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We developed an asymmetric double logistic curve-fitting procedure for circadian analysis that can determine the rate of change in variables during the day-to-night separately from the night-to-day transition for use in animal studies. We now have applied this procedure to 24-h systolic (SAP) and diastolic arterial pressure (DAP) and heart rate ambulatory recordings from 302 patients. In 292 cases, all parameters showed a pattern of higher day and lower night values. In men there was a similar rate of transition between day and night or from night to day for both SAP and DAP that lasted 3-4 h, indicating a symmetrical diurnal pattern. By contrast, women showed a faster rate of decrease in mean arterial pressure in the evening compared with men (P < 0.05) and therefore showed an asymmetric diurnal SAP pattern. For both men and women, there was a markedly greater rate of morning increase in heart rate compared with the rate of evening decrease (2.2- and 1.9-fold, respectively, P < 0.001). The logistic method provided a better fit than the square-wave or the cosinor method (P < 0.001) and more appropriately detected nondippers. We conclude that analysis of ambulatory recordings by a new logistic curve-fitting method reveals more rapid reductions in evening SAP in women than men but both have two- to threefold more rapid morning rates of tachycardia. The ability of the double logistic method to determine the diurnal blood pressure rates of change independently is key to determining new markers for cardiovascular risk.  相似文献   

M R Crager  M A Reitman 《Biometrics》1991,47(1):129-137
A method is presented for analyzing ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) time series data obtained from well-controlled clinical trials. The method uses running averages based on fixed time-of-day intervals (rather than a fixed number of neighboring measurements). These "interval running averages" effectively estimate average blood pressure during the specified time intervals, adjusting for unequal spacing between measurements, embedded missing data, varying measurement times-of-day, and doses of study medication taken during ABP monitoring. Blood pressure changes from baseline may be computed using the interval running averages in order to separate treatment effects from patients' normal daily blood pressure cycles. To ensure valid estimation of treatment effects over time, study medication dosing times should be rigorously controlled in the trial design and conduct. Interval running average curves may be presented graphically, and from them summary statistics may be computed for purposes of statistical analysis. By allowing for the inherent complications of ABP data collection, the effect of antihypertensive treatment in well-controlled clinical trials can be discerned.  相似文献   

Hirotsu C  Ohta E  Hirose N  Shimizu K 《Biometrics》2003,59(4):907-915
A method is proposed for classifying subjects according to their convex, flat, or concave change patterns of 24-hours blood pressure measurements. To obtain such a classification is useful for detecting subjects who show abnormal change patterns and giving them appropriate medical treatments. Therefore, an appropriate statistic is proposed for detecting a systematic change along the time axis, as well as a statistic with its inverse characteristic appropriate for evaluating the noise variation. The method is based on the ratio of those two types of statistics; it is verified to work well on real data, giving a classification of subjects into four types of subgroups: extreme dipper, dipper, nondipper, and inverted dipper. It also suggests that there might be an ultra-extreme dipper subgroup.  相似文献   


The cost-effectiveness of ambulatory blood pressure (BP) monitoring (ABPM) versus traditional office BP measurement (OBPM) for the diagnosis and management of hypertension has been evaluated only by few studies and based solely on the reduction of medical care expenses through avoiding treatment of isolated-office hypertension. Data from the 21963 participants in the Hygia Project, a multicenter outcomes study that incorporates into routine primary care periodic, at least yearly, 48 h ABPM evaluation, were utilized to assess the cost-effectiveness – relative to vascular pathology expenditures countrywide in Spain – of ABPM versus OBPM. The actual reported Spanish healthcare expenditure for vascular pathology in 2015 – aggregate costs of medical examinations, outpatient and inpatient care, therapeutic interventions, plus non-healthcare services (productivity losses due to morbidity/mortality and informal family/friends-provided care) – was used to compare yearly costs when diagnostic and treatment decisions for hypertension are based on the OBPM versus the ABPM-model. Our economic analysis is based on the more realistic and feasible approach of restricting ABPM solely to high-risk individuals of age ≥60 years and/or with diabetes, chronic kidney disease, and/or previous cardiovascular event, who in the Hygia Project accounted for >90% of all documented events. The projected net benefit countrywide in favor of the proposed ABPM-model is ~5294M€/year, i.e., 360.33€/year (95%CI [347.52–374.85]) per ABPM-evaluated person. This highly conservative economic analysis indicates ABPM is a much more cost-effective strategy than repeated OBPM not only for accurate diagnosis and management of true hypertension but marked reduction of expenditures on elevated BP-associated vascular pathology.  相似文献   

Multivariate variance-components analysis provides several advantages over univariate analysis when studying correlated traits. It can test for pleiotropy or (in the longitudinal context) gene x age interaction. It can also have more power than univariate analyses to detect a quantitative trait locus influencing several traits. We apply multivariate variance components to longitudinal systolic blood pressure data from the Framingham Heart Study. We find evidence for a polygenic influence on blood pressure (heritabilities at different ages range from 27% to 38%). Tests based on a factor-analytic parameterization of the polygenic variance find significant (p < 2 x 10(-3)) evidence that different genes affect blood pressure at different ages. Still, estimates for the proportion of polygenic variance due to shared genes ran as high as 85% for some trait pairs. Univariate and multivariate linkage analyses replicate previous linkage results on chromosome 17 (maximum LOD scores of 2.2 and 2.4, respectively). In this study, multivariate analysis provides no increase in power; this is likely due to the strong positive correlation in systolic blood pressure measured at different ages.  相似文献   



Increasing evidence suggests that ABPM more closely predicts target organ damage than does clinic measurement. Future guidelines may suggest ABPM as routine in the diagnosis and monitoring of hypertension. This would create difficulties as this test is expensive and often difficult to obtain. The purpose of this study is to determine the degree to which the BpTRU automatic blood pressure monitor predicts results on 24 hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM).


A quantitative analysis comparing blood pressure measured by the BpTRU device with the mean daytime blood pressure on 24 hour ABPM. The study was conducted by the Centre for Studies in Primary Care, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada on adult primary care patients who are enrolled in two randomized controlled trials on hypertension. The main outcomes were the mean of the blood pressures measured at the three most recent office visits, the initial measurement on the BpTRU-100, the mean of the five measurements on the BpTRU monitor, and the daytime average on 24 hour ABPM.


The group mean of the three charted clinic measured blood pressures (150.8 (SD10.26) / 82.9 (SD 8.44)) was not statistically different from the group mean of the initial reading on BpTRU (150.0 (SD21.33) / 83.3 (SD12.00)). The group mean of the average of five BpTRU readings (140.0 (SD17.71) / 79.8 (SD 10.46)) was not statistically different from the 24 hour daytime mean on ABPM (141.5 (SD 13.25) / 79.7 (SD 7.79)). Within patients, BpTRU average correlated significantly better with daytime ambulatory pressure than did clinic averages (BpTRU r = 0.571, clinic r = 0.145). Based on assessment of sensitivity and specificity at different cut-points, it is suggested that the initial treatment target using the BpTRU be set at <135/85 mmHG, but achievement of target should be confirmed using 24 hour ABPM.


The BpTRU average better predicts ABPM than does the average of the blood pressures recorded on the patient chart from the three most recent visits. The BpTRU automatic clinic blood pressure monitor should be used as an adjunct to ABPM to effectively diagnose and monitor hypertension.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that a single nighttime dose of standard doxazosin, an alpha-adrenergic antagonist, reduces blood pressure (BP) throughout the 24 h. We investigated the administration-time-dependent effects of the new doxazosin gastrointestinal therapeutic system (GITS) formulation. We studied 91 subjects (49 men and 42 women), 56.7+/-11.2 (mean+/-SD) yrs of age with grade 1-2 essential hypertension; 39 patients had been previously untreated, and the remaining 52 had been treated with two antihypertensive medications with inadequate control of their hypertension. The subjects of the two groups, the monotherapy and polytherapy groups, respectively, were randomly assigned to receive the single daily dose of doxazosin GITS (4 mg/day) either upon awakening or at bedtime. BP was measured by ambulatory monitoring every 20 min during the day and every 30 min at night for 48 consecutive hours just before and after 3 months of treatment. After 3 months of doxazosin GITS therapy upon awakening, there was a small and nonstatistically significant reduction in BP (1.8 and 3.2mm Hg in the 24 h mean of systolic and diastolic BP in monotherapy; 2.2 and 1.9mm Hg in polytherapy), mainly because of absence of any effect on nocturnal BP. The 24 h mean BP reduction was larger and statistically significant (6.9 and 5.9 mm for systolic and diastolic BP, respectively, in monotherapy; 5.3 and 4.5 mm Hg in polytherapy) when doxazosin GITS was scheduled at bedtime. This BP-lowering effect was similar during both the day and nighttime hours. Doxazosin GITS ingested daily on awakening failed to provide full 24h therapeutic coverage. Bedtime dosing with doxazosin GITS, however, significantly reduced BP throughout the 24h both when used as a monotherapy and when used in combination with other antihypertensive pharmacotherapy. Knowledge of the chronopharmacology of doxazosin GITS is key to optimizing the efficiency of its BP-lowering effect, and this must be taken into consideration when prescribing this medication to patients.  相似文献   

The reliability of noninvasive, automatic blood pressure monitoring is not yet clearly established. A 24-h ambulatory blood pressure profile was obtained in 9 healthy, normotensive subjects with an automatic, noninvasive device. The blood pressure profile showed the typical circadian pattern with lower systolic and diastolic values during sleep, although pulse pressure was fairly constant (about 40 mm Hg). The systolic blood pressure rose steeply in the early morning hours--before waking up. The results were compared with simultaneous hourly readings using the auscultatory method. There were no statistically significant differences between the automatic and auscultatory readings, 13 of the 18 mean values at different time points being within 2 mm Hg of each other. All the auscultatory means fell within the 95% confidence limits of those measured hourly by the automatic method. Although the automatic method seemed to be reliable compared with the auscultatory method, its sensitivity to motion artifacts is a disadvantage in a truly ambulatory setting.  相似文献   

Previous results have indicated that valsartan administration at bed-time, as opposed to upon wakening, improves the diurnal/nocturnal ratio of blood pressure (BP) toward a normal dipping pattern, without loss of 24 h efficacy. This ratio is characterized by a progressive decrease with aging. Accordingly, we investigated the administration time-dependent antihypertensive efficacy of valsartan, an angiotensin blocking agent, in elderly hypertensive patients. We studied 100 elderly patients with grade 1-2 essential hypertension (34 men and 66 women), 68.2+/-4.9 years of age, randomly assigned to receive valsartan (160 mg/d) as a monotherapy either upon awakening or at bed-time. BP was measured for 48 h by ambulatory monitoring, at 20 min intervals between 07:00 to 23:00 h and at 30 min intervals at night, before and after 3 months of therapy. Physical activity was simultaneously monitored every minute by wrist actigraphy to accurately determine the duration of sleep and wake spans to enable the accurate calculation of the diurnal and nocturnal means of BP for each subject. There was a highly significant BP reduction after 3 months of valsartan treatment (p < 0.001). The reduction was slightly larger with bed-time dosing (15.3 and 9.2 mm Hg reduction in the 24 h mean of systolic and diastolic BP, respectively) than with morning dosing (12.3 and 6.3 mm Hg reduction in the 24 h mean of systolic and diastolic BP, respectively). The diurnal/nocturnal ratio, measured as the nocturnal decline of BP relative to the diurnal mean, was unchanged in the group ingesting valsartan upon awakening (-1.0 and -0.3 for systolic and diastolic BP; p > 0.195). This ratio was significantly increased (6.6 and 5.4 for systolic and diastolic BP; p < 0.001) when valsartan was ingested at bed-time. The reduction of the nocturnal mean was doubled in the group ingesting valsartan at bed-time, as compared to the group ingesting it in the morning (p < 0.001). In elderly hypertensive patients, mainly characterized by a diminished nocturnal decline in BP, bed-time valsartan dosing is better than morning dosing since it improves efficacy during the nighttime sleep span, with the potential reduction in cardiovascular risk that has been associated with a normalized diurnal/nocturnal BP ratio.  相似文献   

Systolic blood pressure were measured in 1797 infants aged 4 days and then repeated at 6 weeks, 6 months, 1 year and then yearly until 4 years of age. The mean pressure rose from 76 mm Hg at 4 days to 96 mm Hg at 6 weeks but did not vary appreciably between subsequent measurements. Serial correlation coefficients of blood pressure adjusted for weight and degree of consciousness were calculated, comparing measurements at each age. At ages under 1 year the correlation coefficients were relatively weak, though most were significant (r < 0.2). As the children grew older these serial correlations became stronger, so that the correlation coefficient in blood pressure between ages 3 and 4 years was 0.47. These observations suggest that "tracking" for blood pressure starts at about 1 year and is much stronger by 4 years. Taken in conjunction with the findings of other long-term follow-up studies in older children, this suggests that children develop blood pressures indicative of their adult values between 1 and 4 years.  相似文献   

Research at the Halberg Chronobiology Center focused to a large extent on the monitoring of blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR). Self-measurements and later ambulatory BP monitoring yielded new knowledge of interest to basic science and clinical practice. After a brief review of BP measurement, we outline developments in methods of data analysis that paralleled technological advances in the measurement of BP. We review work done in cooperation with colleagues worldwide to illustrate how a chronobiological approach led to the mapping of spontaneous circadian and other rhythms for the derivation of refined reference values and to the assessment of response rhythms underlying chronotherapy. BIOCOS members work in different fields, spanning from cardiology and nutrition to obesity, diabetes, exercise physiology and rehabilitation, but all strive for “pre-habilitation”. The early recognition of increased risk can prompt the timely institution of prophylactic intervention. As technology continues to improve, studies on groups are complemented by longitudinal self-surveillance for health maintenance. Longitudinal records serve for the investigation of environmental influences on human physiology, the topic of chronomics. As current advances in technology and wireless communication will likely impact the future of healthcare, chronobiological methods and concepts should be an integral part of this seachange.  相似文献   

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