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Pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) has potential as a grain crop for dryland crop production in the southeastern United States. Whether or not pearl millet will be compatible in rotation with cotton (Gossypium hirsutum), corn (Zea mays), and peanut (Arachis hypogaea) will depend, in part, on its host status for important plant-parasitic nematodes of these crops. The pearl millet hybrid ''TifGrain 102'' is resistant to both Meloidogyne incognita race 3 and M. arenaria race 1; however, its host status for other plant-parasitic nematodes was unknown. In this study, the reproduction of Belonolaimus longicaudatus, Paratrichodorus minor, Pratylenchus brachyurus, and Meloidogyne javanica race 3 on pearl millet (''HGM-100'' and TifGrain 102) was compared relative to cotton, corn, and peanut. Separate greenhouse experiments were conducted for each nematode species. Reproduction of B. longicaudatus was lower on peanut and the two millet hybrids than on cotton and corn. Reproduction of P. minor was lower on peanut and TifGrain 102 than on cotton, corn, and HGM-100. Reproduction of P. brachyurus was lower on both millet hybrids than on cotton, corn, and peanut. Reproduction of M. javanica race 3 was greater on peanut than on the two millet hybrids and corn. Cotton was a nonhost. TifGrain 102 was more resistant than HGM-100 to reproduction of B. longicaudatus, P. minor, and M. javanica. Our results demonstrated that TifGrain 102 was a poor host for B. longicaudatus and P. brachyurus (Rf < 1) and, relative to other crops tested, was less likely to increase densities of P. minor and M. javanica.  相似文献   

Clement WM 《Genetics》1975,79(4):583-588
Spontaneous mutations from sterile to fertile were demonstrated in four different cytoplasmic male-sterile stocks of pearl millet. One stock, ASM-3, was of African origin, and the other three, LMS-1A, ASM-5, and ASM-7, all had the same cyptoplasm of Indian origin, but differed in nuclear make-up. These reversions were shown to be plasmon mutations, rather than genic in nature. ASM-3 mutated at the lowest rate, about 0.03/100 heads. LSM-1A, ASM-5, and ASM-7 all had the same cytoplasm but mutated at the respective rates of 0.15, 0.26, and 1.02/100 heads, indicating that plasmon mutation rate is strongly influenced by the nuclear environment.  相似文献   

Phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL) activity was studied in differentgenotypes of pearl millet with varying degrees of susceptibilityto downy mildew disease, after inoculating with Pathotype 1of Sclerospora graminicola. In resistant genotypes, the enzymeactivity significantly increased 24 h after fungal inoculationwhile in the susceptible genotypes, the activity decreased.The increase or decrease in enzyme activity was well-correlatedwith the degree of host resistance to the pathogen. A time-courseof change in activity of PAL after inoculation showed a considerabledifference between resistant and susceptible genotypes. Studieson the activity of PAL in different parts of pearl millet seedlingsrevealed that in the resistant genotype, enzyme activity significantlyincreased at 24 h post-inoculation only in the shoot portion,whereas in mesocotyl and root the activity decreased. In susceptibleseedlings, enzyme activity decreased at 24 h post-inoculationin shoot, mesocotyl and root. The activity of PAL was also foundto be pathotype-specific. Histochemical tests for lignin werepositive in infected cells in the resistant genotypes. The roleof PAL in imparting resistance to pearl millet against downymildew disease is discussed. Key words: Sclerospora graminicola, resistance screening, enzyme activity  相似文献   

Eleven populations of witchweed, Striga hermonthica, were collected in four regions of Mali and investigated with 12 microsatellite markers. Extensive genetic diversity was observed, with most plants heterozygous for most markers. Allelic diversity was broadly distributed across populations with little genetic differentiation and large amounts of gene flow. Nearby fields of pearl millet and sorghum were found to have indistinguishable witchweed populations. Some population structure was apparent, but did not correlate with the local environment or host genotype, suggesting that seed transportation or other human-driven variables act to differentiate central Malian S. hermonthica populations from southern Malian populations.  相似文献   

Twins and Triplets in Pearl Millet: their Cytology and Origin   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Multiple radicles and plumules were produced in high frequenciesin selfed seed of six plants in pearl millet (L.S. 326–3).Ninety-five of these survived to maturity. All were diploids,except in one twin where a trisomic (2n+1) was found. The occurrenceof albino twins in progenies of heterozygous plants, and normalhomozygotes in twins from translocation heterozygotes suggeststheir origin through sexual reproduction. The origin of theremaining twins and triplets is not known with certainty. Pennisetum americanum, twins, triplets, tertiary trisomy, translocation hybridity  相似文献   

Vally K  Selvi MT  Sharma R 《Plant physiology》1995,109(2):517-523
Treatment of pollinated pea (Pisum sativum L. cv Alaska, line V1) ovaries with 3,5-dioxo-4-butyryl-cyclohexane carboxylic acid ethyl ester (LAB), an acylcyclohexanedione derivative that competitively inhibits 2-oxoglutarate-dependent gibberellin (GA) dioxygenases, caused a reduction of pod elongation proportional to the amount of inhibitor applied. The effect of LAB was counteracted by GA1 and GA3, and partially by GA20. The inhibitor decreased the contents of GA1 and GA3 (the purported active GAs) and GA8, increased those of GA19 and GA20, and did not affect that of GA29 in both the pod and the developing seeds. These results provide evidence that GA1 and/or GA3 control pod development in pea and show that GA20 is not active per se. In contrast to its effect on pollinated ovaries, LAB promoted parthenocarpic development of unpollinated ovaries, which is associated with an increase of GA1 and GA8 content. The inhibitor enhanced the response of unpollinated ovaries to GA1 and GA20, but it did not alter the response to GA3. LAB is proposed to promote parthenocarpic development and enhance the response to exogenous GAs by blocking the 2[beta]-hydroxylation of GA1 more efficiently than 3[beta]-hydroxylation of GA20.  相似文献   

Leaf surfaces of seven genotypes of Sorghum bicolor, two ofmaize, Zea mays, and two pearl millet, Pennisetum americanum,were examined by scanning electron microscopy for possible morphologicaldifferences. Leaves 1, 3, 5 and 7 were photographed and printswere used to estimate waxiness, hairiness or pubescence andstomatal density. Glossiness was determined by spraying water,which adhered to the glossy leaves. Cuticular transpirationof detached third and fifth leaves was estimated from the rateof water loss after abscisic acid induced stomatal closure.Sorghum lines SC283, CSM63, CSM90, and pearl millets Souna andTiotioni (all from Mali), were non-glossy, well covered withwax, and exhibited variable hairiness. Older leaves of sorghumvarieties Martin and Redlan were glossy and, like older leavesof the other glossy lines SC1096 and SC90, had little or nowax deposits on their cuticles. The two maize cultivars, NB611and N7A, were non-glossy with dense wax covering; no trichomeswere observed until the 5 to 7 leaf stage. Thus, the glossycharacter was correlated with the reduction or absence of waxdeposits on the leaf surfaces, while hairiness might occur ineither glossy or non-glossy genotypes. Unlike sorghum and maize,in which all leaves after the fifth or seventh were glossy,pearl millet showed no glossiness through the ninth leaf. Measurementsshowed that cuticular transpiration of glossy leaves was oftenmore than double that of non-glossy leaves. Comparisons amongsorghums showed that non-glossy lines had higher stomatal densitiesthan glossy lines. Epicuticular wax, trichome, glossy mutant, stomata, cuticular transpiration, Sorghum bicolor, (L.) Moench, Zea mays L., Pennisetum americanum, (L.) Leeke  相似文献   

Respiratory activities in vegetative tissues and the isolated mitochondria of etiolated seedlings and reproductive tissues were studied in two cytoplasmic male sterile (CMS) lines having the same A, cytoplasm with different nuclear backgrounds of pearl millet along with their maintainer, restorer and restored lines. In addition, the assays of cytochrome c oxidase and succinate dehydrogenase were performed in isolated mitochondria. Cyanide-sensitive, cyanide-insensitive and total respirations in vegetative tissues and isolated mitochondria were lower in both the CMS lines than their respective maintainers, restorers and restored hybrids. Except in CMS lines, uptake of 02 during anther development increased from premeiotic to postmeiotic stage in all the lines. Consumption of 02,however, declined from meiotic to postmeiotic stage in the anthers of CMS lines. Pure mitochondrial preparations were obtained which were 92-94% intact. Enzymes, cytochrome c oxidase (complex IV) and succinate dehydrogenase (complex II) showed lower activities in both the CMS lines than their respective maintainer, restorer and restored hybrids. The CMS lines also displayed lower levels of nuclear encoded enzymes, viz., alternative oxidase and succinate dehydrogenase.  相似文献   

Effects of temperature on the size of the leaf canopy, the stemsand the panicles were investigated for stands of pearl milletin controlled-environment glasshouses. Expansion of each structurewas examined in terms of a duration and a mean rate. The duration(t) for vegetative structures responded to temperature as anormal developmental period, in that l/t increased linearlywith rise in temperature between a base (10 °C) and an optimum(30 to 35 °C). The rate for these structures also increasedlinearly with temperature between a similar base and optimum.Effects of temperature on rate compensated for those on duration,such that the leaf area index and height of the canopy werelittle affected by temperature. The panicles responded slightlydifferently in that length increased with rise in temperatureby about 2% per degree. For all structures, rate, duration andsize were little influenced by unsystematic differences betweentreatments in the rate of dry matter production. Key words: Pearl millet, temperature, expansion, thermal time  相似文献   

Plant Growth‐promoting Fungus (PGPF) Penicillium oxalicum was isolated from rhizosphere soil of pearl millet and was tested for its ability to promote growth and induce systemic resistance in pearl millet against downy mildew disease. The fungal isolate P. oxalicum UOM PGPF 16 was identified as P. oxalicum using ITS sequencing and morphological analysis and sequence was deposited at NCBI with accession number KF150220. Pearl millet susceptible seeds were treated with three different inducers (CS, CF and LCF) of PGPF P. oxalicum and all the inducers significantly reduced the downy mildew disease and enhanced plant growth. Among the inducers tested, CS treatment recorded highest seed germination of 91% and 1427 seedling vigour followed by LCF and CF treatments. The vegetative growth parameter and NPK uptake studies under greenhouse conditions revealed that the CS treatment of P. oxalicum remarkably enhanced the parameters tested when compared to control plants. A significant disease protection of 62% and 58% against downy mildew disease was observed in plants pretreated with CS of P. oxalicum under greenhouse and field conditions, respectively. The spatio‐temporal studies revealed that inducers P. oxalicum required a minimum of 3 days for developing maximum disease resistance which was maintained thereafter. The maximum Peroxidase (POX) activity (62.7 U) was observed at 24 h in seedlings treated with CS of PGPF P. oxalicum and the activity gradually reduced at later time points after pathogen inoculation. Chitinase (CHT) activity was significantly higher in inducer treated seedlings when compared to control seedlings inoculated with pathogen after 48 h and remained constant at all time points.  相似文献   

Effects of temperature on partition of assimilate between leaves,stems and panicles of pearl millet are analysed in terms ofa duration (tw) over which a structure increased in weight,and a partition factor (p)—the fraction of new dry matterallocated to the structure during tw. The value of tw was, forall structures, inversely proportional to temperature abovea base of 10 °C and below an optimum of 28 to 30 °C.For stems and panicles, the value of p was, with one exception,little affected by temperature. The dry weight of these structureswas, therefore, proportional to tw, and decreased with risein temperature. (The exception was panicles at the lowest temperature,19 °C, for which p was reduced by 40% because few grainswere set.) For leaves, however, p increased with rise in temperature,counteracting the effect on tw, such that dry weight changedlittle with temperature. The optimum temperature for reproductiveyield was 22 °C, but the proportion of the total dry matterallocated to reproductive structures changed little between22 °C and 31 °C. Key words: Pearl millet, temperature, thermal time, partitioning  相似文献   

The downy mildew disease, incited by Sclerospora graminicola,is a major biotic constraint for pearl millet production inthe semi-arid tropics. Sources of resistance to this diseasehave been identified. However, the mechanism of host resistancestill remains obscure. The enzyme lipoxygenase (LOX) is knownto play a role in disease resistance in many host-pathosystems.In the present study, LOX activity was tested in seeds of differentgenotypes of pearl millet with different susceptibility to downymildew. The LOX assay of the seeds indicated a good correlationbetween enzyme activity and their downy mildew reaction in thefield. Maximum activity was recorded in seeds of highly resistantgenotypes and minimum activity was found in the highly susceptiblegenotypes. Seeds obtained from plants recovered from the downymildew disease had more LOX activity than that of the originalparent seeds. Thus, in seeds, the LOX activity can be used asa biochemical marker for screening different genotypes of pearlmillet for downy mildew. The study, carried out in the susceptiblegenotype of pearl millet seedlings, showed that LOX activitydecreased after inoculating with S. graminicola zoospores whencompared with uninoculated controls. However, a significantincrease in the enzyme activity was observed on the second andthird days after inoculation in resistant seedlings. The possiblerole of LOX in conferring resistance to downy mildew infectionof pearl millet is discussed. Key words: Lipoxygenase, pearl millet, downy mildew  相似文献   

Thirteen accessions of pearl millet (Pennisetum typhoides (L) Leeke) collected from different states of India and eight wild species of the genus Pennisetum across the world were analyzed for genetic diversity using AFLP markers. A combined analysis of eight primer combinations showed 35% polymorphism among P. typhoides accessions while analysis with five primer combinations showed 99% polymorphism among the wild species. The dendrogram constructed for the P. typhoides accessions based on the UPGMA method revealed two major clusters with samples from Gujarat forming a separate cluster from the rest of the samples. Principal component analysis of the same data set revealed similar results with the first principal component accounting for 65% of the total variation. The percentage of rare and common alleles contributing to the diversity in the sample was analyzed using the Shannon Weiner diversity index. The SW index revealed that the samples from Gujarat contributed significantly to the overall diversity among the accessions. Among accessions of each geographical region, considerable variation was revealed by SW index with samples from Tamil Nadu being most polymorphic. The genetic diversity in the accessions could be utilized for future breeding work. The dendrogram constructed for the wild species revealed the extent of genetic diversity among them. Analysis with one primer combination showed P. typhoides being closer to P. mollissimum than to the other analyzed species.  相似文献   

Ashraf  M.  Ahmad  Ashfaq  McNeilly  T. 《Photosynthetica》2001,39(3):389-394
Influence of supra-optimal concentrations of K on growth, water relations, and photosynthetic capacity in pearl millet under severe water deficit conditions was assessed in a glasshouse. Nineteen-days-old plants of two lines, ICMV-94133 and WCA-78, of Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R.Br. were subjected for 30 d to 235.0, 352.5, and 470.0 mg(K) kg–1(soil) and two water regimes (100 and 30 % field capacity). Increasing K supply did not alleviate the effect of water deficit on the growth of two lines of pearl millet since additional amount of K in the growth medium had no effect on shoot dry mass, relative growth rate, plant leaf area, net assimilation rate, or leaf area ratio, although there was significant effect of drought stress on these variables. Soil moisture had a significant effect on net photosynthetic rate (P N), transpiration rate, stomatal conductance, and water use efficiency of both pearl millet lines, but there was no significant effect of varying K supply on these variables. In WCA-78 an ameliorative effect of increasing supply of K on P N was observed under water deficit. Chlorophyll (Chl) a and b contents increased significantly in both lines with increase in K supply under well watered conditions, but under water deficit they increased only in ICMV-94133. Chl a/b ratios were reduced significantly in WCA-78 with increasing K supply under both watering regimes, but by contrast, in ICMV-94133 this variable was decreased only under water stress. Leaf water potential and osmotic potential of both lines decreased significantly with the imposition of drought. Leaf pressure potential in both lines increased with increase in K supply under water stress. Contents of total free amino acids in the leaves of both pearl millet lines increased significantly with increase in K supply under water stress. Potassium supply had no effect on leaf soluble sugars or soluble proteins. Considerable osmotic adjustment occurred in pearl millet plants experiencing water deficit under high K supply.  相似文献   

Joshi  A.K.  Pandya  J.N.  Buhecha  K.V.  Dave  H.R.  Pethani  K.V.  Dangaria  C.J. 《Photosynthetica》2003,41(1):157-159
Two pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br. emend. Stuntz] hybrids GHB-30 and MH-179 were given defoliation treatments prior to anthesis comprising zero leaf to intact control. Keeping or removing even flag leaf only significantly altered the grain yield. With increasing leaf area (leaf numbers) the grain yield also significantly increased. Test mass showed more or less a similar trend. The leaves in the upper portion (nearer to sink) showed a greater contribution to the grain yield than the lower ones (away from sink). However, the highest leaf efficiency in terms of contribution per unit leaf area and the contribution by the whole leaf to the grain yield was recorded by 4th and 3rd leaf, respectively. The stem (covered with petioles) contributed to the extent of around 12 %. The existing leaves compensated to some extent for the defoliated ones.  相似文献   

表皮生长因子与哺乳动物生殖的关系岳占碰杨增明(东北农业大学生物工程系哈尔滨150030)关键词表皮生长因子哺乳动物生殖表皮生长因子(epidermalgrowthfactor,EGF)是一种多肽类生长因子,该因子在人和动物各种组织器官生长发育过程中是...  相似文献   

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