase the frequency of CATH updates.  相似文献   

The CATH database of protein structures contains approximately 18000 domains organized according to their (C)lass, (A)rchitecture, (T)opology and (H)omologous superfamily. Relationships between evolutionary related structures (homologues) within the database have been used to test the sensitivity of various sequence search methods in order to identify relatives in Genbank and other sequence databases. Subsequent application of the most sensitive and efficient algorithms, gapped blast and the profile based method, Position Specific Iterated Basic Local Alignment Tool (PSI-BLAST), could be used to assign structural data to between 22 and 36 % of microbial genomes in order to improve functional annotation and enhance understanding of biological mechanism. However, on a cautionary note, an analysis of functional conservation within fold groups and homologous superfamilies in the CATH database, revealed that whilst function was conserved in nearly 55% of enzyme families, function had diverged considerably, in some highly populated families. In these families, functional properties should be inherited far more cautiously and the probable effects of substitutions in key functional residues carefully assessed.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: 3MOTIF is a web application that visually maps conserved sequence motifs onto three-dimensional protein structures in the Protein Data Bank (PDB; Berman et al., Nucleic Acids Res., 28, 235-242, 2000). Important properties of motifs such as conservation strength and solvent accessible surface area at each position are visually represented on the structure using a variety of color shading schemes. Users can manipulate the displayed motifs using the freely available Chime plugin. AVAILABILITY: http://motif.stanford.edu/3motif/  相似文献   

GeneDB (http://www.genedb.org) is a generic database designed to house annotated and curated sequencing data for small genomes, together with a comprehensive array of genomic and proteomic information, collated from publicly available sources. This first release is a prototype designed with input from the research community and is still under continual development. At present, data from Leishmania major and Trypanosoma brucei are integrated into GeneDB. This user-friendly database will add significantly to the valuable resources already available to the research community via the web.  相似文献   

Searching the protein sequence database   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
As the volume of protein sequence data grows, rapid methods for searching the protein sequence database become of primary importance. Rigorous comparison of sequences is obtained with the well-known dynamic programming algorithms. However, these algorithms are not rapid enough to use for routinely searching the entire database. In this paper we discuss some methods that can be used for rapid searches.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: The Kinase Sequence Database (KSD) located at http://kinase.ucsf.edu/ksd contains information on 290 protein kinase families derived by profile-based clustering of the non-redundant list of sequences obtained from a GenBank-wide search. Included in the database are a total of 5,041 protein kinases from over 100 organisms. Clustering into families is based on the extent of homology within the kinase catalytic domain (250-300 residues in length). Alignments of the families are viewed by interactive Excel-based sequence spreadsheets. In addition, KSD features evolutionary trees derived for each family and detailed information on each sequence as well as links to the corresponding GenBank entries. Sequence manipulation tools, such as evolutionary tree generation, novel sequence assignment, and statistical analysis, are also provided. AVAILABILITY: The kinase sequence database is a web-based service accessible at http://kinase.ucsf.edu/ksd CONTACT: buzko@cmp.ucsf.edu; shokat@cmp.ucsf.edu/ksd  相似文献   



The identification of protein domains plays an important role in protein structure comparison. Domain query size and composition are critical to structure similarity search algorithms such as the Vector Alignment Search Tool (VAST), the method employed for computing related protein structures in NCBI Entrez system. Currently, domains identified on the basis of structural compactness are used for VAST computations. In this study, we have investigated how alternative definitions of domains derived from conserved sequence alignments in the Conserved Domain Database (CDD) would affect the domain comparisons and structure similarity search performance of VAST.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: The Protein Information Resource (PIR) maintains a database of annotated and curated alignments in order to visually represent interrelationships among sequences in the PIR-International Protein Sequence Database, to spread and standardize protein names, features and keywords among members of a family or superfamily, and to aid us in classifying sequences, in identifying conserved regions, and in defining new homology domains. RESULTS: Release 22.0, (December 1998), of the PIR-ALN database contains a total of 3806 alignments, including 1303 superfamily, 2131 family and 372 homology domain alignments. This is an appropriate dataset to develop and extract patterns, test profiles, train neural networks or build Hidden Markov Models (HMMs). These alignments can be used to standardize and spread annotation to newer members by homology, as well as to understand the modular architecture of multidomain proteins. PIR-ALN includes 529 alignments that can be used to develop patterns not represented in PROSITE, Blocks, PRINTS and Pfam databases. The ATLAS information retrieval system can be used to browse and query the PIR-ALN alignments. AVAILABILITY: PIR-ALN is currently being distributed as a single ASCII text file along with the title, member, species, superfamily and keyword indexes. The quarterly and weekly updates can be accessed via the WWW at pir.georgetown.edu. The quarterly updates can also be obtained by anonymous FTP from the PIR FTP site at NBRF.Georgetown.edu, directory [ANONYMOUS.PIR.ALIGNMENT].  相似文献   

SUMMARY: The DBAli database includes approximately 35000 alignments of pairs of protein structures from SCOP (Lo Conte et al., Nucleic Acids Res., 28, 257-259, 2000) and CE (Shindyalov and Bourne, Protein Eng., 11, 739-747, 1998). DBAli is linked to several resources, including Compare3D (Shindyalov and Bourne, http://www.sdsc.edu/pb/software.htm, 1999) and ModView (Ilyin and Sali, http://guitar.rockefeller.edu/ModView/, 2001) for visualizing sequence alignments and structure superpositions. A flexible search of DBAli by protein sequence and structure properties allows construction of subsets of alignments suitable for a number of applications, such as benchmarking of sequence-sequence and sequence-structure alignment methods under a variety of conditions. AVAILABILITY: http://guitar.rockefeller.edu/DBAli/  相似文献   



SCOP and CATH are widely used as gold standards to benchmark novel protein structure comparison methods as well as to train machine learning approaches for protein structure classification and prediction. The two hierarchies result from different protocols which may result in differing classifications of the same protein. Ignoring such differences leads to problems when being used to train or benchmark automatic structure classification methods. Here, we propose a method to compare SCOP and CATH in detail and discuss possible applications of this analysis.  相似文献   

The peptaibols are a large family of membrane-active peptides with considerable sequence homology, but with different biological properties and three-dimensional structures. They constitute a rich resource of naturally occurring 'mutants' which are potentially valuable for structure/function studies of ion channels. A searchable on-line database of sequences and structures of the peptaibols has been created at http://www.cryst.bbk.ac.uk/peptaibol, as a resource for the biological and structural community. In this paper, the contents and organization of the website are discussed as well as procedures for submission of new entries to the database. At present, more than 300 peptaibol sequences are stored in the database. Each sequence entry contains its full literature reference and information about its biological source. Tools are provided for searching for specific peptaibol sequences or groupings of sequences, and for locating peptaibols containing specified sequence motifs. In addition the website acts as a database for structural information. The coordinates of all currently available peptaibol x-ray and NMR structures are included and complemented, where appropriate. with molecular graphics illustrations. These include figures of model channel structures and comparisons between different peptaibol structures. The peptaibol database thus provides a tool for ready access to information and a means of investigating the sequences and structures of this class of polypeptides.  相似文献   

The extensive germplasm resource collections that are now available for major crop plants and their wild relatives will increasingly provide valuable biological and bioinformatics resources for plant physiologists and geneticists to dissect the molecular basis of key traits and to develop highly adapted plant material to sustain future breeding programs. A key to the efficient deployment of these resources is the development of information systems that will enable the collection and storage of biological information for these plant lines to be integrated with the molecular information that is now becoming available through the use of high-throughput genomics and post-genomics technologies. The GERMINATE database has been designed to hold a diverse variety of data types, ranging from molecular to phenotypic, and to allow querying between such data for any plant species. Data are stored in GERMINATE in a technology-independent manner, such that new technologies can be accommodated in the database as they emerge, without modification of the underlying schema. Users can access data in GERMINATE databases either via a lightweight Perl-CGI Web interface or by the more complex Genomic Diversity and Phenotype Connection software. GERMINATE is released under the GNU General Public License and is available at http://germinate.scri.sari.ac.uk/germinate/.  相似文献   

Proteolytic processing of the amyloid-beta precursor protein (APP) generates the Abeta amyloid peptide of Alzheimer's disease. The biological function of APP itself remains, however, unclear. In the current review, we study in detail the different subdomains of APP and try to assign functional significance to particular structures identified in the protein.  相似文献   



Most proteins function by interacting with other molecules. Their interaction interfaces are highly conserved throughout evolution to avoid undesirable interactions that lead to fatal disorders in cells. Rational drug discovery includes computational methods to identify the interaction sites of lead compounds to the target molecules. Identifying and classifying protein interaction interfaces on a large scale can help researchers discover drug targets more efficiently.  相似文献   

Databases of multiple sequence alignments are a valuable aid to protein sequence classification and analysis. One of the main challenges when constructing such a database is to simultaneously satisfy the conflicting demands of completeness on the one hand and quality of alignment and domain definitions on the other. The latter properties are best dealt with by manual approaches, whereas completeness in practice is only amenable to automatic methods. Herein we present a database based on hidden Markov model profiles (HMMs), which combines high quality and completeness. Our database, Pfam, consists of parts A and B. Pfam-A is curated and contains well-characterized protein domain families with high quality alignments, which are maintained by using manually checked seed alignments and HMMs to find and align all members. Pfam-B contains sequence families that were generated automatically by applying the Domainer algorithm to cluster and align the remaining protein sequences after removal of Pfam-A domains. By using Pfam, a large number of previously unannotated proteins from the Caenorhabditis elegans genome project were classified. We have also identified many novel family memberships in known proteins, including new kazal, Fibronectin type III, and response regulator receiver domains. Pfam-A families have permanent accession numbers and form a library of HMMs available for searching and automatic annotation of new protein sequences. Proteins: 28:405–420, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

ModBase: a database of comparative protein structure models   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
ModBase is a database of evaluated and annotated comparative protein structure models. The database also includes fold assignments and alignments on which the models were based.  相似文献   

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