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During a 12-year period 50 patients with measles encephalitis were treated with typhoid vaccine-45 of them not until they were in a vegetative state. There were no deaths in the treated cases. All except one were clinically normal after treatment was ended. Late in the series it became apparent that after the clinical normal is attained and the electroencephalogram becomes normal, treatment should still be continued until the cortex has been "challenged" repeatedly and the electroencephalogram shown to remain normal. The "shock" element in the treatment with typhoid vaccine was prevented by anticipating and circumventing the unfavorable reactions to the vaccine. It may take 20 to 50 treatments or more with typhoid vaccine to return a patient to normality. Each individual is different and responds in a different period of time.  相似文献   

Huss D  Poynter G  Lansford R 《Lab animal》2008,37(11):513-519
For the past 50 years, the Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica) has been a popular animal model in numerous fields of research. The quail's 16-d developmental period and its easily accessible embryo make C. japonica a convenient model for studies of developmental biology. Because its lifespan is relatively short and its physiology is comparable to that of humans, the adult quail is useful for studies of aging and disease. The authors describe the Japanese quail as an animal model and, drawing on their experience raising a quail colony at the California Institute of Technology, present detailed guidelines for the husbandry of the species.  相似文献   

The patients' sera had been referred to the National Salmonella Centre for routine Widal serology. Sera were predominately from patients suspected of having been infected with Salmonella Typhi, but also included one serum from patient with typhoid fever who was culture positive for Salmonella Typhi. The immunoblotting procedure using Salmonella Typhi somatic (O=9,12 LPS) and flagellar (H=d) antigens was used for preliminary testing of selected patients sera previously evaluated by Widal agglutination assay as containing different levels of antibodies against O and/or H antigens of Salmonella Typhi. Following Chart et al., immunoblotting reactions were graded between 0 and 3, with 0 indicating an absence of antibody binding, and 3 where antibody binding was readily observed. Sera giving reaction of 2 or 3 were considered to be antibody positive for this study. Positive immunoblotting reaction to O=9,12 LPS antigen was obtained only with the serum of patient with typhoid fever. Presence of specific anti-LPS antibodies was also observed in two other patients' sera diluted 1:50, and in case of one of them also in dilution 1:200, but intensity of antigen-antibody reaction was under positive result criterion. The most other sera positive to O=9,12 antigen in law dilutions (1:50, 1:100) by Widal assay, showed the traces of non-specific reaction by immunoblotting. Presence of positive antigen-antibody reaction was indicated for five sera in dilution 1:50 when tested with the >55 kDa H=d flagellar protein subunit, including the serum of patient with typhoid fever. Only in this serum the high level of specific antibodies was detected also in dilution 1:200, what was not observed in case of the other four, which appeared negative. All the other sera were shown not to contain antibodies to flagella antigen. Although the presented results are preliminary and additional study of more sera of people infected with Salmonella Typhi is needed, it can be concluded after Chart et al., that an immunoblotting procedure incorporating O=9,12 LPS and flagellar H=d antigens is a useful method for providing serological evidence of infection with Salmonella Typhi. In our opinion it can serve as a rapid test for the diagnosis of typhoid fever.  相似文献   

The penetrative captive bolt pistol was tested on dogs (Canis familiaris) and rabbits (Oryctolagus cunniculi) to assess if it is a humane method of euthanasia to use when a physical method is required. The bolt was placed directly on the skull at the intersection of lines drawn from the lateral canthus of each eye to the opposite ear, and fired. In all cases, consciousness appeared to be lost immediately as evidenced by motoric collapse of the animal and loss of the corneal reflex. The only movement noted appeared to be reflex in nature. In order to determine the time of onset of brain death, the auditory evoked potential (AEP) and electroencephalogram (EEG) were measured in dogs. Within 15 seconds after firing the pistol, organized AEP activity could not be detected above the medulla and EEG activity became isoelectric. These findings suggest that cerebral death occurred almost immediately and, therefore, the captive bolt pistol is a humane method of euthanasia.  相似文献   

To meet the requirements of the EU 7th Amendment to the Cosmetics Directive, manufacturers of cosmetics products will need to ascertain the safety of ingredients using non-animal methods. Starting in 2009, in vivo genotoxicity tests for cosmetics ingredients will not be allowed. Skin is a target area of interest for many cosmetic products because of its relatively high exposure. Therefore, it would be beneficial to have a non-animal, skin-based genotoxicity assay, especially one that utilized human skin in vitro. In this paper, we describe the development of a reproducible micronucleus assay that uses EpiDerm engineered human skin constructs (MatTek Corp., Ashland, MA). We describe methods for isolating single cells from the 3D skin model and for processing the cells for microscopic analysis of micronuclei (MN). In addition, since little was known about the kinetics of the dividing keratinocytes in the EpiDerm model, we evaluated whether cytochalasin B (Cyt-B) could be used to distinguish the population of dividing cells allowing the development of a micronucleus assay in binucleated cells. We found that the frequency of binucleated cells increased both with time and with increasing concentration of Cyt-B. After a 48-h exposure, 30-50% binucleated cells were reproducibly obtained. Finally, we evaluated micronucleus induction using the model genotoxicants mitomycin C (MMC) and vinblastine sulfate (VB). The background frequency of MN is very low and reproducible in this model, and statistically significant increases in the frequency of micronucleated cells were induced by both MMC and VB. These are initial steps in developing a routine "in vivo-like" assay for chromosomal damage in human tissue. It is hoped that other investigators utilize these methods to further the understanding of this potentially valuable new non-animal method.  相似文献   

The reactogenicity and safety of poly-component vaccine (VP-4), prepared from the antigens of opportunistic bacteria, in the prophylaxis of acute respiratory diseases (ARD) in children aged 2.6-6 years. The vaccine was administered intranasally in 3 administrations and orally in 6-8 administrations at intervals of 3-4 days for a period of 24 +/- 4 days. The prophylaxis of ARD with the use of VP-4 was carried out in 168 children in 4 children's preschool institutions. The control group was made up of 120 children, attending the same institutions. The study revealed that VP-4 had low reactogenicity and induced short-time systemic and local reactions (common cold, cough). The administration of VP-4 at a period of the epidemic rise on influenza and ARD morbidity did not lead to an increase in the frequency and duration of ARD in the vaccinees, as well as to the exacerbation of chronic infection and the allergization of the body.  相似文献   

Recurrent foot ulceration is a major cause of morbidity in diabetic patients. Discrepancy between the stiffness of the plantar skin and underlying soft tissues may influence the likelihood of ulceration. Tissue properties change with diabetes primarily due to high blood glucose which promotes intermolecular cross-linking of structural proteins thus leading to altered structure and function of these structural fibers. This study utilizes a non-invasive method for indirectly assessing skin tissue in the context of plantar ulcer formation in diabetic patients' feet. Control (C, n=13), and diabetic subjects with a history of ulceration (n=16) were matched based on gender, age (42-81years old) and BMI. Six subjects re-ulcerated (U) during their 1-year follow-up. At every visit, each subject's plantar skin was excited with a weak laser light (337nm) to induce tissue fluorescence at three locations on each foot. The spectral area under the curve (AUC) was calculated after background subtraction and normalization. The mean AUC was significantly higher for diabetics compared to control subjects, (mean AUC: 145.6+/-7.2, C=112.6+/-8.3, respectively, p=0.006). For those who re-ulcerated (U, n=6), skin site was not a significant factor, but AUC was diminished at the time of re-ulceration (p<0.05). The alteration of intermolecular bonds in diabetic subjects and thinning of skin prior to ulceration could account for these observations. The decrease in AUC prior to an ulcer formation suggests its potential as a marker of tissue changes, which precede ulceration in the diabetic foot.  相似文献   

Oral immunization against typhoid using Ty 21 a strain did not meet the anticipated success. This vaccine is too expensive for countries which actually need immunization. The suitable form of the vaccine is not yet clearly defined. Our proposal therefore is to give up freeze-drying and to use fresh suspended live bacilli. We have established that this form is stable enough (at least one week at + 4 degrees C) to allow necessary controls and good dispatch. More, the colonization of digestive tract should be easier when the vaccine is given as a liquid than as capsules with a dry content.  相似文献   

Categorical data on n patients are classified according to the results on an initial clinical test T, and also with respect to a subsequent and definitive diagnosis D. In this paper the sensitivity (=), specificity (=) and predictive values (=v) are discussed with reference to the tetrachoric correlation model based on the bivariate normal density (e.g. PEARSON, 1901; KENDALL and STUART, 1972, II, p. 317). The result of HAMDAN (1970) concerning the equivalence of the tetrachoric rt and the maximum likelihood estimate of the correlation coefficient is utilized in this paper to obtain a test of significance concerning rt, and also the relation between the tetrachoric function w and the relative risk ψ for the 2X2 table.  相似文献   

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