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This work investigates the effects of maternal adrenalectomy (ADX) on the development of the adrenal medulla. Adrenal catecholamines (AC) were measured at postnatal day (PN) 1, 8, 12 and 22 in rat offspring of ADX dams and in pups of control dams. The pups of ADX rats showed a reduction in AC concentrations in the adrenal medulla at PN 1, 12 and 22, although these were higher than in the pups of sham dams at PN 8. Further, in the pups of control mothers, there was an increase in ACs during the first two weeks of life whereas pups of ADX mothers only showed increases in noradrenaline, dopamine and adrenaline levels at day 8. These results suggest that maternal absence of corticosterone affects the medulla catecholamine content during development. These data support the idea that a maternal glucocorticoids are involved in the differentiation or/and maturation of the adrenal medulla.  相似文献   

Detrimental consequences of prenatal stress include increased hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) function, anxiety and depression-like behavior in adult offspring. To identify the role of maternal corticosterone milieu in the fetal programming of adult function, we measured these same behavioral and hormonal endpoints after maternal adrenalectomy (ADX) and replacement with normal or moderately high levels of corticosterone (CORT). Adult male and female offspring exhibited differing HPA responses to maternal ADX. In female offspring of ADX mothers, exaggerated plasma ACTH stress responses were reversed by the higher, but not the lower, dose of maternal CORT. In contrast, male offspring of both ADX and ADX dams with higher CORT replacement showed exaggerated ACTH stress responses. Hypothalamic glucocorticoid receptor (GR) expression was decreased in these latter groups, while hippocampal GR increased only in the ADX offspring. Activity of young offspring of ADX dams replaced with the higher dose of CORT decreased in the open field test of exploration/anxiety, while immobility behavior of adult offspring in the forced swim test of depression increased following maternal ADX or higher levels of CORT replacement. Interestingly, for some measures, none or moderately high CORT replacement resulted in similar deficits in this study. These findings are in accord with consequences of prenatal stress or prenatal dexamethasone exposure, suggesting that a common mechanism may underlie the effects of too low or too high maternal glucocorticoids on adult HPA function and behavior.  相似文献   

"The goal of this study was to examine the effect of maternal iron deficiency on the developing hippocampus in order to define a developmental window for this effect, and to see whether iron deficiency causes changes in glucocorticoid levels. The study was carried out using pre-natal, post-natal, and pre + post-natal iron deficiency paradigm. Iron deficient pregnant dams and their pups displayed elevated corticosterone which, in turn, differentially affected glucocorticoid receptor (GR) expression in the CA1 and the dentate gyrus. Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) was reduced in the hippocampi of pups following elevated corticosterone levels. Reduced neurogenesis at P7 was seen in pups born to iron deficient mothers, and these pups had reduced numbers of hippocampal pyramidal and granule cells as adults. Hippocampal subdivision volumes also were altered. The structural and molecular defects in the pups were correlated with radial arm maze performance; reference memory function was especially affected. Pups from dams that were iron deficient throughout pregnancy and lactation displayed the complete spectrum of defects, while pups from dams that were iron deficient only during pregnancy or during lactation displayed subsets of defects. These findings show that maternal iron deficiency is associated with altered levels of corticosterone and GR expression, and with spatial memory deficits in their pups."  相似文献   

To determine if prenatal zinc deficiency has a persistent effect on metallothionein (MT) regulation, Swiss-Webster mice were mated and fed a diet containing either control (100 micrograms Zn/g) or low levels of zinc (5 micrograms Zn/g) from Day 7 of gestation to parturition. After birth all mice were given the control diet. Liver zinc and MT levels were 50% lower in newborn pups from dams fed the low zinc diets than in control pups. In control pups, liver zinc and MT concentrations were relatively stable during the first week of postnatal life. In contrast, in pups prenatally deprived of zinc, liver levels of zinc and MT increased such that by Day 3 of postnatal life, the levels were not significantly different from controls. At Day 56, serum IgM concentrations were significantly lower in the low zinc offspring. Liver zinc concentrations in the two groups of mice were similar at Day 70 postnatal, and in both groups liver MT levels were below detection limits. However, when Day 70 mice were given zinc injections to stimulate MT synthesis, the prenatally zinc deprived offspring showed markedly higher liver MT levels than did control mice given similar injections, despite similar liver zinc concentrations in the two groups. These results show that prenatal zinc deficiency has pronounced effects on postnatal MT metabolism which can persist into adulthood.  相似文献   

Genome‐wide association studies linked diacylglycerol kinase eta and iota to mood disorders, including bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, and both genes are expressed throughout the brain. Here, we generated and behaviorally characterized female mice lacking Dgkh alone, Dgki alone, and double Dgkh/Dgki‐knockout (dKO) mice. We found that fewer than 30% of newborn pups raised by dKO females survived to weaning, while over 85% of pups survived to weaning when raised by wild‐type (WT) females. Poor survival under the care of dKO mothers was unrelated to pup genotype. Moreover, pups from dKO dams survived when fostered by WT dams, suggesting the poor survival rate of dKO‐raised litters was related to impaired maternal care by dKO dams. Nest building was similar between WT and dKO dams; however, some dKO females failed to retrieve any pups in a retrieval assay. Pups raised by dKO dams had smaller or absent milk spots and reduced weight, indicative of impaired nursing. Unlike WT females, postpartum dKO females showed erratic, panicked responses to cage disturbances. Virgin dKO females showed behavioral signs of anxiety and mania, which were not seen in mice lacking either Dgkh or Dgki alone. Our research indicates that combined deletion of Dgkh and Dgki impairs maternal behavior in the early postpartum period, and suggests female dKO mice model symptoms of mania and anxiety.  相似文献   

The maternal brain undergoes remarkable physiological and behavioral changes in the peripartum period to meet the demands of the offspring. Here, the brain neuropeptides oxytocin and vasopressin, together with prolactin, play important roles. These neuropeptides are critically involved in the regulation of maternal behavior. Furthermore, reduced anxiety in lactation is another adaptation of the maternal brain. Therefore, a link between maternal behavior and maternal anxiety has been repeatedly postulated. This is supported by our studies in rats bred for high (HAB) and low (LAB) anxiety-related behavior. While female HAB rats become less anxious in lactation, their anxiety level is still four times higher compared with LAB dams. Interestingly, HAB dams display an intense and protective mothering style including increased arched back nursing and pup retrieval whereas LAB dams display only low levels of maternal care. The amount of maternal care directed towards the pups correlates with the mother's innate anxiety. In addition to differences in maternal care, HAB dams are also more protective as they show heightened aggression against a virgin intruder compared with the less aggressive LAB dams. The level of maternal aggression correlates with both their innate anxiety level as well as with the release of oxytocin and vasopressin in hypothalamic and limbic brain areas. Importantly, manipulations of the brain oxytocin and vasopressin systems alter maternal behavior and — depending on the brain region — can also alter the dam's anxiety. Thus, the mother's innate anxiety determines her maternal performance and oxytocin and vasopressin are involved in both parameters.  相似文献   

Dopamine signalling facilitates motivated behaviours, and the D2 dopamine receptor (D2R) is important in mother–infant interactions. D2R antagonists disrupt maternal behaviour and, in isolated rat pups, reduce ultrasonic vocalizations (USVs) that promote maternal interaction. Here, we examined the effects of genetic D2R signalling deficiency on pup‐dam interaction with Drd2 knockout (D2R KO) mice. Using heterozygous (HET) cross littermates, the effect of pup genotype on isolation‐induced USVs was quantified. Independent of parental genotype, D2R‐deficient pups emitted fewer USVs than wild type (WT) littermates in a gene dose‐dependent manner. Using reciprocal D2R KO‐WT crosses, we examined how parental genotype affects pup USVs. Heterozygous pups from D2R KO dams produced fewer USVs than HET pups from WT dams. Also, exposure to USV‐emitting pups increased plasma prolactin levels in WT dams but not in D2R KO dams, and KO dams showed delayed pup retrieval and nest building. These findings indicate the importance of the interaction between pup and dam genotypes on behaviour and further support the role of D2R signalling in maternal care.  相似文献   

Maternal care is an indispensable behavioral component necessary for survival and reproductive success in mammals, and postpartum maternal behavior is mediated by an incompletely understood complex interplay of signals including effects of epigenetic regulation. We approached this issue using our recently established mice with targeted deletion of heterochromatin protein 1 binding protein 3 (HP1BP3), which we found to be a novel epigenetic repressor with critical roles in postnatal growth. Here, we report a dramatic reduction in the survival of pups born to Hp1bp3?/? deficient mouse dams, which could be rescued by co‐fostering with wild‐type dams. Hp1bp3?/? females failed to retrieve both their own pups and foster pups in a pup retrieval test, and showed reduced anxiety‐like behavior in the open‐field and elevated‐plus‐maze tests. In contrast, Hp1bp3?/? females showed no deficits in behaviors often associated with impaired maternal care, including social behavior, depression, motor coordination and olfactory capability; and maintained unchanged anxiety‐associated hallmarks such as cholinergic status and brain miRNA profiles. Collectively, our results suggest a novel role for HP1BP3 in regulating maternal and anxiety‐related behavior in mice and call for exploring ways to manipulate this epigenetic process.  相似文献   

Hatano high- and low-avoidance (in a two-way active avoidance task) animals (HAA and LAA, respectively) were successfully selected from a Sprague-Dawley rat population. Pup growth of both strains was dependent on the maternal strain in a cross-fostering study. To determine whether there are strain-specific differences between HAA and LAA in maternal care, both strains of dams were subjected to a test battery as measured by nest building, home cage behavior, pup retrieval, and milk ejection tests. In addition, changes in plasma concentrations of lactotropic and corticotropic hormones such as prolactin, ACTH, and corticosterone were examined during lactation. The test battery indicated that the dams of both strains built good nests and spent an identical amount of time with their offspring. However, LAA dams showed a prolonged latency time for pup retrieval and often left pups outside the nest until the end of the test period. LAA dams also showed a decreased amount of milk ejection, whereas no strain differences were observed in milk ejection after oxytocin treatment. During lactation, a lesser increase in plasma concentrations of prolactin and a greater increase in ACTH were found in LAA dams. There were no differences between the two strains in plasma concentrations of corticosterone. These results clearly demonstrated decreases in maternal behavior and milk ejection in LAA as compared to HAA dams. The present results also suggest that maternal motivation and mechanisms responsible for maternal hormones related to suckling are involved in the degree of pup growth.  相似文献   

Maternal care is an indispensable component of offspring survival and development in all mammals and necessary for reproductive success. Although brain areas regulating maternal behaviors are innervated by serotonergic afferents, very little is known about the role of this neurotransmitter in these behaviors. To evaluate the contribution of serotonin to maternal care, we used mice with a null mutation in the gene for tryptophan hydroxylase‐2 (TPH2), which results in a genetic depletion of brain serotonin, and tested them in a wide range of maternal behavior paradigms. We found that litters born to and reared by TPH2?/? mothers showed decreased survival, lower weaning weights and increased cannibalization. In addition, TPH2?/? mothers performed poorly in pup retrieval, huddling, nest construction and high‐arched back nursing. Aggression in TPH2?/? dams was not triggered by lactation and was steadily high. Survival and weaning weight deficits of TPH2?/? pups were rescued by cross‐fostering and in litters of mixed genotype (TPH2?/? and TPH2?/+). However, the maternal behaviors of TPH2?/? dams did not improve when rearing either TPH2+/+ pups or mixed‐genotype litters. In addition, TPH2?/? pups significantly worsened the behavior of TPH2+/+ dams with respect to cannibalism, weaning weight and latency to attack. Olfactory and auditory functions of TPH2?/? females or anxiety‐like behaviors did not account for these maternal alterations as they were equal to their TPH2+/+ counterparts. These findings illustrate a profound influence of brain serotonin on virtually all elements of maternal behavior and establish that TPH2?/? pups can engender maladaptive mothering in dams of both genotypes.  相似文献   

WAG/Rij rats, a genetic animal model of absence epilepsy with comorbidity of depression, exhibit behavioral depression‐like symptoms and spontaneous generalized spike‐wave discharges (SWDs) in the EEG at the age of 6 to 8 months. The aim of the present study was to test the hypothesis that maternal care is an environmental factor which, along with genetic predisposition, may contribute to the expression of absence seizures and depression‐like comorbidity later in life. To achieve this, a cross‐fostering procedure was used. EEG and behavior in the forced swimming test were analyzed in WAG/Rij and Wistar offspring reared by their own mothers (non‐cross‐fostered), foster mothers of the same strain (in‐fostered) or another strain (cross‐fostered) at the age of 7 to 8 months. Maternal care and forced swimming test behavior were assessed in the dams. WAG/Rij mothers showed depression‐like behavior and reduced maternal care irrespective of litter size and litter composition (own or foster pups) compared with Wistar dams. WAG/Rij offspring reared by Wistar dams with a high level of maternal care exhibited less and shorter SWDs and reduced depression‐like comorbidity in adulthood compared with age‐matched WAG/Rij offspring reared by their own or foster WAG/Rij mothers with a low level of maternal care. Moreover, rearing by Wistar mothers delayed the onset of absence epilepsy in WAG/Rij rats. Adoption by WAG/Rij dams did not change EEG and behavior in Wistar rats. Our study demonstrates that improvement of early care‐giving environment can be used as a disease‐modifying treatment to counteract epileptogenesis and behavioral comorbidities in genetic absence epilepsy.  相似文献   

Impact of intra- and interstrain cross-fostering on mouse maternal care   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The importance of maternal care in shaping an individual's phenotype in health and disease is becoming more and more apparent in both human and animal studies. However, in mouse studies using inbred strains or knockout mice to analyze the genetic influences on the development of normal and aberrant behavioral phenotypes, maternal behavior is very poorly characterized and often ignored. This study provides an extensive analysis of spontaneous maternal behavior of inbred mice in three conditions: (1) comparing two commonly used strains, (2) analyzing the impact of adopting pups from the same strain (intrastrain cross-fostering) and (3) analyzing the impact of adopting pups from a different strain (interstrain cross-fostering). For each condition, maternal behavior was analyzed continuously over 23-h periods on postnatal days 2, 4, 6 and 9. We report that (1) the maternal behavior of C57BL/6J and DBA/2J dams toward their biological offspring is highly similar, (2) intrastrain cross-fostering has minimal impact on maternal behavior of C57BL/6J and DBA/2J dams, (3) interstrain cross-fostering does not modify the strain differences in maternal care observed between AKR and C3H/He mothers and (4) the pup strain does influence the amount of maternal behavior shown by both mothers in interstrain cross-fostering. These latter findings demonstrate that both mother strain and pup strain are key determinants of maternal behavior.  相似文献   

The effects of maternal Zn, Cu, or Fe deficiencies during late gestation on hepatic levels of metals and metallothionein (MT) and the binding of Zn and Cu to protein fractions were investigated in newborn rats. Timed pregnant rats were fed one of the following diets: Zn deficient (Zn-D), Cu-D, Fe-D, or control from day 12 of gestation until birth. The specific nutritional deficiency status of the dams was confirmed by low plasma levels of the deficient metal. Livers from pups were analyzed for MT, metal content, and metal-protein binding. Maternal Zn-D resulted in a greater than 50% reduction of hepatic MT levels in pups, whereas Cu-D and Fe-D had no significant effects. Pups in each deficient group showed a significant decrease in the hepatic levels of the respective metals. Fractionation of hepatic cytosols from the pups by Sephadex G-75 gel filtration showed that in both Fe-D and Cu-D pups the respective metals were depleted from the high molecular weight protein fraction, whereas in Zn-D pups the Zn was depleted mainly from the MT fraction (Ve/V0 approximately 2). Incorporation of [35S] cysteine into MT fractions was significantly lower in Zn-D pups as compared with control pups. These results indicate that there is a specific effect of the maternal Zn-D on the hepatic storage of Zn as MT in newborn rats.  相似文献   

Hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA) response to a mild stressful procedure was investigated in mice at Days 8, 10, 12, and 14 of postnatal development. Pups that were removed from the dam and exposed to a novel odor (clean bedding) for 15 min showed higher plasma corticosterone levels than pups whose mother was removed from the cage for 15 min or unhandled pups at all ages, although statistically significant differences were only evident at Days 12 and 14. Lower HPA axis responding in younger mice was not due to immaturity since 8-day-old mice showed a significant and larger increase of plasma corticosterone levels when separated from the mother and isolated from littermates in the absence of bedding. Mice daily exposed to clean bedding (15 min) for the first 13 days of life did not show reduced plasma corticosterone response when reexposed to the stressor at 14 days of age. Conversely, increased plasma corticosterone levels in dams in response to removal of pups was not detectable after repeated exposure to this manipulation (14 days) regardless of the procedure their pups were submitted to, thus ruling out a role of maternal corticosterone passing through the milk on which the pups were fed. These results demonstrate that 15 min exposure to clean bedding is a noninvasive procedure able to elicit HPA axis response in developing mice over a wide age range without producing habituation.  相似文献   

Social stressors such as depressed maternal care and family conflict are robust challenges which can have long-term physiological and behavioral effects on offspring and future generations. The current study investigates the transgenerational effects of an ethologically relevant chronic social stress on the behavior and endocrinology of juvenile and adult rats. Exposure to chronic social stress during lactation impairs maternal care in F0 lactating dams and the maternal care of the F1 offspring of those stressed F0 dams. The overall hypothesis was that the male and female F2 offspring of stressed F1 dams would display decreased social behavior as both juveniles and adults and that these behavioral effects would be accompanied by changes in plasma corticosterone, prolactin, and oxytocin. Both the female and male F2 offspring of dams exposed to chronic social stress displayed decreased social behavior as juveniles and adults, and these behavioral effects were accompanied by decreases in basal concentrations of corticosterone in both sexes, as well as elevated juvenile oxytocin and decreased adult prolactin in the female offspring. The data support the conclusion that social stress has transgenerational effects on the social behavior of the female and male offspring which are mediated by changes in the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis and hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal axis. Social stress models are valuable resources in the study of the transgenerational effects of stress on the behavioral endocrinology of disorders such as depression, anxiety, autism, and other disorders involving disrupted social behavior.  相似文献   

A better understanding of the molecular and cellular mechanisms by which early life stress (ELS) modifies brain development and adult behavior is necessary for diagnosing and treating psychopathology associated with exposure to ELS. For historical reasons, most of the work in rodents has been done in rats and attempts to establish robust and reproducible paradigms in the mouse have proven to be challenging. Here we show that under normal rearing conditions, increased levels of postnatal maternal care are associated with a decrease in anxiety-like behavior in BALB/cByj offspring. Brief daily pup-dam separation (BDS) during the postnatal period was associated with increased postnatal maternal care but was surprisingly associated with increased anxiety-like behavior in adult offspring, providing the first example in which offspring receiving higher levels of postnatal maternal care are more anxious in adulthood. Plasma corticosterone levels were elevated in BDS pups even 3 h after the pups were reunited with the dam, suggesting that this paradigm represents a form of early life stress. We also show that levels of total RNA and DNA in the hippocampus reach a peak at postnatal day 14 and that exposure to BDS seems to inhibit this developmental growth spurt. We propose that exposure to stress during the postnatal period overrides the ability of high levels of postnatal maternal care to program anxiety-like behavior by inhibiting the normal growth spurt that characterizes this period.  相似文献   

Maternal stress and malnutrition modify intrauterine fetal development with impact on postnatal blood pressure, nutrient, water, and electrolyte metabolism. The present study explored the possible involvement of maternal serum- and glucocorticoid-inducible kinase (SGK)-1 in fetal programming of blood pressure. To this end, wild-type (sgk1(+/+)) male mice were mated with SGK1 knockout (sgk1(-/-)) female mice, and sgk1(-/-) males with sgk1(+/+) females, resulting in both cases in heterozygotic (sgk1(-/+)) offspring. Following prenatal protein restriction, the offspring of sgk1(+/+) mothers gained weight significantly slower and had significantly higher blood pressure after birth. Moreover, a sexual dimorphism was apparent in fasting blood glucose and plasma corticosterone concentrations, with higher levels in female offspring. In contrast, prenatal protein restriction of sgk1(-/-) mothers had no significant effect on postnatal weight gain, blood pressure, plasma glucose concentration, or corticosterone levels, irrespective of offspring sex. Plasma aldosterone concentration, urinary flow rates, and urinary excretions of Na(+) and K(+) were not significantly modified by either maternal genotype or nutritional manipulation. In conclusion, maternal signals mediated by SGK1 may play a decisive role in fetal programming of hypertension induced by prenatal protein restriction.  相似文献   

Stress during pregnancy and the postpartum can influence the well-being of both the mother and her offspring. Prolonged elevated levels of glucocorticoids are associated with depression and we developed an animal model of postpartum depression/stress based on high levels of corticosterone (CORT) during the postpartum. Gestational stress is a risk factor for postpartum depression and prenatal and/or postnatal high levels of CORT may have differential effects on the mother. Thus the present study was conducted to investigate the effects of low (10 mg/kg) or high levels of CORT (40 mg/kg) given to dams either during gestation, postpartum or across both gestation and postpartum on maternal care, depressive-like behavior and hippocampal cell proliferation in the dam. Only the high dose of CORT administered during the postpartum increased depressive-like behavior in the dam. Furthermore the high dose of CORT altered maternal care (reduced time spent on the nest and nursing) regardless of whether administration of CORT was during gestation or postpartum. Gestational and/or postpartum treatment with high CORT and postpartum low CORT reduced cell proliferation in the dentate gyrus of postpartum dams compared to oil-treated controls. Thus prolonged treatment with high levels of CORT postpartum reduced maternal care, hippocampal cell proliferation and induced depressive-like behavior in the dam and therefore might be considered an animal model of postpartum depression. More research is needed to understand the effects of stress hormones during different phases of reproduction and how they affect the brain and behavior of the mother and her offspring.  相似文献   

Selective breeding of rats exhibiting differences in novelty-induced locomotion revealed that this trait predicts several differences in emotional behavior. Bred High Responders (bHRs) show exaggerated novelty-induced locomotion, aggression, and psychostimulant self-administration, compared to bred Low Responders (bLRs), which are inhibited and prone to anxiety- and depression-like behavior. Our breeding studies highlight the heritability of the bHR/bLR phenotypes, although environmental factors like maternal care also shape some aspects of these traits. We previously reported that HR vs. LR mothers act differently, but it was unclear whether their behaviors were genetically driven or influenced by their pups. The present study (a) used cross-fostering to evaluate whether the bHR/bLR maternal styles are inherent to mothers and/or are modulated by pups; and (b) assessed oxytocin and oxytocin receptor mRNA expression to examine possible underpinnings of bHR/bLR maternal differences. While bHR dams exhibited less maternal behavior than bLRs during the dark/active phase, they were very attentive to pups during the light phase, spending greater time passive nursing and in contact with pups compared to bLRs. Cross-fostering only subtly changed bHR and bLR dams' behavior, suggesting that their distinct maternal styles are largely inherent to the mothers. We also found elevated oxytocin mRNA levels in the supraoptic nucleus of the hypothalamus in bHR versus bLR dams, which may play some role in driving their behavior differences. Overall these studies shed light on the interplay between the genetics of mothers and infants in driving differences in maternal style.  相似文献   

Iodine deficiency disorders affect reproductive performance in the afflicted populations. Environmental iodine deficiency (ID) and goitrogens are important in their aetiology. We observed earlier that chronic maternal dietary ID but not goitrogen feeding altered the blood-brain barrier nutrient transport in adult rats. Whether similar differences exist in their effects on reproduction of dams and postnatal performance of the offspring has been assessed. Inbred, female, weaning WNIN rats were rendered hypothyroid by feeding for 8-12 weeks, a low iodine test diet or a control diet with added potassium thiocyanate (KSCN) (@ 25 mg/rat/day). Following mating with control males, they continued on their respective diets till their pups were weaned. Indices of reproductive performance such as percentage of conception, mortality of dams during pregnancy and parturition, litter size, and survival of pups till weaning were affected markedly by ID but not thiocyanate feeding. Neither ID nor thiocyanate feeding from conception or parturition affected their reproductive performance. Nevertheless, postnatal weight gain of pups was less in all the three ID groups but not thiocyanate fed dams. Rehabilitation of chronically ID pregnant dams from conception or parturition did not improve their pregnancy weight gain, litter size or birth weight of pups but decreased abortion and mortality of mothers during pregnancy and parturition. Rehabilitation improved the pups' postnatal weight gain but the effect was only moderate. Based on the results of the present study it may be suggested that maternal ID but not thiocyanate feeding affects reproductive performance and postnatal performance of their offspring.  相似文献   

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