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Iodine deficiency has been shown to have high prevalence in Iran despite sufficient iodine supplementation. Zinc deficiency may also contribute to the pathogenesis of endemic goiter. The aim of this study was to compare serum zinc level in Iranian school children with and without goiter. A cross-sectional study was performed among urban children aged 8-12 years in city of Kerman, Iran. A multistage proportional to size cluster sampling method was used to screen 5500 subjects out of 29,787 students. After the screening phase, serum and urine specimens of randomly selected 165 students were evaluated for serum zinc levels and urinary iodine excretion and compared in goiterous and non-goiterous children. Serum zinc level was 149.5±29.4 μg/l in goiterous children and 141.2±52 μg/l in non-goiterous children but no significant difference was found between the groups (p=0.37). But urinary iodine excretion was significantly (p<0.001) lower in goiterous children (207.5 μg/l in goiterous children and 262.5 μg/l in non-goiterous children). This study showed that serum zinc level in goiterous and non-goiterus children is not different and zinc deficiency is not a risk factor for endemic goiter in this population.  相似文献   

Serum selenium concentrations were found to be significantly lower in women with intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy than in women with normal pregnancies during the last trimester of pregnancy and post partum. The activity of the selenoenzyme glutathione peroxidase had a significant positive correlation with selenium concentration and it was also significantly lower in women with the disease. These findings suggest that selenium deficiency and reduced glutathione peroxidase activity are associated with the aetiopathogenesis of intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy.  相似文献   

Iodine deficiency (ID) and related disorders are still major, yet unresolved health concerns. Recently, in a systematic survey of schoolage children (SAC), we reported severe to moderate ID, in Ankara and three cities from Black Sea region of Turkey. The current study attempted to evaluate selenium (Se) status, thiocyanate (SCN) overload, and their possible contribution to the goiter endemics and thyroid hormone profile observed in these cities. Thyroid ultrasonography was performed and serum Se, SCN, thyroid hormones, sensitive TSH (sTSH) levels, and urinary iodine concentrations (UICs) were determined from 251 SAC (9–11 yr old). Thyroid volumes (TVs) exceeding recommended upper normal limits and median UIC indicated goitre endemics and moderate to severe ID in the areas studied. Mean serum SCN concentrations were found to be greater than the controls from the literature. The UIC/SCN ratio was found to be lowest in Bayburt and Trabzon denoting that SCN overload may contribute to the goiter endemics. Serum Se concentrations represent a marginal deficiency in the four areas studied. No significant correlations between serum Se concentrations and the other parameters studied (i.e., TV, SCN, thyroid hormones, sTSH, UIC) was detected. In conclusion, this study showed that selenium is also marginally deficient in the iodine-deficient endemic areas studied, but this has little or no impact on the thyroid hormone profile and the goiter endemics. SCN overload may contribute to the endemics, especially for the areas where iodine is severely deficient. An effective iodine supplementation program will not only resolve the goiter endemics but also the consequence of SCN overload as well in the endemic goiter areas studied.  相似文献   



Osteoporosis and its main health outcome, fragility fractures, are large and escalating health problems. Skeletal damage may be the critical result of low-level prolonged exposure to several xenobiotics in the general population, but the mechanisms of their adverse effects are not clearly understood. The current study was aimed to investigate the possible ability of simultaneous subchronic peroral administration of selenium (Se) and diazinon (DZN) to induce changes in bone of adult male rats.In our study, twenty 1-month-old male Wistar rats were randomly divided into two experimental groups. In the first group, young males were exposed to 5 mg Na2SeO3/L and 40 mg of DZN/L in drinking water, for 90 days. Ten 1-month-old males without Se and DZN intoxication served as a control group. At the end of the experiment, macroscopic and microscopic structures of the femurs were analysed using analytical scales, sliding instrument, and polarized light microscopy.


The body weight, femoral length and cortical bone thickness were significantly decreased in rats simultaneously exposed to Se and DZN (P?<?0.05). These rats also displayed different microstructure in the middle part of the compact bone where vascular canals expanded into central area of substantia compacta. The canals occurred only near endosteal surfaces in rats from the control group. Additionally, a smaller number of primary and secondary osteons, as well as a few resorption lacunae were observed near endosteal surfaces in rats simultaneously administered to Se and DZN. The resorption lacunae as typical structures of bone resorption manifestation are connected with an early stage of osteoporosis. Histomorphometric analysis revealed that area, perimeter, maximum and minimum diameters of primary osteons’ vascular canals were significantly increased (P?<?0.05) in the Se-DZN-exposed rats. On the other hand, all measured variables of Haversian canals and secondary osteons were considerable reduced (P?<?0.05) in these rats.


Simultaneous subchronic peroral exposure to Se and DZN induces changes in macroscopic and microscopic structures of the femurs in adult male rats, and also it can be considered as possible risk factor for osteoporosis. The current study contributes to the knowledge on damaging impact of several xenobiotics on the bone.

INTRODUCTION: Selenium is one of the essential trace elements which is more notified in children in recent years. Reliable age-specific reference values for selenium in children in Iran are not clear and are important for the identification of selenium deficiency and some other researches that is the aim of this study. METHODS: Serum samples of 216 healthy children were analyzed by using hydride generation and flame atomic absorption spectroscopy to measured selenium level. RESULTS: The mean and standard deviation of serum selenium level in children 0-16 years old (mean: 39.83 months) was 72.14+/-16.80 microg/l. There was significant difference in serum selenium concentration between two sexes which was 76.78+/-15.24 microg/l and 69.56+/-17.09 microg/l in girls and boys respectively (P value=0.002). There was also a positive correlation between higher selenium serum concentration and age in both sexes. CONCLUSION: Essential trace element's normal ranges are fundamental data which could use in many studies. Serum selenium concentration in healthy Iranian children that found in this study is very close to serum concentration of European children. Our findings may reveal nutritional culture's similarity.  相似文献   

Theoretical and Applied Genetics - Virulence and resistance may act on the same biochemical mechanisms. Because Erwinia-virulence on potato depends on the lysis of cell walls of the host,...  相似文献   

J Wells 《Bio Systems》1985,17(4):301-315
Some previous studies of cell division have suggested that chromosome movements in mitosis involve two distinct forces: one which pulls chromosomes poleward by means of attached fibers, and another which tends to push chromosome arms away from the pole. The latter force may also be a factor in non-chromosomal spindle transport, by which objects other than chromosomes are transported toward or away from spindle poles. Based on a survey of previous literature, this paper makes a prima facie case for describing this latter force as "inertial", since in some respects it can be simulated by centrifugation. A theoretical analysis demonstrates that an inertial force could arise in the spindle from postulated high-frequency, small-amplitude oscillations, which could be caused by changes in coherently processing electron spin alignments at the spindle poles. Some possible experimental approaches to the problem are briefly outlined.  相似文献   

A group of 284 patients who underwent orthotopic heart transplantation between April 1986 to June 1991 and who were followed up for at least five years was analyzed in this paper. Patients were divided into three groups according to the presence or absence of cytomegalovirus infection or disease: patients without infection, patients with serologycaly proven infection and patients with cytomegalovirus disease. The analysis of survival was performed with respect to all major factors that influence survival: age and sex of a donor and a recipient, number of rejection episodes, perioperative ischemic time and pulmonary vascular resistence. A recipient's age was shown to be a significant factor. Patients who experienced at least one episode of cytomegalovirus disease had significantly worse long-term survival compared to those with the infection only or without the infection. That difference was caused by the increased incidence of coronary atherosclerosis, which caused deaths in patients with a previous episode of cytomegalovirus disease. A possible mechanism responsible for this phenomenon is discussed.  相似文献   

Kinetic studies of copper-induced LDL peroxidation commonly assume that the availability of molecular oxygen in the reaction media is not a limiting factor. The present study reveals that this assumption is valid only at low LDL concentrations. At high LDL concentrations, accumulation of oxidation products, as monitored spectroscopically under conditions of various oxygen concentrations in the medium, comes to a halt when the oxygen concentration in the solution, as measured by an oxygen electrode, decreases to near zero levels. Bubbling of the oxygen into the solution results in resumption of peroxidation. These results are important with respect to the ex vivo assaying of lipoprotein peroxidation because many previous studies have been conducted with LDL concentrations that corresponded to polyunsaturated fatty acid concentrations in access of the concentration of molecular oxygen. The possible pathophysiological significance of the results of this study has yet to be evaluated.  相似文献   

The chilling effect of wind and low temperature combined showed a highly significant statistical relationship to mortality from malignant neoplasms. This association existed both for 163 large US cities for 1949–1951, and 50 US. counties for 1959–1963. The relationships were negative for malignancies of large intestine and rectum, stomach and breast and positive for respiratory malignancies generally and lung, trachea and bronchus specifically. The relationships for large intestine and rectal mortality were not linear, but had discontinuities at certain critical temperatures. Similar significant statistical associations were found for the number of days in the year in which frost occurred.  相似文献   

Epidemiological investigations have shown that at the Bia?ystok Province about 30% of children and youth is afflicted with goitre. In this area drinking water is poor in iodine and iodine supply with food is quite unsatisfactory. The purpose of the present work has been to check the behaviour of the serum and urine iodine in children with thyroid goitre. The estimations of I in blood serum were made in 126 children with goitre (I, II, and III, according to the WHO classification) and in 100 healthy children. The method used included buthanol extraction according to Fisher and Morris. The concentration of iodine and its excretion rate in urine were assessed in 119 children with goitre of various advancement, an; in 170 children not affected with goitre, using the method of Fisher and Morris adopted to urine analysis. The authors found the following values for serum protein bound iodine: control group 4.9 microgram/100 ml, at average; 4.3 microgram/100 ml, 3.0 microgram/100 ml, and 2.6 microgram/100 ml in those affected with I, II, and III of the goitre, respectively. The 24 hr urine excretion rate of iodine in healthy children amounted to 66.4 microgram, and 64.2 microgram, 53.6 microgram, and 4o.2 microgram in those with I, II, and III goitre, respectively. The above results indicate a significant decrease of iodine concentration in blood serum and in urine in children with goitre; this decrease has been found to be dependent on the degree of the thyroid gland enlargement. The differences were statistically significant.  相似文献   

The concentration of selenium in serum was measured by the neutron activation method in three groups of children: 30 healthy children, 20 children with Acute Myeloblastic Leukemia (AML) and 40 with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) (L1; n = 20, L2; n = 20). The samples were taken before and after induction chemotherapy. Age, sex, FAB, initial WBC, BUN, creatinine and urinary analysis did not show a significant change in the amount of selenium in serum. Selenium concentration in serum samples of ALL children before chemotherapy showed no significant differences as compared with that of normal individuals, but there were significant differences between children with AML and normal individuals (76.46 +/- 24.59 micrograms/L vs 102.38 +/- 19.25 micrograms/L, with p < 0.02). In conclusion, the question of whether these deficiencies are responsible for the disease or are the result of a secondary effect of the cancer remain to be answered. Immediately after induction chemotherapy, the selenium concentration in the serum of ALL children decreased significantly (80.14 +/- 15.48 micrograms/L vs 110.72 +/- 28.3 micrograms/L, p < 0.001), but this was not the case for AML children. These findings may be due to the difference in the drugs administered in induction chemotherapy of ALL and AML children.  相似文献   

Hyphae ofCandida albicans elongated towards the oxygen-rich direction when exposed to gradients of oxygen concentration in thin-layer and capillary-tube cultures with corn meal (CM) agar. The thin-layer culture was prepared by covering a drop of molten CM agar containingC. albicans cells with a cover slip in Petri dishes. Cells located in the central region of the thin-layered medium neither grew nor produced hyphae. Cells in the marginal regions at first directed their hyphae in arbitrary directions after forming a small colony. Hyphae then gradually changed their direction of elongation and eventually oriented towards the nearest margin. Under anaerobiosis, cells seeded in the thin-layered medium did not grow even in the marginal regions. When exposed to air, the cells in the marginal regions rapidly began to form hyphae which elongated towards the nearest margin. To prepare an oxygen gradient in capillary-tube cultures, CM agar, and dilute and dense cell suspensions in CM agar were introduced sequentially into the capillary tubes, and the end closest to the dense cell suspension was sealed with paraffin. Among cells in the dilute layer, only that located closest to the meniscus grew well and extended hyphae towards the meniscus, where oxygen concentrations were highest. These studies suggest a positive aerotropic response in the hyphal growth ofC. albicans.  相似文献   

By the use of various Rhodococcus equi strains differing in the length of carbon chains of glycolipid, we examined whether the glycolipid, glucose monomycolate, was contributing to the virulence of R. equi for mice. R. equi strains with longer carbon chain mycolic acid showed a higher virulence as determined by lethality and granuloma formation in mice than those with shorter ones. When purified glycolipid was injected into mice, granuloma formation and liver damage were most prominent with the glycolipid having longer carbon chain mycolic acid. Only a representative strain with longer carbon chain mycolic acid persisted in the spleen of mice after intravenous injection, while a strain with shorter carbon chain mycolic acid was readily eliminated. These results suggested that glycolipid was at least one of the virulence factors of R. equi and that the carbon chain length of mycolic acid might be critical in the expression of virulence.  相似文献   

Fully functional chimeric receptors, consisting of major epidermal growth factor and insulin receptor domains, were co-expressed with kinase-negative epidermal growth factor and insulin receptor mutants in human kidney fibroblasts. Under these conditions, homologous extracellular and cytoplasmic domains mediated association of receptors and their precursors. The significance of receptor-receptor interaction was confirmed by transphosphorylation of kinase-negative receptors by ligand-activated chimeric receptors, which was observed between receptors sharing the same cytoplasmic domain as well as between receptors bearing only the same extracellular domain and containing heterologous kinases. Furthermore, the impaired ligand internalization capacity of a kinase-deficient insulin receptor was partially restored by transphosphorylation. Our experiments suggest interreceptor transphosphorylation and transactivation as a possible mechanism for signal amplification.  相似文献   

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