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David  Lack 《Ibis》1950,92(2):288-316

Raymond  Lévêque 《Ibis》1964,106(1):52-62

A systematic account is given of the birds of the Santa Elena peninsula in S.W. Ecuador, based on three years observations (1954-7) and a collection of 425 skins. The status of individual species is decribed and the different elements of the avifauna discussed, viz. the Equatorial arid fauna, Nearctic migrants, sea-birds, and other wide-ranging forms and waterfowl. Seasonal movements of species of the Equatorial arid fauna are indicated in greater detail than has been previously known. The effect of a recently constructed reservoir on the bird life is mentioned. More detailed knowledge of the occurrence of species from the cold Humboldt current is provided. Several additions to the Ecuadorian list are given, and some birds recorded which were hitherto unknown or very rarely recorded from the west coast of S. America. Various matters of taxonomy affecting races of birds along the whole west coast of S. America are discussed.  相似文献   

The breeding season on the Santa Elena peninsula in S.W. Ecuador is described on the basis of 1761 nests found in the four years 1955 to 1958. The environment and climate are outlined—a cool, dry season from about May to November and a warm, variable wet season from December to April, when alone rain may fall. It is shown that each year the general breeding season is closely correlated with the rainfall. The peak of breeding varies from year to year by at least a month and its length from about six weeks to three and a half months.
Although all species for which there are enough data, are stimulated to breed after important falls of rain, most of those species of small land-birds which are completely resident, attempt to nest before the rain and often continue for some time afterwards. Some specific differences, between seed- and insect-eating finches, seem to be adaptations to food supply and the availability of nest sites and building material. Such evidence as there is suggests that raptors, waders and waterfowl also nest in the wet season (often late), rather than in the dry season. (Unfortunately herons and sea-birds do not nest in the area.)
Annual differences in the amount of breeding by the same species are thought not to be entirely due to differences in weather between years.
It is suggested that the late (August-September) breeding in the Galápagos Islands described by Lack (1950) and the apparent dry-season nesting of raptors, waders and waterfowl there might be found to be linked with variable or abnormally wet weather, if records of rainfall from the islands were available.  相似文献   

E. Pike 《Ostrich》2013,84(3):115-129
Wintle, C. C. &; Taylor, P. B. 1993. Sequential polyandry, behaviour and moult in captive Striped Crakes Aenigmatolimnas marginalis. Ostrich 64:115-122.

Captive Striped Crakes showed sequential polyandry, the female laying for a second male when the clutch of her first mate was about to hatch. Where aviary space permitted each male set up a breeding territory and each female defended a larger area encompassing the territories of one or two males. Non-territorial subordinate males and females did not breed. The female initiated breeding by attracting the male and soliciting copulation, and the male incubated the eggs and cared for the young. Incubation took 17–18 days, the chicks left the nest at 4–5 days of age and were fully grown and capable of flight at 46–53 days. Breeding occurred from September to March and males normally reared two broods per season. Territoriality was evident only during the breeding season. Juvenile plumage was a duller version of the sexually dimorphic adult plumage; post-juvenile moult bean at 13–15 weeks and was complete at 21 weeks. Remex moult was simultaneous and a complete moult regular1 occurred twice a year in adults, in December and April (males) and September and March/April (females).  相似文献   

R. E. Moreau. 《Ibis》1950,92(3):419-433
1. All the available data, largely unpublished, are assembled for sea-birds breeding in African waters, about 36° N.-36° S.
2. An ill-defined breeding season by any species at any station is exceptional.
3. North of the Equator practically all sea-birds breed in spring or summer.
4. South of the Equator there is much more variation. Round the Cape there is a good deal of mid-winter breeding, mainly in stations affected by the warm Agulhas current.
5. On the east coast most of the breeding takes place in the period June–August from the Gulf of Suez (27° N.) to the mouth of the Zambesi (19° S.) and beyond, i.e. in the hottest months north of the Equator and the coolest months south of it.  相似文献   

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