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乙烯利,GA3对采后番茄果实中乙烯,CaM含量的影响(简报)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用300ppm乙烯利或75ppm GA_3处理绿熟期采收的番茄果实,前者促进而后者减少乙烯释放速率;乙烯利处理的果实采后出现两个CaM高峰,而GA_3处理与对照都出现一个CaM高峰。  相似文献   

减压贮藏条件下梨枣某些生理生化指标的变化   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
减压贮藏条件下 ,随贮藏时间延长 ,梨枣的Vc损失减少、果肉硬度和好果率下降以及失重率上升 ,均比对照有所延缓 ,果实褐变率降低  相似文献   

小麦幼叶经高温处理后LOX活性与乙烯释放增加,两者均在40℃达最大值,然后逐渐下降;乙烷在45℃下才稍有增加,达最大值时的温度与半致死温度相同,约为50℃。衰老叶片当处理温度高于30℃时,LOX活性与乙烯释放均下降,而乙烷在40℃即有明显增加。自由基清除剂预处理相同程度在抑制LOX活性与乙烯形成。高温条件下小麦叶片乙烷释放与Paraquat诱发的乙烷产生似乎存在不同的机制。  相似文献   

秋施乙烯利和赤霉素对牡丹萌芽及开花的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
以牡丹品种洛阳红为试验材料,研究了秋施乙烯利和赤霉素对牡丹萌芽及开花的影响。结果表明:秋施乙烯利可使牡丹的落叶期提前,萌芽期和开花期延迟,且显著降低了开花率,减小了花径,并且增加了畸形花的百分率。秋施GA1可使牡丹落叶期延迟,萌芽期和开花期提前,并提高牡丹的开花率,增大了花径。  相似文献   

缓慢干旱时大豆叶片的脂氧合酶活性升高,乙烯,乙烷及1-氨基环丙烷-1-羧酸水平均无明显变化。外源ACC可使乙烯释放速率增加,快速干旱及离体叶脱水后LOX活性、乙烯和ACC水平均表现先上升后下降的趋势。乙烷与乙烯具此消彼长的关系,但严重损伤乙烷释放亦降低。叶片的游离脂肪酸含量在3种方式处理中均有增加。离体叶用自由基清除剂预处理可抑制脱水刺激的LOX活性,同时也抑制乙烯的生成,但对乙烷有促进作用。  相似文献   

ABA和乙烯在草莓采后成熟衰老中的作用   总被引:37,自引:1,他引:36  

乙烯利对菜豆叶枕外植体脱落和离区纤维素酶合成的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以乙烯利处理菜豆叶枕外植体,能显著提高叶枕的脱落及其离区纤维酶的活力。蛋白质和核酸合成的抑制剂环已酰亚胺和放线菌素D,对乙烯促进的脱落与离区纤维素酶活力不仅有明显的抑制作用,而且具有严格的时间顺序,提示乙烯利促进脱落的生理效应与其诱导离区纤维素酶合成时基因表达的转录和翻译过程有密切关系。  相似文献   

喷洒乙烯利的玉米根系活力和气生根发育增强,根系多向下分布。这些对提高玉米抗倒伏和抗旱能力可能是有利的。  相似文献   

2,4—D和乙烯利对辣椒花柄离区DNA和蛋白合成的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乙烯利处理后0 ̄4h,辣椒花柄离区DNA和蛋白质合成显著增加;250mg·L^-1乙烯利处理后32h辣椒落花率达100%,2,4-D处理的离区DNA合成量降低,处理后0 ̄4h促进离区蛋白质合成,4 ̄24h蛋白质合成量逐渐降低,10mg·L^-1 2,4-D处理可抑制落花。  相似文献   

本文研究山杜英组培苗生根过程中内源IAA、ABA含量变化规律。结果表明,培养基添加IBA和NAA后,在生根过程中内源IAA、ABA含量变化类似,根点出现前内源IAA、ABA含量一直上升,根点出现后含量开始下降,产生愈伤组织时两种处理的IAA/ABA分别是2.526和3.226。在不添加外源生长素情况下,内源IAA含量一直维持在较低水平,而内源ABA含量一直呈现上升趋势,IAA/ABA始终都在1.211以下。  相似文献   

黄腐酸对冬小麦幼苗IAA、ABA水平的影响及作用机理的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本实验用酶联免疫(ELISA) 法测定了黄腐酸(FA) 处理后冬小麦幼苗吲哚乙酸(IAA) 、脱落酸(ABA) 的水平。结果表明,FA 能使IAA、ABA 水平增加,这与FA 能刺激植物生长、抑制气孔开启是一致的,而且FA 与这两种激素都没有协同作用。说明FA 既能直接对植物起作用,也能通过改变内源激素水平间接起作用  相似文献   

低温冷藏下的冬枣某些生理指标变化和保鲜效应   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:17  
聚乙烯袋包装的冬枣放在室温、(0±0.5)和(?2±0.5)℃下贮藏后,其呼吸速率、乙烯释放量、淀粉酶活性和膜透性明显受抑制;叶绿素、维生素C、淀粉和可溶性固形物含量的下降速度延缓;硬度和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性得到保持。(0±0.5)℃下贮藏的效果优于(?2±0.5)℃。  相似文献   

检测不同浓度乙酰胆碱对管花肉苁蓉种子发芽率和内源吲哚乙酸(IAA)和脱落酸(ABA)含量影响的结果表明:适宜浓度(1.0~3.0mmol·L~(-1))的乙酰胆碱可促进肉苁蓉种子萌发,并改变内源IAA和ABA含量。1.0mmol·L~(-1)乙酰胆碱是促进肉苁蓉种子萌发的临界点。  相似文献   

几种木本植物插穗生根与内源IAA,ABA的关系   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
迄今为止,传统的插条繁殖仍是林业和园林工作者获得良种无性系和培育苗木的重要途径。在影响插穗不定根形成内外因素中,植物内源激素水平和生长调节剂应用占有重要地位。已知第一个根原基细胞的分裂依赖于内源生长素或外源的生长调节剂(Hartmann 1983,Haissig 1974),低浓度的ABA(1.26~20μg/ml)能促进  相似文献   

The transport of14C-IAA and14C-ABA applied exogenously to root cap toward the elongation zone was investigated in gravi- and light-stimulated primary roots ofZea mays L. cv. Golden Cross Bantam 70. No significant difference of either IAA or ABA in radioactivities was observed between upper and lower halves of elongation zones during the latent period (0–60 min after the stimulation) of gravitropic response. When quantitative analysis of endogenous IAA and ABA by an internal standard method was carried out 60 min after gravi- and/or light-stimulation, no asymmetric redistribution of either IAA or ABA was observed between upper and lower halves of elongation zones. Light irradiation increased by 20% the contents of ABA in elongation zones. These results suggest that although both IAA and ABA are basipetally transportable and can transmit their information to the elongation zone during a latent period we cannot explain the gravitropic curvature by their redistributions between the two (upper and lower) halves of primary roots ofZea. On the basis of results from the present work and previous papers, the distribution of IAA and ABA in gravistimulatedZea roots is discussed. A part of this study was reported at the Eighth Annual Meeting of the IUPS Commission on Gravitational Physiology at Tokyo 1986.  相似文献   

Changes in the IAA and ABA contents in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) leaves during adaptation to drought were studied. An increase in the water-retaining capacity and heat resistance of leaves indicating the onset of adaptation occurred when the leaf growth has been already suppressed. There was a transient increase in the ABA content during the initial stage of adaptation. An increased IAA content was maintained for a longer period, throughout about two-third of the adaptation period. A second increase in the ABA content was observed before the onset of leaf permanent wilting, when IAA content already decreased. Our data suggest that not only ABA, but also IAA are involved in the development of defense responses during the adaptation to drought.  相似文献   

The seedling growth and the content of endogenous phytohormones in wheat seedlings were estimated 3, 6, and 9 days after infection with the bunt pathogen (Tilletia caries) (DC.)TUL. The infection of a pathogen-susceptible species Triticum aestivum L. and a resistant species T. timopheevii Zhuk. resulted, respectively, in an increase and a decrease in the seedling growth and the IAA content as compared to the control. The cytokinin content increased in both species, and the increase in T. timopheevii was more rapid. The pathogen-induced increase in auxin content is suggested to enhance fungal invasion of plants. In the susceptible species, a high ABA concentration was retained for a longer period of time and could act as a factor of virulence. At the same time, in the resistant species, an increase in ABA content was transient and seems to trigger plant defense mechanisms.  相似文献   

Results of studies on the interaction of blue light (B) and exogenous applied plant hormones (IAA, GA3 and ABA) as well as inhibitors of their synthesis on the control of hypocotyl elongation in etiolated seedlings of Lactuca sativa (L.) cv. Grand Rapids are presented, and compared with endogenous GA3, IAA and ABA levels measured by capillary gas chromatography-mass spectrometry-selected ion monitoring (GC-MS-SIM). Hypocotyl elongation of etiolated seedlings was linearly inhibited by increasing the B fluence rate between 0 and 18.3 mol m–2 s–1. Both GA3 and IAA added to the incubation medium at different concentrations were able to eliminate partially the inhibition of growth caused by 7.2 mol m–2 s–1 B. When dark (D)-grown seedlings were treated with Ca-prohexadione, a specific inhibitor of gibberellin 3-hydroxylation, they showed a growth inhibition similar to under B. Also, a suppression of growth as in B was obtained when D-grown seedlings were treated with ABA 380 M. By lowering ABA levels with fluridone (an inhibitor of ABA synthesis) a partial reversion of hypocotyl growth inhibition was obtained in B-grown seedlings. While none of the growth promoters used were able to reverse completely the growth inhibition caused by B, a proper combination of GA3, IAA and (eventually) fluridone, abolished the B effects. Correspondingly, lower levels of GA3 and IAA and a higher concentration of ABA were measured by GC-MS-SIM in B-grown hypocotyls than in D-grown ones. These results support the hypothesis that hormones are implicated in mediation of B light-dependent inhibition of hypocotyl elongation, which seems to be the result of a balance among endogenous levels of growth promoting and growth inhibiting hormones.  相似文献   

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