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Yang  Longfei  Zhang  Jinlong  Chen  Jiajia  Jin  Huricha  Liu  Jian  Huang  Shen  Cui  Zhiming 《Neurochemical research》2015,40(9):1966-1975
Neurochemical Research - CUG-binding protein 1, a member of the CELF (CUGBP and embryonic lethal abnormal vision-like factor) family of RNA-binding proteins, is shown to be multifunctional,...  相似文献   

Zinc concentrations in the dorsal horn of spinal cord are important for wound healing, neurological function, and reproduction. However, the response of the spinal cord to alterations in dietary zinc is unknown in rats after spinal cord injury (SCI). The current study explored cellular zinc levels and zinc transporter 1 (ZnT1) expression in the dorsal horn of spinal cord with different dietary zinc after SCI. A hundred and forty-four male Wistar rats were randomly divided into four groups: sham-operated group (30?mg Zn/kg), zinc-high dietary SCI model group (ZH, 180?mg Zn/kg), zinc-adequate dietary SCI model group (30?mg Zn/kg), and marginal zinc-deficient dietary SCI model group (MZD, 5?mg Zn/kg). To test the hypothesis that dietary zinc may regulate role of ZnT1 expression in dorsal horn after acute SCI, we traced ZnT1 proteins and zinc ions with immunohistochemistry, western blot, and autometallography. Zinc and ZnT1 levels of the dorsal horn in ZH significantly increased after surgery (P?<?0.05), reached peak level (P?<?0.05) on the seventh day, and subsequently levels of their expression began to decrease. But zinc levels and ZnT1 expression of spinal cord in MZD dietary groups decreased (P?<?0.05) in SCI. There was a positive correlation between ZnT1 protein and zinc content in spinal cord (R?=?0.49880, P?=?0.0492). We found that both zinc and ZnT1 expressions in spinal cord are regulated by dietary zinc. These results indicate that dietary zinc may regulate the expression of ZnT1 in the dorsal horn of spinal cord after SCI. ZnT1 may, at the same time, play a significant role in the maintenance of zinc homeostasis in SCI.  相似文献   

Autophagy is an intracellular catabolic mechanism that maintains the balance of proteins, lipids and aging organelles. 3-Methyladenine (3-MA) is a selective inhibitor of autophagy, whereas rapamycin, an antifungal agent, is a specific inducer of autophagy, inhibiting the protein mammalian target of rapamycin. In the present study, we examined the role of autophagy, inhibited by 3-MA and enhanced by rapamycin, in a model of acute spinal cord injury in rats. We found that rapamycin could significantly increase the expression of microtubule-associated protein 1 light chain 3 (LC3) and Beclin1 at the injury site. At the same time, the number of neurons and astrocytes with LC3 positive in the spinal cord was upregulated with time. In addition, administration of rapamycin produced an increase in the Basso, Beattie and Bresnahan scores of injured rats, indicating high recovery of locomotor function. Furthermore, expression of the proteins Bcl-2 and Bax was upregulated and downregulated, respectively. By contrast, the results for rats treated with 3-MA, which inhibits autophagy, were the opposite of those seen with the rapamycin-treated rats. These results show that induction of autophagy can produce neuroprotective effects in acute spinal cord injury in rats via inhibition of apoptosis.  相似文献   

Abstract : A standardized compression injury of rat spinal cord brought about a time-dependent biphasic production of thromboxane A2 (detected as thromboxane B2) and prostaglandin I2 (detected as 6-ketoprostaglandin F. Thromboxane B2 was predominant during the first 1 h, whereas the 6-ketoprostaglandin F level exceeded that of thromboxane B2 at 8 h postinjury. As examined by inhibitor experiments and northern blotting, cyclooxygenase-1 was responsible for the first phase, and cyclooxygenase-2 was involved in the second phase. On compression injury the levels of interleukin-1α and -1β detected as mRNA and protein increased and peaked at 2-4 h. Injection of exogenous interleukin-1 α into the spinal cord resulted in an increase of cyclooxygenase-2 mRNA content and a predominant production of 6-ketoprostaglandin F resembling the second phase of eicosanoid production. Concomitantly, extravascular migration of polymorphonuclear leukocytes was enhanced after the interleukin-1α injection. These cells together with vascular endothelial cells and glial cells were stained positively with an anti-cyclooxygenase-2 antibody. The results suggest that the immediate eicosanoid synthesis after spinal cord injury was due to the constitutive cyclooxygenase-1 and the delayed synthesis of eicosanoids was attributable to the induction of cyclooxygenase-2 mediated by interleukin-1 α.  相似文献   

Zhang  Qi  Li  Yanan  Yin  Chunping  Yu  Jiaxu  Zhao  Juan  Yan  Lirong  Wang  Qiujun 《Neurochemical research》2022,47(6):1751-1764
Neurochemical Research - Postoperative cognitive dysfunction (POCD) remains one of the most common complications following anesthesia and surgery (AS) in the elderly population. Calcium-mediated...  相似文献   

Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a complex debilitating condition leading to permanent life-long neurological deficits. The complexity of SCI suggests that a concerted multi-targeted therapeutic approach is warranted to optimally improve function. Damage to spinal cord is complicated by an increased detrimental response from secondary injury factors mediated by activated glial cells and infiltrating macrophages. While elevation of enolase especially neuron specific enolase (NSE) in glial and neuronal cells is believed to trigger inflammatory cascades in acute SCI, alteration of NSE and its subsequent effects in acute SCI remains unknown. This study measured NSE expression levels and key inflammatory mediators after acute SCI and investigated the role of ENOblock, a novel small molecule inhibitor of enolase, in a male Sprague–Dawley (SD) rat SCI model. Serum NSE levels as well as cytokines/chemokines and metabolic factors were evaluated in injured animals following treatment with vehicle alone or ENOblock using Discovery assay. Spinal cord samples were also analyzed for NSE and MMPs 2 and 9 as well as glial markers by Western blotting. The results indicated a significant decrease in serum inflammatory cytokines/chemokines and NSE, alterations of metabolic factors and expression of MMPs in spinal cord tissues after treatment with ENOblock (100 µg/kg, twice). These results support the hypothesis that activation of glial cells and inflammation status can be modulated by regulation of NSE expression and activity. Analysis of SCI tissue samples by immunohistochemistry confirmed that ENOblock decreased gliosis which may have occurred through reduction of elevated NSE in rats. Overall, elevation of NSE is deleterious as it promotes extracellular degradation and production of inflammatory cytokines/chemokines and metabolic factors which activates glia and damages neurons. Thus, reduction of NSE by ENOblock may have potential therapeutic implications in acute SCI.  相似文献   

Permanent disruptions of gastrointestinal function are very common sequel of spinal cord injury (SCI). When motor and sensory nervous integrity are severely affected, neurogenic gastrointestinal dysfunction is an inevitable consequence. Autonomic nervous system miss function has significantly diminished or lost sensory sensations followed with incomplete evacuation of stool from the rectal vault, immobility, and reduced anal sphincter tone all of those predisposing to increased risk of fecal incontinence (FI). The FI is, beside paralysis of extremities, one of the symptoms most profoundly affecting quality of life (QOL) in patients with SCI. We are reviewing current perspectives in management of SCI, discussing some pathophysiology mechanisms which could be addressed and pointing toward actual practical concepts in use for evaluation and improvements necessary to sustain SCI patients QOL.  相似文献   

大鼠放射性脊髓损伤脊髓血流量变化规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:放射性脊髓损伤(Radiation spinal cord injury,RSCI)是头颈部、胸部及上腹部肿瘤放射治疗和射线意外照射时的常见并发症,一般认为,白质坏死、脱髓鞘为其主要的病理学变化.然而,越来越多的证据表明血-脊髓屏障破裂和血管通透性增加等血管损伤远早于白质坏死和脱髓鞘改变.所以本文阐明大鼠放射性脊髓损伤病理生理过程中脊髓血流量变化规律.方法:将60只Sprague-Dawley (SD)大鼠随机分为12组,1组为对照,其余11组采用60Co放射治疗机行30 Gy大鼠颈髓C2-T2单次照射,剂量率为153 cGy/min,源皮距为80 cm,照射时长为1153 s,照射范围为2.0× 1.0 cm,对照组大鼠于麻醉后置于60Co放射治疗机下,佯照,照射前及照射后分别采用激光多普勒法测量脊髓血流量,11组大鼠于照射前以及照射后1、3、7、14、21、30、60、90、120、150、180天进行测量,以照射前测量值为基数,各时间点以基数的百分比表示该时间点脊髓血流量.结果:大鼠放射性脊髓损伤后,脊髓血流量在照射早期即有降低,照射后90天达到最低,随后脊髓血流量进入平台期.结论:阐明了大鼠放射性脊髓损伤后脊髓血流量的变化规律.大鼠放射性脊髓损伤可影响脊髓血流量,导致脊髓长期处于持续低灌流、缺血缺氧状态,最终导致脊髓不可逆性损伤.临床上放射性脊髓损伤的病人感到疲乏无力,出现神经系统的症状体征,通常死于脑疝.本文为临床上疲乏无力,出现神经系统的症状体征,死于脑疝放射性脊髓损伤的病人的早期防治提供病理生理基础.  相似文献   

Dexras1, a brain-enriched member of the Ras subfamily of GTPases, as a novel physiologic nitric oxide (NO) effector, anchor neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) that increased after spinal cord injury (SCI), to specific targets to enhance NO signaling, and is strongly and rapidly induced during treatment with dexamethasone. It is unknown how the central nervous system (CNS) trauma affects the expression of Dexras1. Here we used spinal cord transection (SCT) model to detect expression of Dexras1 at mRNA and protein level in spinal cord homogenates by real-time PCR and Western blot analysis. The results showed that Dexras1 mRNA upregulated at 3 day, 5 day, and 7 day significantly (P < 0.05) that was consistent with the protein level except at 7 day. Immunofluorescence revealed that both neurons and glial cells showed Dexras1 immunoreactivivty (IR) around SCT site, but the proportion is different. Importantly, injury-induced expression of Dexras1 was co-labeled by caspase-3 (apoptotic marker) and Tau-1 (marker for pathological oligodendrocyte). Furthermore, colocalization of Dexras1, carboxy-terminal PSD95/DLG/ZO-1 (PDZ) ligand of nNOS (CAPON) and nNOS was observed in neurons and glial cells, supporting the existence of ternary complexes in this model. Thus, the results that the transient high expression of Dexras1 which localized in apoptotic neurons and pathological oligodendrocytes might provide new insight into the secondary response after SCT. Xin Li, Chun Cheng, and Min Fei contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Spinal cord injury causes sensory loss below the level of lesion. Synaptosomal-associated protein 25 (SNAP25) is a t-SNARE protein essential for exocytosis and neurotransmitter release, but its role in sensory functional recovery has not been determined. The aim of the present study is therefore to investigate whether SNAP25 can promote sensory recovery. By 2D proteomics, we found a downregulation of SNAP25 and then constructed two lentiviral vectors, Lv-exSNAP25 and Lv-shSNAP25, which allows efficient and stable RNAi-mediated silencing of endogenous SNAP25. Overexpression of SNAP25 enhanced neurite outgrowth in vitro and behavior response to thermal and mechanical stimuli in vivo, while the silencing of SNAP25 had the opposite effect. These results suggest that SNAP25 plays a crucial role in sensory functional recovery following spinal cord injury (SCI). Our study therefore provides a novel target for the management of SCI for sensory dysfunction.  相似文献   

SENP3 (SUMO-specific proteases 3), a member of the small ubiquitin-like modifier specific protease family, was identified as a molecule that deconjugates SUMOylation of modified protein substrates and functions as an isopeptidase by disrupting SUMO homeostasis to facilitate cancer development and progression. However, its expression and function in nervous system injury and repair are still unclear. In this study, we employed an acute spinal cord injury (SCI) model in adult rats and investigated the dynamic changes of SENP3 expression in the spinal cord. Western blot analysis indicated a gradual increase in SENP3 expression, which peaked 3?days after SCI, and then declined over the following days. Immunohistochemistry results further confirmed that SENP3 was expressed at low levels in the gray and white matter in the non-injured condition and increased after SCI. Moreover, immunofluorescence double-labeling showed that SENP3 was co-expressed with the neuronal marker, NeuN. Furthermore, the SENP3-positive cells that were co-expressed with NeuN had also expressed active caspase-3 after injury. To investigate whether SENP3 plays a role in neuronal apoptosis, we applied H2O2 to induce neuronal apoptosis in vitro. Western blot analysis showed a significant upregulation of SENP3 and active caspase-3 following H2O2 stimulation. Taken together, these results suggest that SENP3 may play important roles in the pathophysiology of SCI.  相似文献   

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