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Glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored high density lipoprotein-binding protein 1 (GPIHBP1) is an endothelial cell protein that transports lipoprotein lipase (LPL) from the subendothelial spaces to the capillary lumen. GPIHBP1 contains two main structural motifs, an amino-terminal acidic domain enriched in aspartates and glutamates and a lymphocyte antigen 6 (Ly6) motif containing 10 cysteines. All of the cysteines in the Ly6 domain are disulfide-bonded, causing the protein to assume a three-fingered structure. The acidic domain of GPIHBP1 is known to be important for LPL binding, but the involvement of the Ly6 domain in LPL binding requires further study. To assess the importance of the Ly6 domain, we created a series of GPIHBP1 mutants in which each residue of the Ly6 domain was changed to alanine. The mutant proteins were expressed in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells, and their expression level on the cell surface and their ability to bind LPL were assessed with an immunofluorescence microscopy assay and a Western blot assay. We identified 12 amino acids within GPIHBP1, aside from the conserved cysteines, that are important for LPL binding; nine of those were clustered in finger 2 of the GPIHBP1 three-fingered motif. The defective GPIHBP1 proteins also lacked the ability to transport LPL from the basolateral to the apical surface of endothelial cells. Our studies demonstrate that the Ly6 domain of GPIHBP1 is important for the ability of GPIHBP1 to bind and transport LPL.  相似文献   

Cholesterol efflux from cultured cells can be mediated through binding of high density lipoprotein (HDL) to a cell-surface site which shows many characteristics of a biological receptor. To determine whether a specific protein forms a component of this site, cell membrane proteins were analyzed by ligand blotting using 125I-HDL3. Results demonstrated that membranes from a number of cell types possess a protein with an apparent molecular mass of 110 kDa that binds HDL and apoA-I and apoA-II proteoliposomes, but not low density lipoprotein, acetylated low density lipoprotein, or apoE proteoliposomes. The binding activity of this protein was increased by loading cells with cholesterol and was abolished by trypsin treatment of intact cell monolayers. These results suggest that HDL binds with specificity to a cell-surface protein which is regulated by intracellular cholesterol levels. Since HDL binding to intact cell monolayers shows the same characteristics, the 110-kDa binding protein may represent the proposed HDL receptor that functions to facilitate transport of cholesterol from cells to HDL particles.  相似文献   

A new human 95 kDa high density lipoprotein (HDL)-binding protein (HBP) corresponding to a high affinity HDL-binding site with K(d) = 1.67 microg/mL and a capacity of 13.4 ng/mg was identified in human fetal hepatocytes. The HDL binding with the 95 kDa HBP plateaus at 2.5-5 microg/mL under reducing and nonreducing conditions. The association of HDL(3) with the 95 kDa HBP plateaued in 15-30 min while dissociation was complete in 30 min. HDL(3), apoA-I, and apoA-II were recognized by the 95 kDa HBP while low density lipoproteins (LDL) and tetranitromethane-modified HDL were not. The 95 kDa HBP predominantly resides on the surface of cells since trypsin treatment of HepG2 cells eliminated nearly 70% of HDL binding. All studied human cells and cell lines (HepG2, Caco-2, HeLa, fibroblasts, SKOV-3, PA-I) demonstrated the presence of the 95 kDa protein. Both RT-PCR and Western blotting for HB-2/ALCAM were negative in human fetal hepatocytes while Gp96/GRP94 was clearly differentiated from the 95 kDa HBP by two-dimensional electrophoretic mobility. Moreover, deglycosylation of HepG2 membrane preparations did not affect either HDL binding to the 95 kDa HBP or its size, while in contrast it affected the molecular weights of HB-2/ALCAM and SR-BI/CLA-1. We conclude that the 95 kDa HBP is a new HDL receptor candidate widely expressed in human cells and cell lines.  相似文献   

N H Fidge 《FEBS letters》1986,199(2):265-268
The existence of a cell receptor which recognises plasma high density lipoprotein (HDL) has been suggested from studies which demonstrate specific binding of HDL3 to cultured cells derived from various tissues in the body. This study provides evidence of a specific HDL-binding protein in crude plasma membranes prepared from rat kidney and liver. Following separation of solubilised membrane proteins on polyacrylamide gel slabs and 'Western' blotting, one major band was identified which bound HDL3, or apo AI or apo AII. The protein, which was present in both liver and kidney membranes, was partially purified by repetitive preparative SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and although accompanied by considerable loss of binding activity, could still be detected by the ligand-blotting procedure used initially to detect its presence in cell membranes.  相似文献   

Gp96/GRP94 is a putative high density lipoprotein-binding protein in liver   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We have previously shown that three high density lipoproteins (HDL)-binding proteins in liver, of 90, 110 and 180 kDa, are structurally related. In this study, these proteins are identified as gp96/GRP94. This protein is known to occur as a homodimer and has a dual subcellular localization: it is both an endoplasmic reticulum resident protein, where it is supposed to act as a chaperonin, and a plasma membrane protein, whose significance is unknown. In ultrastructural studies the plasma membrane localization of the homodimeric form was verified. The 90-kDa protein was abundantly present at the membranes of the endosomal/lysosomal vesicles as well as at the apical hepatocyte membranes, comprising the bile canaliculi. The monomeric protein is scarcely present at the basolateral membrane of the hepatocytes, but could be demonstrated in coated pits, suggesting involvement in receptor-mediated endocytosis. Labeling of the endoplasmic reticulum was virtually absent. Gp96/GRP94 was transiently expressed in COS-1 cells. However, the expressed protein was exclusively localized in the endoplasmic reticulum. Transfection with constructs in which the C-terminal KDEL sequence had been deleted, resulted in plasma membrane localized expression of protein, but only in an extremely low percentage of cells. In order to evaluate the HDL-binding capacities of this protein, stably transfected cells were generated, using several cell types. It appeared to be difficult to obtain a prolonged high level expression of gp96. In these cases, however, a marked increase of HDL-binding activity compared with the control cells could be observed.  相似文献   

Kringle domain, a triple-disulfide-linked domain, is conserved in diverse proteins which play important roles in various biological processes. We cloned Kremen, a novel member of kringle-containing proteins, using a newly developed unique strategy, 'Kringle-SAGE (serial analysis of gene expression)', which enables comprehensive analysis of kringle-containing proteins. Kremen is likely to be a type-I transmembrane protein composed of 473 amino acid residues. Kremen has a kringle domain, a WSC domain, and CUB domains in the extracellular region, while the intracellular region has no conserved motif involved in signal transduction. In the mouse embryo, the Kremen mRNA level, which was increased during embryonic development, was localized in the apical ectodermal ridge of limb buds, myotome, and sensory organs (e.g. optic vesicle, otic vesicle, nasal pit). In the adult mouse, Kremen mRNA was expressed in a variety of tissues with a relatively strong expression in the lung, heart, and skeletal muscle. Kremen mRNA expression in C2C12 and NIE-115 cells increased during respective differentiation into muscular and neural cells. These results suggest a potential role for Kremen in the regulation of cellular responses upon extracellular stimulus or cell-cell interaction in neuronal and/or muscle cells. Kringle-SAGE is expected to facilitate further elucidation of structure and functions of kringle proteins.  相似文献   

We report the characterization of the novel human protein MDGA1 encoded by MDGA1 (MAM domain containing glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor-1) gene, firstly termed as GPIM. MDGA1 has been mapped to 6p21 and it is expressed in human tissues and tumors. The deduced polypeptide consists of 955 amino acids and exhibits structural features found in different types of cell adhesion molecules (CAMs), such as the presence of both immunoglobulin domains and a MAM domain or the capacity to anchor to the cell membrane by a GPI (glycosylphosphatidylinositol) motif. Our results demonstrate that human MDGA1 (hMDGA1) is localized in the membrane of eukaryotic cells. The protein follows the secretion pathway and finally it is retained in the cell membrane by a GPI anchor, susceptible to be cleavaged by phospholipase C (PI-PLC). Moreover, our results reveal that hMDGA1 is localized specifically into membrane microdomains known as lipid rafts. Finally, as other proteins of the secretory pathway, hMDGA1 undergoes other post-translational modification consisting of N-glycosylation.  相似文献   

cDNA cloning and characterization of a novel nucleolar protein.   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
In an initial study of anti-nuclear antibodies in the chronic inflammatory bladder disease interstitial cystitis, we reported that 7% of interstitial cystitis patients studied had autoantibodies to the nucleolus. We now report that, using an autoimmune serum from a patient with interstitial cystitis, we have identified and partially characterized a novel protein with an M(r) of approximately 55 kDa (hereafter referred to as No55) localized to the granular component of the nucleolus. No55 was initially characterized by diffuse nucleolar immunofluorescence staining in interphase cells and by Western blotting as a 55-kDa doublet on whole-cell extracts. During mitosis, No55 was associated with chromosomes and appeared in prenucleolar bodies during telophase, but it did not colocalize with p80-coilin in coiled bodies. Immunoelectron microscopy revealed that No55 was localized uniformly throughout the granular component of the nucleolus compared with a more peripheral localization of nucleolar granular component protein B23. On segregation of the nucleolus with actinomycin D, No55 remained with the granular component of the segregated nucleolus, whereas protein B23 was found predominantly in the nucleoplasm. Finally, a cDNA expression library was screened with the human autoantibody against No55, and a 2.4-kb insert was isolated, subcloned to homogeneity, and then sequenced. Analysis of this sequence showed an open reading frame of approximately 1.3 kb coding for 437 amino acids with a predicted molecular weight of 50 kDa. A search of the gene sequence database indicated homology with SC65, a rat synaptonemal complex protein. Therefore, on the basis of molecular weight, nucleolar sublocalization, response to actinomycin D, and cDNA sequence determination, No55 is a novel protein of the interphase nucleolus.  相似文献   

Kim I  Kwak HJ  Ahn JE  So JN  Liu M  Koh KN  Koh GY 《FEBS letters》1999,443(3):353-356
Using homology-based PCR, we have isolated cDNA encoding a novel member (491 amino acids) of the angiopoietin (Ang) family from human adult heart cDNA and have designated it angiopoietin-3 (Ang3). The NH2-terminal and COOH-terminal portions of Ang-3 contain the characteristic coiled-coil domain and fibrinogen-like domain that are conserved in other known Angs. Ang3 has a highly hydrophobic region at the N-terminus (approximately 21 amino acids) that is typical of a signal sequence for protein secretion. Ang3 mRNA is most abundant in adrenal gland, placenta, thyroid gland, heart and small intestine in human adult tissues. Additionally, Ang3 is a secretory protein, but is not a mitogen in endothelial cells.  相似文献   

Reversible phosphorylation is recognized to be a major mechanism for the control of intracellular events in eukaryotic cells. From a human fetal brain cDNA library, we isolated a cDNA clone encoding a novel dual specificity protein phosphatase, which showed 88% identity with previously reported mouse LMW-DSP3 at the amino acid level. The deduced protein had a single dual-specificity phosphatase catalytic domain, and lacked a cdc25 homology domain. LMW-DSP3 was expressed in the heart, lung, liver, and pancreas, and the expression level in the pancreas was highest. The LMW-DSP3 gene was located in human chromosome 2q32, and consisted of five exons spanning 21kb of human genomic DNA. LMW-DSP3 fused to GST showed phosphatase activity towards p-nitrophenyl phosphate which was optimal at pH 7.0 and 40 degrees C, and the activity was enhanced by Ca(2+) and Mn(2+). The phosphatase activity of LMW-DSP3 was inhibited by orthovanate. LMW-DSP3 showed phosphatase activity toward oligopeptides containing pSer/Thr and pTyr, indicating that LMW-DSP3 is a protein phosphatase with dual substrate specificity.  相似文献   

G-DNA, a polymorphic family of four-stranded DNA structures, has been proposed to play roles in a variety of biological processes including telomere function, meiotic recombination and gene regulation. Here we report the purification and cloning of TGP1, a G-DNA specific binding protein from Tetrahymena thermophila. TGP1 was purified by three-column chromatographies, including a G-DNA affinity column. Two major proteins (approximately 80 and approximately 40 kDa) were present in the most highly purified column fraction. Renaturation experiments showed that the approximately 80 kDa protein contains TGP1 activity. Biochemical characterization showed that TGP1 is a G-DNA specific binding protein with a preference for parallel G-DNAs. The TGP1/DNA complex has a dissociation constant (Kd) of approximately 2.2 x 10(-8) M and TGP1 can form supershift in gel mobility shift assays. The cDNA coding TGP1 was cloned and sequenced based upon an internal peptide sequence obtained from the approximately 80 kDa protein. Sequence analyses showed that TGP1 is a basic protein with a pI of 10.58, and contains two extensively hydrophilic and basic domains. Homology searches revealed that TGP1 is a novel protein sharing weak similarities with a number of proteins.  相似文献   

The Frizzled-type cysteine-rich domain (CRD) is a binding motif for soluble-type glycoprotein WNTs, which play key roles in embryogenesis and carcinogenesis. Here, we have cloned and characterized a novel gene MFRP, encoding a type II transmembrane protein with CRD. In addition to CRD, two tandem-repeats containing the Cubilin domain approximately the MFRP domain were present in the extracellular region of MFRP. Although MFRP was homologous to Corin, FZDs, and SFRPs in CRD, amino-acid identities between CRD in MFRP and CRDs in these molecules were less than 40%. The MFRP gene on 11q23 consisted of at least 13 exons. The 4.0-kb MFRP was not detected by Northern blot analysis in normal tissues other than adult and fetal brain. The MFRP mRNA was undetectable in seven gastric cancer cell lines, seven brain tumor cell lines, and other eight tumor cell lines. Regional distribution of the MFRP mRNA in human brain was further investigated, and MFRP was found to be expressed strongly in medulla oblongata, and weakly in hippocampus and corpus callosum. Thus, MFRP with CRD might play key roles in medulla oblongata as a regulator of the WNT signaling pathway.  相似文献   

Plasma membranes of cultured cells contain high affinity receptors for high density lipoprotein (HDL) that appear to mediate removal of excess intracellular cholesterol. Recent studies using ligand blot analysis have identified a 110-kDa membrane protein which has features predicted for an HDL receptor, in that it preferentially binds HDL apolipoproteins and undergoes up-regulation in response to cholesterol loading of cells. In this study, we isolated a cDNA clone from an expression library using an antibody raised against partially purified 110-kDa HDL-binding protein. This clone encodes a novel cell protein, designated HBP, comprised mostly of 14 imperfect tandem repeats of approximately 70 amino acids in length. Each repeat appears to contain two amphipathic helices. Expression of HBP in cultured cells was increased severalfold when cells were loaded with cholesterol, as evident by increases in both HBP mRNA and membrane-associated protein. Overexpression of HBP in mammalian cell transfectants was associated with higher HDL binding to isolated cell protein and with modest increases in HDL binding to the cell surface. Proteins identified by ligand blot analysis had lower apparent M(r) than the primary HBP gene product and varied in M(r) and in HDL binding activity between cell types, suggesting that HBP undergoes cell-specific processing. These results provide preliminary evidence that HBP is a component of a cellular pathway that facilitates removal of excess cholesterol from cells, perhaps through its interaction with HDL. However, the predicted structure of HBP does not conform to that of any known receptor, suggesting that it does not function as a classic plasma membrane receptor.  相似文献   

Zinc finger protein (Zfp) 185 is a mouse protein containing a Lin-l1, Isl-1 and Mec-3 (LIM) domains at its C-terminus. It was recognized by comparing the genome sequence between humans and mice in 1997. In this study, we cloned the full-length Zfp185 by means of RACE and RT-PCR. Zfp185 may be closely associated with F-actin in cells as determined by a confocal microscopy. With a series of deletants of Zfp185 and GST-pull-down assay, we determined that N-terminus region (1–144) but not the LIM domain at C-terminus of Zfp185 protein was essential and sufficient to bind to F-actin cytoskeleton. Thus, our data offered evidence for the association of mouse Zfp185 with F-actin, which supports the potential role of Zfp185 in cell fundamental activity.  相似文献   

Human Ro ribonucleoproteins (RNPs) are autoantigenic particles of unknown function(s) that consist of a 60-kDa protein (Ro60) associated with one hY RNA (hY1-5). Using a modified yeast three-hybrid system, named RNP interaction trap assay (RITA), we cloned a novel Ro RNP-binding protein (RoBPI), based on its property to interact in vivo in yeast with an RNP complex made of recombinant Ro60 (rRo60) protein and hY5 (rhY5) RNA. RoBPI cDNA contains three conserved RNA recognition motifs (RRM) and is present as a family of isoforms differing slightly at their 5' end. The 2.0-kb RoBPI mRNA was detected in all human tissues tested. Highly homologous cDNA sequences were found in banks of expressed sequence tags (ESTs) from mice. Two-hybrid, three-hybrid, and RITA experiments respectively established that 60 kDa RoBPI did not interact in yeast with rRo60 alone, with rhY5 RNA alone, or with bait RNPs consisting of rRo60 and recombinant hY1, hY3, or hY4 RNAs. RoBPI coimmunoprecipitated with Ro RNPs from HeLa cell extracts and partially colocalized with Ro60 in nuclei of cultured cells. Because hY5 RNA and RohY5 RNPs are recent evolutionary additions seen only in primates, but RoBPI seems more conserved, their interaction may represent a gain of function for Ro RNPs. Alternatively, interaction of RohY5 RNPs with RoBPI may have no functional bearing, but may underlie some of the unique biochemical and immunological properties of these RNPs.  相似文献   

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