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MOTIVATION: For large-scale structural assignment to sequences, as in computational structural genomics, a fast yet sensitive sequence search procedure is essential. A new approach using intermediate sequences was tested as a shortcut to iterative multiple sequence search methods such as PSI-BLAST. RESULTS: A library containing potential intermediate sequences for proteins of known structure (PDB-ISL) was constructed. The sequences in the library were collected from a large sequence database using the sequences of the domains of proteins of known structure as the query sequences and the program PSI-BLAST. Sequences of proteins of unknown structure can be matched to distantly related proteins of known structure by using pairwise sequence comparison methods to find homologues in PDB-ISL. Searches of PDB-ISL were calibrated, and the number of correct matches found at a given error rate was the same as that found by PSI-BLAST. The advantage of this library is that it uses pairwise sequence comparison methods, such as FASTA or BLAST2, and can, therefore, be searched easily and, in many cases, much more quickly than an iterative multiple sequence comparison method. The procedure is roughly 20 times faster than PSI-BLAST for small genomes and several hundred times for large genomes. AVAILABILITY: Sequences can be submitted to the PDB-ISL servers at http://stash.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk/PDB_ISL/ or http://cyrah.ebi.ac.uk:1111/Serv/PDB_ISL/ and can be downloaded from ftp://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/contrib/jong/PDB_+ ++ISL/ CONTACT: sat@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk and jong@ebi.ac.uk  相似文献   

It is well known that the structure is currently available only for a small fraction of known protein sequences. It is urgent to discover the important features of known protein sequences based on present protein structures. Here, we report a study on the size distribution of protein families within different types of folds. The fold of a protein means the global arrangement of its main secondary structures, both in terms of their relative orientations and their topological connections, which specify a certain biochemical and biophysical aspect. We first search protein families in the structural database SCOP against the sequence-based database Pfam, and acquire a pool of corresponding Pfam families whose structures can be deemed as known. This pool of Pfam families is called the sample space for short. Then the size distributions of protein families involving the sample space, the Pfam database and the SCOP database are obtained. The results indicate that the size distributions of protein families under different kinds of folds abide by similar power-law. Specially, the largest families scatter evenly in different kinds of folds. This may help better understand the relationship of protein sequence, structure and function. We also show that the total of proteins with known structures can be considered a random sample from the whole space of protein sequences, which is an essential but unsettled assumption for related predictions, such as, estimating the number of protein folds in nature. Finally we conclude that about 2957 folds are needed to cover the total Pfam families by a simple method.  相似文献   

One key element in understanding the molecular machinery of the cell is to understand the structure and function of each protein encoded in the genome. A very successful means of inferring the structure or function of a previously unannotated protein is via sequence similarity with one or more proteins whose structure or function is already known. Toward this end, we propose a means of representing proteins using pairwise sequence similarity scores. This representation, combined with a discriminative classification algorithm known as the support vector machine (SVM), provides a powerful means of detecting subtle structural and evolutionary relationships among proteins. The algorithm, called SVM-pairwise, when tested on its ability to recognize previously unseen families from the SCOP database, yields significantly better performance than SVM-Fisher, profile HMMs, and PSI-BLAST.  相似文献   

To maximise the assignment of function of the proteins encoded by a genome and to aid the search for novel drug targets, there is an emerging need for sensitive methods of predicting protein function on a genome-wide basis. GeneAtlas is an automated, high-throughput pipeline for the prediction of protein structure and function using sequence similarity detection, homology modelling and fold recognition methods. GeneAtlas is described in detail here. To test GeneAtlas, a 'virtual' genome was used, a subset of PDB structures from the SCOP database, in which the functional relationships are known. GeneAtlas detects additional relationships by building 3D models in comparison with the sequence searching method PSI-BLAST. Functionally related proteins with sequence identity below the twilight zone can be recognised correctly.  相似文献   

PASS2 is a nearly automated version of CAMPASS and contains sequence alignments of proteins grouped at the level of superfamilies. This database has been created to fall in correspondence with SCOP database (1.53 release) and currently consists of 110 multi-member superfamilies and 613 superfamilies corresponding to single members. In multi-member superfamilies, protein chains with no more than 25% sequence identity have been considered for the alignment and hence the database aims to address sequence alignments which represent 26 219 protein domains under the SCOP 1.53 release. Structure-based sequence alignments have been obtained by COMPARER and the initial equivalences are provided automatically from a MALIGN alignment and subsequently augmented using STAMP4.0. The final sequence alignments have been annotated for the structural features using JOY4.0. Several interesting links are provided to other related databases and genome sequence relatives. Availability of reliable sequence alignments of distantly related proteins, despite poor sequence identity and single-member superfamilies, permit better sampling of structures in libraries for fold recognition of new sequences and for the understanding of protein structure–function relationships of individual superfamilies. The database can be queried by keywords and also by sequence search, interfaced by PSI-BLAST methods. Structure-annotated sequence alignments and several structural accessory files can be retrieved for all the superfamilies including the user-input sequence. The database can be accessed from http://www.ncbs.res.in/%7Efaculty/mini/campass/pass.html.  相似文献   

Members of a superfamily of proteins could result from divergent evolution of homologues with insignificant similarity in the amino acid sequences. A superfamily relationship is detected commonly after the three-dimensional structures of the proteins are determined using X-ray analysis or NMR. The SUPFAM database described here relates two homologous protein families in a multiple sequence alignment database of either known or unknown structure. The present release (1.1), which is the first version of the SUPFAM database, has been derived by analysing Pfam, which is one of the commonly used databases of multiple sequence alignments of homologous proteins. The first step in establishing SUPFAM is to relate Pfam families with the families in PALI, which is an alignment database of homologous proteins of known structure that is derived largely from SCOP. The second step involves relating Pfam families which could not be associated reliably with a protein superfamily of known structure. The profile matching procedure, IMPALA, has been used in these steps. The first step resulted in identification of 1280 Pfam families (out of 2697, i.e. 47%) which are related, either by close homologous connection to a SCOP family or by distant relationship to a SCOP family, potentially forming new superfamily connections. Using the profiles of 1417 Pfam families with apparently no structural information, an all-against-all comparison involving a sequence-profile match using IMPALA resulted in clustering of 67 homologous protein families of Pfam into 28 potential new superfamilies. Expansion of groups of related proteins of yet unknown structural information, as proposed in SUPFAM, should help in identifying ‘priority proteins’ for structure determination in structural genomics initiatives to expand the coverage of structural information in the protein sequence space. For example, we could assign 858 distinct Pfam domains in 2203 of the gene products in the genome of Mycobacterium tubercolosis. Fifty-one of these Pfam families of unknown structure could be clustered into 17 potentially new superfamilies forming good targets for structural genomics. SUPFAM database can be accessed at http://pauling.mbu.iisc.ernet.in/~supfam.  相似文献   



Classification of newly resolved protein structures is important in understanding their architectural, evolutionary and functional relatedness to known protein structures. Among various efforts to improve the database of Structural Classification of Proteins (SCOP), automation has received particular attention. Herein, we predict the deepest SCOP structural level that an unclassified protein shares with classified proteins with an equal number of secondary structure elements (SSEs).  相似文献   

The current pace of structural biology now means that protein three-dimensional structure can be known before protein function, making methods for assigning homology via structure comparison of growing importance. Previous research has suggested that sequence similarity after structure-based alignment is one of the best discriminators of homology and often functional similarity. Here, we exploit this observation, together with a merger of protein structure and sequence databases, to predict distant homologous relationships. We use the Structural Classification of Proteins (SCOP) database to link sequence alignments from the SMART and Pfam databases. We thus provide new alignments that could not be constructed easily in the absence of known three-dimensional structures. We then extend the method of Murzin (1993b) to assign statistical significance to sequence identities found after structural alignment and thus suggest the best link between diverse sequence families. We find that several distantly related protein sequence families can be linked with confidence, showing the approach to be a means for inferring homologous relationships and thus possible functions when proteins are of known structure but of unknown function. The analysis also finds several new potential superfamilies, where inspection of the associated alignments and superimpositions reveals conservation of unusual structural features or co-location of conserved amino acids and bound substrates. We discuss implications for Structural Genomics initiatives and for improvements to sequence comparison methods.  相似文献   

C Sander  R Schneider 《Proteins》1991,9(1):56-68
The database of known protein three-dimensional structures can be significantly increased by the use of sequence homology, based on the following observations. (1) The database of known sequences, currently at more than 12,000 proteins, is two orders of magnitude larger than the database of known structures. (2) The currently most powerful method of predicting protein structures is model building by homology. (3) Structural homology can be inferred from the level of sequence similarity. (4) The threshold of sequence similarity sufficient for structural homology depends strongly on the length of the alignment. Here, we first quantify the relation between sequence similarity, structure similarity, and alignment length by an exhaustive survey of alignments between proteins of known structure and report a homology threshold curve as a function of alignment length. We then produce a database of homology-derived secondary structure of proteins (HSSP) by aligning to each protein of known structure all sequences deemed homologous on the basis of the threshold curve. For each known protein structure, the derived database contains the aligned sequences, secondary structure, sequence variability, and sequence profile. Tertiary structures of the aligned sequences are implied, but not modeled explicitly. The database effectively increases the number of known protein structures by a factor of five to more than 1800. The results may be useful in assessing the structural significance of matches in sequence database searches, in deriving preferences and patterns for structure prediction, in elucidating the structural role of conserved residues, and in modeling three-dimensional detail by homology.  相似文献   

The ever increasing speed of DNA sequencing widens the discrepancy between the number of known gene products, and the knowledge of their function and structure. Proper annotation of protein sequences is therefore crucial if the missing information is to be deduced from sequence‐based similarity comparisons. These comparisons become exceedingly difficult as the pairwise identities drop to very low values. To improve the accuracy of domain identification, we exploit the fact that the three‐dimensional structures of domains are much more conserved than their sequences. Based on structure‐anchored multiple sequence alignments of low identity homologues we constructed 850 structure‐anchored hidden Markov models (saHMMs), each representing one domain family. Since the saHMMs are highly family specific, they can be used to assign a domain to its correct family and clearly distinguish it from domains belonging to other families, even within the same superfamily. This task is not trivial and becomes particularly difficult if the unknown domain is distantly related to the rest of the domain sequences within the family. In a search with full length protein sequences, harbouring at least one domain as defined by the structural classification of proteins database (SCOP), version 1.71, versus the saHMM database based on SCOP version 1.69, we achieve an accuracy of 99.0%. All of the few hits outside the family fall within the correct superfamily. Compared to Pfam_ls HMMs, the saHMMs obtain about 11% higher coverage. A comparison with BLAST and PSI‐BLAST demonstrates that the saHMMs have consistently fewer errors per query at a given coverage. Within our recommended E‐value range, the same is true for a comparison with SUPERFAMILY. Furthermore, we are able to annotate 232 proteins with 530 nonoverlapping domains belonging to 102 different domain families among human proteins labelled “unknown” in the NCBI protein database. Our results demonstrate that the saHMM database represents a versatile and reliable tool for identification of domains in protein sequences. With the aid of saHMMs, homology on the family level can be assigned, even for distantly related sequences. Due to the construction of the saHMMs, the hits they provide are always associated with high quality crystal structures. The saHMM database can be accessed via the FISH server at http://babel.ucmp.umu.se/fish/ . Proteins 2009. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   



We apply a new machine learning method, the so-called Support Vector Machine method, to predict the protein structural class. Support Vector Machine method is performed based on the database derived from SCOP, in which protein domains are classified based on known structures and the evolutionary relationships and the principles that govern their 3-D structure.  相似文献   

Protein functional annotation relies on the identification of accurate relationships, sequence divergence being a key factor. This is especially evident when distant protein relationships are demonstrated only with three-dimensional structures. To address this challenge, we describe a computational approach to purposefully bridge gaps between related protein families through directed design of protein-like “linker” sequences. For this, we represented SCOP domain families, integrated with sequence homologues, as multiple profiles and performed HMM-HMM alignments between related domain families. Where convincing alignments were achieved, we applied a roulette wheel-based method to design 3,611,010 protein-like sequences corresponding to 374 SCOP folds. To analyze their ability to link proteins in homology searches, we used 3024 queries to search two databases, one containing only natural sequences and another one additionally containing designed sequences. Our results showed that augmented database searches showed up to 30% improvement in fold coverage for over 74% of the folds, with 52 folds achieving all theoretically possible connections. Although sequences could not be designed between some families, the availability of designed sequences between other families within the fold established the sequence continuum to demonstrate 373 difficult relationships. Ultimately, as a practical and realistic extension, we demonstrate that such protein-like sequences can be “plugged-into” routine and generic sequence database searches to empower not only remote homology detection but also fold recognition. Our richly statistically supported findings show that complementary searches in both databases will increase the effectiveness of sequence-based searches in recognizing all homologues sharing a common fold.  相似文献   

The structural annotation of proteins with no detectable homologs of known 3D structure identified using sequence‐search methods is a major challenge today. We propose an original method that computes the conditional probabilities for the amino‐acid sequence of a protein to fit to known protein 3D structures using a structural alphabet, known as “Protein Blocks” (PBs). PBs constitute a library of 16 local structural prototypes that approximate every part of protein backbone structures. It is used to encode 3D protein structures into 1D PB sequences and to capture sequence to structure relationships. Our method relies on amino acid occurrence matrices, one for each PB, to score global and local threading of query amino acid sequences to protein folds encoded into PB sequences. It does not use any information from residue contacts or sequence‐search methods or explicit incorporation of hydrophobic effect. The performance of the method was assessed with independent test datasets derived from SCOP 1.75A. With a Z‐score cutoff that achieved 95% specificity (i.e., less than 5% false positives), global and local threading showed sensitivity of 64.1% and 34.2%, respectively. We further tested its performance on 57 difficult CASP10 targets that had no known homologs in PDB: 38 compatible templates were identified by our approach and 66% of these hits yielded correctly predicted structures. This method scales‐up well and offers promising perspectives for structural annotations at genomic level. It has been implemented in the form of a web‐server that is freely available at http://www.bo‐protscience.fr/forsa .  相似文献   

ASTRAL compendium enhancements   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
The ASTRAL compendium provides several databases and tools to aid in the analysis of protein structures, particularly through the use of their sequences. It is partially derived from the SCOP database of protein domains, and it includes sequences for each domain as well as other resources useful for studying these sequences and domain structures. Several major improvements have been made to the ASTRAL compendium since its initial release 2 years ago. The number of protein domain sequences included has doubled from 15 190 to 30 867, and additional databases have been added. The Rapid Access Format (RAF) database contains manually curated mappings linking the biological amino acid sequences described in the SEQRES records of PDB entries to the amino acid sequences structurally observed (provided in the ATOM records) in a format designed for rapid access by automated tools. This information is used to derive sequences for protein domains in the SCOP database. In cases where a SCOP domain spans several protein chains, all of which can be traced back to a single genetic source, a ‘genetic domain’ sequence is created by concatenating the sequences of each chain in the order found in the original gene sequence. Both the original-style library of SCOP sequences and a new library including genetic domain sequences are available. Selected representative subsets of each of these libraries, based on multiple criteria and degrees of similarity, are also included. ASTRAL may be accessed at http://astral.stanford.edu/.  相似文献   

Combining protein evolution and secondary structure   总被引:19,自引:9,他引:10  
An evolutionary model that combines protein secondary structure and amino acid replacement is introduced. It allows likelihood analysis of aligned protein sequences and does not require the underlying secondary (or tertiary) structures of these sequences to be known. One component of the model describes the organization of secondary structure along a protein sequence and another specifies the evolutionary process for each category of secondary structure. A database of proteins with known secondary structures is used to estimate model parameters representing these two components. Phylogeny, the third component of the model, can be estimated from the data set of interest. As an example, we employ our model to analyze a set of sucrose synthase sequences. For the evolution of sucrose synthase, a parametric bootstrap approach indicates that our model is statistically preferable to one that ignores secondary structure.   相似文献   

The database PALI (Phylogeny and ALIgnment of homologous protein structures) consists of families of protein domains of known three-dimensional (3D) structure. In a PALI family, every member has been structurally aligned with every other member (pairwise) and also simultaneous superposition (multiple) of all the members has been performed. The database also contains 3D structure-based and structure-dependent sequence similarity-based phylogenetic dendrograms for all the families. The PALI release used in the present analysis comprises 225 families derived largely from the HOMSTRAD and SCOP databases. The quality of the multiple rigid-body structural alignments in PALI was compared with that obtained from COMPARER, which encodes a procedure based on properties and relationships. The alignments from the two procedures agreed very well and variations are seen only in the low sequence similarity cases often in the loop regions. A validation of Direct Pairwise Alignment (DPA) between two proteins is provided by comparing it with Pairwise alignment extracted from Multiple Alignment of all the members in the family (PMA). In general, DPA and PMA are found to vary rarely. The ready availability of pairwise alignments allows the analysis of variations in structural distances as a function of sequence similarities and number of topologically equivalent Calpha atoms. The structural distance metric used in the analysis combines root mean square deviation (r.m.s.d.) and number of equivalences, and is shown to vary similarly to r.m.s.d. The correlation between sequence similarity and structural similarity is poor in pairs with low sequence similarities. A comparison of sequence and 3D structure-based phylogenies for all the families suggests that only a few families have a radical difference in the two kinds of dendrograms. The difference could occur when the sequence similarity among the homologues is low or when the structures are subjected to evolutionary pressure for the retention of function. The PALI database is expected to be useful in furthering our understanding of the relationship between sequences and structures of homologous proteins and their evolution.  相似文献   

Sequence alignment programs such as BLAST and PSI-BLAST are used routinely in pairwise, profile-based, or intermediate-sequence-search (ISS) methods to detect remote homologies for the purposes of fold assignment and comparative modeling. Yet, the sequence alignment quality of these methods at low sequence identity is not known. We have used the CE structure alignment program (Shindyalov and Bourne, Prot Eng 1998;11:739) to derive sequence alignments for all superfamily and family-level related proteins in the SCOP domain database. CE aligns structures and their sequences based on distances within each protein, rather than on interprotein distances. We compared BLAST, PSI-BLAST, CLUSTALW, and ISS alignments with the CE structural alignments. We found that global alignments with CLUSTALW were very poor at low sequence identity (<25%), as judged by the CE alignments. We used PSI-BLAST to search the nonredundant sequence database (nr) with every sequence in SCOP using up to four iterations. The resulting matrix was used to search a database of SCOP sequences. PSI-BLAST is only slightly better than BLAST in alignment accuracy on a per-residue basis, but PSI-BLAST matrix alignments are much longer than BLAST's, and so align correctly a larger fraction of the total number of aligned residues in the structure alignments. Any two SCOP sequences in the same superfamily that shared a hit or hits in the nr PSI-BLAST searches were identified as linked by the shared intermediate sequence. We examined the quality of the longest SCOP-query/ SCOP-hit alignment via an intermediate sequence, and found that ISS produced longer alignments than PSI-BLAST searches alone, of nearly comparable per-residue quality. At 10-15% sequence identity, BLAST correctly aligns 28%, PSI-BLAST 40%, and ISS 46% of residues according to the structure alignments. We also compared CE structure alignments with FSSP structure alignments generated by the DALI program. In contrast to the sequence methods, CE and structure alignments from the FSSP database identically align 75% of residue pairs at the 10-15% level of sequence identity, indicating that there is substantial room for improvement in these sequence alignment methods. BLAST produced alignments for 8% of the 10,665 nonimmunoglobulin SCOP superfamily sequence pairs (nearly all <25% sequence identity), PSI-BLAST matched 17% and the double-PSI-BLAST ISS method aligned 38% with E-values <10.0. The results indicate that intermediate sequences may be useful not only in fold assignment but also in achieving more complete sequence alignments for comparative modeling.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Despite the continuing advance in the experimental determination of protein structures, the gap between the number of known protein sequences and structures continues to increase. Prediction methods can bridge this sequence-structure gap only partially. Better predictions of non-local contacts between residues could improve comparative modeling, fold recognition and could assist in the experimental structure determination. RESULTS: Here, we introduced PROFcon, a novel contact prediction method that combines information from alignments, from predictions of secondary structure and solvent accessibility, from the region between two residues and from the average properties of the entire protein. In contrast to some other methods, PROFcon predicted short and long proteins at similar levels of accuracy. As expected, PROFcon was clearly less accurate when tested on sparse evolutionary profiles, that is, on families with few homologs. Prediction accuracy was highest for proteins belonging to the SCOP alpha/beta class. PROFcon compared favorably with state-of-the-art prediction methods at the CASP6 meeting. While the performance may still be perceived as low, our method clearly pushed the mark higher. Furthermore, predictions are already accurate enough to seed predictions of global features of protein structure.  相似文献   

Enhanced genome annotation using structural profiles in the program 3D-PSSM   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
A method (three-dimensional position-specific scoring matrix, 3D-PSSM) to recognise remote protein sequence homologues is described. The method combines the power of multiple sequence profiles with knowledge of protein structure to provide enhanced recognition and thus functional assignment of newly sequenced genomes. The method uses structural alignments of homologous proteins of similar three-dimensional structure in the structural classification of proteins (SCOP) database to obtain a structural equivalence of residues. These equivalences are used to extend multiply aligned sequences obtained by standard sequence searches. The resulting large superfamily-based multiple alignment is converted into a PSSM. Combined with secondary structure matching and solvation potentials, 3D-PSSM can recognise structural and functional relationships beyond state-of-the-art sequence methods. In a cross-validated benchmark on 136 homologous relationships unambiguously undetectable by position-specific iterated basic local alignment search tool (PSI-Blast), 3D-PSSM can confidently assign 18 %. The method was applied to the remaining unassigned regions of the Mycoplasma genitalium genome and an additional 13 regions were assigned with 95 % confidence. 3D-PSSM is available to the community as a web server: http://www.bmm.icnet.uk/servers/3dpssm Copyright 2000 Academic Press.  相似文献   

Disulphide bonds in proteins are known to play diverse roles ranging from folding to structure to function. Thorough knowledge of the conservation status and structural state of the disulphide bonds will help in understanding of the differences in homologous proteins. Here we present a database for the analysis of conservation and conformation of disulphide bonds in SCOP structural families. This database has a wide range of applications including mapping of disulphide bond mutation patterns, identification of disulphide bonds important for folding and stabilization, modeling of protein tertiary structures and in protein engineering. The database can be accessed at: http://bioinformatics.univ-reunion.fr/analycys/.  相似文献   

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