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实施分级诊疗制度是深化我国医药卫生体制改革的核心战略要求,其实质是在卫生、财政、医保、药品监督等多部门协同作用下,各层医疗机构之间实现诊疗服务的科学性和连续性,形成预防、治疗、康复等有机整体,达到合理有序的就医格局。当前的分级诊疗制度存在分级诊疗体系建设不完善,基层首诊实现程度低,缺乏利益激励机制以及信息化程度不高等问题,对此提出相应的建设性对策,以实现分级诊疗制度的可持续推进。  相似文献   

目的 通过对公立医院薪酬体系的利益者相关分析,深入了解公立医院薪酬体系面临的内外部环境中的利益相关群体。方法 采用米切尔评分法将可能的利益相关者从权利性、合法性、紧急性3个维度进行评分,根据得分情况来确定利益相关者类型。结果 公立医院薪酬体系的利益相关者共确定30个利益相关者,其中核心利益相关者12个,潜在利益相关者15个,边缘型利益相关者3个。结论 公立医院薪酬体系是各个利益相关者的连接体,构建合理的薪酬体系需要各个利益相关者的共同支持,并最终实现医生自身利益和患者利益及社会效益的均衡。  相似文献   

随着医药卫生体制改革的不断深化,组建医疗联合体成为公立医院改革的新趋势。通过对医疗联合体利益相关者分析,组建区域性医疗联合体,对于联合体成员,包括核心医院和其他成员医院,还有政府或者患者都是有利的。因此,政府应在政策上对区域性医疗联合体给予更多支持,充分发挥医疗联合体的优势效应,促进公立医院的发展。  相似文献   

目的 深化家庭医生首诊职能的实施。方法 设立激励机制,赋予家庭医生使用三级医疗机构资源的权限,对通过家庭医生首诊的患者给予优先处理措施,向家庭医生反馈患者就诊信息。结果 接受家庭医生首诊的55名患者对服务的评价较为积极。结论 三级医疗机构和社区卫生服务中心均能够通过家庭医生首诊的实施获益。  相似文献   

利用利益相关者理论分析我国深圳社区健康中心与医院双向转诊中的各方利益者,包括主要利益相关者、次要利益相关者和外部利益相关者。社区居民、社区健康服务中心能获得预期利益,但是由于这些利益集团动用资源能力较弱,所以双向转诊仍然需要发挥政府的主导作用。  相似文献   

从利益相关者角度剖析国内外生态旅游实践的变形   总被引:34,自引:2,他引:34  
尽管很多学者和组织机构对生态旅游的内涵作出过阐述,但生态旅游的实践却相差甚大。尤其在中国,由于“99生态旅游年”的影响,在自然环境中进行的所有旅游活动形式几乎都打上了生态旅游的标签。针对现实中伪生态旅游的泛滥,有必要对那些不规范的生态旅游提出专业的要求。生态旅游真正实现的关键在于其所涉及的不同利益群体之间的关系中,主要包括当地政府、当地居民、旅游经营者和生态旅游者。从利益相关者角度对生态旅游实践中存在或潜在的各种问题进行了剖析,探索那些伪生态旅游所存在问题的根源。  相似文献   

目的 准确识别公立医院治理制度变革涉及的各利益相关者,厘清各方之间的关系和地位,推进公立医院治理制度改革。方法 采用文献综述法、政策法规分析法和专家访谈法,采访地方行政官员、医院管理者和临床医生等共15人,列举分析各个利益相关者的类型和改革中的职权变化。结果 公立医院治理制度改革涉及14个利益相关者,改革的推进会导致各利益相关方工作量的增加或权益的减少,改革比较复杂,难度较大。结论 利益相关者在公立医院治理制度改革中的力量不容小觑,行政决策首脑必须明确改革的方向,描绘清晰的愿景,设立权威联系人,建立联动机制,设立改革专项经费,补偿各利益相关者的额外劳务,才能保证改革的可行性。  相似文献   

三明市药品供应保障改革中涉及四大方面的主要利益相关者,即政府部门、医药企业、医疗服务提供者和医疗服务需求者。本研究重点分析各利益相关者在改革中的角色定位、基本诉求,各利益相关者影响改革或受改革影响的情况,以及改革中可能存在的问题,有利于明晰改革的动力和阻力,为三明改革的可持续性与可复制性提供建议。  相似文献   

我国省级层面分级诊疗文件比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过访问各省(区、市)卫生计生委的官方网站,获取有关分级诊疗政策的文件,在获取国家卫计委和万方、知网的相关分级诊疗文献的基础上,对各省(区、市)2016年2月28日以前的分级诊疗文件进行分析研究,通过对比各省分级诊疗文件的基本情况和实施措施等具体内容,分析不同省份在分级诊疗文件内容设定中存在的问题,从而为未来的分级诊疗决策和实践提供经验。  相似文献   

远程医疗是一个多维的复杂的系统,它涉及众多不同利益主体,包括政府、各级卫生行政部门、医院、医生、患者和软硬件企业等。本研究依据利益相关者理论,首先将远程医疗利益相关者进行分类,然后分析他们的利益诉求,最后提出促进远程医疗发展的有效策略。  相似文献   

王颐  蒲永东  杨波 《生物磁学》2011,(2):314-316
目的:总结并探讨原发性腹膜后肿瘤(PRPT)的诊断及治疗方法。方法:回顾并分析2004年1月至2009年12月收治的46例腹膜后肿瘤患者的临床资料及随访结果。结果:良性肿瘤17例,完整切除15例,部分切除2例,复发4例,均再次手术;恶性肿瘤29例,完整切除10例,部分切除15例,活检2例,复发6例,再次手术4例。随访时间0.5至5年,良性肿瘤死于其他疾病3例,死于原发性腹膜后肿瘤1例;恶性肿瘤死亡22例,其中1年内死亡8例,3年内死亡12例,5年内死亡2例。结论:对原发性腹膜后肿瘤,B超、CT及MRI检查是目前诊断PRPT方便、有效的诊断手段,手术治疗是治疗PRPT的首选治疗方式,完整切除肿瘤是影响PRPT治疗效果及其预后的重要因素。对于复发病例应选择再次手术治疗。  相似文献   

目的:总结并探讨原发性腹膜后肿瘤(PRPT)的诊断及治疗方法。方法:回顾并分析2004年1月至2009年12月收治的46例腹膜后肿瘤患者的临床资料及随访结果。结果:良性肿瘤17例,完整切除15例,部分切除2例,复发4例,均再次手术;恶性肿瘤29例,完整切除10例,部分切除15例,活检2例,复发6例,再次手术4例。随访时间0.5至5年,良性肿瘤死于其他疾病3例,死于原发性腹膜后肿瘤1例;恶性肿瘤死亡22例,其中1年内死亡8例,3年内死亡12例,5年内死亡2例。结论:对原发性腹膜后肿瘤,B超、CT及MRI检查是目前诊断PRPT方便、有效的诊断手段,手术治疗是治疗PRPT的首选治疗方式,完整切除肿瘤是影响PRPT治疗效果及其预后的重要因素。对于复发病例应选择再次手术治疗。  相似文献   



Historically, urinary aldosterone level measurement was a commonly employed confirmatory test to detect primary aldosteronism (PA). However, 24-h urine collection is inconvenient and cumbersome. We hypothesized that random urinary aldosterone measurements with correction for creatinine concentration might be comparable to 24-h urinary aldosterone levels (Uald-24 h) in the diagnosis of PA.


The non-concurrent prospective study was conducted between June 2006 and March 2008 in patients admitted for confirmation of aldosteronism by salt loading test. A 24-h urine sample, which was collected during hospitalization on the day before saline infusion testing after restoration of serum hypokalemia, was collected from all subjects. Moreover, participants were asked to collect a first bladder voiding random urine sample during clinic visits. Uald-24 h and the random urinary aldosterone-to-creatinine ratio (UACR) were calculated accordingly.


A total of 102 PA patients (71 patients diagnosed of aldosterone-producing adenoma, 31 with idiopathic hyperaldosteronism) and 65 patients with EH were enrolled. The receiver operating characteristic curve showed comparable areas under the curves of UACR and Uald-24 h. The Bland-Altman plot showed mean bias but no obvious heteroscedasticity between the two tests. When using random UACR >3.0 ng/mg creatinine as the cutoff value, we obtained a specificity of 90.6% to confirm PA from essential hypertension.


Our study reinforce that the diagnostic accuracy of random UACR was comparable to that of Uald-24 h in PA patients. With the quickness and simplicity of the UACR method and its equivalence to Uald-24 h, this assay could be a good alternative diagnostic tool for PA confirmation.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic value of bone density changes in lumbar vertebrae and femoral necks in patients with primary osteoporosis (OP) at various ages. Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) scans were performed on patients who had their primary visits between March 2008 and February 2009. The bone mineral density (BMD) of the lumbar vertebrae 1-4 (L1-L4) in anteroposterior projection and the proximal femoral neck in lateral projection were measured. If the BMD values (T score) of any site is -2.5 or less (T ≤?-2.5), the patients were diagnosed as primary OP, and the T scores were statistically analyzed. The 81 patients who had lumbar vertebrae with a T ≤?-2.5 led to a positive rate of 80.1?% in the diagnosis of primary OP; the 47 patients who had femoral neck with a T ≤?-2.5 gave a positive rate of 47.0?%. The patients with type I or type II primary OP were divided into two age groups of ≤70 and ≥71?years old. The comparison of lumbar spine T score values did not show significant statistical difference (P?>?0.05) between the age groups, while the result of the femoral necks revealed significant difference between the two groups (P?相似文献   

The diagnosis of primary cancer of the liver was reviewed in 75 patients. A definitive diagnosis was made during life in 63% and in a further 20% this condition was suspected though histological confirmation was obtained only at necropsy. The most common presenting complaints were abdominal pain and weight loss and the most frequent findings hepatomegaly and ascites. Less than one-half of the patients were jaundiced and when present it was usually mild. An arterial bruit was heard over the liver in 25% of the patients. A sudden and unexplained deterioration in a patient known to have cirrhosis or haemochromatosis should raise the possibility of a primary hepatic tumour; this occurred in 24% of our patients.Alpha-fetoprotein was found in the serum of 11 out of 18 cases. The presence of a mass in the liver was frequently confirmed by liver scan, portal venography, or hepatic arteriography, but these showed no features diagnostic of a primary tumour. Liver scan also proved useful in localizing the lesion for biopsy purposes. Definitive diagnosis is dependent on the histological demonstration of the features of the tumour. This can frequently be achieved by percutaneous needle biopsy, which was positive in 38 out of 57 patients. Wedge biopsies were positive in a further nine patients.  相似文献   

Avian influenza is a major animal and public health concern in Bangladesh. A decade after development and implementation of the first national avian influenza and human pandemic influenza preparedness and response plan in Bangladesh, a two-stage qualitative stakeholder analysis was performed in relation to the policy development process and the actual policy. This study specifically aimed to identify the future policy options to prevent and control avian influenza and other poultry-related zoonotic diseases in Bangladesh. It was recommended that the policy should be based on the One Health concept, be evidence-based, sustainable, reviewed and updated as necessary. The future policy environment that is suitable for developing and implementing these policies should take into account the following points: the need to formally engage multiple sectors, the need for clear and acceptable leadership, roles and responsibilities and the need for a common pool of resources and provision for transferring resources. Most of these recommendations are directed towards the Government of Bangladesh. However, other sectors, including research and poultry production stakeholders, also have a major role to play to inform policy making and actively participate in the multi-sectoral approach.  相似文献   

In the context of global change, symbiotic cnidarians are largely affected by seawater temperature elevation leading to symbiosis breakdown. This process, also called bleaching, is triggered by the dysfunction of the symbiont photosystems causing an oxidative stress and cell death to both symbiont and host cells. In our study, we wanted to elucidate the intrinsic capacity of isolated animal cells to deal with thermal stress in the absence of symbiont. In that aim, we have characterized an animal primary cell culture form regenerating tentacles of the temperate sea anemone Anemonia viridis. We first compared the potential of whole tissue tentacle or separated epidermal or gastrodermal monolayers as tissue sources to settle animal cell cultures. Interestingly, only isolated cells extracted from whole tentacles allowed establishing a viable and proliferative primary cell culture throughout 31 days. The analysis of the expression of tissue-specific and pluripotency markers defined cultivated cells as differentiated cells with gastrodermal origin. The characterization of the animal primary cell culture allowed us to submit the obtained gastrodermal cells to hyperthermal stress (+?5 and +?8 °C) during 1 and 7 days. Though cell viability was not affected at both hyperthermal stress conditions, cell growth drastically decreased. In addition, only a +?8 °C hyperthermia induced a transient increase of antioxidant defences at 1 day but no ubiquitin or carbonylation protein damages. These results demonstrated an intrinsic resistance of cnidarian gastrodermal cells to hyperthermal stress and then confirmed the role of symbionts in the hyperthermia sensitivity leading to bleaching.  相似文献   

IntroductionOver 80% of the nearly 1 million men diagnosed with prostate cancer annually worldwide present with localised or locally advanced non-metastatic disease. Risk stratification is the cornerstone for clinical decision making and treatment selection for these men. The most widely applied stratification systems use presenting prostate-specific antigen (PSA) concentration, biopsy Gleason grade, and clinical stage to classify patients as low, intermediate, or high risk. There is, however, significant heterogeneity in outcomes within these standard groupings. The International Society of Urological Pathology (ISUP) has recently adopted a prognosis-based pathological classification that has yet to be included within a risk stratification system. Here we developed and tested a new stratification system based on the number of individual risk factors and incorporating the new ISUP prognostic score.ConclusionsA novel and simple five-stratum risk stratification system outperforms the standard three-stratum risk stratification system in predicting the risk of PCSM at diagnosis in men with primary non-metastatic prostate cancer, even when accounting for competing risks. This model also allows delineation of new clinically relevant subgroups of men who might potentially receive more appropriate therapy for their disease. Future research will seek to validate our results in external datasets and will explore the value of including additional variables in the system in order in improve prognostic performance.  相似文献   



Early detection of cancer is an effective and efficient cancer management strategy. In South Korea, the National Health Insurance administers the National Cancer Screening Program to its beneficiaries. We examined the impact of the National Cancer Screening Program on socioeconomic disparities in cancer stage at diagnosis.


Cancer patients registered in the Korean Central Cancer Registry from January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2010 with a diagnosis of gastric cancer (n = 22,470), colon cancer (n = 16,323), breast cancer (n = 10,076), or uterine cervical cancer (n = 2,447) were included. Income level was divided into three groups according to their monthly contribution of National Health Insurance. We employed absolute (age-standardized prevalence rate, slope index of inequality) and relative (relative index of inequality) measures to separately examine social disparities among participants and non-participants of the National Cancer Screening Program in terms of the early-stage rate.


Age-standardized prevalence rates of early-stage by income group were always higher in participants than in non-participants. Furthermore, the age-standardized prevalence rate of early-stage in the low income group of the participants was also higher than that of the high income group of the non-participants. The sizes of disparities (both slope index of inequality and relative index of inequality) are smaller in participants compared to non-participants.


National Cancer Screening Program participation reduced income disparity in cancer stage at diagnosis. Population-based cancer screening programs can be used as an effective measure to reduce income disparity in cancer care.  相似文献   

Primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) is the most common form of glaucoma and one of the leading causes of vision loss worldwide. The genetic etiology of POAG is complex and poorly understood. The purpose of this work is to identify genomic regions of interest linked to POAG. This study is the largest genetic linkage study of POAG performed to date: genomic DNA samples from 786 subjects (538 Caucasian ancestry, 248 African ancestry) were genotyped using either the Illumina GoldenGate Linkage 4 Panel or the Illumina Infinium Human Linkage-12 Panel. A total of 5233 SNPs was analyzed in 134 multiplex POAG families (89 Caucasian ancestry, 45 African ancestry). Parametric and non-parametric linkage analyses were performed on the overall dataset and within race-specific datasets (Caucasian ancestry and African ancestry). Ordered subset analysis was used to stratify the data on the basis of age of glaucoma diagnosis. Novel linkage regions were identified on chromosomes 1 and 20, and two previously described loci—GLC1D on chromosome 8 and GLC1I on chromosome 15—were replicated. These data will prove valuable in the context of interpreting results from genome-wide association studies for POAG.  相似文献   

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