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The activities of eight cytokinins in promoting callus growth were tested in two Phaseolus genotypes, P. vulgaris L. var. Great Northern, and P. lunatus L. var. Kingston. The structural feature which contributes to the major genotypic difference in cytokinin structure-activity relationships is the presence or absence of a double bond at the 2,3-position of the isoprenoid N6 side chain. In Kingston, trans-zeatin was 3-fold more active than dihydrozeatin and 30-fold more active than cis-zeatin. The activities of N6-(Δ2-isopentenyl)adenine and N6-isopentyladenine were nearly the same. In Great Northern, however, dihydrozeatin was at least 30-fold more active than both trans-zeatin and cis-zeatin, and N6-isopentyladenine was 100-fold more active than N6-(Δ2-isopentenyl)adenine. The results suggest the possibility of employing cytokinin structure-activity relationships in distinguishing genotypic differences in cytokinin function and metabolism.  相似文献   

Fifty genotypes of each of three cultivars of alfalfa (Medicago spp.) were tested in three medium protocols for their capacity to produce somatic embryos and plantlets from callus cultures. Highly productive genotypes produced somatic embryos regardless of medium protocol or explant source, while other genotypes produced somatic embryos in a medium-specific or explant-specific fashion. The results showed that embryogenesis in mature leaf-derived calli could be predicted from the frequency of embryo formation in cotyledon-derived calli of the same genotype. The results also indicated that highly productive genotypes can be selected from cultivars with a low frequency of regeneration.  相似文献   

There are indications that the cytokinin content in transgenic tissues expressing the cytokinin biosynthetic ipt gene is under metabolic control, which prevents the accumulation of cytokinins to lethal levels. The objective of this study was to investigate the relationships between the content of endogenous cytokinins and the activity of cytokinin oxidase (which is believed to be a copper-containing amine oxidase, EC in ipt transgenic tobacco callus. In addition, the effect of exogenously applied N-benzyladenine (BA) on this relationship was examined. Endogenous cytokinin concentrations were measured in callus of Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Petit Havana SRI transformed with the ipt of Agrobacterium tumefaciens under the control of a light-inducible promoter and in non-transformed tissue using LC-tandem mass spectrometry. The activity of cytokinin oxidase was estimated by measuring the conversion of [2,8-3H]N6-(Δ2-isopentenyl)adenine to [3H]adenine by enzyme preparations in vitro. The 14-day-old ipt-transformed callus contained a 25-fold higher amount of cytokinins as compared to the non-transformed tissue. Mainly zeatin- and dihydrozeatin-types of cytokinins (free bases, ribosides, nucleotides and O-glucosides) accumulated in the ipt transgenic tissue. The cytokinin pool of both ipt-transformed and non-transformed tissues consisted predominantly of cytokinins that are either resistant to cytokinin oxidase attack (nucleotides and O-glucosides of cytokinins and cytokinins bearing N6-saturated side chain) or have a low affinity for the enzyme (zeatin and its riboside). The former represented 71.6 and 74.8% and the latter 27.7 and 24.4% of the pool of endogenous cytokinins in ipt-transformed and non-transformed tissues, respectively. Enzyme preparations from ipt-transformed tissue exhibited 1.5-fold higher cytokinin oxidase activity compared with that observed in control tissues. Application of exogenous BA affected the total levels of cytokinins of the two tissue lines in different ways. The cytokinin content increased by 1.7- and 1.5-fold in ipt-transformed tissues 6 and 12 h after BA application, respectively, while it declined in the non-transformed control by 1.6- to 2.0-fold between 3 and 12 h after BA application. The increase in cytokinin content in the ipt callus is due to an increase of zeatin- and dihydrozeatin-type cytokinins (nucleotides, ribosides and free bases) leading to an enhanced accumulation of O-glucosides after 12 h. Following BA treatment, the cytokinin oxidase activity increased up to 1.8-fold in ipt-transformed and 1.6-fold in non-transformed tissues. The levels of isopentenyl-type cytokinins were near the detection limit; however, the enhancement of cytokinin oxidase activity after BA treatment in both tissue lines was correlated with the content of preferred substrate of the enzyme, N6-(Δ2-isopentenyl)adenosine.  相似文献   

Cytokinin affects the requirement for auxin of a strain of tobacco callus (Nicotiana tabacum) which is cytokinin-autotrophic when grown on Murashige and Skoog medium with 11.4 mum of indole-3-acetic acid but requires cytokinin 6-(3-methyl-2-butenylamino)purine (i(6) Ade) when grown on the same medium with <3 mum indole-3-acetic acid. As the exogenous concentration of cytokinin (i(6) Ade) is increased, the concentration of indole-3-acetic acid required for growth is decreased. A second effect of cytokinin, observed sporadically in cultures with 2.5 mum or 5 mum i(6) Ade, is the transformation of some of the callus pieces to auxin-autotrophic growth. Strains, both callus-forming and bud-forming tissues, that arise in this manner are not permanently altered in their auxin requirement because subcultures on medium without cytokinin still require exogenous auxin.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) organization of primary hexaploid cytoplasmic male-sterile (CMS) triticale regenerants containing Triticum timopheevi cytoplasm was analysed by hybridization experiments and compared with the mitochondrial genome organization of the corresponding regenerants with maintainer cytoplasm. Callus cultures had been derived from immature embryos, and 623 triticale plants were regenerated via somatic embryogenesis after three to four subcultures. The chondriome of 159 regenerants was investigated with regard to somaclonal variation. Six different mitochondrial gene probes and four different restriction enzymes were used for Southern blot analyses by the non-radioactive digoxigenin labeling technique. Alloplasmic regenerants showed a gain or loss of hybridization signals up to a high percentage, while euplasmic ones revealed only minor variability with respect to band stoichiometries. In 24 cases rearrangements in the mtDNA were proved. We suppose that recombination processes and selective amplification events are responsible for these findings.  相似文献   

Plants regenerated from callus cultures derived from leaf discs and mesophyll protoplasts ofPetunia hybrida cv. Rose of Heaven exhibit a high frequency of genetic and chromosomal variation. Of twelve leaf disc-derived plants examined, only three had the normal diploid chromosome number (2n=14) while seven were tetraploid and two were aneuploid (16 and 27 chromosomes). Of seventeen plants derived from two protoplasts, none had the diploid chromosome number. Most had 28 chromosomes, one 29, two 27, one 26 and one had variable numbers (14–28) in different root tip cells. In all cases aneuploidy was associated with developmental abnormality. In addition, heritable differences in growth, morphology and flower pigmentation were observed in callus-derived tetraploids and diploids, including one diploid which differed from parent plants in at least four characters. These results are discussed in terms of the importance ofPetunia in genetics research and for studies of somaclonal variation.  相似文献   

Cold tolerance of field grown plants and shoot cultures of a commercial sugarbeet cultivar, Hilma, was compared with that of two cultivars bred for improved cold tolerance, Monofeb and Winter Hybrid 88619. Leaves of Monofeb and Winter Hybrid 88619 showed an increase in frost tolerance compared to Hilma, as assessed by electrolyte leakage measurements, in both July, and November. However, all varieties exhibited acclimation in the latter month. Similar qualitative differences between cultivars were detected in shoot cultures only when maintained on low (1%) sucrose medium, without added plant growth regulators. The use of high (3%) sucrose and benzyladenine, which releases apical dominance producing multiple shoots, each contributed to a substantial lowering of the temperature at which cold-induced damage occurred in leaves. Under these conditions varietal differences were masked. The implications of these findings in regard to in vitro selection for improved cold tolerance in organized cultures are discussed.Abbreviations BA benzyladenine - MS Murashige & Skoog (1962)  相似文献   

Summary Yellowish compact callus, induced from cowpea hypocotyls on Murashige and Skoog(MS) medium (1962) containing 0.2 mg/l(0.93 μM) kinetin and 0.4 mg/l (1.81 μM) 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), was subcultured on MS medium containing cytokinin alone, auxin alone, or auxins plus cytokinins in order to determine the effect of cytokinins on root organogenesis in callus cultures. The callus actively proliferated on the same medium but did not show any organogenic activity macroscopically as well as microscopically. On medium with N6-benzyladenine (BA) and 1-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA), the yellowish compact callus first changed to pale green compact callus and then many green spots appeared on its surface under light culture. But the yellowsih compact callus remained yellowish and white spots appeared on its surface in dark culture. These spots gradually became white nodular structures. Adventitious root formation from the nodular structures occurred not only on the same medium, but also on medium with either auxin or cytokinin but not both. Yellowish compact callus on medium with auxin alone was transformed to yellowish friable callus, which did not develop adventitious roots. The yellowish friable callus could gain rhizogenic activity only after morphological modification to pale green compact callus on medium with auxin plus cytokinin. The modified callus did not form adventitious roots on medium with auxins but only with cytokinins. Therefore, it is suggested that cytokinins have stimulating effects on root formation from callus that previously did not show rhizogenic activity on medium with auxins alone. In addition, the rhizogenic potential of cowpea callus was discriminated from that of leaf explants, which formed adventitious roots directly on medium with auxin alone.  相似文献   

P. Beutelmann  L. Bauer 《Planta》1977,133(3):215-217
A cytokinin was isolated from the culture medium of callus cells of the moss hybridFunaria hygrometrica (L.) Sibth xPhyscomitrium piriforme Brid. The purification procedure included ethyl-acetate extraction, silver-salt precipitation, crystallization as picrate, and ion exchange chromatography. The structure of the cytokinin was confirmed as N6–(2-isopentenyl)adenine by means of gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. The concentration of the compound in the culture medium was determined at ca. 10-6 M.Abbreviation 2iP N6–(2-isopentenyl) adenine  相似文献   

Cytokinin oxidase was extracted and partially purified from auxin- and cytokinin-dependent callus tissue of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Wisconsin 38). The activity of the enzyme preparation was examined using an assay based on the conversion of tritiated N6-(2-isopentenyl)adenine ([2,8-3H]iP) to adenine. Cytokinin oxidase exhibited a temperature optimum at 45–50°C and a relatively high pH optimum (8.5–9.0). The apparent Km value of the enzyme was 4.3 M for iP. On the basis of the substrate competition assays, iP was determined to be the preferred substrate of the enzyme. Substrate competition was also observed with zeatin and the cytokinin-active urea derivative Thidiazuron. Cytokinins bearing saturated isoprenoid side chains or cyclic side chain structures, as well as auxins and abscisic acid, had no effect on the conversion of [2,8-3H]iP. The cytokinin oxidase exhibited increased activity in the presence of copper-imidazole complex in the reaction mixture. Under optimal concentrations of copper (15 mM CuCl2) and imidazole (100 mM), the enzyme activity was enhanced ca. 40-fold. Under these conditions the pH optimum was lowered to pH 6.0, whereas the temperature optimum, the apparent Km value, and the substrate specificity were not altered. Most of the enzyme moiety did not bind to the lectin concanavalin A. The characteristics of cytokinin oxidase presented here suggest that a novel molecular form of the enzyme, previously identified and characterized in Phaseolus lunatus callus cultures (Kamínek and Armstrong (1990) Plant Physiol 93:1530), also occurs in cultured tobacco tissue.Abbreviations Ade adenine - iP N6-(2-isopentenyl)adenine - [2,8-3H]iP [2,8-3H]-N6-(2-isopentenyl)adenine - [9R]iP N6-(2-isopentenyl)adenosine - (diH)iP N6-isopentyladenine - (diH)Z dihydrozeatin - BAP N6-benzyladenine - ( o OH)[9R]BAP N6-(o-hydroxybenzyl)adenosine - (mOH)[9R]BAP N6-(m-hydroxybenzyl)adenosine - IAA indole-3-acetic acid - IBA indole-3-butyric acid - NAA naphthalene-1-acetic acid - ABA abscisic acid - Con A concanavalin A  相似文献   

Lee TT 《Plant physiology》1971,48(1):56-59
Indoleacetic acid oxidase in tobacco callus cultures (Nicotiana tabacum L., cv. White Gold) was composed of at least two groups of isoenzymes, which were distinctly different in electrophoretic mobilities and in responses to growth substances. Indoleacetic acid had dual effects; at low concentrations it promoted the development of two fast-migrating indoleacetic acid oxidase isoenzymes, but at high concentrations it increased the level of other indoleacetic acid oxidase isoenzymes with low and moderate electrophoretic mobilities. However, indoleacetic acid was not unique in such effects; 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and 2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid were effective at concentrations lower than that of indoleacetic acid.  相似文献   

Summary Remarkable variation for chromosome number was observed in both diploid (2x) and autotetraploid (4x) callus cultures continuously examined for 12 months at monthly subsculture intervals. Initially, the subcultures exhibited predominantly the genomic level of the starting material which subsequently and gradually developed into heterogenous populations of euploid and aneuploid cells imparting the subcultures a aneusomatic status. The comparison of chromosomal instability recorded in 2x vs. 4x callus cultures revealed that with time both types of calli stabilized at a chromosome number around the 4x level. However, the chromosomal examination of the adventitious roots emerging from the disorganized calli revealed the euploid (both 2x and 4x) chromosome levels suggesting the occurrence of amorphogenetic sieve.This paper is dedicated to Professor A. K.Sharma of Calcutta University on his 65th birthday by his former student U. C. L. and grandstudent S. S. (CIMAP Publication no. 739).  相似文献   

A cytokinin oxidase in Zea mays   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  

-Shoots regenerated from two-year old callus cultures of Lavandula angustifolia and Rosmarinus officinalis accumulated monoterpenes characteristic of the parent tissue. No such compounds could be detected in undifferentiated callus maintained under a variety of conditions.  相似文献   

Cytokinin catabolism and cytokinin oxidase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cytokinin oxidase has been highly purified from mature Zea mays kernels. Adenine has been unambiguously identified, by HPLC co-chromatography, UV a  相似文献   

We examined 198 isolates of P. chysogenum recovered from 109 houses in Wallaceburg, Ontario, and 25 culture collection isolates including seven ex-type strains. Multilocus genotypes were determined by heteroduplex mobility assay of regions spanning introns in acetyl co-enzyme A synthase, beta-tubulin, thioredoxin reductase and the internal transcribed spacer regions of the nuclear ribosomal subrepeat. Five unique multilocus haplotypes were revealed without evidence of recombination, indicating strictly clonal population structures. Phylogenetic analysis of allele sequences using maximum parsimony resolved three strongly supported lineages. The dominant clade included more than 90% of house isolates in addition to the notable laboratory contaminant isolated by Alexander Fleming in 1929 in Britain. A second clade contained more than 5% of house isolates clustered with the ex-type strains of P. chysogenum and P. notatum. Follow-up sampling of outdoor air in the locality failed to reveal P. chysogenum, confirming the rarity of this fungus in outdoor air.  相似文献   

Callus cultures ofNardostachys jatamansi DC, an endangered medicinal and aromatic plant, were established using petiole explants on MS medium supplemented with 16.1 µM -naphthaleneacetic acid and 1.16 µM kinetin. Embryogenesis in these callus cultures took place only upon sequential subculture of the callus on media having gradually decreasing auxin (16.1 to 1.34 µM NAA) and simultaneously increasing cytokinin (1.16 to 9.30 µM kinetin) concentrations over a period of 7 months. Somatic embryo to plantlet conversion took place on a medium containing 9.30 µM kinetin and 1.34 µM NAA.  相似文献   

From callus cultures ofHolarrhena floribunda a complex mixture of alkaloids has been isolated in small yield, the main alkaloid of which was identified as conessine by MS, GC and TLC.  相似文献   

We previously studied the production of shikonin derivatives by cell lines ofLithospermum erythrorhizon. As a result, we have obtained a cell line LE 87, which exhibited high cell growth and high shikonin production. In the present study, the effects of auxins (2,4-D, IAA, picloram, and NAA) and cytokinins (BAP and kinetin) on organogenesis and somatic embryogenesis in this shikonin-producing cell line were investigated. The highest organogenic and embryogenic efficiency was obtained on MS medium supplemented with 10 µM NAA and 0.3 µM kinetin. Subcultured calli showed different morphogenic frequencies depending on the NAA and kinetin concentration. Morphologically normal plants have been regenerated via mostly organogenesis. Shoots subsequently produced roots on plant growth regulator-free MS medium and developed into plantlets. In most cases, a few thin roots were formed at the bases of the shoots after four weeks on the rooting medium. More than fifty green plantlets were transplanted to soil in pots and developed into phenotypically normal plants 8 weeks after being transferred to soil. The regenerated plants grew to maturity, flowered, and set seeds by only artificial pollination.Abbreviations BAP 6-benzylaminopurine - 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - IAA indole-3-acetic acid - NAA -naphthalene-acetic acid - MS Murashige and Skoog (1962) medium Communicated by S. Gleddie  相似文献   

Camptothecine from callus cultures of Nothapodytes foetida   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Callus cultures were established from excised embryos of Nothapodytes foetida on Murashige and Skoog medium supplemented with picloram (2 mg l–1) and 3% (w/v) sucrose. The embryos developed into callus after 4 weeks of incubation at 25 ± 2°C in dark. The cultures produced camptothecine and 9-methoxy-camptothecine as determined by TLC, UV, HPLC, electron spray mass spectral analysis.  相似文献   

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