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In this study, we designed and engineered a two-component recombinant fusion protein antigen as a vaccine candidate against the possible biological threat of Yersinia pestis. The recombinant F1-V protein was formulated with Alhydrogel. A four-time injection with a dosage of 10, 20 and 50 μg/mouse in about two months was adopted for vaccination. Serum antibodies and subclass of T helper cells were measured and analyzed. After the final vaccination, the mice were challenged by 141 strain with 25–600 LD50. In conclusion, the recombinant vaccine was capable of inducing protective immunity against subcutaneous challenge. The level of serum IgG was supposed to be a main factor that affected the final protection of challenge. 20 μg recombinant protein could induce an endpoint titre of serum IgG as high as 51200, which was enough to afford 100% protection against 400 LD50 virulent 141 challenge. The antibody isotype analysis showed that the vaccine induced predominantly an IgG1 rather than IgG2a response. Flow cytometric analysis revealed that Alhydrogel significantly helped induce a stronger humoral immunity instead of CTL cellular response. These findings suggested that the plague F1-V subunit vaccine is promising for the next plague vaccine.  相似文献   

为制备鼠疫耶尔森氏菌F1-V重组融合蛋白抗原,观察其免疫原性和免疫保护效果,通过疏水层析、阴离子交换层析、凝胶过滤层析纯化鼠疫F1-V重组融合蛋白抗原.用氢氧化铝凝胶吸附制备试验性鼠疫F1-V重组融合蛋白抗原,皮下接种健康BALB/c小鼠,ELISA检测血清F1-V抗体效价、MTT法测定淋巴细胞增殖能力,进一步用400LD50鼠疫耶尔森氏菌141标准毒株皮下攻毒,观察动物的存活情况.通过三步柱层析纯化获得的鼠疫F1-V重组融合蛋白抗原纯度达到90%以上.氢氧化铝凝胶吸附的鼠疫F1-V重组融合蛋白抗原免疫BALB/c小鼠三次,血清抗F1-V抗体效价为1∶(51200±800),对耶尔森氏菌141强毒株攻击的保护率是90%.上述结果表明,制备的鼠疫F1-V重组融合蛋白抗原具有良好的免疫原性和免疫保护效果,为研制鼠疫F1-V重组融合蛋白疫苗奠定了基础.  相似文献   

重组F1-V融合蛋白(rF1-V)是目前在进行临床研究的鼠疫亚单位疫苗的主要成分。本研究摸索了rF1-V的可溶表达条件,并对条件进行了优化和放大,确定的中试发酵工艺为:在重组菌对数生长期中期加入50μmol/LIPTG,25℃诱导表达5h。通过硫酸铵分级沉淀、离子交换、疏水相互作用层析和凝胶过滤四步纯化,最终得到纯度为99%、回收率大于20%且各项检测指标合格的蛋白。在此基础上,将蛋白使用氢氧化铝佐剂进行吸附,在小鼠体内进行了免疫原性研究。ELISA测定两次皮下免疫后血清的抗体滴度。比较融合蛋白免疫组(rF1-V)与单一抗原免疫组(rF1、rV)以及联合抗原免疫组(rF1+rV)之间体液免疫反应的差异。结果显示:20μgrF1-V免疫剂量组诱导的抗F1抗体滴度明显高于其他组,抗V抗体滴度与其他组相比没有显著差异。表明本工艺制备的rF1-V抗原有望作为鼠疫亚单位疫苗的主要组分。  相似文献   

为获得含有鼠疫F1和V抗原编码基因以及人tPA信号肽基因的重组质粒tPA-pVAX1/F1-V,并测定其诱导特异性免疫应答的能力, 用PCR扩增鼠疫菌F1和V编码基因,分别与pGEM-T连接测序,构建pVAX1/F1-V融合重组质粒.PCR扩增tPA信号肽片段并将其插入到F1-V的上游,构建tPA-pVAX1/F1-V融合重组质粒;转染COS-7细胞,Western blot法鉴定目的蛋白的表达.重组质粒tPA-pVAX1/F1-V加GM-CSF佐剂免疫BALB/c小鼠,观察免疫效果.400个LD50强毒鼠疫菌皮下攻毒观察保护率.结果表明,tPA-pVAX1/F1-V在COS-7细胞中表达;免疫鼠体内产生特异性抗体;抗体亚型分析、细胞因子等指标的测定表明,所构建DNA疫苗以诱发Th1型免疫为主;攻毒保护率达90%.结果提示,已成功构建F1-V融合蛋白真核表达载体tPA-pVAX1/F1-V,且具有诱导特异性细胞免疫和体液免疫应答的能力, 对强毒鼠疫菌皮下攻毒有一定的保护效力,为鼠疫菌新型疫苗研制奠定了基础.  相似文献   

We investigated the relative immunogenicity and protective efficacy of recombinant X85MF1 and X85V strains of DeltacyaDeltacrpDeltaasd-attenuated Salmonella Typhimurium expressing, respectively, secreted Yersinia pestis F1 and V antigens, following intranasal (i.n.) or i.n. combined with oral immunization for a mouse model. A single i.n. dose of 10(8) CFU of X85MF1 or X85V induced appreciable serum F1- or V-specific IgG titres, although oral immunization did not. Mice i.n. immunized three times (i.n. x 3) with Salmonella achieved the most substantial F1/V-specific IgG titres, as compared with corresponding titres for an oral-primed, i.n.-boosted (twice; oral-i.n. x 2) immunization regimen. The level of V-specific IgG was significantly greater than that of F1-specific IgG (P<0.001). Analysis of the IgG antibodies subclasses revealed comparable levels of V-specific Th-2-type IgG1 and Th-1-type IgG2a, and a predominance of F1-specific Th-1-type IgG2a antibodies. In mice immunized intranasally, X85V stimulated a greater IL-10-secreting-cell response in the lungs than did X85MF1, but impaired the induction of gamma-interferon-secreting cells. A program of i.n. x 3 and/or oral-i.n. x 2 immunization with X85V provided levels of protection against a subsequent lethal challenge with Y. pestis, of, respectively, 60% and 20%, whereas 80% protection was provided following the same immunization but with X85MF1.  相似文献   

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a major respiratory pathogen in newborns. Neonate vaccine should induce strong protective immunity. We have engineered a subunit vaccine candidate G1F/M2. A major problem in developing subunit vaccines is their limited immunogenicity. Aluminium adjuvants with a long history of use with routine childhood vaccines have some limitations, especially inability to elicit CTL response. There is a need for alternative adjuvants. Heat shock proteins (HSPs) are characterized as potent immunoadjuvants. In this study, HSP70-like protein 1 (HSP70L1) gene was cloned. The recombinant protein HSP70L1 was expressed in E. coli, purified and renaturated. We evaluated the potential of HSP70L1 used as the adjuvant of G1F/M2. G1F/M2 was chemically cross-linked with HSP70L1 (HSP-G1F/M2). HSP70L1 enhanced significantly the immunogenicity and protective effect of G1F/M2. HSP-G1F/M2 induced significant higher levels of antibodies, neutralizing antibodies and CTL activity than unadjuvanted G1F/M2. The antibody titers induced by HSP-G1F/M2 were similar to that by G1F/M2 + Alum. RSV-specific CTL activity induced by HSP-G1F/M2 was stronger than that by G1F/M2 + Alum. Interestingly, the protective effect of HSP-G1F/M2 against RSV was significantly stronger than that of G1F/M2 + Alum. The results suggest that HSP70L1 is a potent adjuvant of G1F/M2.  相似文献   

Eimeria acervulina 3-1E antigen gene and mature chicken interleukin 15 (mChIL-15) gene were cloned into expression vector pcDNA3.1(+) in different forms, produced DNA vaccine pcDNA3.1-3-1E, and pcDNA3.1-3-1E-linker-mChIL-15 co-expressing E. acervulina 3-1E gene and mChIL-15 gene, respectively. The expression of objective gene in vitro was detected by indirect fluorescent antibody technique and immunohistochemistry. The two DNA vaccines were administered by intramuscular leg injection. An animal challenge experiment was carried out to evaluate the immune protective efficacy of the vaccines. The results indicated that DNA vaccines were successfully constructed and the expression of objective gene could be detected in vitro. The animal experimental results showed that both DNA vaccines could provide partial protection against homologous challenge in chickens. The chimeric DNA vaccine, pcDNA3.1-3-1E-linker-mChIL-15, could significantly increase oocyst decrease ratio, reduce the average lesion score in the duodenum, improve body weight gain, and increase anti-coccidial index (ACI) compared to the DNA vaccine pcDNA3.1-3-1E. Taken together, these results demonstrate ChIL-15 enhance the immunogenicity of 3-1E DNA vaccine, and co-expression of cytokine and optimized surface antigen of Eimeria may be a promising method to enhance immunogenicity of DNA vaccines in poultry.  相似文献   

免疫霍乱毒素B亚单位(CTB)或肠毒素大肠杆菌(ETEC)定居因子CS3可使人体对ETEC的侵染有保护作用.为探索研制ETEC双组分亚单位疫苗的可行性,利用大肠杆菌诱导表达系统表达了CTB与CS3的融合蛋白(CTB/CS3).蛋白质印迹结果表明,诱导表达的29 ku蛋白具有CTB和CS3蛋白双重抗原性.经Ni-NTA亲和层析纯化获得重组蛋白CTB/CS3,复性的重组蛋白可以部分形成五聚体并保留了与神经节苷脂GM1的结合能力.动物实验表明,融合蛋白CTB/CS3具有CTB和CS3蛋白的双重免疫原性,同时,CTB的免疫载体作用提高了CS3的免疫强度.  相似文献   

Foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) is highly contagious and responsible for huge outbreaks among cloven hoofed animals. The aim of the present study is to evaluate a plasmid DNA immunization system that expresses the FMDV/O/IRN/2007 VP1 gene and compare it with the conventional inactivated vaccine in an animal model. The VP1 gene was sub-cloned into the unique Kpn I and BamH I cloning sites of the pcDNA3.1+ and pEGFP-N1 vectors to construct the VP1 gene cassettes. The transfected BHKT7 cells with sub-cloned pEGFP-N1-VP1 vector expressed GFP-VP1 fusion protein and displayed more green fluorescence spots than the transfected BHKT7 cells with pEGFP-N1 vector, which solely expressed the GFP protein. Six mice groups were respectively immunized by the sub-cloned pcDNA3.1+-VP1 gene cassette as the DNA vaccine, DNA vaccine and PCMV-SPORT-GMCSF vector (as molecular adjuvant) together, conventional vaccine, PBS (as negative control), pcDNA3.1+ vector (as control group) and PCMV-SPORT vector that contained the GMCSF gene (as control group). Significant neutralizing antibody responses were induced in the mice which were immunized using plasmid vectors expressing the VP1 and GMCSF genes together, the DNA vaccine alone and the conventional inactivated vaccine (P<0.05). Co-administration of DNA vaccine and GMCSF gene improved neutralizing antibody response in comparison with administration of the DNA vaccine alone, but this response was the most for the conventional vaccine group. However, induction of humeral immunity response in the conventional vaccine group was more protective than for the DNA vaccine, but T-cell proliferation and IFN-γ concentration were the most in DNA vaccine with the GMCSF gene. Therefore the group that was vaccinated by DNA vaccine with the GMCSF gene, showed protective neutralizing antibody response and the most Th1 cellular immunity.  相似文献   

We isolated a 38 kDa ssDNA-binding protein from the unicellular cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. strain PCC 6301 and determined its N-terminal amino acid sequence. A genomic clone encoding the 38 kDa protein was isolated by using a degenerate oligonucleotide probe based on the amino acid sequence. The nucleotide sequence and predicted amino acid sequence revealed that the 38 kDa protein is 306 amino acids long and homologous to the nuclear-encoded 370 amino acid chloroplast ribosomal protein CS1 of spinach (48% identity), therefore identifying it as ribosomal protein (r-protein) S1. Cyanobacterial and chloroplast S1 proteins differ in size from Escherichia coli r-protein S1 (557 amino acids). This provides an additional evidence that cyanobacteria are closely related to chloroplasts. The Synechococcus gene rps1 encoding S1 is located 1.1 kb downstream from psbB, which encodes the photosystem 11 P680 chlorophyll a apoprotein. An open reading frame encoding a potential protein of 168 amino acids is present between psbB and rps1 and its deduced amino acid sequence is similar to that of E. coli hypothetical 17.2 kDa protein. Northern blot analysis showed that rps1 is transcribed as a monocistronic mRNA.  相似文献   

Protein phosphatase 1 (PP1) is widely distributed among tissues and species and acts as a regulator of many important cellular processes. By targeting the catalytic part of PP1 (PP1C) toward particular loci and substrates, regulatory subunits constitute key elements conferring specificity to the holoenzyme. Here, we report the identification of an (alpha/beta)8-barrel-like structure within the N-ter stretch of the human PP1 regulatory subunit hGM, which is part of the family of diverse proteins associated with glycogen metabolism. Protein homology modeling gave rise to a three-dimensional (3D) model for the 381 N-ter residue stretch of hGM, based on sequence similarity with Streptomyces olivochromogenes xylose isomerase, identified by using FASTA. The alignment was subsequently extended by using hydrophobic cluster analysis. The homology-derived model includes the putative glycogen binding area located within the 142-230 domain of hGM as well as a structural characterization of the PP1C interacting domain (segment 51-67). Refinement of the latter by molecular dynamics afforded a topology that is in agreement with previous X-ray studies (Egloff et al., 1997). Finite difference Poisson-Boltzmann calculations performed on the interacting domains of PP1C and hGM confirm the complementarity of the local electrostatic potentials of the two partners. This work highlights the presence of a conserved fold among distant species (mammalian, Caenorhabditis elegans, yeast) and, thus, emphasizes the involvement of PP1 in crucial basic cellular functions.  相似文献   

A phosphorylated polypeptide (ScIRP) from the inner membrane of rat liver mitochondria with an apparent molecular mass of 3.5 kDa was found to be immunoreactive with specific antibodies against subunit c of F0F1-ATPase/ATP synthase (Azarashvily, T. S., Tyynelä, J., Baumann, M., Evtodienko, Yu. V., and Saris, N.-E. L. (2000). Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 270, 741–744. In the present paper we show that the dephosphorylation of ScIRP was promoted by the Ca2+-induced mitochondrial permeability transition (MPT) and prevented by cyclosporin A. Preincubation of ScIRP isolated in its dephosphorylated form with the mitochondrial suspension decreased the membrane potential (M) and the Ca2+-uptake capacity by promoting MPT. Incorporation of ScIRP into black-lipid membranes increased the membrane conductivity by inducing channel formation that was also suppressed by antibodies to subunit c. These data indicate that the phosphorylation level of ScIRP is influenced by the MPT pore state, presumably by stimulation of calcineurin phosphatase by the Ca2+ used to induce MPT. The possibility of ScIRP being part of the MPT pore assembly is discussed in view of its capability to induced channel activity.  相似文献   

在蓝藻中表达迟缓爱德华氏菌Eta1-L-Gapdh融合蛋白。提取迟缓爱德华氏菌基因组DNA为模板,用PCR技术分别扩增两个已知具有较强免疫原性的基因eta1和gapdh,再采用重叠延伸PCR将这两个基因融合,获得目的融合基因eta1-L-gapdh。将目的基因连接到表达载体pRL489的两个Bam H I酶切位点之间构建表达载体,用质粒提取、PCR、酶切、测序等手段对表达载体进行验证。验证正确的表达载体通过三亲接合转化野生鱼腥藻PCC7120,用新霉素抗性筛选出转基因藻落,通过质粒提取和PCR验证转基因藻。用RT-PCR和Western-blot分别从转录水平和翻译水平对转基因藻中融合基因的表达进行了检测。结果表明,含目的基因的表达载体构建成功,目的基因在蓝藻中转录并表达蛋白,该蛋白在蓝藻中的表达量为2.46%。  相似文献   

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