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Human trabecular meshwork cell volume regulation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The volume ofcertain subpopulations of trabecular meshwork (TM) cells may modifyoutflow resistance of aqueous humor, thereby altering intraocularpressure. This study examines the contribution thatNa+/H+, Cl/HCOexchange, and K+-Cl efflux mechanisms have onthe volume of TM cells. Volume, Cl currents, andintracellular Ca2+ activity of cultured human TM cells werestudied with calcein fluorescence, whole cell patch clamping, and fura2 fluorescence, respectively. At physiological bicarbonateconcentration, the selective Na+/H+ antiportinhibitor dimethylamiloride reduced isotonic cell volume. Hypotonicitytriggered a regulatory volume decrease (RVD), which could be inhibitedby the Cl channel blocker5-nitro-2-(3-phenylpropylamino)-benzoate (NPPB), the K+channel blockers Ba2+ and tetraethylammonium, and theK+-Cl symport blocker[(dihydroindenyl)oxy]alkanoic acid. The fluid uptake mechanism inisotonic conditions was dependent on bicarbonate; at physiologicallevels, the Na+/H+ exchange inhibitordimethylamiloride reduced cell volume, whereas at low levels theNa+-K+-2Cl symport inhibitorbumetanide had the predominant effect. Patch-clamp measurements showedthat hypotonicity activated an outwardly rectifying, NPPB-sensitiveCl channel displaying the permeability rankingCl > methylsulfonate > aspartate.2,3-Butanedione 2-monoxime antagonized actomyosin activity and bothincreased baseline [Ca2+] and abolishedswelling-activated increase in [Ca2+], but it did notaffect RVD. Results indicate that human TM cells display aCa2+-independent RVD and that volume is regulated byswelling-activated K+ and Cl channels,Na+/H+ antiports, and possiblyK+-Cl symports in addition toNa+-K+-2Cl symports.


Single-channel patch-clamp experiments were performed on MDCK cells in order to characterize the ionic channels participating in regulatory volume decrease (RVD). Subconfluent layers of cultured cells were exposed to a hypotonic medium (150 mOsm), and the membrane currents at the single-channel level were measured in cell-attached experiments. The results indicate that MDCK cells respond to a hypotonic swelling by activating several different ionic conductances. In particular, a potassium and a chloride channel appeared in the recordings more frequently than other channels, and this allowed a more detailed study of their properties in the inside-out configuration of the patch-clamp technique. The potassium channel had a linear I/V curve with a unitary conductance of 24 +/- 4 pS in symmetrical K+ concentrations (145 mM). It was highly selective for K+ ions vs. Na+ ions: PNa/PK less than 0.04. The time course of its open probability (P0) showed that the cells responded to the hypotonic shock with a rapid activation of this channel. This state of high activity was maintained during the first minute of hypotonicity. The chloride channel participating in RVD was an outward-rectifying channel: outward slope conductance of 63.3 +/- 4.7 pS and inward slope conductance of 26.1 +/- 4.9 pS. It was permeable to both Cl- and NO3- and its maximal activation after the hypotonic shock was reached after several seconds (between 30 and 100 sec). The activity of this anionic channel did not depend on cytoplasmic calcium concentration. Quinine acted as a rapid blocker of both channels when applied to the cytoplasmic side of the membrane. In both cases, 1 mM quinine reversibly reduced single-channel current amplitudes by 20 to 30%. These results indicate that MDCK cells responded to a hypotonic swelling by an early activation of highly selective potassium conductances and a delayed activation of anionic conductances. These data are in good agreement with the changes of membrane potential measured during RVD.  相似文献   

Summary The ion and volume regulatory mechanisms ofTetrahymena pyriformis were studied in normal or hypotonic nutrient media and in isotonic inorganic media with different Na/K ratios, in conjunction with the effects of a general metabolic inhibitor (low temperature) and a specific inhibitor (iodoacetate). For K two mechanisms of active influx were found: The first is sensitive to IAc and seems to be the basic mechanism for the maintenance of the Ki/Ko gradient. The second is sensitive to cooling and related to the function of the contractile vacuole; it is also responsible for the high intracellular levels of K. The passive K efflux seems to be a basic factor for volume regulation, together with the contractile vacuole. It increases in hypotonic media and this seems to be related to structural changes of the membranes occurring in hypotonic media. For Na two mechanisms of active transport were also found: One for active Na efflux with highK m, which is associated with the contractile vacuole and another, for active Na influx with lowK m, which is inhibited by high levels of intracellular K.The electrochemical potentials of Na and K and the membrane potential (Cl Nernst potential) were also studied in isotonic inorganic media. The membrane is negatively polarized, except if Nao<5 mM when it becomes positive. In normal conditions, Na is transported outwards actively and leaks passively, while K is transported inwards actively and leaks 56 times more rapidly than Na ions.A model for the overall transport and regulation of ions inTetrahymena is proposed.Abbreviations IAc iodoacetate - PCV packed cell volume - Na i,K i,Cl intracellular concentrations ofNa +,K +,Cl , respectively - Na o,K o, Clo extracellular concentrations of Na+, K+, Cl, respectively - DR distribution ratio - HyN hypotonic nutrient medium - IsN isotonic nutrient medium - HyS IsS hypotonic, and isotonic salt medium, respectively  相似文献   

The response of isolated hepatocytes of Sparus aurata to hypotonic shock was studied by the aid of videometric and light scattering methods. The isolated cells exposed to a rapid change (from 370 to 260 mOsm/kg) of the osmolarity of the bathing solution swelled but thereafter underwent a decrease of cell volume tending to recovery the original size. This homeostatic response RVD (regulatory volume decrease) was inhibited in the absence of extracellular Ca2+ and in the presence of TMB8, an inhibitor of Ca2+ release from intracellular stores. It is likely that Ca2+ entry through verapamil sensitive Ca2+-channels, probably leading to a release of Ca2+ from intracellular stores, is responsible for RVD since the blocker impaired the ability of the cell to recover its volume after the hypotonic shock. RVD tests performed in the presence of various inhibitors of different transport mechanisms, such as BaCl2, quinine, glybenclamide and bumetanide as well as in the presence of a KCl activator, NEM, led us to suggest that the recovery of cell volume in hypotonic solution is accomplished by an efflux of K+ and Cl? through conductive pathways paralleled by the operation of the KCl cotransport, followed by an obliged water efflux from the cells.  相似文献   

Red cell volumes in media sufficiently hypotonic to produce partial hemolysis have been measured with a high speed hematocrit and by an improved diffraction method. A comparison of the results shows that the upward departures from the linear relation based on the van't Hoff-Mariotte law are not observed when the volumes are measured diffractometrically. Downward departures are observed at low tonicities by both methods. These results provide strong evidence that the upward departures are due to the inclusion of semirigid ghosts in the column of packed red cells which is measured when the volumes are found with the hematocrit.  相似文献   

Osmotic adaptation in a mouse embryo blastomere has been studied by direct measurement of the cell volume using microtomography (laser scanning microscopy followed by quantitative 3D reconstruction). Embryo cells subjected to hypotonic shock first swelled but then returned to the initial size. At the beginning of osmotic stress, the swelling obeyed the van’t Hoff equation with a water permeability coefficient of 0.4 μm min−1 atm−1. The regulatory volume decrease was not abolished by Na+/K+-ATPase inhibition.  相似文献   

Acetyltransferase was isolated by histone-Sepharose affinity chromatography from human cord blood red cells. The enzyme was detected only in very young red cells. The semipurified enzyme and [14C]acetyl-CoA were used to acetylate isolated Hb F tetramer and alpha and gamma subunits. The in vitro acetylated products were characterized by globin chain separation by CM-cellulose chromatography and tryptic peptide analysis by reverse-phase HPLC. Acetylation of both the gamma-chains and the alpha-chains could occur within the Hb F tetramer. Acetylation also could take place on intact subunits. It appears that some Hb FIC could be formed in the cells by utilizing Hb F or free gamma-chains as acetylation substrate.  相似文献   

Principles of cell volume regulation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cell volume is determined by the content of osmotically active solute (cell osmoles) and the osmolarity of the extracellular fluid. Cell osmoles consist of non-diffusible and diffusible solutes. A large fraction of the diffusible cation content balances negative charges on the non-diffusible solutes. The content of diffusible solutes is determined by the electrochemical gradients driving them across the plasma membrane and the availability and activity of transport pathways in the membrane. The classical view that the sodium pump offsets passive leaks must be modified to accommodate the contributions of a number of secondary active transport processes, as well as to allow for changes in cell nondiffusible osmoles and in their net negative charge. The behaviour of cells in anisosmotic media is often different from that predicted for a perfect osmometer. In many cases this is a consequence of changes in cell osmole content. However, caution is required in extrapolating from in vitro responses of isolated cells to large, acutely induced changes in medium osmolality to the responses of tissues in vivo to more subtle changes in extracellular osmolality.  相似文献   

Volume regulation is essential for normal cell function. A key component of the cells' response to volume changes is the activation of a channel, which elicits characteristic chloride currents (I(Cl, Swell)). The molecular identity of this channel has been controversial. Most recently, ClC-3, a protein highly homologous to the ClC-4 and ClC-5 channel proteins, has been proposed as being responsible for I(Cl, Swell). Subsequently, however, other reports have suggested that ClC-3 may generate chloride currents with characteristics clearly distinct from I(Cl, Swell). Significantly different tissue distributions for ClC-3 have also been reported, and it has been suggested that two isoforms of ClC-3 may be expressed with differing functions. In this study we generated a series of cell lines expressing variants of ClC-3 to rigorously address the question of whether or not ClC-3 is responsible for I(Cl, Swell). The data demonstrate that ClC-3 is not responsible for I(Cl, Swell) and has no role in regulatory volume decrease, furthermore, ClC-3 is not activated by intracellular calcium and fails to elicit chloride currents under any conditions tested. Expression of ClC-3 was shown to be relatively tissue-specific, with high levels in the central nervous system and kidney, and in contrast to previous reports, is essentially absent from heart. This distribution is also inconsistent with the previous proposed role in cell volume regulation.  相似文献   

Volume regulation by flounder red blood cells in anisotonic media   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The nucleated high K, low Na red blood cells of the winter flounder demonstrated a volume regulatory response subsequent to osmotic swelling or shrinkage. During volume regulation the net water flow was secondary to net inorganic cation flux. Volume regulation the net water flow was secondary to net inorganic cation flux. Volume regulation after osmotic swelling is referred to as regulatory volume decrease (RVD) and was characterized by net K and water loss. Since the electrochemical gradient for K is directed out of the cell there is no need to invoke active processes to explain RVD. When osmotically shrunken, the flounder erythrocyte demonstrated a regulatory volume increase (RVI) back toward control cell volume. The water movements characteristic of RVI were a consequence of net cellular NaCl and KCl uptake with Na accounting for 75 percent of the increase in intracellular cation content. Since the Na electrochemical gradient is directed into the cell, net Na uptake was the result of Na flux via dissipative pathways. The addition of 10(-4)M ouabain to suspensions of flounder erythrocytes was without effect upon net water movements during volume regulation. The presence of ouabain did however lead to a decreased ration of intracellular K:Na. Analysis of net Na and K fluxes in the presence and absence of ouabain led to the conclusion that Na and K fluxes via both conservative and dissipative pathways are increased in response to osmotic swelling or shrinkage. In addition, the Na and K flux rate through both pump and leak pathways decreased in a parallel fashion as cell volume was regulated. Taken as a whole, the Na and K movements through the flounder erythrocyte membrane demonstrated a functional dependence during volume regulation.  相似文献   

Both attached and suspended HeLa cells swelled in a medium of a hypotonic osmolality of 235 mosmol/kg H2O. When the osmolality was further decreased to 166 mosmol/kg H2O, attached cells instantly swelled and then rapidly lost water and K+, followed by slow gains of them. Suspended cells instantly swelled and then K+ loss and regulatory volume decrease (RVD) occurred. Neither 0.1 mM ouabain nor 10 mM TEA changed the water loss of attached cells, whereas ouabain inhibited RVD of suspended cells. Quinine (1 mM) inhibited water losses from both cells and comparison of the losses implies stronger activation of K+ channel in attached cells than in suspended cells. Omission of medium Ca2+ or addition of 10 mM BaCl2 inhibited RVD in part. These results suggest that hyposmotic stress induces net water loss from attached cells, associated with K+ release through the Ca(2+)-dependent K+ channel. Suspended cells osmotically swell, followed by RVD with K+ and Na+ releases through the K+ channel and Na(+)-pump, respectively. The different patterns of volume changes may relate to the difference of activity or time of activation of the K+ channel between both cells.  相似文献   

Human red cell glycolytic intermediates   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  

SRC family kinases in cell volume regulation   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

Cell volume regulation in immune cell apoptosis   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The loss of cell volume is an early and fundamental feature of programmed cell death or apoptosis; however, the mechanisms responsible for cell shrinkage during apoptosis are poorly understood. The loss of cell volume is not a passive component of the apoptotic process, and a number of experimental findings from different laboratories highlight the importance of this process as an early and necessary regulatory event in the signaling of the death cascade. Additionally, the loss of intracellular ions, particularly potassium, has been shown to play a primary role in cell shrinkage, caspase activation, and nuclease activity during apoptosis. Thus, an understanding of the role that ion channels and plasma membrane transporters play in cellular signaling during apoptosis may have important physiological implications for immune cells, especially lymphocyte function. Furthermore, this knowledge may also have an impact on the design of therapeutic strategies for a variety of diseases of the immune system in which apoptosis plays a central role, such as oncogenic processes or immune system disorders. The present review summarizes our appreciation of the mechanisms underlying the early loss of cell volume during apoptosis and their association with downstream events in lymphocyte apoptosis.  相似文献   

The cytoskeleton and cell volume regulation   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Although the precise mechanisms have yet to be elucidated, early events in osmotic signal transduction may involve the clustering of cell surface receptors, initiating downstream signaling events such as assembly of focal adhesion complexes, and activation of, e.g. Rho family GTPases, phospholipases, lipid kinases, and tyrosine- and serine/threonine protein kinases. In the present paper, we briefly review recent evidence regarding the possible relation between such signaling events, the F-actin cytoskeleton, and volume-regulatory membrane transporters, focusing primarily on our own work in Ehrlich ascites tumer cells (EATC). In EATC, cell shrinkage is associated with an increase, and cell swelling with a decrease in F-actin content, respectively. The role of the F-actin cytoskeleton in cell volume regulation in various cell types has largely been investigated using cytochalasins to disrupt F-actin and highly varying effects have been reported. Findings in EATC show that the effect of cytochalasin treatment cannot always be assumed to be F-actin depolymerization, and that, moreover, there is no well-defined correlation between effects of cytochalasins on F-actin content and their effects on F-actin organization and cell morphology. At a concentration verified to depolymerize F-actin, cytochalasin B (CB), but not cytochalasin D (CD), inhibited the regulatory volume decrease (RVD) and regulatory volume increase (RVI) processes in EATC. This suggests that the effect of CB is related to an effect other than F-actin depolymerization, possibly its F-actin severing activity.  相似文献   

Summary Epithelial cell volume is a sensitive indicator of the balance between solute entry into the cell and solute exit. Solute accumulation in the cell leads to cell swelling because the water permeability of the cell membranes is high. Similarly, solute depletion leads to cell shrinkage. The rate of volume change under a variety of experimental conditions may be utilized to study the rate and direction of solute transport by an epithelial cell. The pathways of water movement across an epithelium may also be deduced from the changes in cellular volume. A technique for the measurement of the volume of living epithelial cells is described, and a number of experiments are discussed in which cell volume determination provided significant new information about the dynamic behavior of epithelia. The mechanism of volume regulation of epithelial cells exposed to anisotonic bathing solution is discussed and shown to involve the transient stimulation of normally dormant ion exchangers in the cell membrane.  相似文献   

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