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Lipolytic products of triglyceride-rich lipoproteins, i.e., free fatty acids, may cause activation and dysfunction of the vascular endothelium. Mechanisms of these effects may include lipid peroxidation. One of the major and biologically active products of peroxidation of n-6 fatty acids, such as linoleic acid or arachidonic acid, is the aldehyde 4-hydroxynonenal (HNE). To study the hypothesis that HNE may be a critical factor in endothelial cell dysfunction caused by free fatty acids, human umbilical endothelial cells (HUVEC) were treated with up to160 microM of linoleic or arachidonic acid. HNE formation was detected by immunocytochemistry in cells treated for 24 h with either fatty acid, but more markedly with arachidonic acid. To study the cellulareffects of HNE, HUVEC were treated with different concentrations of this aldehyde, and several markers of endothelial cell dysfunction were determined. Exposure to HNE for 6 and 9 h resulted in increased cellular oxidative stress. However, short time treatment with HNE did not cause activation of nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-kappaB). In addition, HUVEC exposure to HNE caused a dose-dependent decrease in production of both interleukin-8 (IL-8) and intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1). On the other hand, HNE exerted prominent cytotoxic effects in cultured HUVEC, manifested by morphological changes, diminished cellular viability, and impaired endothelial barrier function. Furthermore, HNE treatment induced apoptosis of HUVEC. These data provide evidence that HNE does not contribute to NF-kappaB-related mechanisms of the inflammatory response in HUVEC, but rather to endothelial dysfunction, cytotoxicity, and apoptotic cell death.  相似文献   

We analyzed the pattern of gap junction protein (connexin) expression in vivo by indirect immunofluorescence. In normal rat lung sections, connexin (Cx)32 was expressed by type II cells, whereas Cx43 was more ubiquitously expressed and Cx46 was expressed by occasional alveolar epithelial cells. In response to bleomycin-induced lung injury, Cx46 was upregulated by alveolar epithelial cells, whereas Cx32 and Cx43 expression were largely unchanged. Given that Cx46 may form gap junction channels with either Cx43 or Cx32, we examined the ability of primary alveolar epithelial cells cultured for 6 days, which express Cx43 and Cx46, to form heterocellular gap junctions with cells expressing other connexins. Day 6 alveolar epithelial cells formed functional gap junctions with other day 6 cells or with HeLa cells transfected with Cx43 (HeLa/Cx43), but they did not communicate with HeLa/Cx32 cells. Furthermore, day 6 alveolar epithelial cells formed functional gap junction channels with freshly isolated type II cells. Taken together, these data are consistent with the notion that type I and type II alveolar epithelial cells communicate through gap junctions compatible with Cx43.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of aluminum on gap junctional intercellular communication (GJIC) in cultured astrocytes. In the CNS the extracellular environment and metabolic status of neurons is dependent upon astrocytes, which are known to exhibit GJIC. This cell-to-cell communication provides a cytoplasmic continuity between adjacent cells, allowing exchange of diverse ions, second messengers, and metabolites. To study the effects of aluminum intoxication on GJIC in cultured glial cells, astroglial cell cultures obtained from fetal rat brains were exposed to aluminum lactate for 2-6 weeks. To demonstrate the metabolic coupling of neighboring cells, the technique of microinjection of the gap junction permeable substance neurobiotin was performed. Whereas in controls intensive GJIC was observed by dye transfer of neurobiotin from the microinjected cell into the adjacent astrocytes, aluminum treatment significantly impaired this cellular communication. As aluminum is known to affect cytoskeletal elements, additional investigations into the organization of intermediate filaments (glial fibrillary acid protein, GFAP) and microfilaments in control astrocytes and subsequent aluminum exposure were performed with the aid of fluorescence microscopy and rapid-freeze, deep-etch electron microscopy. Aluminum exposure led to an aggregation of GFAP-positive filaments near to the cell nucleus, accompanied by a destruction of the actin cytoskeleton, especially close to the cell membrane. Ultrastructurally these data could be verified as prominent areas without actin filaments contacting the cell membrane detectable in aluminum-treated astrocytes. Immunohistochemical staining of Cx43 revealed an impaired trafficking of this connexin into the cell prolongations following aluminum treatment, although electron-microscopic data revealed that gap junctions between adjacent astrocytes were still present after aluminum incubation for 24 days. In conclusion, in cultured astrocytes the morphological integrity of microfilaments and the intermediate filament network seem to be fundamental for the translocation of connexins from Golgi complex into the cellular prolongation to exhibit proper and extensive cellular communication through gap junctions.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the effect of basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) on junctional communication (coupling) and connexin 43 (Cx43) expression in bovine microvascular endothelial (BME) cells. In control confluent cultures, the incidence of coupling, as assessed by the intercellular transfer of microinjected Lucifer Yellow, was limited to 13% of injected cells, and decreased to 0% with time in culture. After exposure to bFGF (3ng/ml), the incidence of coupling was increased in a time-dependent manner, reaching a maximum of 38% of microinjected cells after 10-12 hours. The extent of coupling, as assessed by scrape loading, was maximally increased 2.1-fold 8-9 hours after addition of bFGF. bFGF also induced a 2-fold increase in Cx43 as assessed by Western blotting, and increased Cx43 immunolabelling at contacting interfaces of adjacent BME cells. Cx43 mRNA was likewise increased after exposure to bFGF in a time- and dose-dependent manner, with a maximal 6-7-fold increase after a 4 hour exposure to 3-10ng/ml. Finally, the increase in coupling and Cx43 mRNA expression observed after mechanically wounding a confluent monolayer of BME cells was markedly reduced by antibodies to bFGF, which have previously been shown to inhibit migration. Taken together, these results indicate that exogenous and endogenous bFGF increase intercellular communication and Cx43 expression in microvascular endothelial cells. We propose that the bFGF-mediated increase in coupling is necessary for the coordination of endothelial cells during angiogenesis and other vessel wall functions.  相似文献   

Abstract. The tumour promotor 4 β -phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (TPA) reduces the rate of junction formation between V79 Chinese hamster lung cells in culture but not between BHK21/13 Syrian hamster fibroblasts. TPA may act on all cells but only affect junction formation in those situations where the rate of junction formation is already low.  相似文献   

The tumour promotor 4 beta-phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (TPA) reduces the rate of junction formation between V79 Chinese hamster lung cells in culture but not between BHK21/13 Syrian hamster fibroblasts. TPA may act on all cells but only affect junction formation in those situations where the rate of junction formation is already low.  相似文献   

A study of communication specificity between cells in culture   总被引:15,自引:9,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
We have examined the specificity of communication between cells in culture by co-culturing cells derived from mammalian, avian, and arthropod organisms. Both mammalian and avian culture cells have similar gap junctional phenotypes, while the insect (arthropod) cell lines have a significantly different gap junctional structure. Electrophysiological and ultrastructural methods were used to examine ionic coupling and junctional interactions between homologous and heterologous cell types. In homologous cell systems, gap junctions and ionic coupling are present at a high incidence. Also, heterologous vertebrate cells in co-culture can communicate readily. By contrast, practically no coupling (0-8%) is detectable between heterologous insect cell lines (Homopteran or Lepidopteran) and vertebrate cells (mammalian myocardial or 3T3 cells). No gap junctions have been observed between arthropod and vertebrate cell types, even though the heterologous cells may be separated by less than 10 nm. In additional studies, a low incidence of coupling was found between heterologous insect cell lines derived from different arthropod orders. However, extensive coupling was detected between insect cell lines that are derived from the same order (Homoptera). These observations suggest that there is little or no apparent specificity for communication between vertebrate cells in culture that express the same gap junctional phenotype, while there is a definite communication specificity that exists between arthropod cells in culture.  相似文献   

CadherinsaremembranousCa2+dependent,homophilic,adhesionmoleculesthatareassumedtoplayessentialrolesincellrecognition,cellsorting,embryonicmorphogenesisandsignaltransduction[1,2].ThesetransmembranemoleculesformaplaquethroughitscytoplasmicdomainatCtailwiththe…  相似文献   

We demonstrate that the Src kinase can augment gap junctional communication between cells derived from homozygous null Cx43 knockout mice. The total conductance between Src transformed cells was nearly twice that of nontransformed cells. In addition, the unitary conductance of the majority of single channel events between transformed cells was about 35% greater than that of nontransformed cells. Analysis showed that both nontransformed and transformed cells expressed at least two populations of channels, suggesting that Src increased junctional conductance by up-regulating one population and/or by increasing the unitary conductance of another population of channels. Interestingly, the conductance displayed by heterologous pairs of transformed and nontransformed cells resembled that of nontransformed cells. The majority of single channel events between heterologous pairs shifted back to lower conductances that were exhibited by nontransformed cells. Thus, nontransformed cells can effectively "normalize" the conductance of gap junction channels expressed by adjacent tumor cells.  相似文献   

Cultured bovine aortic endothelial cells (BAEC) were incubated for 5 days with 10?5 4-hydroxynonenal (HN). HN treated BAEC and controls were either (i) further incubated with 125I-polymyxin B (IPxB) or with radioiodinated, inactivated coagulation factor Xa (IFXai) as markers of membrane phospholipid perturbation, or (ii) assayed for the synthesis of prostacyclin (PGI2) and thromboxane A2 (TXA2). Rabbit blood mononuclear cells enriched in monocytes (MC) were isolated and assayed for chemotactic response to HN. The results showed six - fold increases of IPxB and IFXai binding to BAEC treated with HN, as compared to untreated controls. We also found in HN treated cells a marked inhibition of PGI2 synthesis, but an unmodified TXA2 production. In addition, HN in the 10-5-10-10 M range induced oriented migration of MC.  相似文献   

Proper bone remodeling requires an active process of angiogenesis which in turn supplies the necessary growth factors and stem cells. This tissue cooperation suggests a cross‐talk between osteoblasts and endothelial cells. This work aims to identify the role of paracrine communication through vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in co‐culture between osteoblastic and endothelial cells. Through a well defined direct contact co‐culture model between human osteoprogenitors (HOPs) and human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs), we observed that HUVECs were able to migrate along HOPs, inducing the formation of specific tubular‐like structures. VEGF165 gene expression was detected in the HOPs, was up‐regulated in the co‐cultured HOPs and both Flt‐1 and KDR gene expression increased in co‐cultured HUVECs. However, the cell rearrangement observed in co‐culture was promoted by a combination of soluble chemoattractive factors and not by VEGF165 alone. Despite having no observable effect on endothelial cell tubular‐like formation, VEGF appeared to have a crucial role in osteoblastic differentiation since the inhibition of its receptors reduced the co‐culture‐stimulated osteoblastic phenotype. This co‐culture system appears to enhance both primary angiogenesis events and osteoblastic differentiation, thus allowing for the development of new strategies in vascularized bone tissue engineering. J. Cell. Biochem. 106: 390–398, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   



The efficacy of Phosphodiesterase 5 (PDE5) inhibitors to re-establish endothelial function is reduced in diabetic patients. Recent evidences suggest that therapy with PDE5 inhibitors, i.e. sildenafil, may increase the expression of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) proteins in the heart and cardiomyocytes. In this study we analyzed the effect of sildenafil on endothelial cells in insulin resistance conditions in vitro.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) were treated with insulin in presence of glucose 30 mM (HG) and glucosamine 10 mM (Gluc-N) with or without sildenafil. Insulin increased the expression of PDE5 and eNOS mRNA assayed by Real time-PCR. Cytofluorimetric analysis showed that sildenafil significantly increased NO production in basal condition. This effect was partially inhibited by the PI3K inhibitor LY 294002 and completely inhibited by the NOS inhibitor L-NAME. Akt-1 and eNOS activation was reduced in conditions mimicking insulin resistance and completely restored by sildenafil treatment. Conversely sildenafil treatment can counteract this noxious effect by increasing NO production through eNOS activation and reducing oxidative stress induced by hyperglycaemia and glucosamine.


These data indicate that sildenafil might improve NOS activity of endothelial cells in insulin resistance conditions and suggest the potential therapeutic use of sildenafil for improving vascular function in diabetic patients.  相似文献   

Gap junctions permit the direct passage of small molecules from the cytosol of one cell to that of its neighbor, and thus form a system of cell-cell communication that exists alongside familiar secretion/receptor signaling. Because of the rich potential for regulation of junctional conductance, and directional and molecular gating (specificity), gap junctional communication (GJC) plays a crucial role in many aspects of normal tissue physiology. However, the most exciting role for GJC is in the regulation of information flow that takes place during embryonic development, regeneration, and tumor progression. The molecular mechanisms by which GJC establishes local and long-range instructive morphogenetic cues are just beginning to be understood. This review summarizes the current knowledge of the involvement of GJC in the patterning of both vertebrate and invertebrate systems and discusses in detail several morphogenetic systems in which the properties of this signaling have been molecularly characterized. One model consistent with existing data in the fields of vertebrate left-right patterning and anterior-posterior polarity in flatworm regeneration postulates electrophoretically guided movement of small molecule morphogens through long-range GJC paths. The discovery of mechanisms controlling embryonic and regenerative GJC-mediated signaling, and identification of the downstream targets of GJC-permeable molecules, represent exciting next areas of research in this fascinating field.  相似文献   

4-Hydroxynonenal (4-HNE) has been suggested to be involved in stress-induced signaling for apoptosis. In present studies, we have examined the effects of 4-HNE on the intrinsic apoptotic pathway associated with p53 in human retinal pigment epithelial (RPE and ARPE-19) cells. Our results show that 4-HNE causes induction, phosphorylation, and nuclear accumulation of p53 which is accompanied with down regulation of MDM2, activation of the pro-apoptotic p53 target genes viz. p21 and Bax, JNK, caspase3, and onset of apoptosis in treated RPE cells. Reduced expression of p53 by an efficient silencing of the p53 gene resulted in a significant resistance of these cells to 4-HNE-induced cell death. The effects of 4-HNE on the expression and functions of p53 are blocked in GSTA4-4 over expressing cells indicating that 4-HNE-induced, p53-mediated signaling for apoptosis is regulated by GSTs. Our results also show that the induction of p53 in tissues of mGsta4 (−/−) mice correlate with elevated levels of 4-HNE due to its impaired metabolism. Together, these studies suggest that 4-HNE is involved in p53-mediated signaling in in vitro cell cultures as well as in vivo that can be regulated by GSTs.  相似文献   

Cystic fibrosis (CF) is characterized by intense neutrophil migration into the airways. Increasing evidence indicates that interaction between neutrophils and airway epithelial cells contributes to the modulation of the inflammatory response. Blood neutrophils were reported to express connexins and form gap junctions with endothelial cells, thereby establishing gap junctional communication. We tested whether altered communication between human neutrophils and airway epithelial cells may contribute to the exaggerated inflammatory response observed in CF patients. Microinjections did not reveal dye coupling between activated blood neutrophils. By contrast, diffusion of calcein between neutrophils and airway epithelial cells of CF or non-CF origin was observed in transmigration and adhesion assays. This diffusion was prevented with probenicid, an inhibitor of ATP-dependent organic anion pumps, but not with gap junction blockers. Finally, RT-PCR failed to detect mRNAs for six connexins in blood neutrophils. These results suggest that gap junctional communication does not contribute to neutrophil-airway epithelial cell interaction.  相似文献   

The potential health impact of pharmaceutical waste is now a growing concern. Contraceptive steroids are prominent environmental contaminants and thus may act as endocrine disruptors. Numerous xenobiotics hamper Sertoli cells junctional communication which is known to participate in spermatogenesis control. This has been associated with male subfertility and testicular cancer. We investigated three contraceptive molecules found in the environment for their potential impact on Sertoli cells gap junction functionality: 17a-ethynylestradiol, medroxyprogesterone acetate and levonorgestrel. Four other non-steroid drugs also found in the environment were included in the study. Communication disruption was analyzed in vitro in murine seminiferous tubules and the 42GPA9 Sertoli cell line. Steroids modulated connexin43 trafficking and impaired junctional communication through rapid effects apparently acting on the cell membrane but not on Cx43 expression. The 4 non-steroid compounds showed no effect. Longer exposure to steroids increased gap junction impairment, which was associated in part with Na/K ATPase internalization. Estrogen receptors (ER) did not appear to be involved in gap junction disruption: Sertoli cells are devoid of ERα and only express the cytoplasmic β isoform. ERβ localization was not modified by either steroid. The threshold level was surprisingly low, around 10?16 M. We conclude that steroidal pollutants disrupt Sertoli cells junctional communication in vitro at concentrations that can be found in the environment.  相似文献   

Summary Gap junctional communciation was examined in rat myometrial smooth muscle cells cultured under a variety of conditions. As a functional measure of gap junctional communication, donor cells were microinjected with the fluorescent dye, Lucifer yellow, and the transfer of dye from donor cells to primary neighbor cells was monitored by fluorescence microscopy. In a myometrial smooth muscle cell line established from midgestation (Day 10) rats, high levels of dye transfer, in excess of 90%, were observed in primary cultures and at Passages 1 and 10. A slight decrease in dye transfer to 75% was observed at Passage 5. Similarly, high levels of dye transfer were observed in a smooth muscle cell line established from the myometrium of a late-gestation (Day 19) rat under subconfluent as well as confluent culture conditions. Myometrial smooth muscle cell cultures established from sexually immature 19-day-old rats also exhibited high levels of dye transfer in primary cultures and at Passage 10. Treatment of primary myometrial smooth muscle cell cultures derived from immature 19-day-old rats with 17β-estradiol (50 ng/ml) and 4-pregnen-3,20-dione (150 ng/ml) for 48 h in vitro had no significant effect on the high levels of dye transfer. Thus, extensive dye transfer was observed in the rat myometrial smooth muscle cells under all culture conditions examined, regardless of sexual maturity or gestational stage of the animal, in vitro hormone treatment, or cell density.  相似文献   

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