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The ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS) includes 3 enzymes that conjugate ubiquitin to intracellular proteins that are then recognized and degraded in the proteasome. The process participates in the regulation of cell metabolism. In the kidney, the UPS regulates the turnover of transporters and signaling proteins and its activity is down regulated in acidosis-induced proximal tubular cell hypertrophy. In chronic kidney disease (CKD), muscle wasting occurs because complications of CKD including acidosis, insulin resistance, inflammation, and increased angiotensin II levels stimulate the UPS to degrade muscle proteins. This response also includes caspase-3 and calpains which act to cleave muscle proteins to provide substrates for the UPS. For example, caspase-3 degrades actomyosin, leaving a 14 kDa fragment of actin in muscle. The 14 kDa actin fragment is increased in muscle of patient with kidney disease, burn injury and surgery. In addition, acidosis, insulin resistance, inflammation and angiotensin II stimulate glucocorticoid production. Glucocorticoids are also required for the muscle wasting that occurs in CKD. Thus, the UPS is involved in regulating kidney function and participates in highly organized responses that degrade muscle protein in response to loss of kidney function.  相似文献   

Proteolytic activity has been measure in rat skeletal muscle by use of [14C]-hemoglobin as substrate. The activity of the alkaline proteinases increases during starvation and in diabetic state. In streptozotocin-diabetic animals the activity of alkaline proteases increases to 300% over a time of 21 days. Insulin treatment reverses the enhanced enzyme activity to normal level.  相似文献   

Changes in the structure of the rat spleen and the distribution of immune proteasomes in it during early postnatal development have been studied using double immunofluorescent staining of tissue sections with antibodies to the LMP7 immune proteasome subunit and to specific markers of T and B lymphocytes. It has been shown that the white pulp on postnatal day 5 is not yet colonized by lymphocytes and contains a smaller amount of immune proteasomes than the red pulp. At this stage, T and B lymphocytes concentrate mainly in the red pulp. On day 8, B lymphocytes occupy the marginal zone, while T lymphocytes aggregate into dense strands close to the white pulp. By day 18, T lymphocytes form periarteriolar sheaths in the white pulp, and the contents of immune proteasomes in the red and white pulp become equally high. An increase in the total content of immune proteasomes in the spleen on the third postnatal week was revealed in our previous study by Western blotting. In addition to T and B lymphocytes, immune proteasomes have also been revealed in other spleen cell types, probably in macrophages and reticular cells of the white pulp. Thus, the postnatal development of the spleen is associated with an increase in the contents of immune proteasomes in it.  相似文献   

The age dynamics of the content of the immune proteasome subunits LMP2 and LMP7 in rat thymus during prenatal and early postnatal ontogeny was studied. The LMP2 and LMP7 immune subunits were detected by Western blotting already by the 18th day of embryonic development, their amount increased to the 21st day to the level characteristic of the postnatal state. Double immunofluorescent labeling showed that in the thymus tissue the largest amount of LMP2 and LMP7 is localized in epithelial cells, whereas the level of their expression in thymocytes is lower. The results suggest that the establishment in thymus of selection processes, which depend on activity of immune proteasomes, can take place already in prenatal ontogeny. Analysis of age dynamics of the natural apoptosis level in thymocytes also favors this supposition. The presence of immune proteasomes in thymocytes during perinatal ontogeny suggests that, besides the antigen presentation, immunoproteasomes may possess other important functions.  相似文献   

Rat tissues were tested for their ability to inhibit the binding of [3H]dihydromorphine or [3H]naloxone to membrane-bound opiate receptors. By this criterion, morphine-like substances were found in lung, heart, liver, and kidney as well as in brain. The relative activity of the extracts, based on initial tissue weight, differed with the radioactive ligand employed. With dihydromorphine, the order was as above. With naloxone, lung was most active, followed by heart, brain, liver, and kidney. The ability of all tissue extracts to inhibit opiate binding was reduced by 100 mM NaCl and slightly reduced by 1 mM MnCl2. Gel filtration using Sephadex G-25 indicated that the inhibitory Substances were heterogeneous in molecular weight. Only with brain and kidney extracts was there significant activity at the elution volume where enkephalins would be expected. Fraction tion using Amberlite XAD-2, a resin which selectively absorbs hydrophobic materials, again indicated that the major portion of activit in all tissue extracts was due to substances other than enkephalins.  相似文献   

Distribution of AMP-deaminase isozymes in rat tissues   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
1. The distribution of AMP deaminase isozymes in rat tissues was analyzed by electrophoresis on cellulose acetate membrane, by chromatography on phosphocellulose column, and by the application of immunological technique employing specific antisera against three parental AMP deaminases (isozymes A, B and C). Skeletal muscle extracts and diaphragm extracts contain a single identical isozyme, isozyme A. The major isozyme species of liver, kidney and testes are also identical and they are isozyme B. Heart extracts contains isozyme C exclusively. Extracts of brain, lung and spleen contain five isozymes, presumably a complete set of five B-C hybrids. 2. Developmental patterns of AMP deaminase isozyme were studied. In early postnatal life, extracts of heart, liver, kidney and lung contain five isozymes similar to those observed in adult brain. During postnatal development, a shift to isozyme C occurs in heart, whereas a shift to isozyme B occurs in liver and kidney. Five isozymes in lung remain throughout development. In brain a shift of B to five isozymes is observed during development. Isozyme A is the predominant form in muscle throughout postnatal development. 3. AMP deaminase in the regenerating liver was analyzed, but the data indicated that there was no change of isozyme distribution during hepatic regeneration.  相似文献   

A simple method for the assay of bradykinin (BK)-degrading enzymes was investigated. The procedure of the method includes enzymatic degradation of BK, separation of the residual BK on a small P-cellulose column (0.6 X 3 cm), and its fluorometrical determination based on the reaction with fluorescamine. BK was separated completely from its fragments produced during enzymatic reaction by the column chromatography. The recovery rate of BK was 96 +/- 3%. Quantitative determinations could be carried out on 0.2 nmol of BK, at least in the fluorometry. This method was available for the assay of the enzymes in tissue homogenates as well as in purified preparations, and its usefulness for the study of the enzymes is presented.  相似文献   

Prosaposin (PSAP) is as a trophic factor and an activator protein for sphingolipid hydrolase in lysosomes. We generated a specific antibody to PSAP and examined the spatiotemporal distribution of PSAP-immunoreactive (PSAP-IR) cells in the lymphatic tissues of Wistar rats. Immunoblots of tissue homogenates separated electrophoretically showed a single band for PSAP in brain but two bands in spleen. PSAP-IR cells were distributed in both the red and white pulp of the spleen, in both the cortex and medulla of the thymus and in mesenteric lymph nodes. Many PSAP-IR cells were found in the dome portion of Peyer’s patches and the number of PSAP-IR cells increased with the age of the rat. To identify the PSAP-IR cells, double- and triple-immunostainings were performed with antibodies against PSAP, CD68 and CD1d. The large number of double- and triple-positive cells suggested that antigen-presenting cells contained much PSAP in these lymphatic tissues. Intense expression of PSAP mRNA, examined by in situ hybridisation, was observed in the red pulp and corona of the spleen. In rats, the PSAP gene generates two alternative splicing forms of mRNA: Pro+9 containing a 9-base insertion and Pro+0 without the insertion. We examined the expression patterns of the alternative splicing forms of PSAP mRNA in the spleen. The presence of both types of mRNA (Pro+9 and Pro+0) indicated that the spleen contains various types of prosaposin-producing and/or secreting cells. These findings suggest diverse functions for PSAP in the immune system.  相似文献   

The activities of acid proteolytic enzymes were assayed in the liver and muscular tissues of mice (Mus musculus) 1, 6 and 24 hr after the administration of a protease inhibitor leupeptin (i.p., 15.5 mg/kg body wt). Leupeptin administration induced a strong inhibition of cathepsin B and a moderate inhibition of cathepsin C and acid autolytic rate in mouse liver 1 hr after injection. Thereafter the inhibition reduced and disappeared during 24 hr. The activity of cathepsin D was increased in liver 6 and 24 hr after injection. The activity of beta-glucuronidase was not affected by the leupeptin treatment. The administration of leupeptin did not affect the rate of acid autolysis and the activities of cathepsin C and D in cardiac and skeletal muscles. A slight increase in cathepsin B activity was observed 1 hr after leupeptin treatment in calf muscles. The cause of both tissue and enzyme specific changes after leupeptin treatment is discussed.  相似文献   

Peptides play important roles in cell regulation and signaling in many tissues. The actions of peptides are regulated by peptidases. Although the activity of these enzymes has been thoroughly characterized in mammals, little is known about their presence or function in fish. In the present study, we compared the activity of several peptidases in selected tissues (pituitary gland, different brain areas, kidney and gills) of the gilthead sea bream and rainbow trout with that found in similar rat tissues (lungs studied in place of gills). Soluble puromycin-sensitive aminopeptidase showed the highest values in the pituitary gland of the sea bream, whereas the membrane-bound form was found to be more active in the trout kidney. Very high levels of activity of aminopeptidase N were detected in trout and sea bream plasma. In contrast, the highest levels of activity of aminopeptidase B were found in rat tissues, with the exception of the gills of the trout. Aminopeptidase N levels tended to be higher in sea bream tissues with respect to those of trout. In contrast, the level of activity of aminopeptidase B was found to be consistently much higher in trout tissues than in those of the sea bream. Prolyl endopeptidase activity was principally detected in the pituitary gland and in the brain areas of teleosts. These differences between species could be related to different mechanisms of osmoregulation in saltwater- and in freshwater-adapted fish.  相似文献   

Distribution of pancreatic polypeptide-like immunoreactivity in rat tissues   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The distribution of pancreatic polypeptide (PP)-like immunoreactivity (LI) in rat tissue was determined by a specific radioimmunoassay (RIA) after extraction with boiling 1 N acetic acid. The concentration of PP-LI in the ventral area of the pancreas (0.917 +/- 0.106 micrograms/g tissue) was about 10 times greater than that in the dorsal area of the pancreas (0.085 +/- 0.006 micrograms/g tissue). Extrapancreatic PP-LI was present in the colon (0.034 +/- 0.010 micrograms/g tissue) and rectum (0.019 +/- 0.001 micrograms/g tissue). The remainder of the gastrointestinal tract, the lung, kidney, liver, spleen, heart, adrenal gland, and central nervous system contained no measurable PP-LI. Reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography analysis of the PP-LI materials from the pancreas, colon, and rectum revealed one peak which corresponds to the rat PP standard, under conditions of elution which clearly separated PP, NPY, PYY. These results show that distribution of PP-LI in the rat is different from other known distributions in the PP family of peptides.  相似文献   

Distribution of transferrin synthesis in brain and other tissues in the rat   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Levels of transferrin mRNA were measured by hybridization to transferrin cDNA in extracts from various areas of rat brain and other tissues. The highest concentrations of transferrin mRNA were found in the liver and the choroid plexus of the lateral and third ventricles. Lower concentrations were observed in the medulla and thalamus, choroid plexus of the fourth ventricle, cortex, hypothalamus, cerebellum, pituitary, testis, placenta, stomach, spleen, kidney, muscle, and heart. Yolk sac, small intestine, and adrenal glands did not contain detectable transferrin mRNA levels. The size of transferrin mRNA was the same in liver, brain, and testis. Upon incubation of choroid plexus pieces with [14C]leucine in vitro, about 4% of the radioactive protein secreted into the medium was found to be transferrin. Together with previous data (Dickson, P.W., Howlett, G.J., and Schreiber, G. (1985) J. Biol. Chem. 260, 8214-8219; Dickson, P.W., Aldred, A.R., Marley, P.D., Bannister, D., and Schreiber (1986) J. Biol. Chem. 261, 3475-3478) the obtained data suggest that the choroid plexus plays a role in maintenance of homeostasis in the microenvironment of the central nervous system by synthesizing and secreting plasma proteins.  相似文献   

Regulation by food content of the expression of genes encoding pancreatic proteases was studied in rats fed diets containing 15%, 25% or 70% protein (w/w) (diet I, II and III). Trypsin, chymotrypsin and elastase activities in pancreas were 1.4, 2.8 and 2 times higher in diet III than in diet I whereas carboxypeptidase A level was unchanged. As compared to diet I, the pancreatic concentration of mRNAs encoding trypsinogen I and chymotrypsinogen B, measured by filter hybridization to specific cDNA probes, were found respectively 3.6 and 3.9 times higher in diet III, and 1.9 and 2.6 times higher in diet II. Elastase I mRNA concentration was 1.8 times higher in diet III, but unchanged in diet II. Procarboxypeptidase A mRNA concentration was not affected. It is concluded to a coordinate pre-translational regulation of serine protease genes expression by the protein content of diet, differing however in amplitude and sensitivity among the three species of enzymes studied.  相似文献   

The dynamics of the expression of LMP7 and LMP2 proteasome subunits during embryonic and early postnatal development of rat spleen and liver was studied in comparison with the dynamics of chymotrypsin-like and caspase-like proteasome activities and expression of MHC (major histocompatibility complex) class I molecules. The distribution of LMP7 and LMP2 immune subunits in spleen and liver cells was also evaluated throughout development. The common tendency of both organs to increase the expression of both LMP7 and LMP2 subunits on the 21st postnatal day (P21) was found. However, the total proteasome level was shown to be constant. At certain developmental stages, the dynamics of immune subunits expression in the spleen and liver was different. While the gradual enhancement of both immune subunits was observed on P1, P18 and P21 in the spleen, the periods of gradual increase observed on E16 (the 16th embryonic day) and E18 gave way to a period of decrease in immune subunits on P5 in the liver. This level did not reliably change until P18 and increased on P21. The revealed changes were accompanied by an increase in chymotrypsin-like activity and a decrease in caspase-like activity in the spleen at P21 compared to the embryonic period. This indicates the increase in proteasome ability to form antigenic epitopes for MHC class I molecules. In the liver, both activities increased compared to the embryonic period by P21. The dynamics of caspase-like activity can be explained not only by the change of proteolytic constitutive and immune subunits, but also by additional regulatory mechanisms. Moreover, it was discovered that the increase in the expression of immune subunits during early spleen development is associated with the process of formation of white pulp by B- and T-lymphocytes enriched with immune subunits. In the liver, the increase in the level of immune subunits by P21 was also accompanied by an increase of their expression in hepatocytes. While the decrease of their level by P5 may be associated with the fact that the liver has lost its function as the primary lymphoid organ in the immune system by this time, as well as with the disappearance of B-lymphocytes enriched with immune proteasomes. In the spleen and the liver, MHC class I molecules were found during the periods of increased levels of proteasome immune subunits. On E21, the liver was enriched with neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS); the level of nNOS decreased after birth and then increased by P18. This fact indicates the possibility of the induction of expression of the LMP7 and LMP2 immune subunits in hepatocytes via a signaling pathway involving nNOS. These results indicate that compared to the rat liver cells, splenic T cell immune response develops in rats starting around P19–P21. First, a T-area of white pulp is formed in the spleen during this period. Second, an increased level of immune proteasomes and MHC class I molecules in hepatocytes can ensure the formation of antigenic epitopes from foreign proteins and their delivery to the cell surface for subsequent presentation to cytotoxic T-lymphocytes.  相似文献   

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