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Exposure of rats to 1-15 Gy gamma radiation (60Co) induced hyperthermia, whereas 20-200 Gy induced hypothermia. Exposure either to the head or to the whole body to 10 Gy induced hyperthermia, while body-only exposure produced hypothermia. This observation indicates that radiation-induced fever is a result of a direct effect on the brain. The hyperthermia due to 10 Gy was significantly attenuated by the pre- or post-treatment with a cyclooxygenase inhibitor, indomethacin. Hyperthermia was also altered by the central administration of a mu-receptor antagonist naloxone but only at low doses of radiation. These findings suggest that radiation-induced hyperthermia may be mediated through the synthesis and release of prostaglandins in the brain and to a lesser extent to the release of endogenous opioid peptides. The release of histamine acting on H1 and H2 receptors may be involved in radiation-induced hypothermia, since both the H1 receptor antagonist, mepyramine, and H2 receptor antagonist, cimetidine, antagonized the hypothermia. The results of these studies suggest that the release of neurohumoral substances induced by exposure to ionizing radiation is dose dependent and has different consequences on physiological processes such as the regulation of body temperature. Furthermore, the antagonism of radiation-induced hyperthermia by indomethacin may have potential therapeutic implications in the treatment of fever resulting from accidental irradiations.  相似文献   

In the absence of external Ca2+, 100 microM histamine evoked a transient increase in intracellular Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i), and subsequent addition of Ca2+ to the medium resulted in a sustained increase in [Ca2+]i in fura-2-loaded human gingival fibroblasts. These Ca2+ mobilizations are attributed to Ca2+ release from intracellular stores and Ca2+ entry, respectively. When the histamine H1 antagonist chlorpheniramine was added after the histamine-induced transient increase in [Ca2+]i, the Ca2+ entry induced by the addition of Ca2+ was inhibited. In the fibroblasts pretreated with cyclooxygenase inhibitors, indomethacin (1 microM) or aspirin (100 microM), histamine-induced Ca2+ entry was significantly inhibited, but not the transient [Ca2+]i increase. These results suggest that the histamine-induced Ca2+ entry requires the continuous binding of histamine to the H1 receptors and is regulated by prostaglandins, which are probably produced due to the H1 receptor activation.  相似文献   

Paraquat is known to cause severe lung damage through pulmonary edema as its initial feature of toxicity. The purpose of this study was to investigate the toxicity of paraquat in rabbits intraperitoneally injected with 2 or 4 mg/kg/day of the herbicide for a period of 7 days. In the lung, prostaglandin levels of the intoxicated rabbits showed a significant increase in PGF2 alpha. This increase was dose dependent. However, a nonsignificant change in the 6-keto-PGF1 alpha was also observed. Plasma and serum levels of thromboxane-B2 were also significantly elevated but the levels of 6-keto-PGF1 alpha were affected nonsignificantly. The pathology of elevated levels of PGF2 alpha and TXB2 in the lung and blood, in response to paraquat toxicity, is discussed.  相似文献   

Involvement of dectin-2 in ultraviolet radiation-induced tolerance   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Hapten sensitization through UV-exposed skin induces hapten-specific tolerance which can be adoptively transferred by injecting T cells into naive recipients. The exact phenotype of the regulatory T cells responsible for inhibiting the immune response and their mode of action remain largely unclear. Dectin-2 is a C-type lectin receptor expressed on APCs. It was postulated that dectin-2 interacts with its putative ligands on T cells and that the interaction may deliver costimulatory signals in naive T cells. Using a soluble fusion protein of dectin-2 (sDec2) which should inhibit this interaction, we studied the effect on contact hypersensitivity (CHS) and its modulation by UV radiation. Injection of sDec2 affected neither the induction nor the elicitation phase of CHS. In contrast, UV-induced inhibition of the CHS induction was prevented upon injection of sDec2. In addition, hapten-specific tolerance did not develop. Even more importantly, injection of sDec2 into tolerized mice rendered the recipients susceptible to the specific hapten, indicating that sDec2 can break established tolerance. FACS analysis of spleen and lymph node cells revealed a significantly increased portion of sDec2-binding T cells in UV-tolerized mice. Furthermore, transfer of UV-mediated suppression was lost upon depletion of the sDec2-positive T cells. Taken together, these data indicate that dectin-2 and its yet unidentified ligand may play a crucial role in the mediation of UV-induced immunosuppression. Moreover, sDec2-reactive T cells appear to represent the regulatory T cells responsible for mediating UV-induced tolerance.  相似文献   

Endotoxin from Gram-negative bacteria increases the permeability coefficient of albumin in isolated rat mesenteries used as a separating membrane between the two halves of a diffusion cell. Endotoxin also promotes cyclic AMP accumulation in similar mesenteric sheets. These effects are dose-related, and are inhibited by indomethacin. As shown by direct assay, Prostaglandin E-immunoreactive material is synthesized in the presence of endotoxin and is responsible for the increase in albumin permeability and for the increase in cyclic AMP.  相似文献   

Osmotic minipumps containing 400 micrograms ovine LH were inserted subcutaneously (sc) on day 1 (estrus) at 09:00-10:00h of the cycle in the hamster. This treatment induced increased ovarian blood flow by day 3 and superovulation of 30.0 +/- 1.4 ova at the next estrus compared to controls (16.5 +/- 0.8 ova). The continuous infusion of LH throughout the cycle increased prostaglandin F (PGF) and decreased prostaglandin E (PGE) in the growing follicles destined to ovulate and suppressed a day 3 increase in PGF concentrations in the nonluteal ovarian remnant devoid of the larger follicles. Indomethacin, a cyclooxygenase inhibitor, given sc (2 or 4 mg regimens) at 12:00-14:00h on days 1 and 2, at 09:00h and 17:00h on day 3 and at 09:00h on day 4 of the cycle to LH-infused and saline treated animals suppressed ovarian prostaglandin levels, prevented the superovulation and prevented the increased ovarian blood flow. Exogenous PGF2 alpha or PGE2 restored the superovulatory effect of LH infusion in the presence of indomethacin. The results suggest that the superovulation in response to continuous LH infusion may be mediated in part by prostaglandins via altered ovarian blood flow.  相似文献   

The synthesis of prostaglandins (PGs) in the mucosa of the esophagus is studied in 20 albinotic adult guinea pigs and rats using the radioimmunoassay method. Both species investigated synthesize five PGs. The PG synthesis activity in the guinea pig's esophagus is higher than that in the rat's. PGE2 and PGF2 alpha might be involved in the regulation of lower esophagus sphincter pressure.  相似文献   

We examined the roles of endogenous prostaglandins (PGs) and nitric oxide (NO) in the gastroduodenal ulcerogenic responses to hypothermic stress (28 approximately 30 degrees C) in anesthetized rats. Lowering body temperature provoked damage in the gastroduodenal mucosa, with an increase of gastric acid secretion and motility. These responses were completely abolished by bilateral vagotomy or atropine, while 16,16-dimethyl PGE2 decreased the mucosal ulcerogenic response with no effect on acid secretion. The non-selective COX inhibitors, indomethacin or aspirin, worsened these lesions with enhancement of gastric motility and no effect on acid secretion, while the selective COX-2 inhibitor NS-398 did not affect any of these responses. On the other hand, the non-selective NOS inhibitor L-NAME but not aminoguanidine (a relatively selective inhibitor of iNOS), significantly potentiated the acid secretory and mucosal ulcerogenic responses in the stomach but reduced the duodenal damage in response to hypothermia, the effects being antagonized by co-administration of L-arginine. Hypothermia itself decreased duodenal HCO3- secretion under both basal and mucosal acidification-stimulated conditions. Both indomethacin and aspirin further decreased the HCO3- response to the mucosal acidification, while L-NAME significantly increased the HCO3- secretion even under hypothermic conditions, similar to 16,16-dimethyl PGE2. These results suggest that 1) hypothermic stress caused an increase of acid secretion and motility as well as a decrease of duodenal HCO3-secretion, resulting in damage in both the stomach and duodenum, 2) the COX-1 but not COX-2 inhibition worsened these lesions by enhancing gastric motility and further decreasing duodenal HCO3- response, 3) the cNOS but not iNOS inhibition worsened gastric lesions by increasing acid secretion but decreased duodenal damage by increasing HCO3- secretion. Thus, it is assumed that the gastroduodenal ulcerogenic and functional responses to hypothermic stress are modified by cNOS/NO as well as COX-1/PGs.  相似文献   

There is a direct correlation between dermal mast cell prevalence in dorsal skin of different mouse strains and susceptibility to UVB-induced systemic immunosuppression; highly UV-susceptible C57BL/6 mice have a high dermal mast cell prevalence while BALB/c mice, which require considerable UV radiation for 50% immunosuppression, have a low mast cell prevalence. There is also a functional link between the prevalence of dermal mast cells and susceptibility to UVB- and cis-urocanic acid (UCA)-induced systemic immunosuppression. Mast cell-depleted mice are unresponsive to UVB or cis-UCA for systemic immunosuppression unless they are previously reconstituted at the irradiated or cis-UCA-administered site with bone marrow-derived mast cell precursors. cis-UCA does not stimulate mast cell degranulation directly. Instead, in support of studies showing that neither UVB nor cis-UCA was immunosuppressive in capsaicin-treated, neuropeptide-depleted mice, cis-UCA-stimulated neuropeptide release from sensory c-fibers which, in turn, could efficiently degranulate mast cells. Studies in mice suggested that histamine, and not tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha), was the product from mast cells that stimulated downstream immunosuppression. Histamine receptor antagonists reduced by approximately 60% UVB and cis-UCA-induced systemic immunosuppression. Indomethacin administration to mice had a similar effect which was not cumulative with the histamine receptor antagonists. Histamine can stimulate keratinocyte prostanoid production. We propose that both histamine and prostaglandin E(2) are important in downstream immunosuppression; both are regulatory molecules supporting the development of T helper 2 cells and reduced expression of type 1 immune responses such as a contact hypersensitivity reaction.  相似文献   

Pobbe RL  Zangrossi H 《Life sciences》2008,82(25-26):1256-1261
Recently obtained evidence points to the involvement of the lateral habenular nuclei (LHb) in the mediation of coping defensive responses to threatening/stressful stimuli. Nevertheless, the role of this brain area in the regulation of defensive responses that have been associated with specific subtypes of anxiety disorders recognized in clinical settings is presently unknown. To address this question, we investigated the effects of either electrolytic lesions or chemical stimulation of the LHb on the defensive behaviors generated in rats by the elevated T-maze. This experimental model allows the measurement, in a same rat, of two defensive behaviors, inhibitory avoidance and escape, that have been related in terms of psychopathology to generalized anxiety and panic disorders, respectively. Bilateral electrolytic lesions of the LHb (1 mA, 10 s) impaired inhibitory avoidance acquisition and facilitated escape performance. On the other hand, chemical stimulation of the LHb by bilateral microinjection of kainic acid (30-60 pmol/0.2 microL) had the opposite effect, i.e., facilitated inhibitory avoidance and impaired escape. The present results indicate that the LHb exerts an opposed regulatory control on generalized anxiety- and panic-related defensive responses in rats.  相似文献   

The effects of histamine and its antagonists on the release of prostaglandin E and F (PGE and PGF) and the 15-keto-13,14-dihydro PGF/E (metabolites) were examined in minced and whole perfused guinea pig lung.Lung fragments released considerable amounts of prostaglandins into the incubation media with time alone: parenchyma more PGF than PGE, trachea more PGE than PGF. The levels of PGF found in the filtrates of both tissues on per gram basis were about the same, whereas the concentrations of PGE were several fold higher in the media of incubated trachea. In contrast to lung, trachea released only trace amounts of metabolites. These differences in synthesis and turnover are probably of importance for maintenance of the adequate ventilation-perfusion ratios.The process of sensitization caused a significant increase in the outflows of PGF and metabolites from the lung fragments. The PGE to PGF ratio was decreased in both parenchymal and tracheal tissues. Increased spontaneous release of prostaglandins was also found in whole perfused sensitized lung. This was consistent with the hypothesis that sensitization with antigen alters the biochemical properties of the organism.Incubation of lung fragments with histamine had only a small additional effect on the liberation of prostaglandins, since the baseline release was high due to the trauma of mincing. However, histamine perfusion of whole lung caused severalfold increase in the outflows of prostaglandins. Pretreatment with pyrilamine (histamine receptor 1 antagonist) decreased the subsequent release of PGF by histamine. On the other hand, pretreatment with metiamide (histamine receptor 2 antagonist) diminished the subsequent release of PGE. It is suggested that stimulation of histamine receptor 1 is predominantly (but not solely) related to the synthesis of PGF, and stimulation of the receptor 2 is related to the synthesis of PGE.  相似文献   

N alpha-methylhistamine (N alpha-MH) is one of an unusual metabolite of histamine that was found in Helicobacter pylori-infected stomachs and is believed to interact with specific histamine H(1), H(2) and H(3)-receptors to stimulate gastric acid secretion and gastrin release from isolated G-cells but the effects of N alpha-MH on gastric mucosal integrity have been little studied. This study was designed; (1) to compare the effect of exogenous N alpha-MH with that of standard histamine on gastric secretion and plasma gastrin levels in rats equipped with gastric fistula (series A); and (2) to assess the action of N alpha-MH on gastric lesions induced by 100% ethanol (series B) in rats with or without removal of antral portion of the stomach (antrectomy). Rats of series B were pretreated intragastrically (i.g.) or intraperitoneally (i.p.) with N alpha-MH or histamine (0.1-2 mg/kg) 30 min prior to 100% ethanol (1.5 ml, i.g.) with or without: (1) vehicle (saline); (2) RPR 102681 (30 mg/kg i.p.), to block CCK-B/gastrin receptors; and (3) ranitidine (40 mg/kg s.c.) to inhibit histamine H(2)-receptors. The area of gastric lesions was determined planimetrically, gastric blood flow (GBF) was assessed by H(2)-gas clearance method and venous blood was collected for determination of plasma gastrin levels by radioimmunoassay (RIA). N alpha-MH and histamine dose-dependently increased gastric acid output (series A); the dose increasing this secretion by 50% (ED(50)) being 2 and 5 mg/kg i.g or i.p., respectively, and this effect was accompanied by a significant rise in plasma gastrin levels. Both, N alpha-MH and histamine attenuated dose-dependently the area of gastric lesions induced by 100% ethanol (series B) while producing significant rise in the GBF and plasma immunoreactive gastrin increments. These secretory, protective, hipergastrinemic and hyperemic effects of N alpha-MH and histamine were completely abolished by antrectomy, whereas pretreatment with RPR 102681 attenuated significantly the N alpha-MH and histamine-induced protection against ethanol damage and accompanying hyperemia. Ranitidine, that produced achlorhydria and a further increase in plasma gastrin levels, failed to influence the N alpha-MH- and histamine-induced protection and accompanying rise in the GBF. We conclude that (1) N alpha-MH stimulates gastric acid secretion and exhibit gastroprotective activity against acid-independent noxious agents in the manner similar to that afforded by histamine; and (2) this protection involves an enhancement in the gastric microcirculation and release of gastrin acting via specific CCK-B/gastrin receptors but unexpectedly, appears to be unrelated to histamine H(2)-receptors.  相似文献   

1. A high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) using 9-anthryldiazomethane (ADAM) as a fluorescent reagent was employed to detemine the levels of endogenous prostaglandins (PGs) in the central nervous system, gonad, gill and hemolymph of the scallop, and the authors have also verified the involvement of PGs during spawning induced by u.v. ray-irradiated seawater.2. PGF, PGE2, PGD2, 6-keto-PGF. and TXB2 were identified in all tissue and hemolymph, while no PGD2 was found in the hemolymph by HPLC.3. PGF, PGE2 and PGD2 levels in the ovary were about four times as much as those in the testis during the spawning season.4. PGF, PGE2 and PGD2 levels in the ovary decreased during spawning, while, on the contrary, those in the testis increased during spawning. No changes of PGs levels were observed in the central nervous system.5. These results suggest the possibility that PGF and PGE2 are, especially, implicated in the spawning of the scallop; however, they also indicate that a difference between the functional mechanism of PGs in the ovary and that in the testis exists during spawning.  相似文献   

Rats have an attenuated febrile response to endogenous pyrogen near the term of pregnancy. Given the fundamental role of E-series prostaglandins (PGEs) in mediating the febrile response to blood-borne endogenous pyrogen, the present experiments were carried out to determine whether PGEs increase in the area surrounding the organum vasculosum laminae terminalis (peri-OVLT) of near-term pregnant (P) rats as in nonpregnant (NP) rats after intravenous (iv) administration of recombinant rat interleukin-1beta (rrIL-1beta). Core temperature was measured by telemetry and peri-OVLT interstitial fluid was sampled in 12 NP and 12 P chronically instrumented, Sprague-Dawley rats by microdialysis for determination of total PGEs by radioimmunoassay. Basal core temperatures were higher in NP compared with P rats (NP 37.9 degrees C +/- 0.5, P 36.9 degrees C +/- 0.4; P < 0.05), but basal peri-OVLT PGEs were similar in both groups (NP 260 +/- 153 pg/ml, P 278 +/- 177 pg/ml; P =not significant). Intravenous administration of rrIL-1beta to NP rats produced a significant increase in core temperature with a latency, magnitude, and duration of 10 min, 0.87 degrees C, and at least 170 min, respectively; peri-OVLT PGEs were increased significantly by 30 min and averaged 270% above basal levels throughout the experiment. In P rats, however, neither core temperature nor peri-OVLT PGEs increased significantly after iv administration of rrIL-1beta. Intravenous administration of vehicle did not significantly alter core temperature or peri-OVLT PGEs in either group of rats. Thus peri-OVLT PGEs do not increase in P rats as they do in NP rats after iv administration of rrIL-1beta. The mechanism of this interesting component of the maternal adaptation to pregnancy, which likely plays a major role in mediating the attenuated febrile response to endogenous pyrogen near the term of pregnancy, warrants further investigation.  相似文献   

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