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The aim of this research was to investigate the genetic structure at BMPR 1B, BMP15 and GDF9 prolificacy genes in five sheep breeds reared in Tunisia: Barbarine, Queue Fine de L’Ouest, Noire de Thibar, Sicilo-Sarde and D’man. Genomic DNA of 204 sheep was investigated for the FecBB (BMPR 1B), FecXR, FecXH, FecXI, FecXL, FecXG, FecXB (BMP15) and FecGH (GDF9) mutations. The sequence variability of the different DNA fragments utilised for genotyping was further investigated by Single Stranded Conformation Polymorphism (SSCP) and sequencing. All the above-mentioned mutations were absent in the five sheep breeds examined. SSCP analysis and sequencing allowed the detection of two nucleotide variations. A non-functional mutation (T/C transition at nt 747 of BMP15 cDNA known as B3) was found at the BMP15 gene, in the Noire de Thibar breed; this mutation was first detected in the Belclare sheep. A new nucleotide change G/A at nt 1159 of BMP15 cDNA, causing the amino acid change A119T in the mature peptide, was detected in the Barbarine breed for the first time. The highly prolific D’man ewes were monomorphic for the absence of all the known prolificacy alleles.  相似文献   

Four bovine BAC clones (0494F01, 0069D07, 0060B06, and 0306A12) containing MUC1, as confirmed by mapping MUC1 on a RH3000 radiation hybrid panel, were hybridised on R-banded chromosomes of cattle (BTA), river buffalo (BBU), sheep (OAR) and goat (CHI). MUC1 was FISH-mapped on BTA3q13, BBU6q13, OAR1p13 and CHI3q13 and both chromosomes and chromosome bands were homoeologous confirming the high degree of chromosome homoeologies among bovids and adding more information on the pericentromeric regions of these species' chromosomes. Indeed, MUC1 was more precisely assigned to BTA3 and assigned for the first time to BBU6, OAR1p and CHI3. Moreover, detailed and improved cytogenetic maps of BTA3, CHI3, OAR1p and BBU6 are shown and compared with HSA1.  相似文献   

Forty autosomal type I loci earlier mapped in goat were comparatively FISH mapped on river buffalo (BBU) and sheep (OAR) chromosomes, noticeably extending the physical map in these two economically important bovids. All loci map on homoeologous chromosomes and chromosome bands, with the exception of COL9A1 mapping on BBU10 (homoeologous to cattle/goat chromosome 9) and OAR9 (homoeologous to cattle/goat chromosome 14). A FISH mapping control with COL9A1 on both cattle and goat chromosomes gave the same results as those obtained in river buffalo and sheep, respectively. Direct G- and R-banding comparisons between Bovinae (cattle and river buffalo) and Caprinae (sheep and goat) chromosomes 9 and 14 confirmed that a simple translocation of a small pericentromeric region occurred between the two chromosomes. Comparisons between physical maps obtained in river buffalo and sheep with those reported in sixteen human chromosomes revealed complex chromosome rearrangements (mainly translocations and inversions) differentiating bovids (Artiodactyls) from humans (Primates).  相似文献   

Goats form the backbone of rural livelihood and financial security systems in India but their population is showing decreasing trend. Improvement of reproductive traits such as prolificacy offers a solution to stabilize the decreasing goat population and to meet the nutritional needs of growing human population. In the present study, six novel SNPs in three candidate genes for prolificacy (BMPR1B, BMP15, and GDF9) were genotyped in seven breeds of Indian goats to evaluate their association with litter size. Tetra primer ARMS-PCR and PCR-RFLP based protocols were developed for genotyping six novel SNPs, namely, T(-242)C in BMPR1B; G735A and C808G in BMP15; and C818T, A959C, and G1189A in GDF9 gene. The effect of breed was highly significant (p ≤ 0.01) on litter size but the effect of genotype was nonsignificant. The effect of parity on litter size was also significant in the prolific Black Bengal breed. The litter size differences observed between breeds are attributed to breed differences. Novel mutations observed at different loci in GDF9, BMP15, and BMPR1B genes do not contribute to the reproductive capability of the investigated breeds. Further studies with more number of breeds and animals exploring association of these novel SNPs with reproductive traits may be fruitful.  相似文献   

Woodlands sheep have a putative genetic mutation (FecX2(W)) that increases ovulation rate. At present, the identity of FecX2(W) is unknown. The trait does not appear to be due to the previously described mutations in bone morphogenetic protein 15 (BMP15), growth differentiation factor 9 (GDF9), or bone morphogenetic protein receptor type 1B (BMPR1B) that affect ovulation rate in sheep. Potentially, FecX2(W) could be an unidentified genetic mutation in BMP15 or in the closely related GDF9, which interacts with BMP15 to control ovarian function. Alternatively, FecX2(W) may affect ovulation rate by changing the expression patterns in the molecular pathways activated by genes known to regulate ovulation rate. The objectives of these experiments were to sequence the complete coding region of the BMP15 and GDF9 genes, determine the patterns of expression of mRNAs encoding GDF9, BMP15, TGFBR1, BMPR1B, and BMPR2 during follicular development, and characterize the follicular populations in ewes heterozygous for the Woodlands mutation and their wild-type contemporaries. No differences in the coding sequences of BMP15 or GDF9 genes were identified that were associated with enhanced ovulation rate. The expression patterns of GDF9 and BMPR2 mRNAs were not different between genotypes. However, expression of BMP15 mRNA was less in oocytes of FecX2(W) ewes in large preantral and antral follicles. Expression of ALK5 mRNA was significantly higher in the oocytes of FecX2(W) ewes, whereas expression of BMPR1B was decreased in both oocytes and granulosa cells of FecX2(W) ewes. FecX2(W) ewes also had increased numbers of antral follicles <1 mm in diameter. These follicles were smaller in average diameter, with the oocytes also being of a smaller mean diameter. Given that a mutation in BMP15 or BMPR1B results in increased ovulation rates in sheep, the differences in expression levels of BMP15 and BMPR1B may play a role in the increase in ovulation rate observed in Woodlands ewes with the FecX2(W) mutation.  相似文献   

Six expressed gene loci (NF1, CRYB1, CHRNB1, TP53, P4HB and GH1), recently assigned to cattle chromosome 19 by both radiation hybrid analysis and FISH-mapping, were comparatively FISH-mapped to river buffalo chromosome (BBU) 3p and sheep chromosome (OAR) 11, extending the physical map in these two important bovids. The six loci mapped to the same homoeologous chromosome bands of BBU 3p and OAR 11, and their gene order was centromere-NF1-CRYB1-CHNRB1-TP53-(GH1, P4HB).  相似文献   

Bone morphogenetic protein 15 (BMP15) and growth and differentiation factor 9 (GDF9) are secreted by the mammalian oocyte and are essential for ovarian follicular development, ovulation, and fertility. However, the secreted forms of the BMP15 and GDF9 proteins and the nature of cooperative molecular interactions between BMP15 and GDF9 previously reported have not been fully characterized. In this study, we found that recombinant mouse BMP15 and GDF9 are secreted as cleaved mature and proregion proteins, with BMP15 also secreted as uncleaved promature protein. Noncovalent interactions were identified between the mature and proregion proteins of each growth factor. Moreover, GDF9 mature protein was found to coimmunoprecipitate with the BMP15 proregion, suggestive of a heteromeric association between BMP15 and GDF9. Mouse GDF9 was found to exist mostly as a dimer of mature protein, in both the presence and absence of BMP15. In contrast, BMP15 formed mostly multimers of proregion and mature protein when combined with GDF9, providing further evidence for heteromeric interaction. Mouse BMP15 was found to act cooperatively with GDF9 in a rat granulosa cell thymidine incorporation bioassay and to signal through the BMPR2 and ACVR1B/TGFBR1/ACVR1C receptor-mediated pathways. Immunoneutralization experiments using GDF9 mature protein antibody indicated that these cooperative interactions are species specific. Additionally, immunoneutralization with proregion antibodies highlighted the involvement of the BMP15 proregion in BMP15/GDF9 cooperative interactions. Taken together, these findings support a novel hypothesis where the extracellular cooperative interactions of recombinant mouse BMP15 and GDF9 are multimeric, involving the proregion of BMP15, and may well be species specific.  相似文献   

Comparative mapping of chicken and human genomes is described, primarily of regions corresponding to human chromosomes 1, 4 and 9. Segments of chicken orthologues of selected human genes were amplified from parental DNA of the East Lansing backcross reference mapping population, and the two parental alleles were sequenced. In about 80% of the genes tested, sequence polymorphism was identified between reference population parental DNAs. The polymorphism was used to design allele-specific primers with which to genotype the backcross panel and place genes on the chicken linkage map. Thirty-seven genes were mapped which confirmed the surprisingly high level of conserved synteny between orthologous chicken and human genes. In several cases the order of genes in conserved syntenic groups differs between the two genomes, suggesting that there may have been more frequent intrachromosomal inversions as compared with interchromosomal translocations during the separate evolution of avian and mammalian genomes.  相似文献   

Using direct R-banding fluorescence in situ hybridization, we assigned five functional genes-growth hormone receptor (GHR), prolactin receptor (PRLR), spleen tyrosine kinase (SYK), aldolase B (ALDOB), and muscle skeletal receptor tyrosine kinase (MUSK)-to the chicken Z chromosome. SYK and MUSK were newly localized to the chicken Z chromosome in this study. GHR and PRLR were situated close to each other on the short arm of the chicken Z chromosome, as are their counterparts on human chromosome 5. SYK, MUSK, and ALDOB, which have been mapped to human chromosome 9, were localized to the long arm of the chicken Z chromosome. Thus, the present results indicate the presence of conserved synteny between the chicken Z chromosome and human chromosomes 5 and 9. Using the same method, four of the genes (GHR, PRLR, ALDOB, and MUSK) were assigned to the Japanese quail Z chromosome. The locations of these four Z-linked genes were conserved between chicken and Japanese quail. The results support the notion that the avian Z chromosome and the mammalian X chromosome did not evolve from a common ancestral linkage group.  相似文献   

绵羊GDF9和BMP15基因多态性检测   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
以绵羊GDF9基因FecG^H突变和BMP15基因FecX^B和FecX^G突变为候选基因,采用PCR—RFLP方法研究其在湖羊、夏洛来、陶赛特、萨福克、中国美利奴肉用多胎品系、中国美利奴羊和罗米丽羊7个品种中的多态性.结果发现,湖羊群体中存在GDF和BMP15基因的FecG^H和FecX^B突变,但发生率极低,分别为0.645%(2/310)和0.968%(3/310):而其它品种中则没有发现GDF9和BMP15基因的相应突变.这一发现对于建立绵羊基因标记辅助选择方法具有重要意义.  相似文献   

The aims of these studies were to determine the abilities of antisera against different regions of ovine bone morphogenetic protein 15 (BMP15) and growth differentiation factor 9 (GDF9) to inhibit ovarian follicular activity, estrus (mating), and ovulation in sheep. The 9-15-mer peptides were conjugated to keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH) and used to generate antibodies against the flexible N-terminal regions of the mature protein as well as against regions in which dimerization of the protein or interaction with a type 1 BMP or a type 2 TGFB or BMP receptor was predicted to occur. Ewes (n = 10 per treatment group) were vaccinated with KLH or the KLH-BMP15 (n = 9 different peptides) or KLH-GDF9 (n = 10) peptides in Freund adjuvant at five consecutive monthly intervals. Overall, antisera generated against peptides that corresponded to amino acid residues 1-15 of the N-terminus of the BMP15 or GDF9 mature protein or GDF9 amino acid residues 21-34 were the most potent at inhibiting ovulation following primary and single booster vaccination. Several other BMP15 (8/9) or GDF9 (6/10) treatment groups, but not KLH alone, also produced significant reductions in the numbers of animals that ovulated, although 2, 3 or 4 booster vaccinations were required. Anovulation was commonly associated with the inhibition of normal ovarian follicular development and anestrus. The in vitro neutralization studies with IgG from the BMP15 or GDF9 immunized ewes showed that the mean inhibition of BMP15 plus GDF9 stimulation of (3)H-thymidine uptake by rat granulosa cells was approximately 70% for animals without corpora lutea (CL), whereas for animals with one to three CL or more than three CL, the inhibition was 24%-33% or 27%-42%, respectively. In summary, these data suggest that reagents that block the biological actions of BMP15 or GDF9 at their N-termini have potential as contraceptives or sterilizing agents.  相似文献   

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