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During the metamorphosis of Manduca sexta the larval nervous system is reorganized to allow the generation of behaviors that are specific to the pupal and adult stages. In some instances, metamorphic changes in neurons that persist from the larval stage are segment-specific and lead to expression of segment-specific behavior in later stages. At the larval-pupal transition, the larval abdominal bending behavior, which is distributed throughout the abdomen, changes to the pupal gin trap behavior which is restricted to three abdominal segments. This study suggests that the neural circuit that underlies larval bending undergoes segment specific modifications to produce the segmentally restricted gin trap behavior. We show, however, that non-gin trap segments go through a developmental change similar to that seen in gin trap segments. Pupal-specific motor patterns are produced by stimulation of sensory neurons in abdominal segments that do not have gin traps and cannot produce the gin trap behavior. In particular, sensory stimulation in non-gin trap pupal segments evokes a motor response that is faster than the larval response and that displays the triphasic contralateral-ipsilateral-contralateral activity pattern that is typical of the pupal gin trap behavior. Despite the alteration of reflex activity in all segments, developmental changes in sensory neuron morphology are restricted to those segments that form gin traps. In non-gin trap segments, persistent sensory neurons do not expand their terminal arbors, as do sensory neurons in gin trap segments, yet are capable of eliciting gin trap-like motor responses. Accepted: 10 January 1997  相似文献   

During metamorphosis, the reorganization of the nervous system of Drosophila melanogaster proceeds in part through remodeling of larval neurons. In this study, we used in-vitro imaging techniques and immunocytochemistry to track the remodeling of the thoracic ventral neurosecretory cells. Axons of these neurons prune their larval arbors early in metamorphosis and a larger, more extensive adult arbor is established via branch outgrowth. Expression of EcR dominant negative constructs and an EcR inverted repeat construct resulted in pruning defects of larval axon arbors and a lack of filopodia during pruning, but showed variable effects on outgrowth depending on the construct expressed. Cells expressing either UAS-EcR-B1(W650A) or UAS-EcR-A(W650A) lacked filopodia during the outgrowth period and formed a poorly branched, larval-like arbor in the adult. Cells expressing UAS-EcR-B1(F645A), UAS-EcR-B2(W650A) or UAS-IR-EcR (core) showed moderate filopodial activity and normal, albeit reduced, adult-like branching during outgrowth. These results are consistent with the role of activation versus derepression via EcR for successive phases of neuronal remodeling and suggest that functional ecdysone receptor is necessary for some, but not all, remodeling events.  相似文献   

During its life cycle, Drosophila makes two sets of neuromuscular junctions (NMJs), embryonic/larval and adult, which serve distinct stage-specific functions. During metamorphosis, the larval NMJs are restructured to give rise to their adult counterparts, a process that is integrated into the overall remodeling of the nervous system. The NMJs of the prothoracic muscles and the mesothoracic dorsal longitudinal (flight) muscles have been previously described. Given the diversity and complexity of adult muscle groups, we set out to examine the less complex abdominal muscles. The large bouton sizes of these NMJs are particularly advantageous for easy visualization. Specifically, we have characterized morphological attributes of the ventral abdominal NMJ and show that an embryonic motor neuron identity gene, dHb9, is expressed at these adult junctions. We quantified bouton numbers and size and examined the localization of synaptic markers. We have also examined the formation of boutons during metamorphosis and examined the localization of presynaptic markers at these stages. To test the usefulness of the ventral abdominal NMJs as a model system, we characterized the effects of altering electrical activity and the levels of the cell adhesion molecule, FasciclinII (FasII). We show that both manipulations affect NMJ formation and that the effects are specific as they can be rescued genetically. Our results indicate that both activity and FasII affect development at the adult abdominal NMJ in ways that are distinct from their larval and adult thoracic counterparts  相似文献   

During metamorphosis in holometabolous insects, the nervous system undergoes dramatic remodeling as it transitions from its larval to its adult form. Many neurons are generated through post-embryonic neurogenesis to have adult-specific roles, but perhaps more striking is the dramatic remodeling that occurs to transition neurons from functioning in the larval to the adult nervous system. These neurons exhibit a remarkable degree of plasticity during this transition; many subsets undergo programmed cell death, others remodel their axonal and dendritic arbors extensively, whereas others undergo trans-differentiation to alter their terminal differentiation gene expression profiles. Yet other neurons appear to be developmentally frozen in an immature state throughout larval life, to be awakened at metamorphosis by a process we term temporally-tuned differentiation. These multiple forms of remodeling arise from subtype-specific responses to a single metamorphic trigger, ecdysone. Here, we discuss recent progress in Drosophila melanogaster that is shedding light on how subtype-specific programs of neuronal remodeling are generated during metamorphosis.  相似文献   

Summary A set of motor neurons and interneurons in the thoracic nervous system of the meal beetle Tenebrio molitor L. is described that persist during metamorphosis. The motor neurons under discussion innervate the thoracic ventral longitudinal muscles and were identified by retrograde transport of intramuscularly injected horseradish peroxidase. Persisting motor neurons exhibit a complex repetitive pattern that changes only slightly during development. Additionally, the characterization of serotonin-immunoreactive neurons defines a complex set of interneurons that also persist throughout development. The fate of these identified neurons is outlined in detail with special reference to variations in their dendritic arborizations. All motor and interneurons are affected by a similar change in their shape during development. The larval neurons lack the contralateral arborization that is found in the adult beetle and is already distinguishable in the prepupa. Essentially only quantitative changes of the neuronal shape were observed during the pupal instar. No pupa-specific degeneration of certain axo-dendritic structures of these neurons was found. Removal of descending interneurons by sectioning the promesothoracic connectives causes specific degeneration of the dendritic tree of an identified serotonin-immunoreactive interneuron.  相似文献   

Using a combination of lineage tracing and laser ablation, we have identified a segmentally repeated array of embryonically produced sensory neurons that persist through metamorphosis into adult stages of Drosophila development. The persistent sensory neurons are found in all unfused abdominal segments, but there is segment-specific variation in the number of neurons observed. There are 12 persistent neurons in the first abdominal segment (A1), 18 in the second (A2), and 16 in segments A3-A7. Most are internal sensory neurons (dendritic arborization neurons and bipolar dendrite neurons), but two are associated with external sensilla on the sternite. All of these neurons and their axons define specific adult sensory pathways in the periphery and their locations and persistence through metamorphosis suggest a role in guiding the growth of adult sensory and motor axons.  相似文献   

During metamorphosis, the insect nervous system must change to accomodate alterations in body form and behavior. Studies primarily on moths have shown that these changes involve the death of some larval neurons, the conservation and remodeling of others, and the maturation of new, adult-specific cells. The motor and sensory sides of the adult CNS vary in this regard with the former being constructed primarily from remodeled larval components, whereas the latter arises primarily from new neurons. Neuronal remodeling has received considerable attention. Larval-specific dendritic fields are pruned back during the larval–pupal transition, followed by the sprouting of adult-specific dendrites. Simple reflexes have been used to correlate these neuronal changes with the acquisition or loss of particular behaviors. The loss of the proleg retraction reflex is associated with the regression of the dendritic arbors of the proleg motoneurons. By contrast, expansion of axon arbors of the gin-trap afferents is necessary, but not sufficient, for the assembly of the gin-trap reflex in the pupal stage. The stretch receptor reflex provides a third example in which a new dendritic field in the adult form of a neuron is associated with new adult-specific connections. Interestingly, these connections are masked by persisting larval contacts until the emergence of the adult moth. For the metamorphosis of more complex behavioral circuits, some, such as that for flight behavior, seem to be assembled de novo, whereas others, like that for adult ecdysis behavior, show conservation of some circuit elements from the larval stage but with the superposition of some adult-specific components. © 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Metamorphosis of the central nervous system of Drosophila   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The study of the metamorphosis of the central nervous system of Drosophila focused on the ventral CNS. Many larval neurons are conserved through metamorphosis but they show pronounced remodeling of both central and peripheral processes. In general, transmitter expression appears to be conserved through metamorphosis but there are some examples of possible changes. Large numbers of new, adult-specific neurons are added to this basic complement of persisting larval cells. These cells are produced during larval life by embryonic neuroblasts that had persisted into the larval stage. These new neurons arrest their development soon after their birth but then mature into functional neurons during metamorphosis. Programmed cell death is also important for sculpting the adult CNS. One round of cell death occurs shortly after pupariation and a second one after the emergence of the adult fly.  相似文献   

Metamorphosis involves the destruction of larval, the formation of adult and the transformation of larval into adult tissues. In this study, we demonstrate the role of the Drosophila nuclear proteins EAST and Chromator in tissue destruction and remodeling. To better understand the function of east, we performed a yeast two-hybrid screen and identified the euchromatin associated protein Chromator as a candidate interactor. To analyze the functional significance of our two-hybrid data, we generated a set of novel pupal lethal Chro alleles by P-element excision. The pupal lethal Chro mutants resemble lethal east alleles as homozygous mutants develop into pharates with normal looking body parts, but fail to eclose. The eclosion defect of the Chro alleles is rescued in an east heterozygous background, indicating antagonistic genetic interactions between the two genes. Live cell imaging was applied to study muscle development during metamorphosis. Consistent with the eclosion defects, mutant pharates of both genes show loss and abnormal differentiation of adult eclosion muscles. The two genes have opposite effects on the destruction of larval muscles in metamorphosis. While Chro mutants show incomplete histolysis, muscles degenerate prematurely in east mutants. Moreover east mutants affect the remodeling of abdominal larval muscles into adult eclosion muscles. During this process, loss of east interferes with the spatial coordination of thinning of the larval muscles. Overexpression of EAST-GFP can prevent the disintegration of polytene chromosomes during programmed cell death. We propose that Chro activates and east inhibits processes and genes involved in tissue destruction and remodeling.  相似文献   

During the Drosophila life-cycle two sets of neuromuscular junctions are generated: the embryonic/larval NMJs develop during the first half, followed by the period of metamorphosis during which the adult counterpart is generated. Development of the adult innervation pattern is preceded by a withdrawal of larval NMJs, which occurs at the onset of metamorphosis, and is followed by adult-specific motor neuron outgrowth to innervate the newly developing adult fibers. Establishment of the adult innervation pattern occurs in the context of a broader restructuring of the nervous system, which results in the development of neural circuits that are necessary to carry out behaviors specific to the adult. In this article, we follow development of the dorsal longitudinal muscle (DLM) innervation pattern through metamorphosis. We find that the initial period of motor neuron elaboration is followed by a phase of extensive pruning resulting in a threefold reduction of neuromuscular contacts. This event establishes the adult pattern of second order branching. Subsequent higher order branching from the second order "contact" points generates the characteristic multiterminal innervation pattern of the DLMs. Boutons begin to appear after the pruning phase, and are much smaller than their larval counterparts. Additionally, we demonstrate that the DLM innervation is altered in the hyperexcitable double mutant, ether a go-go Shaker, and that the phenotype is suppressed by the hypoexcitable mutant, nap(ts1). Our results demonstrate that electrical activity regulates the patterning of DLM innervation during metamorphosis.  相似文献   

During metamorphosis, the insect nervous system must change to accomodate alterations in body form and behavior. Studies primarily on moths have shown that these changes involve the death of some larval neurons, the conservation and remodeling of others, and the maturation of new, adult-specific cells. The motor and sensory sides of the adult CNS vary in this regard with the former being constructed primarily from remodeled larval components, whereas the latter arises primarily from new neurons. Neuronal remodeling has received considerable attention. Larval-specific dendritic fields are pruned back during the larval-pupal transition, followed by the sprouting of adult-specific dendrites. Simple reflexes have been used to correlate these neuronal changes with the acquisition or loss of particular behaviors. The loss of the proleg retraction reflex is associated with the regression of the dendritic arbors of the proleg motoneurons. By contrast, expansion of axon arbors of the gin-trap afferents is necessary, but not sufficient, for the assembly of the gin-trap reflex in the pupal stage. The stretch receptor reflex provides a third example in which a new dendritic field in the adult form of a neuron is associated with new adult-specific connections. Interestingly, these connections are masked by persisting larval contacts until the emergence of the adult moth. For the metamorphosis of more complex behavioral circuits, some, such as that for flight behavior, seem to be assembled de novo, whereas others, like that for adult ecdysis behavior, show conservation of some circuit elements from the larval stage but with the superposition of some adult-specific components.  相似文献   

《Developmental neurobiology》2017,77(10):1144-1160
Over the course of a 4‐day period of metamorphosis, the Drosophila larval nervous system is remodeled to prepare for adult‐specific behaviors. One example is the reorganization of peripheral nerves in the abdomen, where five pairs of abdominal nerves (A4–A8) fuse to form the terminal nerve trunk. This reorganization is associated with selective remodeling of four layers that ensheath each peripheral nerve. The neural lamella (NL), is the first to dismantle; its breakdown is initiated by 6 hours after puparium formation, and is completely removed by the end of the first day. This layer begins to re‐appear on the third day of metamorphosis. Perineurial glial (PG) cells situated just underneath the NL, undergo significant proliferation on the first day of metamorphosis, and at that stage contribute to 95% of the glial cell population. Cells of the two inner layers, Sub‐Perineurial Glia (SPG) and Wrapping Glia (WG) increase in number on the second half of metamorphosis. Induction of cell death in perineurial glia via the cell death gene reaper and the Diptheria toxin (DT‐1) gene, results in abnormal bundling of the peripheral nerves, suggesting that perineurial glial cells play a role in the process. A significant number of animals fail to eclose in both reaper and DT‐1 targeted animals, suggesting that disruption of PG also impacts eclosion behavior. The studies will help to establish the groundwork for further work on cellular and molecular processes that underlie the co‐ordinated remodeling of glia and the peripheral nerves they ensheath. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 77: 1144–1160, 2017  相似文献   

The sense organs of adult Drosophila, and holometabolous insects in general, derive essentially from imaginal discs and hence are adult specific. Experimental evidence presented here, however, suggests a different developmental design for the three largely gustatory sense organs located along the pharynx. In a comprehensive cellular analysis, we show that the posteriormost of the three organs derives directly from a similar larval organ and that the two other organs arise by splitting of a second larval organ. Interestingly, these two larval organs persist despite extensive reorganization of the pharynx. Thus, most of the neurons of the three adult organs are surviving larval neurons. However, the anterior organ includes some sensilla that are generated during pupal stages. Also, we observe apoptosis in a third larval pharyngeal organ. Hence, our experimental data show for the first time the integration of complex, fully differentiated larval sense organs into the nervous system of the adult fly and demonstrate the embryonic origin of their neurons. Moreover, they identify metamorphosis of this sensory system as a complex process involving neuronal persistence, generation of additional neurons and neuronal death. Our conclusions are based on combined analysis of reporter expression from P[GAL4] driver lines, horseradish peroxidase injections into blastoderm stage embryos, cell labeling via heat-shock-induced flip-out in the embryo, bromodeoxyuridine birth dating and staining for programmed cell death. They challenge the general view that sense organs are replaced during metamorphosis.  相似文献   

During metamorphosis in the hawkmoth, Manduca sexta, the larvalthoracic legs are replaced by a new set of adult legs that includenew sensory neurons and muscles, and participate in new patternsof locomotor activity. Larval leg motoneurons persist to innervatethe new adult leg muscles, but undergo striking changes in dendriticmorphology that are regulated by the insect steroid, 20-hydroxyecdysone.In the periphery, the motor terminals regress as larval musclesdegenerate, and expand as new adult muscles form from myoblasts.Evidence obtained both in vivo and in vitro suggests that theproliferation of myoblasts during metamorphosis is dependentupon innervation.  相似文献   

The origin of the peripheral nerve and motor neurons that innervate the adult mesothoracic dorsal longitudinal muscles (DLMs) was examined in the silk moth, Bombyx mori . The anatomical features of the peripheral nerve and motor neurons were investigated by dissection, electron microscopy, and cobalt back-fill staining at different pupal stages. These studies showed that the peripheral nerve (IIN1c) that innervates the adult DLMs originates from a branch (db branch) of the larval mesothoracic dorsal nerve that innervates the larval DLMs. During metamorphosis the larval nerve shortens or lengthens locally without change in its basic branching pattern, and the db branch moves towards the mesothoracic ganglion to become the IIN1c. All the adult DLM motor neurons are from larval ones. Nine of the 14 larval DLM motor neurons survive during metamorphosis to become adult DLM motor neurons, and 5 disappear in early pupal stages.  相似文献   

Invertebrates show a wide variety of behaviors that are influenced by hormones. In insects the involvement of hormones at a particular life stage is directly correlated with the complexity of the behavioral repertoire at that stage. In larval stages, the steroid hormone, ecdysone, when present with juvenile hormone, apparently causes the behaviors observed during the periodic molts. At the end of larval life, ecdysone in the absence of juvenile hormone triggers the onset of premetamorphic behaviors such as wandering behavior and cocoon-spinning behavior. In insects having complete metamorphosis, the emergence (eclosion) of the adult from the pupal case is accomplished by a stereotyped program of movements that are triggered by a peptide hormone. In moths, injection of this “eclosion hormone” into competent recipients will cause the release of the eclosion program. Also this program can be elicited by the hormone from the isolated abdominal central nervous system (CNS). The onset of reproductive behavior in females of various species requires juvenile hormone. In addition, certain peptides are then involved in the transition from virgin to mated behaviors. Also, pupatitive peptide factors trigger specific stereotyped behaviors such as those involved in mate attraction and in oviposition. In males, the control is simpler. Juvenile hormone is required for the maturation of sexual behavior in only a few species. But in at least one insect group, the cockroaches, a neurosecretory hormone serves to release directly copulatory behavior. Social behavior and migratory behavior in certain insects are also under hormonal influence. Hormones play a prominent role in regulating the behavior of gastropod mollusks. The best studied examples involve the hormonal stimulation of egg-laying behavior by CNS peptides. Also, peptide hormones cause stereotyped changes in specific identified neurons in the CNS of various gastropods. In at least some cases, these latter changes are related to arousal from aestivation.With their simple nervous systems, invertebrates are especially suited for studies on the mode of action of hormones on the nervous system. In most cases the behavioral effects of these hormones appear to be due to their direct action on the CNS. Indeed, the isolated moth CNS will respond to the eclosion hormone by generating the motor program that gives rise to the emergence behavior, and various isolated molluscan preparations will respond to hormones with stereotyped neural responses. By the direct application of hormone to the surface of identified nerve cells in mollusks it has been possible to localize target cells for specific hormones. Little is known of the mode of action of ecdysone or juvenile hormone in altering behavior. Peptide hormones appear to have effects which long outlast the actual presence of the hormone. In at least two cases, cyclic AMP has been implicated as a mediator of the hormonal response.  相似文献   

Insect growth and metamorphosis is punctuated by molts, during which a new cuticle is produced. Every molt culminates in ecdysis, the shedding of the remains of the old cuticle. Both the timing of ecdysis relative to the molt and the actual execution of this vital insect behavior are under peptidergic neuronal control. Based on studies in the moth, Manduca sexta, it has been postulated that the neuropeptide Crustacean cardioactive peptide (CCAP) plays a key role in the initiation of the ecdysis motor program. We have used Drosophila bearing targeted ablations of CCAP neurons (CCAP KO animals) to investigate the role of CCAP in the execution and circadian regulation of ecdysis. CCAP KO animals showed specific defects at ecdysis, yet the severity and nature of the defects varied at different developmental stages. The majority of CCAP KO animals died at the pupal stage from the failure of pupal ecdysis, whereas larval ecdysis and adult eclosion behaviors showed only subtle defects. Interestingly, the most severe failure seen at eclosion appeared to be in a function required for abdominal inflation, which could be cardioactive in nature. Although CCAP KO populations exhibited circadian eclosion rhythms, the daily distribution of eclosion events (i.e., gating) was abnormal. Effects on the execution of ecdysis and its circadian regulation indicate that CCAP is a key regulator of the behavior. Nevertheless, an unexpected finding of this work is that the primary functions of CCAP as well as its importance in the control of ecdysis behaviors may change during the postembryonic development of Drosophila.  相似文献   

Maturation of vertebrate neuromuscular systems typically occurs in a continuous, orderly progression. After an initial period of developmental adjustment by means of cell death and axonal pruning, relatively stable relationships, with only subtle modifications, are maintained between motoneurons and their appropriate targets throughout life. However, among a restricted group of vertebrates (amphibians and especially the anuran amphibians) the sequential maturation of neuromuscular systems is altered by an abrupt reordering of the basic body plan that encompasses cellular changes in all tissues from skeleton to nervous system. Many anuran amphibians possess neuromuscular circuits that are remarkable by virtue of their complete reorganization during the brief span of metamorphosis. During this period motor systems initially designed for the behavioral patterns of aquatic tadpoles are adjusted to meet the drastically different motor activities of postmetamorphic terrestrial life. This adjustment involves the deletion of neural elements mediating larval specific activities, the accelerated maturation of neural circuits eliciting adult-specific activities and the retrofitting of larval neuromuscular components to serve postmetamorphic behaviors. This review focuses on the cellular events associated with the neuromuscular adaptation in the jaw complex during metamorphosis of the leopard frog, Rana pipiens. As part of the metamorphic reorganization of the jaw apparatus there is a complete turnover of the myofiber complement of the adductor mandibulae musculature. Trigeminal motoneurons initially deployed to the larval myofibers are redirected to new muscle fibers. Simultaneously the cellular geometry and synaptic input to these motoneurons is revamped. These changes suggest that trigeminal neuromuscular circuitry established during embryogenesis is updated during metamorphosis and reused to provide the basis for adult jaw motor activity that is far different than its larval counterpart.  相似文献   

The swimming larvae of the chordate ascidians possess a dorsal hollowed central nervous system (CNS), which is homologous to that of vertebrates. Despite the homology, the ascidian CNS consists of a countable number of cells. The simple nervous system of ascidians provides an excellent experimental system to study the developmental mechanisms of the chordate nervous system. The neural fate of the cells consisting of the ascidian CNS is determined in both autonomous and non-autonomous fashion during the cleavage stage. The ascidian neural plate performs the morphogenetic movement of neural tube closure that resembles that in vertebrate neural tube formation. Following neurulation, the CNS is separated into five distinct regions, whose homology with the regions of vertebrate CNS has been discussed. Following their larval stage, ascidians undergo a metamorphosis and become sessile adults. The metamorphosis is completed quickly, and therefore the metamorphosis of ascidians is a good experimental system to observe the reorganization of the CNS during metamorphosis. A recent study has shown that the major parts of the larval CNS remain after the metamorphosis to form the adult CNS. In contrast to such a conserved manner of CNS reorganization, most larval neurons disappear during metamorphosis. The larval glial cells in the CNS are the major source for the formation of the adult CNS, and some of the glial cells produce adult neurons.  相似文献   

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