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Serum calcium concentrations of C3H/Fg, C3H/HeJFg, AKR/Fg, A/Fg, and LCS/Fg mice were compared at 4 and 7 mo of age. In the C3H/Fg and A-strain mice, calcium levels did not differ significantly between the 2 strains nor between the 2 age groups. The C3H/HeJFg, LCS/Fg, and C57BL/Fg strains formed a distinct group with similar calcium levels, but at a significantly higher level than C3H/Fg and A/Fg group. Again there was no significant difference between the 4- and 7-mo groups. The AKR/Fg strain was distinct from both groups in that higher calcium levels characteristic of the second group (C3H/HeJFg, LCS/Fg, and C57BL/Fg, were seen at 4 mo of age, but lower calcium levels similar to those of the C3H/Fg and A/Fg strains were found at 7 mo of age.  相似文献   

Novelty stimuli cause various behavioral responses, such as exploration and avoidance, and contextual variables may contribute to the behavioral outputs. Here, we tried to compare the behavioral responses to novel objects of five inbred strains of mice (C57BL/6J, 129/svJae, C3H/HeJ, BALB/cJ and DBA/2J) by using a modified novel object test where a small light-weight cube wrapped with paper was presented to mice in a home cage without beddings. In response to these objects, the C57BL/6J, 129/svJae and C3H/HeJ mice showed mild exploratory behaviors, such as approaching, sniffing or brief contact. In striking contrast, the BALB/cJ and DBA/2J mice, which have been known to show high avoidance/low exploration in other behavioral paradigms, exhibited play-like secondary reactions toward the objects after initial primary exploratory behaviors. Specifically, DBA/2J mice would move the object around in the cage, holding it with their mouths, and BALB/cJ mice would gnaw the object, eventually stripping off the wrapping paper. Such behaviors decreased when similar objects were presented repeatedly. The present results suggest that active manipulations of novel objects may be a relevant parameter for measuring novelty-induced behaviors in mice and appear to be strongly influenced by genetic factors.  相似文献   

Catechol‐O‐methyltransferase (COMT) is a ubiquitously expressed enzyme that maintains basic biologic functions by inactivating catechol substrates. In humans, polymorphic variance at the COMT locus has been associated with modulation of pain sensitivity and risk for developing psychiatric disorders. A functional haplotype associated with increased pain sensitivity was shown to result in decreased COMT activity by altering mRNA secondary structure‐dependent protein translation. However, the exact mechanisms whereby COMT modulates pain sensitivity and behavior remain unclear and can be further studied in animal models. We have assessed Comt1 gene expression levels in multiple brain regions in inbred strains of mice and have discovered that Comt1 is differentially expressed among the strains, and this differential expression is cis‐regulated. A B2 short interspersed nuclear element (SINE) was inserted in the 3′‐untranslated region (3′‐UTR) of Comt1 in 14 strains generating a common haplotype that correlates with gene expression. Experiments using mammalian expression vectors of full‐length cDNA clones with and without the SINE element show that strains with the SINE haplotype (+SINE) have greater Comt1 enzymatic activity. +SINE mice also exhibit behavioral differences in anxiety assays and decreased pain sensitivity. These results suggest that a haplotype, defined by a 3′‐UTR B2 SINE element, regulates Comt1 expression and some mouse behaviors.  相似文献   

Intestinal helminths in inbred strains of mice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

When humans or non-humans are given a choice between receiving a sooner-smaller (SS) reinforcer, or a later-larger (LL) reinforcer, the choice of a SS reinforcer represents impulsive choice whereas the choice of a LL reinforcer represents self-controlled choice. It has been suggested that both biological and genetic factors influence impulsive/self-control choice in this paradigm. In the present study, the inbred strains of BALB/c, C57BL/6, and DBA/2 mice were given a choice to press one of two levers in an operant chamber. Depending on their choice, mice received either a smaller reinforcer (one pellet delivered after 6s) sooner (SS) or a larger reinforcer (two pellets after 6, 9, 12, 18, or 30s) later (LL). Mice preference for the larger reinforcer decreased with longer delays. More importantly, the BALB/c mice chose the SS reinforcer more often than the C57BL/6 mice under the 9- and 12-s delays, and more often than the DBA/2 mice under the 9-s delay. This indicates that the choice pattern of the BALB/c strain is more "impulsive" than the other strains and suggests that specific gene configurations influence impulsive choice in mice.  相似文献   

Antibody production in inbred strains of mice   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

Quiet mutations in inbred strains of mice   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The year 2009 is the 100th anniversary of the founding of the first inbred strain of mouse, called DBA. During the last 100 years, inbred strains have proved their value for biomedical research and the number of such strains has mushroomed to over 450, each with different genotypic and phenotypic characteristics and useful for the study of disease and normal function. However, although inbred strains are stable, they are not fixed entities and researchers need to be aware of the phenomena of new mutations and of genetic drift, which occur within all mouse colonies. If the mutations are what we term in this review 'quiet mutations', then they might result in rather unexpected and sometimes tremendously valuable results. Here, we discuss these phenomena and look at how new genomic technologies might help us to detect 'quiet mutations' and use them to our advantage.  相似文献   

Variations among sublines of inbred AKR mice   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  

A study of the sex ratio in mice of the inbred strains (CBA and C3H) and connection of the postimplantation embryonic mortality in mice of these strains with the sex distribution of embryos demonstrated that the sex ratio in these mice was 1:1. Literature and the author's personal data suggested that genetic features of mice of the inbred strains failed to influence significantly the sex ratio of the offspring. The postimplantation embryonic death rate in the C3H mice exceeded that in the CBA mice (14.4 and 9.3%, respectively). However, the balanced sex ratio in mice of these strains points to the absence of selective mortality of the embryos of any one sex during embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Cryptosporidium infections in inbred strains of mice.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Cryptosporidium, a protozoan parasite of man and animals, is an important etiological agent of diarrhea throughout the world, particularly in children and immunocompromised individuals such as AIDS patients. Unfortunately, because of the lack of both in vivo laboratory models and reliable in vitro parasite culture systems, virtually nothing is known about the immunological events occurring during disease. In order to identify reliable animal models for infection, we studied C. parvum infections in 19 different strains of mice representing 12 H-2 haplotypes: A/J, AKR/J, B10.D2/J, B10.M/J, C3H/HeJ, C57BL/65, C57BL/6J-bgJ, CBA/NJ, DBA/1J, DBA/2J, HRS/J, HTG/J, NZB/B1NJ, NZW/J, P/J, RIII/J, SJL/J, SWR/J, and WB/ReJ, and in one gerbil: Meriones unguiculatus. Fecal samples and histological sections of the intestine taken on day 7 post-Cryptosporidium inoculation indicated that only the beige mouse (C57BL/6J-bgJ) harbored significant numbers of parasites compared to the other strains. The numbers of parasites harbored in these NK cell-deficient beige mice were, however, considerably lower than those seen in neonatal mice. Adult inbred mouse strains susceptible to Cryptosporidium infections are discussed.  相似文献   

Ultra-sounds in three inbred strains of young mice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Genetic relationships between inbred strains of mice   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

Initial sensitivity to psychostimulants can predict subsequent use and abuse in humans. Acute locomotor activation in response to psychostimulants is commonly used as an animal model of initial drug sensitivity and has been shown to have a substantial genetic component. Identifying the specific genetic differences that lead to phenotypic differences in initial drug sensitivity can advance our understanding of the processes that lead to addiction. Phenotyping inbred mouse strain panels are frequently used as a first step for studying the genetic architecture of complex traits. We assessed locomotor activation following a single, acute 20 mg/kg dose of cocaine (COC) in males from 45 inbred mouse strains and observed significant phenotypic variation across strains indicating a substantial genetic component. We also measured levels of COC, the active metabolite, norcocaine and the major inactive metabolite, benzoylecgonine, in plasma and brain in the same set of inbred strains. Pharmacokinetic (PK) and behavioral data were significantly correlated, but at a level that indicates that PK alone does not account for the behavioral differences observed across strains. Phenotypic data from this reference population of inbred strains can be utilized in studies aimed at examining the role of psychostimulant‐induced locomotor activation on drug reward and reinforcement and to test theories about addiction processes. Moreover, these data serve as a starting point for identifying genes that alter sensitivity to the locomotor stimulatory effects of COC.  相似文献   

The activity of 5'-nucleotidase of peritoneal exudate in subcutaneous injection of histamine in a dose of 1.0-100 microliters was studied in mice of different lines (CBA, C57, B1/6, Balb/c, NFS/n, NFR/n). There were interline differences in the influence of histamine on this metabolic index.  相似文献   

Nine inbred murine strains were either highly resistant or highly susceptible to intravenous challenge with 4 X 10(4) to 1 X 10(5) cells of Candida albicans. The resistant strains had the capacity to develop delayed footpad reactions on appropriate sensitization and challenge; the susceptible strains did not have this innate capacity. Administration of thymosin fraction 5 beginning on the day of infection greatly increased the resistance of the susceptible strains to infection, but decreased the resistance of the resistant strains. In contrast, thymosin fraction 5 enhanced the delayed footpad responses of resistant-sensitized mice to specific antigen, but did not have a detectable effect on the delayed footpad reactions of the susceptible strains. Reinfection of the two types of strains had different effects, in that, depending on the strain, resistance could be increased, decreased, or not influenced at all.  相似文献   

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