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The adsorption of pulmonary surfactant to an air/fluid interface is influenced by calcium-dependent interactions between its lipid and protein components. The latter include a glycoprotein of 28-36 kDa (SP-A) and two smaller hydrophobic proteins of 5-8 kDa (SP-B, SP-C). Neutrophil elastase and other proteolytic enzymes found in the alveolar washings in a variety of acute lung injuries may cleave the protein components of lung surfactant. To examine the hypothesis that free airspace elastolytic activity may thereby impair surfactant function, we analyzed the effect of neutrophil elastase on surfactant activity in vitro. The adsorption characteristics of dog surfactant and of complexes reassembled from purified surfactant components were examined after incubations with active or heat-inactivated neutrophil elastase. Surfactant preincubated with the active enzyme showed a marked concentration-dependent slowing of adsorption associated with proteolytic cleavage of SP-A. To determine whether elastase also decreases surface activity by affecting the hydrophobic proteins SP-B and SP-C, we studied the effect of incubating elastase with liposomes prepared from surfactant lipid fractions which contain SP-B and SP-C. The addition of intact SP-A to these liposomes incubated with inactive enzyme immediately enhanced adsorption speed. This enhancement was greatly attenuated in liposomes treated with active elastase, suggesting that one or both of the hydrophobic surfactant proteins had been affected by elastase. We conclude that proteolytic cleavage of surfactant proteins reduces adsorption speed in vitro and may disturb surfactant function in vivo.  相似文献   

Capillary recruitment and transit time in the rat lung   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Presson, Robert G., Jr., Thomas M. Todoran, Bracken J. DeWitt, Ivan F. McMurtry, and Wiltz W. Wagner, Jr.Capillary recruitment and transit time in the rat lung.J. Appl. Physiol. 83(2): 543-549, 1997.Increasing pulmonary blood flow and the associated rise incapillary perfusion pressure cause capillary recruitment. The resultingincrease in capillary volume limits the decrease in capillary transittime. We hypothesize that small species with relatively high restingmetabolic rates are more likely to utilize a larger fraction ofgas-exchange reserve at rest. Without reserve, we anticipate thatcapillary transit time will decrease rapidly as pulmonary blood flowrises. To test this hypothesis, we measured capillary recruitment andtransit time in isolated rat lungs. As flow increased, transit timedecreased, and capillaries were recruited. The decrease in transit timewas limited by an increase in the homogeneity of the transit time distribution and an increased capillary volume due, in part, to recruitment. The recruitable capillaries, however, were nearly completely perfused at flow rates and pressures that were less thanbasal for the intact animal. This suggests that a limited reserve ofrecruitable capillaries in the lungs of species with high restingmetabolic rates may contribute to their inability to raiseO2 consumption manyfold abovebasal values.


Regional differences in neutrophil margination in dog lungs   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We investigated the relationship between polymorphonuclear leukocyte (PMN) retention and erythrocyte (RBC) velocity in the lungs of mongrel dogs. Regional velocity was estimated by measuring regional RBC transit times and was correlated with the retention of PMN found in the same lung sample 10 min after the injection of a bolus of labeled cells. Data from the whole lung showed that the total number of cells marginated in the pulmonary vasculature was 2.4 times as great as the number present in the circulation and that this pool turned over at a rate of 1%/s. The regional data showed increased retention, indicating slower PMN turnover in the upper lung regions, which have longer transit times and therefore slower blood velocities than the RBC is attributed to a greater discrepancy between PMN and RBC is attributed to a greater discrepancy between PMN and capillary size and the fact that PMN are less deformable than RBC. The large number of capillary segments present in the lung allows neutrophils to move more slowly while RBC stream around them. We conclude that there are approximately 2.5 times as many PMNs marginated in the lung as there are in the total circulating blood volume of the dog and that the pulmonary marginated pool turns over at approximately 1%/s with slower turnover in the upper compared with the lower regions of the lung.  相似文献   

Solid-phase immunoassay of dog neutrophil elastase   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A sensitive and reliable method has been developed for the detection of dog neutrophil elastase using the amplified enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Purified neutrophil enzyme, inactivated by diisopropylfluorophosphate was adsorbed noncovalently to polystyrene tubes (11 × 55 mm) and immune rabbit serum was allowed to bind to antigen-sensitized tubes. Bound specific antibody was visualized by goat antirabbit immunoglobulin covalently lined to alkaline phosphatase, using p-nitrophenyl phosphate as the substrate. Increasing amounts of purified neutrophil enzyme or crude leukocyte extracts were quantitated by their ability to inhibit specific antibody uptake to polystyrene tubes. By this method, as little as 1 ng of enzyme/ml could be detected with a useful range of 5–100 ng of enzyme levels. Immunoreactive enzyme in a crude leukocyte extract was comparable to the quantily of enzyme as measured by proteolytic activity. The method described can be conveniently used to measure levels of immunoreactive enzymes in biological fluids of animals, with experimentally induced inflammatory conditions.  相似文献   

A computational model of the pulmonary microcirculation is developed and used to examine blood flow from arteriole to venule through a realistically complex alveolar capillary bed. Distributions of flow, hematocrit, and pressure are presented, showing the existence of preferential pathways through the system and of large segment-to-segment differences in all parameters, confirming and extending previous work. Red blood cell (RBC) and neutrophil transit are also analyzed, the latter drawing from previous studies of leukocyte aspiration into micropipettes. Transit time distributions are in good agreement with in vivo experiments, in particular showing that neutrophils are dramatically slowed relative to the flow of RBCs because of the need to contract and elongate to fit through narrower capillaries. Predicted neutrophil transit times depend on how the effective capillary diameter is defined. Transient blockage by a neutrophil can increase the local pressure drop across a segment by 100--300%, leading to temporal variations in flow and pressure as seen by videomicroscopy. All of these effects are modulated by changes in transpulmonary pressure and arteriolar pressure, although RBCs, neutrophils, and rigid microspheres all behave differently.  相似文献   

Pulmonary diffusion in the dog lung   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry -  相似文献   

Erythrocyte 2,3-diphosphoglycerate (2,3-DPG) concentration was studied in 23 runners before and after a marathon race. Blood samples were drawn from an antecubital vein the morning before the race (baseline), at 3 p.m. 2 h before the start, on finishing, and 12 and 36 h later. Compared to the baseline values, erythrocyte 2,3-DPG concentration was increased (p less than 0.001) immediately after the marathon from 4.62 +/- 0.14 to 5.56 +/- 0.13 mumol.ml-1 RBC and remained elevated 12 h later (5.45 +/- 0.14 mumol.ml-1 RBC): it returned to prerace values 36 h after completion of the marathon.  相似文献   

We recently reported that the red blood cell (RBC) carbonic anhydrase I (CAI) concentration in patients with hyperthyroidism is reduced and reflects the patient's mean thyroid hormone level over the preceding months. In this study, RBC CAI concentrations were measured in patients with thyroid nodules who were receiving suppressive doses of thyroxine (group I) and compared with those obtained in patients with primary hypothyroidism receiving replacement doses of thyroxine (group 2). Of the 17 patients in group 1, 16 (94%) had elevated plasma free T4 levels, but all 17 had normal free T3 levels. Of the 17 patients in group 2, 16 (94%) had normal free T4 levels and all 17 had normal free T3 levels. Plasma TSH concentrations in group 1 were all below the lower limit of sensitivity of 0.04 mU/l. In group 2, 11 had normal and 6 had slightly elevated plasma TSH concentrations. The mean (+/- SD) RBC CAI concentration in group 1 (300 +/- 53 nmol/g Hb) was significantly lower than that in group 2 (340 +/- 57 nmol/g Hb). The RBC CAI concentration was significantly correlated with both the concentration of plasma free T4 and free T3. These observations indicate that in patients receiving suppressive doses of thyroxine a slight increase in the plasma free T4 concentration produces a slight but significant decrease in RBC CAI levels.  相似文献   

To test our hypothesis that neutrophil elastase plays a role in airway hypersecretion associated with the allergic late-phase response, using an isolated tracheal segment system in vivo and measuring lysozyme activity in the perfusate of the lumen as a marker of submucosal gland secretion over 8 h, we studied the response of five allergic dogs to ragweed. The dogs were exposed on separate occasions to specific allergen, to allergen vehicle, and to allergen in the presence of a selective neutrophil elastase inhibitor, ICI 200,355. Allergen exposure caused a marked increase in lysozyme secretion that was significantly increased at 4, 6, and 8 h compared with controls and ICI 200,355-treated dogs. Neutrophil elastase appeared in the perfusate after allergen exposure and was positively correlated with lysozyme secretion at 8 h. These findings suggest that neutrophil elastase plays an important role as a secretagogue in the allergic late-phase response.  相似文献   

Quantification of surfactant phospholipids in the dog lung   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We quantified total phospholipid (PL), total and disaturated phosphatidylcholine (PC and DSPC), phosphatidylglycerol (PG), and total protein in alveolar washings and lung tissue in 22 dog lungs. Quantitative recovery of alveolar material and assessment of its possible contamination by blood lipids were important determinants of methodology. To remove blood, the vessels of half the lungs were perfused with a fluorocarbon emulsion before lavage. The volume of blood removed by perfusion and the quantity and fatty acid patterns of its whole blood and plasma PL and PC were determined. Washings of unperfused lungs contained means of 21% more PL and 24% more PC than those of perfused lungs. Although this excess could be accounted for by the PL and PC in pulmonary blood, the hemoglobin and total protein content of washings and their PC fatty acid patterns indicated that blood lipids were not a major source of the excess lipid in washings of unperfused lungs. Using more recent morphometric estimates rather than the indirect ones previously used by others, the quantity of alveolar DSPC (1 mg/g lung) is calculated to be 1.8 times the amount necessary to form a packed monolayer on the internal surface of the lung at functional residual capacity.  相似文献   

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