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Nitzsche A  Paulus C  Nevels M 《Journal of virology》2008,82(22):11167-11180
The genomes of herpesviruses, including human cytomegalovirus (CMV), are double-stranded DNA molecules maintained as episomes during infection. The viral DNA lacks histones when encapsidated in the virion. However, it has been found histone associated inside infected cells, implying unidentified chromatin assembly mechanisms. Our results indicate that components of the host cell nucleosome deposition machinery target intranuclear CMV DNA, resulting in stepwise viral-chromatin assembly. CMV genomes undergo limited histone association and nucleosome assembly as early as 30 min after infection via DNA replication-independent mechanisms. Low average viral-genome chromatinization is maintained throughout the early stages of infection. The late phase of infection is characterized by a striking increase in average histone occupancy coupled with the process of viral-DNA replication. While the initial chromatinization affected all analyzed parts of the CMV chromosome, a subset of viral genomic regions, including the major immediate-early promoter, proved to be largely resistant to replication-dependent histone deposition. Finally, our results predict the likely requirement for an unanticipated chromatin disassembly process that enables packaging of histone-free DNA into progeny capsids.  相似文献   

Group B Streptococcus (GBS) type III is an important agent of life-threatening invasive infections. Albeit the immune system plays a dual role in development and protection against disease, mechanisms leading to an efficient immune response against GBS remain obscure. Mouse bone marrow-derived dendritic cells (DCs) and primary spleen DCs were used to evaluate GBS capacity to modulate the functions of these important antigen-presenting cells. The role of capsular polysaccharide (CPS), one of the most important GBS virulence factors, in bacterial-DC interactions was evaluated by using a non-encapsulated mutant. Phagocytosis assays, confocal and electron microscopy showed that DCs efficiently internalize encapsulated GBS, but the latter possesses strong intracellular survival capacity. GBS devoid of CPS was internalized and killed at higher and faster rates than encapsulated GBS early after infection. Among several cytokines tested, GBS internalization was required for modulation of IL-12, IL-10 and CXCL10 pathways. In contrast, GBS induced DC expression of co-stimulatory molecules in a phagocytosis-independent manner. Finally, the production of pro-inflammatory and Th1 cytokines by GBS-stimulated DCs was differentially modulated by CPS expression, depending on DC origin. Our data suggest multiple mechanisms involved in GBS modulation of DC functions, which were selectively regulated by the presence of CPS.  相似文献   

To investigate the biological characterization and antitumor activitites of GM-CSF gene-transfected dendritic cells, the splenic dendritic cells were infected with GM-CSF recombinant replication-deficient adenoviruses in vitro . Their enhanced expression of B7 was demonstrated by FACS analysis, and more potent stimulatory activity was confirmed by allogeneic MLR. Immunization of dendritic cells pulsed with irradiated B16 melanoma cells induced sig-nificant CTL and enabled host to resist the challenge of wild-type B16 cells. When they were transfected with GM-CSF gene subsequently, the induced CTL activity was higher, and the produced protection against B16 cell challenge and therapeutic effect on the mice with preestablished pulmonary melastases more effective. These data suggest that the dendritic cells pulsed with tumor antigen then transfected with GM-CSF gene can be used as an effective vaccine in tumor immunotherapy.  相似文献   

To assess the influence of dendritic cell (DC) production of polarizing cytokines on Th2 and Th1 development we transferred Ag-pulsed DC generated from wild-type, IL-4(-/-), or IL-12(-/-) mice into wild-type, IL-4(-/-), or IL-12(-/-) recipients. We found that DC IL-4 was not necessary for Th2 induction and that, surprisingly, DC IL-12 was not an absolute requirement for Th1 development. However, DC IL-12 production facilitated optimal Th1 response development. Critically, recipient ability to produce IL-4 or IL-12 was essential for either Th2 or Th1 development. These data help delineate the source and importance of IL-4 and IL-12 in the process of induction of polarized T cell responses by DC.  相似文献   

Ag recognition is achieved through the communication across intercellular contacts between T cells and APCs such as dendritic cells (DC). Despite remarkable progress in delineating detailed molecular components at the intercellular contacts, little is known about the functional roles of physical cross-junctional adhesion between T and DC in shaping T cell responses. In addition, the mechanisms underlying sensitivity and specificity of Ag discrimination by T cells at intercellular contacts remain to be elucidated. In this study, we use single-cell force spectroscopy to probe the mechanical interactions between DC and T cells in response to stimulation with a panel of altered peptide ligands. The results show that intercellular interactions of DC-T cell conjugates exhibited different ranges of interaction forces in peptide-dependent manners that match the ability of the peptides to activate T cells. Elevated calcium mobilization and IL-2 secretion by T cells were only promoted in response to antigenic peptides that induce strong interaction forces, suggesting that mechanically stable DC-T cell contacts are crucial for driving T cell activation. Strong interactions were not solely dependent on cell-surface molecules such as TCRs and the adhesion molecule LFA-1, but were also controlled by cytoskeletal dynamics and the integrity of membrane lipid rafts. These data provide novel mechanical insights into the effect of Ag affinity on intercellular contacts that align with T cell responsiveness.  相似文献   

Lots of cell death initiator and effector molecules, signalling pathways and subcellular sites have been identified as key mediators in both cell death processes in cancer. The XDeathDB visualization platform provides a comprehensive cell death and their crosstalk resource for deciphering the signaling network organization of interactions among different cell death modes associated with 1461 cancer types and COVID-19, with an aim to understand the molecular mechanisms of physiological cell death in disease and facilitate systems-oriented novel drug discovery in inducing cell deaths properly. Apoptosis, autosis, efferocytosis, ferroptosis, immunogenic cell death, intrinsic apoptosis, lysosomal cell death, mitotic cell death, mitochondrial permeability transition, necroptosis, parthanatos, and pyroptosis related to 12 cell deaths and their crosstalk can be observed systematically by the platform. Big data for cell death gene-disease associations, gene-cell death pathway associations, pathway-cell death mode associations, and cell death-cell death associations is collected by literature review articles and public database from iRefIndex, STRING, BioGRID, Reactom, Pathway’s commons, DisGeNET, DrugBank, and Therapeutic Target Database (TTD). An interactive webtool, XDeathDB, is built by web applications with R-Shiny, JavaScript (JS) and Shiny Server Iso. With this platform, users can search specific interactions from vast interdependent networks that occur in the realm of cell death. A multilayer spectral graph clustering method that performs convex layer aggregation to identify crosstalk function among cell death modes for a specific cancer. 147 hallmark genes of cell death could be observed in detail in these networks. These potential druggable targets are displayed systematically and tailoring networks to visualize specified relations is available to fulfil user-specific needs. Users can access XDeathDB for free at https://pcm2019.shinyapps.io/XDeathDB/.Subject terms: Cell division, Cancer  相似文献   

The microtubule (MT) cytoskeleton underlies processes such as intracellular transport and cell division. Immunolabeling for posttranslational modifications of tubulin has revealed the presence of different MT subsets, which are believed to differ in stability and function. Whereas dynamic MTs can readily be studied using live-cell plus-end markers, the dynamics of stable MTs have remained obscure due to a lack of tools to directly visualize these MTs in living cells. Here, we present StableMARK (Stable Microtubule-Associated Rigor-Kinesin), a live-cell marker to visualize stable MTs with high spatiotemporal resolution. We demonstrate that a rigor mutant of Kinesin-1 selectively binds to stable MTs without affecting MT organization and organelle transport. These MTs are long-lived, undergo continuous remodeling, and often do not depolymerize upon laser-based severing. Using this marker, we could visualize the spatiotemporal regulation of MT stability before, during, and after cell division. Thus, this live-cell marker enables the exploration of different MT subsets and how they contribute to cellular organization and transport.  相似文献   

In vivo visualization of actin dynamics and actin interactions by BiFC   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The method of bimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC) enables selective visualization of protein interactions. While BiFC complex formation under in vitro conditions is considered to be essentially irreversible, there are hints that under in vivo conditions BiFC complex formation can be reversible. In the present study we used the BiFC method to visualize in vivo actin cytoskeleton dynamics. We demonstrate that in living cells formation of actin/actin BiFC complexes is reversible. Furthermore, we show heterologous binding between actin and protein kinase C delta (PKCdelta). Treatment with phorbol esters caused translocation of actin/PKCdelta complexes from the cytosol to the plasma membrane independent of an intact actin cytoskeleton. Our experiments demonstrate that the BiFC method might be a useful tool to investigate participation of the actin cytoskeleton in regulation of cell function.  相似文献   

Minced human tonsils were digested with DNase and collagenase, and lymphoid cell-depleted low density cells were cultured and grown in granulocyte-macrophage-CSF. Large, morphologically homogenous adherent cells with elongated extensions grew continuously in culture. These nonphagocytic cells appear to be related to follicular dendritic cell (FDC) as they do not have properties of monocytic lineage cells or dendritic cells and because, like FDC, 1) they express CD11b, CD14, CD29, CD40, CD54, CD73, CD74, and VCAM-1, and do not express CD11c, CD22, T cell markers, CD18, CD25 and CD45; and 2) they bind human B lymphocytes and B cell lines, but not T lymphocytes by an adhesion blocked in part by mAb to VLA-4 (CD49d). The cultured FDC also augmented B cell proliferation stimulated by anti-mu sera and/or CD40 mAb. Cultured FDC spontaneously produced low levels of IL-6, but did not produce IL-1 alpha or TNF-alpha; however, after treatment with either IFN-gamma or LPS, they produced more IL-6. The expression of CD54 (ICAM-1) was elevated by treating the cultured FDC with either TNF-alpha, IL-1 beta, IFN-gamma or granulocyte-macrophage-CSF; in contrast, IL-4 had no effect on CD54 but rather up-regulated expression of VCAM-1. IFN-gamma, unlike the other cytokines tested, increased expression of a set of markers on cultured FDC (CD54, VCAM-1, and CD14) and converted these class II-negative cells into class II+ cells. The fact that various T cell-derived cytokines have different effects on FDC suggests that the T cell products may influence the manner by which FDC stimulate B cell proliferation and maturation.  相似文献   

Binding of staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB) to cultured cells and to tissue sections containing presumed target sites was detected by use of an immunofluorescence sandwich technique. A triple sandwich with successive incubations of SEB, rabbit anti-SEB, and fluorescein-conjugated goat anti-rabbit secondary antibody was applied to samples. Binding of SEB to rat basophilic leukemia (RBL) cells, mast cells of rat dorsal skin, and cells of leukocyte-enriched human plasma was observed. Our results point out and reinforce the reported involvement of SEB in various biological effects that appear to implicate leukocytes, either as mast cells residing in tissues or as white cells circulating in the bloodstream.  相似文献   

Syngeneic mixed lymphocyte reaction (SMLR) has been considered to represent T cell response to self antigens. In this study using stimulator dendritic cells (DC), we analyzed cellular components responding to the syngeneic DC. It was shown that the predominant dividing cells were CD8(+) T cells although the response of CD4(+) T cells was essential for initiation of SMLR. In spite of the vigorous proliferation and expression of several activation markers, these SMLR-activated CD8(+) T cells hardly killed syngeneic targets and most of the CD8(+) T cells produced no interferon-gamma upon restimulation with DC. Furthermore, in SMLR where CD8(+) T cells were absent or inhibited, a considerable proliferation of CD4(-) CD8(-) double negative-T cells that included TCRalpha/beta(+) natural killer-T cells (NKT cells), TCRgamma/delta(+) NKT cells and TCRgamma/delta(+) T cells was observed.  相似文献   

Dendritic cell (DC)-based therapy has proven to be effective in patients with malignant lymphoma, melanoma, and renal and prostate carcinoma. In this phase I clinical trial, we have shown that patients with advanced gynaecological malignancies can be effectively vaccinated with DC pulsed with keyhole limpet haemocyanin (KLH) and autologous tumour antigens. Two patients with uterine sarcoma and six subjects with ovarian carcinoma received three to 23 intracutaneous injections of antigen-pulsed DC at 10-day or 4-week intervals. Three patients showed stable disease lasting 25 to 45 weeks, and five experienced tumour progression within the first 14 weeks. KLH- and tumour lysate-specific delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) reactions were observed in six and one patient, respectively. Lymphoproliferative responses to KLH and to tumour lysate stimulation were recorded in six patients and in two patients respectively. Tumour antigen-stimulated interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) secretion by peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) in one patient was consistent with a T(H) type 1 cytokine bias. The treatment was safe, well tolerated, immunologically active and except for local cutaneous hypersensitivity devoid of significant adverse effects.  相似文献   

HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) diverts the cellular ESCRT (endosomal sorting complex required for transport) machinery to promote virion release from infected cells. The ESCRT consists of four heteromeric complexes (ESCRT-0 to ESCRT-III), which mediate different membrane abscission processes, most importantly formation of intralumenal vesicles at multivesicular bodies. The ATPase VPS4 (vacuolar protein sorting 4) acts at a late stage of ESCRT function, providing energy for ESCRT dissociation. Recruitment of ESCRT by late-domain motifs in the viral Gag polyprotein and a role of ESCRT in HIV release are firmly established, but the order of events, their kinetics and the mechanism of action of individual ESCRT components in HIV budding are unclear at present. Using live-cell imaging, we show late-domain-dependent recruitment of VPS4A to nascent HIV particles at the host cell plasma membrane. Recruitment of VPS4A was transient, resulting in a single or a few bursts of at least two to five VPS4 dodecamers assembling at HIV budding sites. Bursts lasted for ~35 s and appeared with variable delay before particle release. These results indicate that VPS4A has a direct role in membrane scission leading to HIV-1 release.  相似文献   

Dendritic cell (DC)-based antitumor immunotherapy is a promising cancer therapy. We have previously shown that tumor-derived TGF-beta limits the efficacy of the DC/tumor fusion vaccine in mice. In the current study we investigated the effect of neutralizing tumor-derived TGF-beta on the efficacy of the DC/tumor fusion vaccine. An adenovirus encoding human TGF-beta receptor type II fused to the Fc region of human IgM (Adv-TGF-beta-R) or a control adenovirus encoding LacZ (Adv-LacZ) was used to express a soluble form of the neutralizing TGF-beta receptor (TGF-beta-R). Murine breast carcinoma cells, 4T1, but not bone marrow-derived DCs, were successfully transfected with Adv-TGF-beta-R (4T1+Adv-TGF-beta-R) using a multiplicity of infection of 300. Immunization with irradiated 4T1+Adv-TGF-beta-R tumor cells conferred enhanced antitumor immunity compared with immunization with irradiated 4T1+Adv-LacZ tumor cells. The DC/4T1+Adv-TGF-beta-R fusion vaccine offered enhanced protective and therapeutic efficacy compared with the DC/4T1-Adv-LacZ fusion vaccine. Because TGF-beta is known to induce regulatory T cells (Tregs), we further showed that the DC/4T1+Adv-TGF-beta-R fusion vaccine induced fewer CD4(+)CD25(+)Foxp3(+) Tregs than the DC/4T1+Adv-LacZ fusion vaccine in vitro and in vivo. The suppressive role of splenic CD4(+)CD25(+) Tregs isolated from mice immunized with DC/4T1+Adv-LacZ was demonstrated using a CTL killing assay. Similar enhanced therapeutic efficacy was observed in murine renal cell carcinoma, RenCa, which expresses a high level of TGF-beta. We conclude that the blockade of tumor-derived TGF-beta reduces Treg induction by the DC/tumor fusion vaccine and enhances antitumor immunity. This may be an effective strategy to enhance human DC-based antitumor vaccines.  相似文献   

Plasmacytoid dendritic cells (PDCs), the main producers of type I IFN in response to viral infection, are essential in antiviral immunity. In this study, we assessed the effect of human CMV (HCMV) infection on PDC function and on downstream B and T cell responses in vitro. HCMV infection of human PDCs was nonpermissive, as immediate-early but not late viral Ags were detected. HCMV led to partial maturation of PDCs and up-regulated MHC class II and CD83 molecules but not the costimulatory molecules CD80 and CD86. Regardless of viral replication, PDCs secreted cytokines after contact with HCMV, including IFN-alpha secretion that was blocked by inhibitory CpG, suggesting an engagement of the TLR7 and/or TLR9 pathways. In the presence of B cell receptor stimulation, soluble factors produced by HCMV-matured PDCs triggered B cell activation and proliferation. Through PDC stimulation, HCMV prompted B cell activation, but only induced Ab production in the presence of T cells or T cell secreted IL-2. Conversely, HCMV hampered the allostimulatory ability of PDCs, leading to decreased proliferation of CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells. These findings reveal a novel mechanism by which HCMV differentially controls humoral and cell-mediate immune responses through effects on PDCs.  相似文献   

Recent reports introduce a novel cell subset of DCs with antigenic phenotypes shared by both NK cells and B cells, but without surface markers of pDCs and T cells, appearing to be a chimera of NK cells and DCs, namely interferon-producing killer dendritic cells(IKDCs).IKDCs not only secret type I and type II interferons to recognize and kill tumor cells effectively, but also express MHC-II molecules to present antigens.Thus, IKDCs are considered as important immunosurveilance cells for tumors, providing a link between innate and adaptive immunity.  相似文献   

The surface of dendritic cells from mouse spleen, thymus, and epidermis has been compared with a panel of monoclonal antibodies and the FACS. A method was first developed to isolate populations of large, adherent, thymic dendritic cells that were greater than 90% pure. These were released by collagenase digestion and separated from adherent macrophages after overnight culture. Enrichment was based on the facts that most macrophages remained plastic adherent and rosetted strongly with antibody-coated erythrocytes. As in spleen, thymic dendritic cells were stellate in shape, had abundant class I and II MHC products, lacked many standard macrophage and lymphocyte markers, and actively stimulated the mixed leukocyte reaction. Most spleen and thymic dendritic cells could be lysed by the 7D4 mAb, to the low-affinity IL-2 receptor, and complement but the levels of 7D4 by FACS were low and sometimes not above background. Differences among dendritic cells from different tissues were noted with other mAb. Adherent dendritic cells from thymus all expressed the J11d "B cell" antigen and the NL145 interdigitating cell marker, but lacked the 33D1 spleen dendritic cell antigen. Eighty to ninety percent of spleen dendritic cells were J11d-, NL145-, 33D1+ but the remainder expressed the J11d+, NL145+, 33D1- thymic phenotype. The latter phenotype also was identical to that of epidermal Langerhans' cells. We postulate that the major 33D1+ cell in spleen represents a migratory stage in which dendritic cells are moving from tissues to lymphoid organs.  相似文献   

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