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Ins and Ins phospholipids are present in and are made by most Archaea and all eukaryotes. Relatively few bacteria possess Ins phospholipids: and only one major grouping, the Actinobacteria, is known to have evolved multiple functions for Ins derivatives. The Ins phospholipids of all organisms, whether they have diradylglycerol or ceramide backbones, seem to use the same Ins1P headgroup stereochemistry, so they are probably made by evolutionarily conserved pathways. It seems likely that an early member of the Archaea made the first phospholipid with an Ins1P headgroup -maybe three billionyears ago – and that amuchlater archaeal descendentwas the ancestral contributor that brought these molecules into the common ancestor of all eukaryotes – maybe two billionyears ago (Michell, 2007, 2008). It will only be possible to infer the likely details of these processes when we have learned much more about the Ins lipid biochemistry of modern archaeons. All eukaryotes make substantial amounts of PtdIns, both as a ‘bulk’ membrane phospholipid and as the precursor of seven phosphorylated derivatives of PtdIns (the polyphosphoinositides; PPIn) and of the ‘GPI anchors’ of cell surface ectoproteins. PtdIns(4,5)P2 – with its many functions – and its precursor PtdIns4P are found in all in eukaryotes. So are PtdIns3P and PtdIns(3,5)P2, which have ubiquitous roles in the regulation of membrane trafficking events. However, synthesis of and signalling by PtdIns(3,4,5) P 3 appears to be confined to a later-evolved group of eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate 3-kinases: functions and regulations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Xia HJ  Yang G 《Cell research》2005,15(2):83-91

Cyclitol derivatives that are structurally related to myo-inositol induce growth arrest without differentiation in human promyelocytic leukemia (HL60) cells. An early effect is the rapid down-regulation of c-myc mRNA levels. This was observed also in several mouse and human lines carrying either normal or rearranged myc. The mRNA levels of a constitutive mouse myc construct transfected into HL60 were not affected at the same time. Uridine and thymidine incorporation were significantly decreased by the cyclitol treatment. These effects partly resemble those of certain differentiation inducers and those of hexachlorcyclohexane, another myo-inositol analogue. This new group of agents offers a novel approach to studying control mechanisms involving c-myc.  相似文献   

Internal repetition within proteins has been a successful strategem on multiple separate occasions throughout evolution. Such protein repeats possess regular secondary structures and form multirepeat assemblies in three dimensions of diverse sizes and functions. In general, however, internal repetition affords a protein enhanced evolutionary prospects due to an enlargement of its available binding surface area. Constraints on sequence conservation appear to be relatively lax, due to binding functions ensuing from multiple, rather than, single repeats. Considerable sequence divergence as well as the short lengths of sequence repeats mean that repeat detection can be a particularly arduous task. We also consider the conundrum of how multiple repeats, which show strong structural and functional interdependencies, ever evolved from a single repeat ancestor. In this review, we illustrate each of these points by referring to six prolific repeat types (repeats in beta-propellers and beta-trefoils and tetratricopeptide, ankyrin, armadillo/HEAT, and leucine-rich repeats) and in other less-prolific but nonetheless interesting repeats.  相似文献   

Conversion of forewings into hardened covers, elytra, was a ground-breaking morphological adaptation that has contributed to the extraordinary evolutionary success of beetles. Nevertheless, the knowledge of the functional aspects of these structures is still fragmentary and scattered across a large number of studies. Here, we have synthesized the presently available information on the evolution, development, modifications and biological functions of this crucial evolutionary novelty. The formation of elytra took place in the earliest evolution of Coleoptera, very likely already in the Carboniferous, and was achieved through the gradual process of progressive forewing sclerotization and the formation of inward directed epipleura and a secluded sub-elytral space. In many lineages of modern beetles, the elytra have been distinctly modified. This includes multiple surface modifications, a rigid connection or fusion of the elytra, or partial or complete reduction. Beetle elytra can be involved in a very broad spectrum of functions: mechanical protection of hind wings and body, anti-predator strategies, thermoregulation and water saving, water harvesting, flight, hind wing folding, diving and swimming, self-cleaning and burrow cleaning, phoresy of symbiotic organisms, mating and courtship, and acoustic communication. We postulate that the potential of the elytra to take over multiple tasks has enormously contributed to the unparalleled diversification of beetles.  相似文献   

Bruce A.  Young 《Journal of Zoology》1992,227(4):567-583
The structural features of tracheal diverticula are reviewed, and their taxonomic distribution summarized. Five possible functions are hypothesized for these structures: as an air reservoir, as an accessory site for gas exchange, to enhance buoyancy, to inflate the neck, and to modify the hiss acoustically. Three possible scenarios for the evolutionary origin of tracheal diverticula are discussed: through simplification of tracheal lungs, through subdivision of expanded tracheal membranes, and as de novo structures. The tracheal diverticula most likely function concomitantly to inflate the neck and acoustically modify the hiss. These structures presumably arose de novo , in either one or two evolutionary lineages.  相似文献   

Carotenoids first emerged in archaebacteria as lipids reinforcing cell membranes. To serve this function their long molecules have extremely rigid backbone due to the linear chain of usually 10 to 11 conjugated C=C bonds in transconfiguration--the length corresponding the thickness of hydrophobic zone of membrane which they penetrate as "molecular rivets". Carotenoids retain their membrane-reinforcing function in some fungi and animals. The general structure of carotenoid molecule, originally having evolved for mechanical functions in membranes, possess a number of other properties that were later used for independent functions. The most striking fact is that these properties proved to fit some new functions to perfection. The polyene chain of 9-11 double bonds absorbs light precisely in the gap of chlorophyll absorption--function as accessory light-harvesting pigments in all plants; Unique arrangement of electronic levels owing to the by polyene chain structure makes carotenoids the only natural compounds capable of excitation energy transfer both (i) from carotenoid excited state to chlorophyll in the light-harvesting complex and (ii) from triplet chlorophyll or singlet oxygen to carotenoid in photosynthetic reaction centers--protection of RC from photodamage. The linear system of conjugated C=C bonds provides high reducing potential of carotenoid molecules making them potent antioxidants in lipid formations. Still, there is a lack of evidence of the chemical antioxidant function of carotenoids, especially in higher organisms; most data demonstrate an antioxidant ability rather than a function. Carotenoids have many other independent biological functions, including: specific coloration patterns in plants and animals, screening from excessive light and spectral filtering, defense of egg proteins from proteases in some invertebrates; the direct carotenoid derivative--retinal--acts as visual pigment in all animals and as chromophore in bacteriorhodopsin photosynthesis, retinoic acid in animals and abscisic acid in plants serve as hormones. All these functions utilize various properties (mechanical, electronic, stereospecific) of a single structure evolved in bacteria for a single membrane-reinforcing function, thus demonstrating an example of pure evolutionary preadaptation. One of the practical conclusions that can be reached by reviewing uniquely diverse properties and functions of carotenoids is that, when considering possible mechanisms of their effects in organisms (e.g., anticarcinogenic action), all their functional traits should be taken into account.  相似文献   

Hatch AJ  York JD 《Cell》2010,143(6):1030-1030.e1

Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) plays a pivotal role in synaptic transmission by hydrolyzing the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. In addition to the classical function of AChE in synaptic transmission, various non-classical functions have been elucidated. Unlike vertebrates possessing a single AChE gene (ace), invertebrates (nematodes, arachnids, and insects) have multiple ace loci, encoding diverse AChEs with a range of different functions. In the field of toxicology, AChE with synaptic function has long been exploited as the target of organophosphorus and cabarmate pesticides to control invertebrate pests for the past several decades. However, many aspects of the evolution and non-classical roles of invertebrate AChEs are still unclear. Although currently available information on invertebrate AChEs is fragmented, we reviewed the recent findings on their evolutionary status, molecular/biochemical properties, and deduced non-classical (non-neuronal) functions.  相似文献   

SOS functions,cancer and inducible evolution   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Harrison Echols 《Cell》1981,25(1):1-2

Protein folds, functions and evolution.   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The evolution of proteins and their functions is reviewed from a structural perspective in the light of the current database. Protein domain families segregate unequally between the three major classes, the 32 different architectures and almost 700 folds observed to date. We find that the number of new topologies is still increasing, although 25 new structures are now determined for each new topology. The corresponding analysis and classification of function is only just beginning, fuelled by the genome data. The structural data revealed unexpected conservations and divergence of function both within and between families. The next five years will see the compilation of a definitive dictionary of protein families and their related functions, based on structural data which reveals relationships hidden at the sequence level. Such information will provide the foundation to build a better understanding of the molecular basis of biological complexity and hopefully to facilitate rational molecular design.  相似文献   

Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology - Actinobacteria, a large group of Gram-positive bacteria, secrete a wide range of extracellular enzymes involved in the degradation of organic compounds and...  相似文献   

The evolution and functions of laughter and humor: a synthetic approach   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A number of recent hypotheses have attempted to explain the ultimate evolutionary origins of laughter and humor. However most of these have lacked breadth in their evolutionary frameworks while neglecting the empirical existence of two distinct types of laughter--Duchenne and non-Duchenne--and the implications of this distinction for the evolution of laughter as a signal. Most of these hypotheses have also been proposed in relative isolation of each other and remain disjointed from the relevant empirical literature. Here we attempt to remedy these shortcomings through a synthesis of previous laughter and humor research followed by (i) a reevaluation of this research in light of theory and data from several relevant disciplines, and (ii) the proposal of a synthetic evolutionary framework that takes into account phylogeny and history as well as proximate mechanisms and adaptive significance. We consider laughter to have been a preadaptation that was gradually elaborated and co-opted through both biological and cultural evolution. We hypothesize that Duchenne laughter became fully ritualized in early hominids between 4 and 2 mya as a medium for playful emotional contagion. This mechanism would have coupled the emotions of small hominid groups and promoted resource-building social play during the fleeting periods of safety and satiation that characterized early bipedal life. We further postulate that a generalized class of nonserious social incongruity would have been a reliable indicator of such safe times and thereby came to be a potent distal elicitor of laughter and playful emotion. This class of stimuli had its origins in primate social play and was the foundation for formal human humor. Within this framework, Duchenne laughter and protohumor were well established in the hominid biobehavioral repertoire when more cognitively sophisticated traits evolved in the hominid line between 2 mya and the present. The prior existence of laughter and humor allowed them to be co-opted for numerous novel functions, and it is from this process that non-Duchenne laughter and the "dark side" of laughter emerged. This perspective organizes the diversified forms and functions that characterize laughter and humor today and clarifies when and how laughter and humor evolved during the course of human evolution.  相似文献   

Directed evolution has been successfully used to engineer proteins for basic and applied biological research. However, engineering of novel protein functions by directed evolution remains an overwhelming challenge. This challenge may come from the fact that multiple simultaneously or synergistic mutations are required for the creation of a novel protein function. Here we review the key developments in engineering of novel protein functions by using either directed evolution or a combined directed evolution and rational or computational design approach. Specific attention will be paid to a molecular evolution model for generation of novel proteins. The engineered novel proteins should not only broaden the range of applications of proteins but also provide new insights into protein structure-function relationship and protein evolution.  相似文献   

Nature's strategies for evolving catalytic functions can be deciphered from the information contained in the rapidly expanding protein sequence databases. However, the functions of many proteins in the protein sequence and structure databases are either uncertain (too divergent to assign function based on homology) or unknown (no homologs), thereby limiting the utility of the databases. The mechanistically diverse enolase superfamily is a paradigm for understanding the structural bases for evolution of enzymatic function. We describe strategies for assigning functions to members of the enolase superfamily that should be applicable to other superfamilies.  相似文献   

Properties, functions and evolution of cytokinin receptors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The discovery of cytokinin receptors of Arabidopsis thaliana ten years ago was a milestone in plant hormone research. Since then, research has yielded insights into the biochemical properties and functions of these sensor histidine kinases. Their affinities to both trans-zeatin and isopentenyladenine are in the low nM range. Cytokinin ribosides, cis-zeatin and thidiazuron were established as compounds with genuine cytokinin activity and the first cytokinin antagonists were identified. Numerous functions of cytokinin receptors in plant development, as well as in the plant's responses to the environment, have been elucidated and are summarized. Finally, we address the question how the receptors have evolved during plant evolution.  相似文献   

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