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植绥螨属四新种记述(蜱螨目:植绥螨科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植绥螨属(Phytoseius Ribaga)根据R1毛的有无分为Pennaseius和Phytoseius两亚属(Pritchard and Baker 1962),本文记述我国该属的4个新种,其中属于Pennaseius亚属的1种,属于Phytoseius亚属的3种。 本文采用Rowell,Chant与Hansell(1978)的毛序命名系统。模式标本保存于复旦大学生物系。  相似文献   

本文记述采自海南尖峰岭自然保护区异摇蚊属一新种 ,命名为额瘤异摇蚊Xenochironomustuberosussp .nov .新种头部具额瘤 ,腹部第六节背板生有粗大的刚毛 ,肛节背板毛序及生殖节上附器与本属已知种明显有别。依据该新种 ,本文对Cranston等 (1989)所描述的本属鉴别特征予以部分订正。该属在中国系首次记录。  相似文献   

本文记述弹尾目刺齿属一新种,即安徽刺齿Homidiaanhuiensisspnov.。该种有些特征与H.speciosaSzeptycki1973相似,但第4腹节毛序,上唇无乳突及下唇三角区刚毛E纤毛状可与后者区分。  相似文献   

西藏鳞(虫兆)亚属二新种记述(弹尾目,鳞(虫兆)科)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
记述采自西藏地区的弹尾目Collembola鳞(虫兆)科Tomoceridae鳞(虫兆)亚属Tomocerus(Tomocerus)2新种:黑带鳞(虫兆)Tomocerus(Tomocerus)nigrofasciatus sp.nov.(西藏:洛扎生格)和背崩鳞(虫兆)Tomocerus(Tomocerus)baibungensis sp.nov.(西藏:墨脱背崩),给出鉴别特征图以及在西藏地区的种检索表.新种模式标本保存在中国科学院动物研究所.  相似文献   

本文描述了采自南极的三种弹尾目 ,其中详细描述了新种南极隐跳Cryptopygusnanjiensis头、胸、腹部诸如 :触角、角后器、足、弹器、腹管以及毛序等鉴别特征 ,并将两种已知种Tullbergiamediantarcti ca和Frieseawoyciechowskii与模式种进行了比较。新种及观察的已知种标本存放在中科院上海昆虫研究所的标本馆中  相似文献   

记述采自湖北咸丰趋流摇蚊属1新种,命名为缢尖趋流摇蚊Rheocricotopus(Psilocricotopus)constrictus sp.nov.,新种隶属Psilocricotopus亚属的orientalis群.与R.(P.)orientalis Wang,R.(P.)calviculus Wang et Saether和R.(P.)villiculus Wang et Saether 3种近缘,主要区别为:下附器极长,棒状,并具有长毛;肛尖中部收缢;下唇须第3节仅具1簇感觉棒.迄今本群只记录于中国南方(东洋区),该群具有若干可以认定为亚属或属级阶元的特征,但尚需幼期虫态的发现加以确认.文中同时提供了世界本群雄成虫检索表.  相似文献   

中国优食蚜蝇属六新种记述(双翅目:食蚜蝇科)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文记述我国优食蚜蝇属Eupeodes(syn.Metasyrphus)6新种。属下分类采取Vockeroth(1969,1986)的分亚属概念。文中记述的新种全部属于优食蚜蝇亚属Eupeodes(s.str.),并将本亚属内其他5种食蚜蝇重新组合,同时对有些种的中名也作了相应修改。新种模式标本保存于上海农学院。 新组合种:1.硕翅优食蚜蝇Eupeodes(Eupeodes)macropterus(Thomson),1869  相似文献   

本文记述了发现于潜山盆地中古新统望虎墩组上段的两件保存较好的(犭亚)兽类化石,它们分别代表了两个新属种:古井曙(犭亚)(新属、新种)(Eosigale gujingensis gen. et sp. nov.)和余氏棋盘兽(新属、新种)(Qipania yui gen. et sp. nov.)。在分析(犭亚)兽科各属及相关类群特征的基础上,重新厘订了(犭亚)兽科的涵义,探讨了(犭亚)兽类与亚洲其他古老真兽类之间的系统发育关系,认为(犭亚)兽科和假古猬科的关系最近。  相似文献   

作者自内蒙古鄂托克前旗的麝鼹体上采到一些额蚤,经鉴定是一新种,现记述如下: 后凸额蚤,新种Frontopsylla(Orfrontia)postprojicia sp.nov. 鉴别特征 本新种前胸栉刺数目在28—31根,因此属于鸟额蚤亚属Orfrontia。新种的鉴别特征是:(1)蚤可动突后缘圆凸(新种即以此特征命名),而在本亚属的其它种多少呈直线或微凹;(2)第8腹板后背缘有三角形深凹;(3)抱器不动突略呈矩形,端部截状;(4)蚤第7腹板后缘近中有深三角形窄窦,略似拉普兰额蚤F.(O.)lapponica  相似文献   

湖北省神农架蚋属一新种(双翅目,蚋科)   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
记述采自神农架自然保护区蚋科昆虫1新种.根据雌虫盾片无斑纹,爪简单,雄虫生殖肢端节具基突,生殖腹板无齿,蛹具3对呼吸丝等特征,新种隶属于蚋属蚋亚属Simulium(Simulium)的块根蚋组tuberosum-group.新种依其雄虫生殖腹板呈亚箭形的特殊性状,雌虫食窦弓具中突及蛹头胸毛多分支呈刷状等综合特征,可与蚋属已知种包括该组的近缘种相区别.正模♀,副模,1♀,1♂,9蛹,4幼虫,均采自神农架山溪急流的石块上.模式标本存放于贵阳医学院生物学教研室.  相似文献   

Abstract  A new species of the subgenus Ptenothrix (Papirioides) is described from Anhui Province, China. It shares many characters with the Hawaiian species serrata Snider and is most similar to the Asian species aequituberculata Stach from North Vietnam except its variable facial setal patterns, larger setae on anterior dorsum of great abdomen and constant setal pattern of ventral dens.  相似文献   

Many animals have unique morphological characters that function in social behavior. Sexual selection can affect the expression of such traits in males and females, leading to sexual dimorphism. We investigated the social function of setal patches on the chelae of two species of varunid crabs, one in which males, but not females, have setal patches (Hemigrapsus takanoi), and one in which both sexes have setal patches (Hemigrapsus sinensis). We experimentally removed setal patches and compared fighting and mating behavior of individuals with and without setal patches. In H. sinensis, males with setal patches removed were inferior fighters compared to intact males. In male H. takanoi and female H. sinensis, setal removal did not influence the outcome of fights. In mating, males lacking setal patches had a similar ability to copulate with females as intact males in both species. However, male H. takanoi with their setae removed tended to take more time to initiate copulation than did intact males. When females were given the opportunity to choose intact males or males without setal patches, females of H. takanoi did not discriminate between the two. Female H. sinensis, however, copulated with intact males more frequently compared to males lacking setal patches. Male H. sinensis showed no preferences for the presence of setal patches or the body size of females. Thus, our results indicate that setal patches have a social function in male H. takanoi and male H. sinensis, but not in female H. sinensis, suggesting that the setal patches of male crabs are a sexually selected trait in both species. However, the social function of male setal patches was more prominent in the species in which both sexes possess setal patches than in the species in which only males bear setal patches.  相似文献   

The elementary traits and diversity of embryonic setal patterns of 31 species of 22 genera, in three tribes of Hormaphidinae are studied. The embryonic setal patterns to every species are provided. Based on the parsimony principle and the developmental principle, these patterns are analyzed in each tribe following the terminology of Richards (1965). It is suggested that the setal patterns of abdominal tergites are the most important characters in embryonic and adult setal patterns. In conclusion, neoteny is a phylogenetic trend in the Hormaphidinae. Nipponaphidini and Hormaphidini have more typical neoteny in each genus and more diversity in different types of adult viviparous females than Cerataphidini, by showing more frequent and various protopatterns or mesopatterns.  相似文献   

Analysis of the setal system was conducted on the maxillipeds of Gonodactyloidea, which includes the smashers, a functional group of stomatopods. Generally, the homogeneity of the setal system is demonstrated in stomatopods. However, examination of maxillipeds of Gonodactyloidea reveals that some setal types are systematic characters at levels of families or species. The smashers group has a very homogeneous setal system in three families: Gonodactylidae, Odontodactylidae and Protosquillidae. The setal analysis of maxillipeds confirms the functional role of these appendages. Like other morphological characters, the setal system of stomatopods has co-evolved with behavioral patterns in both groups: spearers and smashers.  相似文献   

Little is known of how the adhesive apparatus of gekkotans scales with growth. Cross‐species comparisons of certain characteristics, using size as a comparator to investigate scaling relationships, suggest certain relationships between subdigital pad area and body size. The manner in which the adhesive apparatus grows and scales within any one species, however, remains unknown, and it is unclear whether interspecific and intraspecific patterns are similar. To address this, we examined a post‐hatching ontogenetic series of the southern African gecko Chondrodactylus bibronii and demonstrate that setal density, setal basal diameter and setal spacing remain relatively constant in relation to size, indicating conserved subdigital pad assembly rules that are independent of size. Conversely, however, average and maximal setal lengths increase slightly and isometrically with size, an outcome that is probably explained by setal row recruitment, and the surface area of the subdigital pads scales close to, but below, isometry with respect to body mass and snout–vent length, it therefore does not increase sufficiently with size to compensate for the increase in mass. As a result, relative adhesive capacity decreases with growth with a regression slope of –0.45.  相似文献   

Although species of Upogebiidae historically have been considered filter feeders, recent studies show that many species of this group also deposit feed. In this study, the degrees of trophic specialization of two species of this family, Upogebia omissa and Pomatogebia operculata , were analysed. Feeding mechanisms, stomach contents and morphology of the feeding appendages, with emphasis on setae, were examined. U. omissa , found in sandy substrate, is a generalistic feeder while P. operculata inhabits burrows inside corals, being more specialized in filter feeding. Only 21% of the 57 setal types described were common to both species. Setal types were clustered in three main categories: plumed, serrate and plumodenticulate. No simple setae were found. P. operculata has lower setal diversity, with higher ratio of plumodenticulate to serrate setal types than U. omissa. The 1st and 2nd pereiopods have an important role in collecting food. The mouthparts have two main functions: to brush and retain particles so that food can be transported from the pereiopods to the mouth. Generally in these appendages, the dactyli and basal endites are responsible for brushing particles and the meri and coxal endites for particle retention. The diversity of setal types and complexity of their distribution on the appendages may be related to the necessity to select and triturate particles prior to ingestion, reflecting the differences in trophic strategies utilized by U. omissa and P. operculata. Setal characters appear to be indicators of the relative importance of a specific feeding mode for species of this group.  相似文献   

周曼殊  张甫国 《四川动物》1996,15(4):144-147
本文报道巨刺螨属二新种:1.川贵巨刺螨Macronyssuschuanguiensissp.nov.采自贵州紫云和四川南江的菊头蝠Rhinolophussp.和大蹄蝠Hipposiderosarmiger体上;2.德昌巨刺螨M.dechangensissp.nov.采自四川德昌的中菊头蝠R.affinis体上。  相似文献   

Biomechanical models of the gecko adhesive system typically focus on setal mechanics from a single gecko species, Gekko gecko. In this study, we compared the predictions from three mathematical models with experimental observations considering an additional gecko species Phelsuma grandis, to quantify interspecific variation in setal micromechanics. We also considered the accuracy of our three focal models: the frictional adhesion model, work of detachment model, and the effective modulus model. Lastly, we report a novel approach to quantify the angle of toe detachment using the Weibull distribution. Our results suggested the coupling of frictional and adhesive forces in isolated setal arrays, first observed in G. gecko is also present in P. grandis although P. grandis displayed a higher toe detachment angle, suggesting they produce more adhesion relative to friction than G. gecko. We also found the angle of toe detachment accurately predicts a species’ maximum performance limit when fit to a Weibull distribution. When considering the energy stored during setal attachment, we observed less work to remove P. grandis arrays when compared with G. gecko, suggesting P. grandis arrays may store less energy during attachment, a conclusion supported by our model estimates of stored elastic energy. Our predictions of the effective elastic modulus model suggested P. grandis arrays to have a lower modulus, E eff, but our experimental assays did not show differences in moduli between the species. The considered mathematical models successfully estimated most of our experimentally measured performance values, validating our three focal models as template models of gecko adhesion (see Full and Koditschek in J Exp Biol 202(23):3325–3332, 1999), and suggesting common setal mechanics for our focal species and possibly for all fibular adhesives. Future anchored models, built upon the above templates, may more accurately predict performance by incorporating additional parameters, such as variation in setal length and diameter. Variation in adhesive performance may affect gecko locomotion and as a result, future ecological observations will help to determine how species with different performance capabilities use their habitat.  相似文献   

Many species of gekkotans possess adhesive subdigital pads that allow them to adhere to, and move on, a wide variety of surfaces. The natural surfaces exploited by these lizards may be rough, undulant and unpredictable and therefore likely provide only limited, patchy areas for adhesive contact. Here, we examine the microtopography of rock surfaces used by seven species of Rhoptropus and compare this to several rough and smooth artificial surfaces employed in previous studies of gekkotan adhesion. These data are considered in relation to the form, configuration, compliance and functional morphology of the setal fields of these species. Our results demonstrate that natural rock surfaces are rough and unpredictable at the scale of the setal arrays, with equal amounts of variation existing within and between the various types of rock surfaces examined. Such surfaces differ from smooth and rough artificial surfaces in the proportion of surface area available for attachment and the relative predictability of surface undulance. Generally, setal field characteristics of individual species are not relatable to specific substrates, but instead are configured to allow for sufficient attachment to a wide variety of unpredictable surfaces. Our findings provide insight into the evolution and microanatomy of the adhesive system of gekkotan lizards and its adaptive relationship to topographically unpredictable surfaces.  相似文献   

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