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We previously identified four nuclear genes (caf1 + to caf4 +) in Schizosaccharomyces pombe, mutations in which can confer caffeine resistance. Here we report the cloning and sequencing of caf1 +, caf2 + and caf4 +. All three genes are allelic to genes (hba1 + , crm1 + and trr1 + , respectively) involved in multidrug resistance mechanisms or in stress response systems. In agreement with this the caffeine-resistant mutants caf1(hba1)-21, caf2(crm1)-3 and caf4(trr1)-83 are also resistant to brefeldin. Disruption of caf1(hba1) + and caf4(trr1) + makes cells sensitive to high pH. The overlapping ranges of pleiotropic effects and the genetic interaction detected between caf1(hba1) + and caf2(crm1) + suggest that the three genes function in interlinked systems. Received: 9 March 1998 / Accepted: 16 September 1998  相似文献   

Zhou C  Miki B  Wu K 《Plant molecular biology》2003,52(6):1125-1134
The SWI/SNF complex is an ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling complex that plays an important role in the regulation of eukaryotic gene expression. Very little is known about the function of SWI/SNF complex in plants compared with animals and yeast. SWI3 is one of the core components of the SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complexes in yeast. We have identified a putative SWI3-like cDNA clone, CHB2 (AtSWI3B), from Arabidopsis thaliana by screening the expressed sequence tag database. CHB2 encodes a putative protein of 469 amino acids and shares 23% amino acid sequence identity and 64% similarity with the yeast SWI3. The Arabidopsis genome contains four SWI3-like genes, namely CHB1 (AtSWI3A), CHB2 (AtSWI3B), CHB3 (AtSWI3C) and CHB4 (AtSWI3D). The expression of CHB2, CHB3 and CHB4 mRNA was detected in all tissues analyzed by RT-PCR. The expression of CHB1 mRNA, however, could not be detected in the siliques, suggesting that there is differential expression among CHB genes in different Arabidopsis tissues. To investigate the role of CHB2 in plants, Arabidopsis plants were transformed with a gene construct comprising a CHB2 cDNA in the antisense orientation driven by the CaMV 35S promoter. Repression of CHB2 expression resulted in pleiotropic developmental abnormalities including abnormal seedling and leaf phenotypes, dwarfism, delayed flowering and no apical dominance, suggesting a global role for CHB2 in the regulation of gene expression. Our results indicate that CHB2 plays an essential role in plant growth and development.  相似文献   

When the fission yeastSchizosaccharomyces pombe is starved for nitrogen, the cells are arrested in the G1 phase, enter the G0 phase and initiate sexual development. Theste13 mutant, however, fails to undergo a G1 arrest when starved for nitrogen and since this mutant phenotype is not suppressed by a mutation in adenylyl cyclase (cyr1), it would appear thatste13 + either acts independently of the decrease in the cellular cAMP level induced by starvation for nitrogen, or functions downstream of this controlling event. We have used functional complementation to clone theste13 + gene from anS. pombe genomic library and show that its disruption is not lethal, indicating that, while the gene is required for sexual development, it is not essential for cell growth. Nucleotide sequencing predicts thatste13 + should encode a protein of 485 amino acids in which the consensus motifs of ATP-dependent RNA helicases of the DEAD box family are completely conserved. Point mutations introduced into these consensus motifs abolished theste13 + functions. The predicted Ste13 protein is 72% identical to theDrosophila melanogaster Me31B protein over a stretch of 391 amino acids. ME31B is a developmentally regulated gene that is expressed preferentially in the female germline and may be required for oogenesis. Expression of ME31B cDNA inS. pombe suppresses theste13 mutation. These two evolutionarily conserved genes encoding putative RNA helicases may play a pivotal role in sexual development.  相似文献   

In the meiotic prophase nucleus of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, chromosomes are arranged in an oriented manner: telomeres cluster in close proximity to the spindle pole body (SPB), while centromeres form another cluster at some distance from the SPB. We have isolated a mutant, kms1, in which the structure of the meiotic prophase nucleus appears to be distorted. Using specific probes to localize the SPB and telomeres, multiple signals were observed in the mutant nuclei, in contrast to the case in wild-type. Genetic analysis showed that in the mutant, meiotic recombination frequency was reduced to about one-quarter of the wild-type level and meiotic segregation was impaired. This phenotype strongly suggests that the telomere-led rearrangement of chromosomal distribution that normally occurs in the fission yeast meiotic nucleus is an important prerequisite for the efficient pairing of homologous chromosomes. The kms1 mutant was also impaired in karyogamy, suggesting that the kms1 + gene is involved in SPB function. However, the kms1 + gene is dispensable for mitotic growth. The predicted amino acid sequence of the gene product shows no significant similarity to known proteins. Received: 5 September 1996 / Accepted: 21 November 1996  相似文献   

We describe a screen to isolate cDNAs encoding Drosophila mitosis inhibitors capable of suppressing the mitotic catastrophe phenotype resulting in Schizosaccharomyces pombe from the combination of the weel-50 mutation with either a deletion allele of mil1, or with overexpression of cdc25 +. One plasmid was isolated which could suppress the temperature sensitive lethality of both these strains. The cDNA in this plasmid encodes a protein highly homologous to the DEAD-box family of ATP-dependent RNA helicases, rather than to protein kinases as might be expected. It is possible that the RNA helicase described here may regulate entry into mitosis by down regulating the expression of other genes whose activity may be rate-limiting for entry into mitosis.  相似文献   

The proteins belonging to SWI2/SNF2 family of DNA dependent ATPases are important members of the chromatin remodeling complexes that are implicated in epigenetic control of gene expression. We have identified a human gene with a putative DNA binding domain, which belongs to the INO80 subfamily of SWI2/SNF2 proteins. Here we report the cloning, expression, and functional activity of the domains from hINO80 gene both in terms of the DNA dependent ATPase as well as DNA binding activity. A differential expression of the various domains within this gene is detected in human tissues while a ubiquitous expression is detected in mice. The intranuclear localization is demonstrated using antibodies directed against the DBINO domain of hINO80.  相似文献   

TheSchizosaccharomyces pombe rhp51 + gene encodes a recombinational repair protein that shares significant sequence identities with the bacterial RecA and theSaccharomyces cerevisiae RAD51 protein. Levels ofrhp51 + mRNA increase following several types of DNA damage or inhibition of DNA synthesis. Anrhp51::ura4 fusion gene was used to identify the cis-acting promoter elements involved in regulatingrhp51 + expression in response to DNA damage. Two elements, designated DRE1 and DRE2 (fordamage-responsiveelement), match a decamer consensus URS (upstream repressing sequence) found in the promoters of many other DNA repair and metabolism genes fromS. cerevisiae. However, our results show that DRE1 and DRE2 each function as a UAS (upstream activating sequence) rather than a URS and are also required for DNA-damage inducibility of the gene. A 20-bp fragment located downstream of both DRE1 and DRE2 is responsible for URS function. The DRE1 and DRE2 elements cross-competed for binding to two proteins of 45 and 59 kDa. DNase I footprint analysis suggests that DRE1 and DRE2 bind to the same DNA-binding proteins. These results suggest that the DRE-binding proteins may play an important role in the DNA-damage inducibility ofrhp51 + expression.  相似文献   

Summary The mutant allele rad9-192 renders Schizosaccharomyces pombe cells sensitive to ionizing radiation and UV light. We have isolated from a S. pombe genomic DNA library a unique recombinant plasmid that is capable of restoring wild-type levels of radioresistance to a rad9 192-containing cell population. Plasmid integration studies using the cloned DNA, coupled with mating and tetrad analyses, indicate that this isolated DNA contains the wild-type rad9 gene. We inactivated the repair function of the cloned fragment by a single insertion of the S. pombe ura4 gene. This nonfunctional fragment was used to create a viable disruption mutant, thus demonstrating that the rad9 gene does not encode an essential cellular function. In addition, the rad9-192 mutant population is as radiosensitive as the disruption mutant, indicating that rad9 gene function is severely if not totally inhibited by the molecular defect responsible for the rad9-192 phenotype. DNA sequence analysis of rad9 reveals an open reading frame of 1,278 bp, interrupted by three introns 53 bp, 57 bp, and 56 by long, respectively, and ending in the termination codon TAG. This gene is capable of encoding a protein of 426 amino acids, with a corresponding calculated molecular weight of 47,464 daltons. No significant homology was detected between the rad9 gene or its deduced protein sequence and sequences previously entered into DNA and protein sequence data banks.  相似文献   

We report here the first cloning of a chalcone flavonone isomerase gene (CHI) from maize. Northern blot experiments indicate that the maize CHI gene (ZmCHI1) is regulated in the pericarp by the P gene, a myb homologue. The ZmCHI1 gene encodes a 24.3 kDa product 55% and 58% identical to CHI-A and CHI-B from Petunia, respectively. This maize CHI gene has four exons and an intron-exon structure identical to the CHI-B gene of Petunia hybrida. RFLP mapping data indicate that some inbred lines contain two additional CHI-homologous sequences, suggesting an organization more complex than that found in Petunia or bean. The possibility that the additional CHI-homologous sequences are responsible for the lack of CHI mutants in maize will be discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The cdc2 + gene function plays a central role in the control of the mitotic cell cycle of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Recessive temperature-sensitive mutations in the cdc2 gene cause cell cycle arrest when shifted to the restrictive temperature, while a second class of mutations within the cdc2 gene causes a premature advancement into mitosis. Previously the cdc2 + gene has been cloned and has been shown to encode a 34 kDa phosphoprotein with in vitro protein kinase activity. Here we describe the cloning of 11 mutant alleles of the cdc2 gene using two simple methods, one of which is presented here for the first time. We have sequenced these alleles and find a variety of single amino acid substitutions mapping throughtout the cdc2 protein. Analysis of these mutations has identified a number of regions within the cdc2 protein that are important for cdc2 + activity and regulation. These include regions which may be involved in the interaction of the cdc2 + gene product with the proteins encoded by the wee1 +, cdc13 + and suc1 + genes.  相似文献   

Aspergillus niger var. awamori has transposable elements that we refer to as Vader and Tan1 (transposon A. niger). Vader was identified by screening unstable nitrate reductase (niaD) mutants for insertions. Four of the isolated niaD mutants were shown to contain a small insertion element. This 437 bp insertion element, Vader, is flanked by 44 bp inverted repeats (IR) and is present in approximately 15 copies in the genomes of two A. niger strains examined. A synthetic 44 bp oligomer of the inverted repeat of Vader has now been used to clone, via the polymerase chain reaction, a 2.3 kb Tan1 element. The Tan1 element has also been isolated from a partial genomic library. Tan1 is present as a single copy in A. niger var. awamori. The Tan1 element has a unique organization: IR-ORF-IR-IR-Vader-IR. The single open reading frame (ORF) (1668 bp) encodes a putative transposase homologous to Fusarium oxysporum Fot1 and Magnaporthe grisea Pot2. Immediately 3′ to the second inverted repeat, which bounds the transposase, is a copy of the AT-rich Vader element. We hypothesize that at some stage the independent Vader element, although inactive by itself, arose from Tan1, resulting in current strains with only one copy of Tan1 providing transposase activity and numerous mobile copies of Vader dispersed in the genome. Received: 14 September 1995/Accepted: 4 June 1996  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene RHC21 is a homologue of the fission yeast rad21 +gene, which affects the sensitivity of cells to γ-irradiation and is essential for cell growth in S. pombe. Disruption of the RHC21 gene showed that it is also essential in S. cerevisiae. To examine its function in cell growth further, we have isolated temperature-sensitive mutants for the RHC21 gene and characterized one of them, termed rhc21-sk16. When this mutant was incubated at 36° C, the percentage of large-budded cells was increased. Most of the large-budded cells had aberrant nuclear structures, such as unequally extended nuclear DNA with incompletely elongated spindles across the mother-daughter neck or only in a mother cell. Furthermore, a circular minichromosome is more unstable in the mutant than in the wild-type, even at 25° C. Flow cytometry showed that the bulk of DNA replication takes place normally at the restrictive temperature in the mutant. These results indicated that the RHC21 gene is required for proper segregation of the chromosomes. In addition, we found that the mutant is sensitive not only to UV radiation and γ-rays but also to the antimicrotubule agent nocodazole at 25° C. This suggests that the RHC21 gene is involved in the microtubule function. We discuss how the RHC21 gene product may be involved in chromosome segregation and microtubule function. Received: 10 March 1997 / Accepted: 1 September 1997  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the Bacillus subtilis YkoF gene product, a protein involved in the hydroxymethyl pyrimidine (HMP) salvage pathway, was solved by the multiwavelength anomalous dispersion (MAD) method and refined with data extending to 1.65 A resolution. The atomic model of the protein shows a homodimeric association of two polypeptide chains, each containing an internal repeat of a ferredoxin-like betaalphabetabetaalphabeta fold, as seen in the ACT and RAM-domains. Each repeat shows a remarkable similarity to two members of the COG0011 domain family, the MTH1187 and YBL001c proteins, the crystal structures of which were recently solved by the Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium. Two YkoF monomers form a tightly associated dimer, in which the amino acid residues forming the interface are conserved among family members. A putative small-ligand binding site was located within each repeat in a position analogous to the serine-binding site of the ACT-domain of the Escherichia coli phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase. Genetic data suggested that this could be a thiamin or HMP-binding site. Calorimetric data confirmed that YkoF binds two thiamin molecules with varying affinities and a thiamine-YkoF complex was obtained by co-crystallization. The atomic model of the complex was refined using data to 2.3 A resolution and revealed a unique H-bonding pattern that constitutes the molecular basis of specificity for the HMP moiety of thiamin.  相似文献   

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