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Host selection by vector mosquitoes is a critical component of virus proliferation, particularly for viruses such as West Nile (WNV) that are transmitted enzootically to a variety of avian hosts, and tangentially to dead-end hosts such as humans. Culex tarsalis is a principal vector of WNV in rural areas of western North America. Based on previous work, Cx. tarsalis utilizes a variety of avian and mammalian hosts and tends to feed more frequently on mammals in the late summer than during the rest of the year. To further explore this and other temporal changes in host selection, bloodfed females were collected at a rural farmstead and heron nesting site in Northern California from May 2008 through May 2009, and bloodmeal hosts identified using either a microsphere-based array or by sequencing of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) gene. Host composition during summer was dominated by four species of nesting Ardeidae. In addition, the site was populated with various passerine species as well as domestic farm animals and humans. When present, Cx. tarsalis fed predominantly (>80%) upon the ardeids, with Black-crowned Night-Herons, a highly competent WNV host, the most prevalent summer host. As the ardeids fledged and left the area and mosquito abundance increased in late summer, Cx. tarsalis feeding shifted to include more mammals, primarily cattle, and a high diversity of avian species. In the winter, Yellow-billed Magpies and House Sparrows were the predominant hosts, and Yellow-billed Magpies and American Robins were fed upon more frequently than expected given their relative abundance. These data demonstrated that host selection was likely based both on host availability and differences in utilization, that the shift of bloodfeeding to include more mammalian hosts was likely the result of both host availability and increased mosquito abundance, and that WNV-competent hosts were fed upon by Cx. tarsalis throughout the year.  相似文献   

Temporal variation in selection can be generated by temporal variation in either the fitness surface or phenotypic distributions around a static fitness surface, or both concurrently. Here, we use within- and between-generation sampling of fitness surfaces and phenotypic distributions over 2 years to investigate the causes of temporal variation in the form of sexual selection on body size in the damselfly Enallagma aspersum. Within a year, when the average female body size differed substantially from the average male body size, male body size experienced directional selection. In contrast, when male and female size distributions overlapped, male body size experienced stabilizing selection when variances in body size were large, but no appreciable selection when the variances in body size were small. The causes of temporal variation in the form of selection can only be inferred by accounting for changes in both the fitness surface and changes in the distribution of phenotypes.  相似文献   

An introduced population of coypus ( Myocastor coypus ) has lived in the wetlands of eastern England since the 1930s. Female reproductive biology has been studied over a 17 year period using information from post mortem examinations of animals caught in a trapping campaign. Females breed throughout the year and produce litters. Litter size at conception and prenatal mortality vary in relation to the mother's age and nutrient reserves. Some embryos are resorbed and some die at or shortly after birth, perhaps to reduce litters to a size that the mother can support. In addition, selective mortality of male and female embryos may allow mothers to manipulate offspring sex ratio (Gosling, 1986). The proportion of females that have litters each year also varies in relation to population density. This variation may be mediated by both the food supply and the availability of mates (Gosling and Baker, in press).  相似文献   

Potential mates in a small human population   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
B Dyke 《Social biology》1971,18(1):28-39

Sexual selection     
Competition over mates takes many forms and has far-reaching consequences for many organisms. Recent work suggests that relative reproductive rates of males and females, sperm competition and quality variation among mates affect the strength of sexual selection. Song, other display, body size, visual ornaments and material resource offerings are often sexually selected. There is much empirical evidence of mate choice, and its evolution is clarified by mathematical models. Recent advances in theory also consider costs of choice, effects of deleterious mutations, fast and slow evolution of preferences and preferred traits, and simultaneous preferences for several traits. Contests over mates are important; so is sperm competition, scrambles, endurance rivalry, and coercion. The latter mechanisms have received less attention than mate choice. Sexual selection may explain puzzling aspects of plant pollination biology.  相似文献   

Sexual selection     
Sexual selection is a concept that has probably been misunderstood and misrepresented more than any other idea in evolutionary biology, confusion that continues to the present day. We are not entirely sure why this is, but sexual politics seems to have played its role, as does a failure to understand what sexual selection is and why it was initially invoked. While in some ways less intuitive than natural selection, sexual selection is conceptually identical to it, and evolution via either mechanism will occur given sufficient genetic variation. Recent claims that sexual selection theory is fundamentally flawed are simply wrong and ignore an enormous body of evidence that provides a bedrock of support for this major mechanism of organic evolution. In fact it is partly due to this solid foundation that current research has largely shifted from documenting whether or not sexual selection occurs, to addressing more complex evolutionary questions.  相似文献   

The power of sexual selection to drive changes in mate recognition traits gives it the potential to be a potent force in speciation. Much of the evidence to support this possibility comes from comparative studies that examine differences in the number of species between clades that apparently differ in the intensity of sexual selection. We argue that more detailed studies are needed, examining extinction rates and other sources of variation in species richness. Typically, investigations of extant natural populations have been too indirect to convincingly conclude speciation by sexual selection. Recent empirical work, however, is beginning to take a more direct approach and rule out confounding variables.  相似文献   

Genetic models are analyzed in which sexual selection is combined with fertility selection. In these models, the sexual selection acts on males, the fertility selection on either males, females or both sexes. The phenotypes thus selected may be determined either by dominant and recessive alleles or by each homozygous and heterozygous genotype. Polymorphisms of dominant and recessive phenotypes can be maintained in equilibrium by a balance between sexual and fertility selection. Generally fertility selection has a greater effect than viability selection in determining the point of equilibrium. The dominant phenotype is maintained at a lower frequency when at a fertility disadvantage than when at a viability disadvantage. When about 20% or more of the females mate preferentially, the models show that equilibria will be established at very different frequencies depending on whether fertility selection acts on males, females or both sexes. These results, applied to data of preferential mating of melanic two-spot ladybirds, predict differences in fertility which can be use to test the models. Symmetric models of preferences for each genotype also give rise to polymorphisms if the heterozygotes obtain an overall advantage.  相似文献   

Snook RR 《Current biology : CB》2001,11(9):R337-R341
Multiple mating by females can result in fitness costs for both sexes, and to reduce these costs each sex may attempt to manipulate the other. Substantial insights into the nature of this sexual antagonism have recently come from studies of two different fly species.  相似文献   

Sexual selection,sexual dimorphism and plant phylogeny   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Darwin examined sexual dimorphism in animals, arguing that sexual selection was important in the evolution of such dimorphism. Sexual dimorphism in plants may have parallel causes and costs.The processes that contribute to sexual dimorphism may also lead to speciation and morphological differences among related species, as argued originally by Darwin. Where sexes are separate and dimorphism is well-developed, males of related animal species (both vertebrate and invertebrate) are often strikingly different from each other, while females may be virtually indistinguishable. A similar pattern may exist in plants: it is frequently the males (of dioecious taxa) or the male portions of the flower (in co-sexual flowers) that apparently have diversified. I suggest that the similarity of pattern may be accounted for by a similarity of process.In addition, sexual selection may have contributed to certain evolutionary trends within the angiosperms and, indeed, to angiosperm radiation.  相似文献   

A major challenge for studying the role of sexual selection in divergence and speciation is understanding the relative influence of different sexually selected signals on those processes in both intra‐ and interspecific contexts. Different signals may be more or less susceptible to co‐option for species identification depending on the balance of sexual and ecological selection acting upon them. To examine this, we tested three predictions to explain geographic variation in long‐ versus short‐range sexual signals across a 3,500 + km transect of two related Australian field cricket species (Teleogryllus spp.): (a) selection for species recognition, (b) environmental adaptation and (c) stochastic divergence. We measured male calling song and male and female cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) in offspring derived from wild populations, reared under common garden conditions. Song clearly differentiated the species, and no hybrids were observed suggesting that hybridization is rare or absent. Spatial variation in song was not predicted by geography, genetics or climatic factors in either species. In contrast, CHC divergence was strongly associated with an environmental gradient supporting the idea that the climatic environment selects more directly upon these chemical signals. In light of recently advocated models of diversification via ecological selection on secondary sexual traits, the different environmental associations we found for song and CHCs suggest that the impact of ecological selection on population divergence, and how that influences speciation, might be different for acoustic versus chemical signals.  相似文献   

Complex copulatory patterns, involving multiple brief intromissions or prolonged single intromissions (PI) occur most frequently among primate species in which females mate with a number of partners (multimale and dispersed mating systems). However, the PI pattern is also confined almost exclusively to arboreal primates - to either smaller-bodied, cryptic, nocturnal species or much larger diurnal forms. Predation pressures may have limited the evolution of the PI pattern, particularly where small-bodied diurnal primates or terrestrial forms are concerned. The available evidence indicates that both sexual selection and natural selection may have influenced the evolution of copulatory patterns.  相似文献   

Male field crickets call and attract females or they silently search for females in the vicinity of calling males. At high population densities, fewer calling sites are available, defense of calling sites is costly, and an increased proportion of matings should result from searching behavior. To test these predictions, individually marked field crickets, Gryllus veletisand G. pennsylvanicus,were observed for 10 h nightly in large outdoor arenas at relatively high and low densities (2020 and 55, males and females). Data were gathered on body weight, calling duration, movement, and mating frequency for individual crickets. These observations showed that variance in male mating success was significantly greater at a low density in G. pennsylvanicus,and calling duration correlated with mating success at this density. Direct selection on a trait was estimated as the partial regression coefficient (selection gradient, ) and the total selection was estimated (direct and indirect selection on correlated traits) as the covariance (standardized intensity of selection, s) of the trait on the relative mating success. Direct selection favored increased movement at a high density in G. veletis,and direct and total selection favored increased calling duration at a low density in G. pennsylvanicus.Most other comparisons were not statistically significant. The data are discussed in terms of density-dependent fluctuations in sexual selection on correlated male traits.  相似文献   

动物的性选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
有性生殖为个体之间设置了一个冲突和竞争的环境,因为雌雄个体都希望最大限度地把自己的基因传递给后代。性选择保证了动物的繁殖成功。性选择可以分为性别内选择和性别间选择。性别内选择促使动物格斗器官或其他有利于在格斗中获胜的一些特征得到发展;性别间选择促使用来吸引异性的一些特征得到发展。雌性动物的配偶选择或与所选择的特征协同进化,或可以从选择中得到直接的利益。  相似文献   

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