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目的 分析北京市中医医院运行效率现状并对三级、二级中医医院进行对比分析,探索其影响因素并为医院决策提供建议。方法 采用描述性统计分析方法描述各项指标基本情况,采用数据包络分析Malmquist指数模型分析运行效率及变化趋势。结果 2012—2013年9家三级医院全要素生产率上升,10家二级医院全要素生产率上升;2013—2014年6家三级医院全要素生产率上升,8家二级医院全要素生产率上升。结论 近三年二级中医医院运行效率高于三级医院运行效率;三级医院运行效率差异明显,二级医院技术与效率同步提高;技术进步为医院运行效率提高有利因素;效率降低为医院运行效率降低主要原因。  相似文献   

目的 基于2014年全国30个省份医院的横截面数据,分析其技术效率和影响因素,为提高医院运行效率提供建议。方法 采用超效率DEA模型计算各省份医院的技术效率,采用多元线性回归探讨医院技术效率的影响因素。结果 30个省份医院的超效率平均值是0.995,其中13个省份DEA有效,非DEA有效医院若达到DEA有效可少开办医院3 596所,少雇佣卫生人员429 594人,节省床位332 304张。医院数与病床使用率对技术效率的影响具有统计学意义。结论 全国30个省份医院之间技术效率差异较大,投入相对过剩,需进一步合理配置医疗卫生资源,提高医院整体运行效率。  相似文献   

目的 通过总结数据包络分析在临床科室效率测算中的应用,为医院绩效管理提供一种量化管理技术。方法 应用数据包络分析测算临床科室的相对效率、生产率变化率。通过对测算结果的描述分析,得到临床科室的效率评价结果。将数据测算及分析结果与职能科室管理者对临床科室效率的定性评价进行比较。结果 测算数据的描述分析结果与临床科室绩效的管理者评价具有一致性。结论 数据包络分析在医院临床科室绩效管理中具有实际应用价值、是绩效管理者的有效管理技术。  相似文献   

目的 了解医院是否存在规模经济及适宜床位规模大小。方法 利用浙江省500张床及以上综合性医院数据,用主、客观结合的方式和效率回归调整模型筛选评价指标,用数据包络分析方法和Tobit回归模型进行实证分析。结果 所有决策单元的总体效率和纯技术效率、规模效率平均得分均大于0.93;36%的单元为总体有效,65%的单元为纯技术有效,43%的单元为规模有效;43%的单元处于规模报酬不变区间,42%的单元处于报酬递增区间,15%的单元处于报酬递减区间;全要素生产率平均呈下降;效率的影响因素主要有床位、药品收入比重、设备数量、医院等级、诊次床位比、业务收支比、每床卫技数、每床固定资产、所在地区千人医生数和经济水平等。结论 多数医院存在规模经济。医院床位数在800~1 300张较为合适。提高医院经营效率可采取以下措施:合理控制床位;控制药品收入比重,注重医疗技术的提高;提高管理水平,控制固定资产过度投入;提高地区卫生资源水平和经济发展水平。  相似文献   

目的 分析北京市13家三级中医医院总体运行效率及中医服务提供运行效率现状,探索其影响因素。方法 采用描述性统计分析方法描述各项指标基本情况,采用数据包络分析Malmquist指数模型分析运行效率及变化趋势。结果 2012—2014年,三级中医医院总体及中医服务技术均呈现进步或不变状态,各医院效率变动差异显著。结论 中医医院中医服务效率低于总体运行效率;多数医院技术提高缓慢,技术进步为全要素生产率上升有利因素;效率降低为全要素生产率降低的主要原因。  相似文献   

目的 测算2015年浙江省68家三级公立医院的运行效率,分析不同类型医院之间效率差异的原因,并提出相应的政策建议。方法 采用三阶段DEA分析模型,在过滤掉外部影响因素和随机误差影响的基础上,定量评价医院的综合技术效率、纯技术效率、规模效益及规模收益趋势。结果 经三阶段DEA分析,医院综合效率平均值比之前提高了0.1。不同类型医院效率不尽相同,省属医院高于非省属医院,西医医院高于中医医院及专科医院。结论 专科医院资源利用多,中医类医院相对较少;省属医院相对效率较高,但面临过度扩张风险;多数非省属有一定的效率改进空间。未来的政策应引导医院转变管理理念,控制医院规模,推进精细管理,实现可持续发展,适度支持中医医院发展。  相似文献   


目的 分析北京市13家二级中医医院总体运行效率及中医服务提供运行效率现状,探索其影响因素并为医院决策提供建议。方法 采用描述性统计分析方法描述各项指标的基本情况,采用数据包络分析Malmquist指数模型分析运行效率及变化趋势。结果 2012—2013年10家医院总体全要素生产率上升,6家医院中医服务全要素生产率上升;2013—2014年8家医院总体全要素生产率上升,4家医院中医服务全要素生产率上升。结论 近3年二级中医医院中医服务效率略低于总体运行效率,二级中医医院中医服务技术进步缓慢,效率降低为全要素生产率降低的主要原因。


随着医疗体制改革的深入,在市场竞争规律调控下,医院品牌影响力成为医院发展的重要因素。因此,实施品牌战略,是现代医疗市场竞争对医院长远健康发展的必然要求。本文通过对阜外心血管病医院“三位一体”品牌保护体系的分析阐述,并借助典型案例进行深入探讨,旨在为公立医院的品牌管理提供一些思路和借鉴。  相似文献   

在经济转型时期保持医院可持续发展的动力,绩效激励机制是医院管理者采用的方法。分析了经济转型时期公立医院的经济运行特点,并分析了各种绩效激励方法促进医院可持续发展的效果。医院通过合理运用绩效激励理论,有效地推动了医院和员工目标的共同发展,使医院在经济转型时期的激烈市场竞争环境中立于不败之地,对医院的可持续发展起到关键性作用。  相似文献   

目的 分析重庆市县级及以上医院投入产出效率,为科学制定卫生资源配置规划提供可靠依据。 方法 收集1 027所县级及以上医院投入产出数据,采用描述性分析、数据包络分析进行评价。结果 总体有效医院为13所(占10.2%),纯技术有效医院为19所(占15%),规模有效医院为13所(占10.2%),非规模有效医院中,113所为规模收益递减(占99.1%)。各经济圈中,渝西经济走廊医院平均总体有效率最高(0.655),库区次之(0.609),都市经济圈最低(0.577)。各级别医院中,三级医院平均总体有效率最高(0.774),一级医院次之(0.660),二级医院最低(0.556)。结论 重庆市县级及以上医院投入产出效率不高,应合理控制医院规模,提高管理水平和医疗服务质量,形成中小型医院特色,建立健全医保制度,全方位提高医院效率。  相似文献   

医院成本核算是医院经济管理的重要内容,医院加强成本核算,走“优质、高效、低耗”的发展之路,将是建设节约型社会的必然要求,也是医疗服务进入市场参与竞争的必然结果。以单病种临床路径为基础进行成本核算研究是医院成本核算管理的新模式。综述了以单病种临床路径为基础的成本核算管理的国内外相关研究成果,并对研究现状进行了总结和分析。  相似文献   

The stock market is considered essential for economic growth and expected to contribute to improved productivity. An efficient pricing mechanism of the stock market can be a driving force for channeling savings into profitable investments and thus facilitating optimal allocation of capital. This study investigated the technical efficiency of selected groups of companies of Bangladesh Stock Market that is the Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) market, using the stochastic frontier production function approach. For this, the authors considered the Cobb-Douglas Stochastic frontier in which the technical inefficiency effects are defined by a model with two distributional assumptions. Truncated normal and half-normal distributions were used in the model and both time-variant and time-invariant inefficiency effects were estimated. The results reveal that technical efficiency decreased gradually over the reference period and that truncated normal distribution is preferable to half-normal distribution for technical inefficiency effects. The value of technical efficiency was high for the investment group and low for the bank group, as compared with other groups in the DSE market for both distributions in time-varying environment whereas it was high for the investment group but low for the ceramic group as compared with other groups in the DSE market for both distributions in time-invariant situation.  相似文献   

地市级大型公立医院选择临床研究型发展模式是国家政策的引导、区域医疗的需求以及医疗市场竞争和医疗机构自身发展的需要。确立“临床研究型医院”战略、建设“临床研究型医院”管理体系、学科人才、创新平台和文化氛围是“临床研究型医院”的主要发展路径。同时,建设“临床研究型医院”必须妥善处理好临床医疗与科研教学、规模扩张与内涵提升、自主创新与引进吸收的关系。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the effect of purchaser mix, market competition, and trust status on hospital productivity within the NHS internal market. METHODS: Hospital cost and activity data were taken from routinely collected data for acute NHS hospitals in England for 1991-2 to 1993-4. Cross sectional and longitudinal regression methods were used to estimate the effect of trust status, competition, and purchaser mix on average hospital costs per inpatient, after adjusting for outpatient activity levels, casemix, teaching activity, regional salary variation, hospital size, scale of activity, and scope of cases treated. RESULTS: Real productivity gains were apparent across the study period for NHS hospitals on average. Casemix adjustment drastically improved cross sectional comparisons between hospitals. Gaining trust status and increasing host district purchaser share were associated with productivity increases after adjustment for casemix, regional salary differences, and hospital size and scope. Hospitals that became trusts during the study period were on average less productive at the beginning of the period than those that did not, and there were no significant productivity differences between trust waves at the end of the period in 1993-4. Market concentration was not associated with productivity differences. CONCLUSION: Further analysis is needed to determine whether overall and trust associated productivity gains are transient effects, one off shifts, or self perpetuating reorientations of organisational behaviour. Hospitals may have chosen to become trusts because they anticipated being able to increase productivity. Increases in the proportions of small purchasers were associated with increasing costs. Importantly, this study could not adjust for changes in the quality of care.  相似文献   

Biogas plant managers often face difficulties in obtaining feedstock at stable and affordable prices. The context in which the biogas plant manager needs to purchase the feedstock could be important when the biomass is also used in valorization trajectories besides anaerobic digestion. Using a combination of qualitative research and agent-based modelling, we investigated the effect of market context on the purchase of local biomass for anaerobic digestion. This paper details the institutional arrangements of our case study, the silage maize market in Flanders and the results of a scenario analysis, simulating nine different market contexts. Silage maize is an interesting case study, as it is both used for feed by farmers and as an input in biogas plants. The results show that mainly the time of entry into the market explains the difficulties in obtaining a stable supply of silage maize to biogas plants. Furthermore, we found a silage maize price increase for farmers in competition with a biogas plant, especially in case of a silage maize deficit in the market. The different institutional arrangements used have no significant effect. Our findings may guide biogas plant managers in assessing and reducing the consequences of the establishment of a biogas plant, competing for local biomass resources.  相似文献   

公立医院产权改革既要考虑到不同省份、地区之间的经济、社会、科技和开放程度的不同,又要考虑到今后区域内经济发展的协调一致性。在欠发达与落后区域,农村公立医院产权改革应先从增量改革开始,从体制外开始,从培育整体医疗市场开始。而民间资本进入医疗市场,可以增加供给,对医疗市场的竞争产生积极影响。此类区域的城市公立医院的产权改革也适宜先从增量开始,鼓励民营医院公平、公正地参与竞争。  相似文献   

为了探究不同木荷种源混交林和纯林生产力差异原因,采用盆栽试验,模拟异质和同质性森林土壤环境,并设计木荷单植、双株纯植和与杉木混植3种栽植模式,重点研究了异质养分环境下邻株竞争对3个木荷种源(福建建瓯、江西信丰和浙江龙泉种源)干物质积累及氮磷效率的影响。结果表明:与同质养分环境相比,木荷种源在异质养分环境中具有干物质量大,氮、磷吸收效率高的特点,尤以福建建瓯种源优势最大。邻株竞争对木荷种源的干物质量和氮、磷吸收效率影响显著。在异质养分环境中,与杉木邻株竞争时,木荷福建建瓯种源干物质积累量优于单植和双株纯植模式。这与其根冠比和生理可塑性较强有关,混植时,其根冠比明显降低,将更多的干物质分配至叶片,增强了光合能力;同时氮、磷吸收效率也显著提高,进而积累了较高的干物质量,提高了竞争力。相反,混植时江西信丰和浙江龙泉种源氮和磷吸收效率却不同程度地低于其单植或与之相近,根冠比较高,结果影响了干物质积累。同种邻株竞争虽促进了浙江龙泉和江西信丰种源的氮、磷吸收,但抑制了两元素的利用效率,而福建建瓯种源氮、磷效率受影响较小,且明显高于其他种源,从而形成较高的干物质量。以上研究结果表明,福建建瓯种源较高的生物量分配和生理可塑性是其生产力高和生长竞争优势明显主要原因。  相似文献   

我国已进入经济社会发展新常态,公立医院既要面对进一步深化医疗体制改革,实现医院公益性、福利性的任务,又要面对社会资本进入医疗领域带来的激烈的市场竞争,就要求公立医院必须建立公立医院管理会计体系。通过明确公立医院管理会计体系,阐述公立医院管理会计体系建设的意义,而后找出当前我国公立医院管理会计体系建设的中存在的问题,并针对这些问题提出相应对策。  相似文献   



Ambulatory care-sensitive conditions, including asthma, can be managed with timely and effective outpatient care, thereby reducing the need for hospitalization.


This study assessed the relationship between market competition, continuity of care (COC), and hospital admissions in asthmatic children according to their health care provider.


A longitudinal design was employed with a 5-year follow-up period, between 2009 and 2013, under a Korean universal health insurance program. A total of 253 geographical regions were included in the analysis, according to data from the Korean Statistical Office. Data from 9,997 patients, aged ≤ 12 years, were included. We measured the COC over a 5-year period using the Usual Provider Continuity (UPC) index. Random intercept models were calculated to assess the temporal and multilevel relationship between market competition, COC, and hospital admission rate.


Of the 9,997 patients, 243 (2.4%) were admitted to the hospital in 2009. In the multilevel regression analysis, as the Herfindahl–Hirschman Index increased by 1,000 points (denoting decreased competitiveness), UPC scores also increased (ß = 0.001; p < 0.0001). In multilevel logistic regression analysis, the adjusted odds ratio (OR) for hospital admissions for individuals with lower COC scores (≥ 2 ambulatory visits and a UPC index score of < 1) was 3.61 (95% CI: 2.98–4.38) relative to the reference group (≥ 2 ambulatory visits and a UPC index score of 1).


Market competition appears to reduce COC; decreased COC was associated with a higher OR for hospital admissions.  相似文献   

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