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Using the cloned Saccharomyces cerevisiae YPT1 gene as hybridization probe, a gene, designated ypt2, was isolated from the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe and found to encode a 200 amino acid long protein most closely related to the ypt branch of the ras superfamily. Disruption of the ypt2 gene is lethal. The bacterially produced ypt2 gene product is shown to bind GTP. A region of the ypt2 protein corresponding to but different from the 'effector region' of ras proteins is also different from that of ypt1 proteins of different species but identical to the 'effector loop' of the S.cerevisiae SEC4 gene product, a protein known to be required for vesicular protein transport. The S.pombe ypt2 gene under control of the S.cerevisiae GAL10 promoter is able to suppress the temperature-sensitive phenotype of a S. cerevisiae sec4 mutant, indicating a functional similarity of these GTP-binding proteins from the two very distantly related yeasts.  相似文献   

Proper ras1 function is required for normal sexual function in the yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. We have found a gene in S. pombe, sar1, that encodes a product capable of regulating ras1 function. sar1 is a member of an expanding family of RAS GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs) that includes mammalian GAP, the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae IRA proteins, and the product of the human neurofibromatosis locus, NF1 sar1, like these other proteins, can complement the loss of IRA function in S. cerevisiae. Computer analysis shows that the highest degree of sequence conservation is restricted to a very small number of diagnostic residues represented by the motif Phe-Leu-Arg-X-X-X-Pro-Ala-X-X-X-Pro. We find no evidence that sar1 is required for the effector function of ras1.  相似文献   

In the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, the gld1 + gene encoding glycerol dehydrogenase is repressed by glucose and induced by ethanol and 1-propanol. The promoter region of gld1 + was cloned into a multicopy vector designated as pEG1 for evaluation as an ethanol-inducible expression vector using EGFP as a model heterologous protein. Expression of EGFP was repressed in the presence of high glucose and induced in the presence of ethanol, low-glucose, and 1-propanol in the absence of glucose. Addition of ethanol to cells harboring pEG1–EGFP was found to be the most effective means for inducing EGFP production. Protein yields were found to increase in proportion to ethanol concentration. As a further test of effectiveness, secreted recombinant human growth hormone was produced using the pEG1 expression vector in medium containing glycerol and ethanol. The pEG1 gene expression system is an effective tool for the production of heterologous proteins under glucose-limiting conditions, including medium containing glycerol as a carbon source.  相似文献   

We have cloned and sequenced the alcohol dehydrogenase gene of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. The gene was isolated by transformation and complementation of a Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain which lacked functional alcohol dehydrogenase with an S. pombe gene bank constructed in the autonomously replicating yeast plasmid YEp13. Southern hybridization analysis indicates that S. pombe contains only one alcohol dehydrogenase gene. The structural region of the gene is 50% homologous to the alcohol dehydrogenase encoding genes of the budding yeast S. cerevisiae. The gene exhibits a very strong codon usage bias; with the set of predominantly used codons generally resembling that which S. cerevisiae employs preferentially. All of the differences in codon usage bias between S. pombe and S. cerevisiae are in the direction of greater G + C content in S. pombe codons. It is argued that this observation supports the hypothesis that selection toward uniform codon-anticodon binding energies contributes to codon usage bias and that the optimum binding energy is, on the average, higher in S. pombe than S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

Fission yeast cells lacking the dynamin-related protein (DRP) Vps1 had smaller vacuoles with reduced capacity for both fusion and fission in response to hypotonic and hypertonic conditions respectively. vps1Δ cells showed normal vacuolar protein sorting, actin organisation and endocytosis. Over-expression of vps1 transformed vacuoles from spherical to tubular. Tubule formation was enhanced in fission conditions and required the Rab protein Ypt7. Vacuole tubulation by Vps1 was more extensive in the absence of a second DRP, Dnm1. Both dnm1Δ and the double mutant vps1Δ dnm1Δ showed vacuole fission defects similar to that of vps1Δ. Over-expression of vps1 in dnm1Δ, or of dnm1 in vps1Δ failed to rescue this phenotype. Over-expression of dnm1 in wild-type cells, on the other hand, induced vacuole fission. Our results are consistent with a model of vacuole fission in which Vps1 creates a tubule of an appropriate diameter for subsequent scission by Dnm1.  相似文献   

Recently we isolated Rad24, a 14-3-3 homologue, which is essential for DNA damage checkpoint, as a Raf-1 interacting protein by screening a Schizosaccharomyces pombe (S. pombe) cDNA library. Raf-1 was also found to recognize Cdc25 that is sequestered and inactivated by Rad24. In the present study, experiments were performed to determine the effect of overexpression of Raf-1 proteins on asynchronously growing S. pombe cells. The overexpression of Rad24 induced elongated cell morphology and reduction in growth rate, resulting in cell cycle arrest while the overexpression of catalytically active Raf-1 led to a decrease in cell size at division in S. pombe. However, the active Raf-1 failed to rescue the growth arrest induced by Rad24 overexpression. In addition, the cells carrying catalytically active Raf-1 were significantly more radiosensitive than those from a normal control as assessed by ultraviolet sensitivity assay, suggesting that constitutive overproduction of Raf-1 kinase can revert DNA replication checkpoint arrest caused by UV irradiation. Taken together, these data suggest that Raf-1 may interfere with the role of Rad24 by competing with Rad24 for binding to Cdc25 in DNA repair, bypassing the checkpoint pathway through Cdc25 activation.  相似文献   

The Schizosaccharomyces pombe ORF, SPAC29B12.10c, a predicted member of the oligopeptide transporter (OPT) family, was identified as a gene encoding the S. pombe glutathione transporter ( Pgt1 ) by a genetic strategy that exploited the requirement of the cys1a Δ strain of S. pombe (which is defective in cysteine biosynthesis) for either cysteine or glutathione, for growth. Disruption of the ORF in the cys1a Δ strain led to an inability to grow on glutathione as a source of cysteine. Cloning and subsequent biochemical characterization of the ORF revealed that a high-affinity transporter for glutathione ( K m=63 μM) that was found to be localized to the plasma membrane. The transporter was specific for glutathione, as significant inhibition in glutathione uptake could be observed only by either reduced or oxidized glutathione, or glutathione conjugates, but not by dipeptides or tripeptides. Furthermore, although glu–cys–gly, an analogue of glutathione (γ-glu–cys–gly), could be utilized as a sulphur source, the growth was not Pgt1 dependent. This further underlined the specificity of this transporter for glutathione. The strong repression of pgt1+ expression by cysteine suggested a role in scavenging glutathione from the extracellular environment for the maintenance of sulphur homeostasis in this yeast.  相似文献   

From the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, a cDNA fragment was isolated, which confers UV resistance on repair deficient Escherichia coli host cells. The cloned cDNA encodes a protein of 68,815 Da, which has a 36.6% identity of amino acid sequence with the previously identified 74 kDa UV endonuclease of the filamentous fungus Neurospora crassa. Analysis of several truncated gene constructs shows that only the C-terminal two thirds region, which has 54% identity of amino acid sequence with the C-terminal region of the Neurospora homolog, is necessary for complementing activity of UV-sensitivity in the E. coli host cells. Purified recombinant protein from E. coli host cells incises both UV-induced cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers and (6-4) photoproducts at the sites immediately 5' to the DNA damage in the same fashion as the Neurospora protein. Furthermore, a bacterial homologous sequence was isolated from Bacillus subtilis and shows a similar complementing activity of UV sensitivity in E. coli host cells, indicating a wide distribution of this alternative excision repair mechanism in life.  相似文献   

Y Zhao  J Cao  M R O'Gorman  M Yu    R Yogev 《Journal of virology》1996,70(9):5821-5826
The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) Vpr protein affects cell morphology and prevents proliferation of human cells by induction of cell cycle G2 arrest. In this study, we used the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe as a model system to investigate the cellular effects of HIV-1 vpr gene expression. The vpr gene was cloned into an inducible fission yeast gene expression vector and expressed in wild-type S. pombe cells, and using these cells, we were able to demonstrate the specific Vpr-induced effects by induction and suppression of vpr gene expression. Induction of HIV-1 vpr gene expression affected S. pombe at the colonial, cellular, and molecular levels. Specifically, Vpr induced small-colony formation, polymorphic cells, growth delay, and cell cycle G2 arrest. Additionally, Vpr-induced G2 arrest appeared to be independent of cell size and morphological changes. The cell cycle G2 arrest correlated with increased phosphorylation of p34cdc2, suggesting negative regulation of mitosis by HIV-1 Vpr. Treatment of Vpr-induced cell with a protein phosphatase inhibitor, okadaic acid, transiently suppressed cell cycle arrest and morphological changes. This observation implicates possible involvement of protein phosphatase(s) in the effects of Vpr. Together, these data showed that the HIV-1 Vpr-induced cellular changes in S. pombe are similar to those observed in human cells. Therefore, the S. pombe system is suited for further investigation of the HIV-1 vpr gene functions.  相似文献   

H D Kim  J Choe  Y S Seo 《Biochemistry》1999,38(44):14697-14710
Two polynucleotide-dependent ATPases, 95 and 181 kDa in size, have been purified to near homogeneity from cell-free extracts of Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Despite their size differences, their biochemical properties were strikingly similar. Both enzymes were capable of unwinding RNA and DNA duplexes in keeping with their ability to hydrolyze ATP in the presence of either ribo- or deoxyribopolynucleotide. In addition, they were capable of unwinding DNA/RNA or RNA/DNA hybrid duplexes and translocated in the 5' to 3' direction. These results strongly indicate that they are closely related to each other. Determination of the partial amino acid sequence of the 95-kDa enzyme revealed that it is encoded by the sen1(+)() gene, an S. pombe homologue of yeast SEN1, a protein essential for the processing of small nucleolar RNA, transfer RNA, and ribosomal RNA. The molecular weight of the S. pombe Sen1 protein (SpSen1p) predicted from the sen1(+)() open reading frame was 192.5 kDa, suggesting that the 181-kDa enzyme is likely to be a full-length protein, whereas the 95-kDa polypeptide has arisen by proteolysis. In accord with this possibility, polyclonal antibodies specific to the C-terminal region of sen1(+)() cross-reacted with both 95- and 181-kDa polypeptides. We discuss the biochemical activities associated with SpSen1p and their relevance to the apparently divergent functions ascribed to the yeast Sen1 protein in RNA metabolism.  相似文献   

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